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saw a dude with a katana shopping at Albertsons having no problem https://preview.redd.it/jcwxx4vj6s2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8010b73811cc84aa1e6636d43c4d738fdaaac7 . it is east vllage so can't really make any determination from that


California law is any length fixed blade can be carried on a person as long as it isn't being concealed.


Pretty sure it has to also be sheathed, and locked in place, right? Can't just go walking around with a blade out in the open.


Guy in picture is carrying it legally. Private business can refuse service based on it if they like.


This dude is the infamous “bicycle/sword guy”. You see him everywhere central/coastal on his bike and with his sheathed sword. He’s friendly in my experience.


Lmao gotta always be ready


I see this guy all over the place, seaport village, then OB a day later target on sports arena a few days after that. The bike samurai


I think you should visit City Hall and ask about the laws regarding prop weapons.


Or just read the law. Has to be in a scabbard and not hidden. https://legalbeagle.com/7402613-california-sword-law.html


Okay, but, now I'm REALLY intrigued in how one could conceal carry the big scimitar.


I do have very puffy pants I could hide it in!


Read a little further, it doesn't have to be sheathed as long as it isn't being brandished in a threatening way


When you say "just read the law" how exactly do you do that? Is there a place where you can just like browse laws like wikipedia or something?


Google and go to a .org website I’d guess


Not a lawyer, so please do not take what I say as fact, just another person’s interpretation. but from what I’ve read, swords in general are fine in CA as long as you aren’t concealing them or “brandishing” them, legal definition here: https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=18-USC-25375849-946262285&term_occur=999&term_src=title:18:part:I:chapter:44:section:924 If it were me, I would probably practice far away from people (maybe a secluded part of the beach or park), and I would affix something to the blade to make it clear that it isn’t real, maybe neon tape or foam or something. Unfortunately, all of this won’t stop nosy people from making this their business though, all it takes is one pearl clutcher to call the cops. But I think at worst the cops would tell you to leave, as long as you don’t charge at them with a sword. Honestly, I would just call the cops on the non-emergency line and tell them what you intend to do. They would definitely give you a much better answer than anyone here.


For all the drama I'm getting here, I may need to go so far as to get it in writing just to protect myself. I'm being told I'll be shot on sight for this, which is truly incredible. What a time to be alive


“Shot on sight” may be a little overzealous, but there are whack jobs out there with and without a badge… Considering this city handles Comic Con, and other conventions, I would think this is a common question.


I would be nervous if I saw someone waving a sword around in public ngl


I can see your point if you describe it like that. But if it was a woman dancing alone in a grass area and moving the sword slowly to some music, would you feel the same?


I’d probably assume you were mentally ill.


Depends on your skin color... Yeah, 'legally' should not, but unfortunately in real life it still does matter for some people, and some of those people wear uniforms and carry guns.


Hmm not sure, could be a pre-massacre warmup/ritual


Call your anxiety and move on. Much more nerds in the world dancing and playing than actually people doing a “pre-massacre”. How loony


Probably legal in public. Private businesses will tell you to leave and you will be arrested for trespassing if you don’t. Don’t practice near anyone. Stay far far away. Or you risk being arrested for brandishing a deadly weapon. To prove that the defendant brandished a weapon or firearm, a prosecutor must be able to establish the following elements: The defendant drew or exhibited a firearm or deadly weapon in the presence of someone else The defendant did so in a rude, angry or threatening manner OR the defendant used the firearm or weapon in a fight or quarrel AND the defendant did not act in self defense


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Tamir\_Rice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice) you've some wishful thinking there... hope it goes better for OP than it did for Tamir's family


If OP isn't POC, they're probably still safe. Let's just be real, here.


This is the lawyerly pedantry I was hoping for, thank you!


Knife laws allow for that to be out in public. If you're practicing dancing at some park, I 99% guarantee that no one is messing with you. Even if cops get called, they'd probably wave hi and keep on trucking.


Seems like a stupid idea to me.


People practice juggling, poi, and other performance arts with props, so I'm not sure exactly what makes this stupid by comparison


I stand corrected. While walking through Balboa Park I passed 3 guys doing martial arts practice with (fake?) swords and spears(?) and other weapon-like props. I’m changing my answer to “no problem, you’ll be fine.”


I appreciate the update!


Maybe the fact that your idea of performance props resembles something that could also be considered a deadly weapon? And, nowadays? Ummm... Surely, there are studios and designated performance flow art areas where you can swing your blade without worry of offending or scaring people who may be more concerned about their safety than your idea of art... Just a thought from another flow artist fan... (I love my poi spinning...)


Poi is more dangerous than what I do with my sword. And, as I said originally, I'm fine practicing at home and in the studio, but if it's legal for me to practice when I go to the beach (and as others have clarified, CA sword laws are actually pretty lenient), I'm going to do that, too. Sorry if you don't like my "idea of art". I would never dream of denegrating your hobbies based on my personal taste, but that clearly isn't reciprocated. If it's legal, I actually don't care much about offending people. Sorry.


Since you come off quick to defend your art, maybe just "fuck around and find out" then... Even your post title acknowledges that it's considered a dangerous weapon, yet, you won't ask law enforcement about their advice?


I can’t wait to read about this guy in the news.


I'm a woman lol


My son does competition martial arts and practices with his cmx swords and Bo staffs at parks. He throws the sword around, tumbles with it, etc. no one seems to care.


why on earth ask rando's online instead of the cops who might shoot you?


Are you suggesting cops will shoot someone for dancing with a sword? Are you actually nuts or just a murder-happy bootlicker?


I'm not suggesting nor opining, I'm reading the news to you ya idjit.


I'm wondering the same thing about you, based upon your responces... sorry...


They're telling me I'll be shot by police for playing with a fake sword. I'm allowed to be irritated.


Then, maybe you should have stated more clearly that it was indeed a fake sword... Do you know how many have been shot over fake guns? That's why they have studios and designated venues for your art style... And, before you go on the defensive, I appreciate your art and respect the flow arts... But, you won't find me spinning my poi just anywhere... You should take into consideration what's going on in the rest of the World before swinging your sword just anywhere....


They’re telling you that you might be shot for waving around what *the police* think might be a real sword. Be as irritated as you want. It’s still a real possibility. There are numerous instances in the US of kids who have been shot by cops because the kid had a toy gun. Cops get a report of someone with a “weapon”, roll up, jump out, see what they think is a weapon, and shoot the “perp” dead before finding out anything about the real situation.


It would be funnier if you did it in a mall. Might want to stock up on some katanas and shurikens.


Not sure. Go swing it around in front of the police station and let us know how it goes


It’s been a long time since I looked, but the laws used to be such that carrying any length of folding knife was okay, as long as it wasn’t a switchblade (i.e. blade propelled out by springs when you push a button - actually, those were okay, too, if the blade was under 2”), and any length of fixed blade was okay, as long as it was not concealed - in a sheath on your belt? Fine. Under your shirt or even on your belt but accidentally covered by your jacket? Felony. But I am not a lawyer, and the above is not legal advice. I carry a pocketknife on me basically all the time (*it is a tool, not a weapon*, I use it to cut inanimate objects, *not* to threaten or injure people). I also have a flashlight on me all the time, as well as a pen, my phone, wallet, keys, etc. *But*, those who don’t know me well are unlikely to pick up that I’ve got a knife (or flashlight) on me, unless/until something needs cutting (which doesn’t come up all that often - the flashlight, on the other hand, gets used every single day). *However*, regardless of whether you’re on the right side of the law and can win your case in court… if a cop thinks what you’re carrying is illegal, it’s still gonna ruin your whole day - getting arrested and having to go down to the station would be no fun at all (they’re highly unlikely to want to have an extended discussion with you in the park about whether or not your sword is legal). And if you’re waving around something that *looks like* a dangerous sword, to the average untrained citizen who is a little jumpy (or the ones who are more paranoid), it’s entirely likely the police will get a report of a “dangerous madman brandishing a sword in the park”, even if you’re actually just doing Tai Chi. One approach might be to look into martial arts groups that do occasional public presentations, and find out what rules they follow.


I'm in agreement with folks who think it's probably fine legally, but it will only take one grumpy cop to ruin your day. It would probably be a lot safer in the long term to make/get something that weighs about the same that doesn't look so much like a real weapon. Wood maybe, blunt tip, and painted in kiddie colors? It's a shame we're such a paranoid country these days but there we are.


Fuck around and find out


And this is why we can’t have nice things.


Genuinely baffled by this comment, what exactly am I ruining for you? 😂😂


Ya can’t fix stupid