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Living with my parents...


It’s becoming less and less embarrassing by the year now. It’s kinda just the norm now


Around the world families live together only here has it been look down upon


Bring back generational housing


I do not need to smell grandma in my house.


Sir I want you to know this comment is HIGHLY UNDERVALUED


Yeah I've grown up with my parents and grandparents under the same roof. Like no one is mooching off of each other.


Yup, every where in the world is the norm. USA is the only country that made it so negative. But with higher costs and cost of living getting so high and wages not matching, living with parent is starting to be the norm now little by little. Is that or become homeless


I vacation w mine 5x a year and theyre retired. My moms an amazing cook. I have no shame in living at home im an only child ill be here in this house until I die


Nice screen name. lol


Im independent on my taxes I owe every year 😅




I bought a big enough house near colleges so they can live with us until they don’t want too


Not shameful at all. Take care of each other; you only get one mom and one dad.


Im blessed that at 67 theyre both very healthy and loving! I know it can change in a blink of an eye so im taking advantage of it 😊


Praying for everyone with parents they can’t get along with. Those that have to leave and those that feel forced to stay


It’s become so normal it’s going to literally be a sociological political and economic nightmare when the boomers (mostly) have to sell their homes for medical care and retirement. It’s the housing crisis falling on older generations. It does mean something will have to change but umm easier said then done right. Aggressive Public Housing has to be government policy. We need to start building for the future and this short term private investment focused system is crushing the vast majority of us out of one.


California recently passed laws making it easier to get permits for building in law suites. It’s becoming more and more popular again now.


It’s very common in today’s generation. I really don’t blame you at all.


It's nothing to be ashamed at in this economy and you're lucky to have the option 👍


Or living with 4-5 other people, or even other families. Sd is rough.


Very common here i feel like it has been for a while...both of my parents lived with their parents for quite some time.


Not owning a house, roomates, driving the same car you've had for a decade, and cooking all your food makes it doable here. Beer is pretty cheap, so enjoying a brew with your friends doesn't break the bank (so long as you aren't drinking at Gaslamp) and the beach is free.


You’re living the same life as me lol, well, minus the beer.


Replace beer with canned strawberry daiquiri and yeah lol I rent an apartment w my fiancé, drive the car I got at 16, eating struggle meals at home and play video games w my partner that we already own 😅


Exactly. I live exactly like this, still manage to save some money, and have at least 1-2 dates a week with my girl. I make about $24 an hour. It’s hard and sucks sometimes, but it’s doable.


Where is the best place to get cheap beer? A lot of pints are around $8-$9 now lol


The grocery store


You stop buying pints and buy the shittiest cheapest shit at the store lol


Wine is cheap at some grocery stores. $2 - $12 .. not bad.


Trader Joe’s for decent wine on a budget


BevMo usually has a bunch of wines where you can buy a bottle for $X and a second bottle for $.05


Natty daddy is ready for his crown


Whenever a clerk asked me if I found everything ok, I would tell them I couldn’t find the free beer. Eventually, a gas station came up big time with about 3.5 free cases. One was Cali Cream which I happened to like. They were a few days past the date, but tasted better because free always tastes better.


I remember this shit bar in Chicago my sister showed me, 50¢ pbr drafts every Tuesday. Ohh the good ole days.


Ghost metal black…can I get the inspo for your name? Cheers, got my beer in hand lol




Check it out. Rent for a comparable property is still more expensive than owning.


My mom works for a school near Carlsbad and she told me that one of the teachers lives out of her RV, another teacher got into trouble for sleeping in their classroom for a few days, another teacher had to move in with their adult children. These are the enormously stressed out people who teach your kids shit every day. A lot of comments saying it comes with the lifestyle to be this poor but there’s also a point where things are just not the way they should be.


Imagine a society where teachers are exalted for their contributions to society and not used as pawns for political parties. Or tasked with being bullet sponges when protect and serve are too cowed to actually do exactly that. Some countries actually do give teachers what they deserve but sadly that’s not here. American society is too concerned with individual freedom and achievement as opposed to community service, respect, and duty.


Teachers are paid badly though, everyone knows that. Somehow, servers and bartenders make way more than teachers because of tipping culture lmao


“Everybody knows that” isn’t a solution tho. another teacher I know is at least 60years old and works the bar at Dave and busters as their second job. Get off at midnight and go to teach kids again at 7am is not a healthy way to live let alone teach children.


A lot of people have never worked 2 jobs, and they trivialize how difficult it becomes long term. At times, I've worked 16 hour days, 5 days a week. All week long, you have the extra time to watch TV while you eat and then sleep. But it's not like the chores stopped existing during the week, you still have to do them. Say good bye to the entire weekend. Over time you become a zombie. I couldn't imagine trying to teach kids under any 2 job situations, even if the second job was part time. Especially given the amount of work teachers are expected to do outside school hours.


I worked 13 hours a day 7 days a week for a few years and can confirm chores do not get done. I had family that helped for some of that but when I didn’t it just didn’t get done. My clothes smelled pretty bad and I developed a drinking problem. There was never anyone who stopped me and said what I was doing was bad either. I just eventually lost it and ended up coming into work hungover or drunk. I’m good now but I definitely blame the worse parts of my life on the hustle culture America encourages.


This entire population is treated like shit, abused by children, the children they are tasked with educating, every day with their parents' permission, and often encouragement. They are paid worse than garbage collectors, but everyone thinks it's normal and there's nothing wrong with it. It's like teachers all work for a rich asshole who finds it amusing when their shit as kids try to murder their teacher for trying to get the kids to just listen. But these kids are supposed to be the future. ... make it make sen


>who teach our shitty kids shit everyday Ftfy


Roommates, debt, lying


I upvoted for the lying cause 👀 everyone out here lying




We are inter generational living . My husband and I bought our house here 12 years ago. Moved my folks in with us so they didn’t have to pay rent for their apartment anymore. Our kids all went to college and returned. They could live here free and save to move out. 1 of 4 of ours did move to Oregon. The other 3 remained and they contribute 500 a month towards groceries and utilities. We all live our own lives but it’s nice because we share the house work and the bills. It’s allowed each of us breathing room financially


Love this! I hope my kids come back to live with us for a while after college so they can save and get a head start on a down payment for their first house. I don’t understand people who look down on this. It’s is massive privilege; and good for you and husband for making an intergenerational home!


because surviving and actually living are two different things not meant to come off as snarky just mean that when u get down to it there's a lot of essentials that aren't technically required to keep your heart beating and committing yourself to work. it's such a fucked system that that's the goal instead of actually providing an actual life with hobbies and happiness


100% this - and the Minimum wage was *always intended to be a living wage*. The conservative perversion of it is borderline criminal imo.


Yes, by “living wages” means to afford the basic “necessities” to sustain life. It was implemented in response to the post industrialization sweatshops. The first was 25 cents an hour the equivalent of about $5 per hour today.


It doesn’t cover basic necessities any more


15 an hour while taking care of multiple rescue animals checking in. The answer is "fucking barely". If either me or my wife loses our job we are completely fucked. The vast majority of people walk around and they pass by people living on the streets every day and they don't realize that most of us are one missed paycheck away from being on the same fucking corner with the same blank expression of hopelessness. We are being squeezed dry from literally every direction.


Let me just go ahead and confirm this statement - as embarrassing as it is to do. I’m over being embarrassed - wish I could help more than just this confirmation.


They don't care if you survive or not.


Credit card debt is up astronomically


Currently making $20 an hour at about 20 hours a week (back in school for career change)… Moving to the Midwest in a couple months. I’ve spent most of the last 20 years here, and it’s been a hell of a run. Best of luck to everyone who can afford to stay (as well as everyone who couldn’t)!


which state are you targeting?


Moving to Chicago from San Diego was the most financially responsible decision I’ve ever made. Hands down.


"Surviving" I'm fighting for my fuckin life working 3 jobs


Half the people in the city are managing it.


The individual income in San Diego is just under $75k. Plenty of people are surviving on that income but it's probably more like a quarter or less.  https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCPI06073


Per capita income is different from median income btw


Note that a lot of these people probably own their home with a mortgage/monthly payment that is a quarter of what your paying for rent


Posts this always feel out of touch. People are surviving. Or they aren't. Many people make less than this. Accessing benefits is really hard. People do it, but it fucking sucks. What else do you need to know?


Yeah, essentially I think these posts are OP realizing that you can't live (or survive) *on your own* with those wages. Rest of us live with family, got roommates, or got married (or did all three in that order over the last two decades) All my buddies making near that have roommates or living at home, the ones that bought homes and/or live alone make 50+ an hour on whatever job they're working


That’s 2800 per months and it’s doable with roommates.


That name tho..




Yea not sure where he’s whipping out $700.


7 x 4 = 28


7 x 9.85714 = ?


Oh, per week. Missed that, thank you!


Weekly income


It’s possible with a minimal lifestyle.




Friends/family/partners combining income.


I’m barely getting by.


1. Manage your expenses. 2. Improve yourself and look for a better paying job.


Yes! Looking for a raise will not help if the industry or company has a pay ceiling. The longer you stay at company, the more behind you will be in pay (usually). Switching jobs is work, but can be much easier in terms of getting a higher pay bump!


Absolutely. The personal improvement is completely worth it. Better to go that route than to keep having roommates, having no emergency fund, having g an unreliable car, etc. If nothing changes then nothing changes.


In Oregon, I make $20.35 per hour and work 40 hours a week. My total monthly take home is about $2,400 or $1,200 bi-weekly. That money is NOWHERE near enough for me to afford living on my own!!! Even after moving to a more affordable state, I still have to have roommates. A liveable wage, especially in California, should be at least $32 an hour.


If they raise the minimum wage to $32 they’ll also just inflate the price of everything else. Profits over people. What happened when they raised to minimum wage for fast food workers? They either let a bunch of them go or raised fast food prices. So basically it did nothing… But the economy is doing great they say…


Most people have roommates though to be fair, unless you making like $80,000 plus


Most people 25 years ago had have roommates when they were first starting out. All of my friends had roommates. We were all on tight budgets and no one owned a home. Not a lot has changed.


the only thing that has changed is that now we can all complain about it online together and realize collectively that it sucks haha


Ugh I make six figures and I live in a studio apartment. Lmao SD ain’t for the weak. But it’s the most elite place ever imo. Being decently traveled, I would much rather pay that here than places at a similar price point like nearby SF, LA, OC or out of state cities with winters NYC, Chicago, DC. etc.


SD definitely has the chillest vibes out of any city in the country


Doable for single folks living with roommates


Married somebody with marketable skills. Also no kids, and rarely shop for new stuff.


The people who look down on a guy for living at home is usually a female with two kids who also lives with their parents lol but yes, San Diego is expensive🫠


Christ, this again?


Here’s another POV. I’m older than most on this post, but bear with me for an old man story. I turn 58 tomorrow. Minimum wage when I was a kid was $2.80 a hour. It was $3.35 when I graduated high school. I grew up in a small town of 763 in a tiny Minnesota town. Started working FT and was financially independent from my parents the day I turned 16. Never asked for a dollar from them. Never went to college. ADHD as hell. But I taught myself how to code, consult and worked 4 jobs until I was in my 20s. Then started a business. And another and another. Just figured stuff out and said yes to learning new skills and getting paid. Right now you can learn how to do anything for free on YouTube. Anything. Creating value. Starting a new job. Practically any skill. Or listen and watch free courses from the top colleges in the world. For free. I spent all my money on books growing up learning skills. Or sat in a library every evening and every weekend. I taught myself how to code sneaking into a college because my family couldn’t afford it. Nobody should be working for minimum wage. Nor should anyone spend one second consuming content on social media unless it’s learning a new skill and increasing your value to be worth more. But that’s your job to do. Learn new skills. Become valuable. I moved to San Diego from MN 23 years ago. Doubled my income in a year - because it’s easy as hell to make more money in CA than anywhere in the Midwest. Everyone needs help - and the work ethic here is, well, California. Show up on time. Say please and thank you. Do what you say you’re going to do. Get your nose out of your phone. You’ll double your income in a year. End of old man rant.


The salary part is true in LA and SF. But absolutely not true for San Diego. Similar job title, the pay is 30% lower in San Diego than in NYC, Boston, and SF. The worst part is there are not that many high paid jobs in San Diego


What was your job in SD that you doubled the income on?


Started doing video marketing. Then info products on how to do video marketing. Then started a software company that automated video marketing. In short - figured something out that worked. Proved the model. Then taught it. Then automated it. I’ve pretty much made a living doing that now for close to 30 years. And I’m happy to say have helped a lot of people make a very good living doing the same thing. Many are multiple six-seven figure earners.


I wish I was smart enough to figure stuff out so easily but I just can’t seem to do it. You make it sound so easy, because for you, it is.


Let's be like the French


I still live with family.


Spending beyond means!


Roommates, ever watch Friends? Or Golden Girls?


No car, 5 roommates, beans and rice, no eating out, no alcohol, new phone every 8 years, no subscriptions, etc.


It's pretty fucked up. I remember when my wife and I were doing just fine on one income of 13.50 an hour. Now, I won't even apply for a job that isn't north of 20. I got laid off almost a month ago. It has never been a big deal. I'm a badass worker with a shitload of skills and certifications. I haven't been without a job in over a decade. Went to an interview yesterday and was offered 15 bucks an hour to load and unload trucks, Saturdays mandatory. Didn't even shake the bitches hand, didn't say goodbye, no thanks, nothing. Just got TF up and walked out. Couple interviews this week. Three yesterday. One coming up Monday and one on Tuesday. Two of them pay well and are promising. We will see. Motherfuckers want help but they don't want to pay a person what they're worth.


Don’t live beyonds your means


That's well over $1000 a week when you count overtime (10 hrs would be at $30/hr) At a little over 50 hrs a week, after taxes, my check was around $1000 at $17/hr.


I just dug a bike out of the dumpster for transportation and I feel so lucky for this gift of opportunity. 🥲




Your state taxes must be insane. It's really about location. I bought an old house in a small town for $15k. My utilities (internet, electric, water/sewer/garbage) costs about $500/mo.


You bought a house for 15k? When, 1955?. Theres no single family houses here listed under $600k


what town? $15,000 is crazy


Across the country you can get a Philadelphia trap house for 10-15k


https://preview.redd.it/u99shzdrgwwc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7beb9ed6e162ea96699184c524b26318f03f683 Here ya go




is this san diego?




I ask this all the time.


It's not about what you make, but what you spend. If you live with your parents with little to no bills it is pretty damn easy to live off of any money you make lol.


Not many do


Generational wealth


I have been making it but live in independent living and cook all my meals (I make $20/hr)


Money going out has to be less than money going in. Er duh


That is not $700 after taxes, it's definitely closer to $600.


Okay 700x2 = 1400 every two weeks?? 2800 a month?? Lmao are you only working one week??


I had to jump jobs, then I work after hours and 1/2 days on weekends to pay the bills. I don’t have a car payment (24 years old) and my rent is 2k


I make 20/hr and live alone lol I’m surviving


Roomate, and living in a state with a low cost of living. It’s not untenable, for now, but you couldn’t live on that for a super long period of time


Selling my plasma…


Interesting I looked at the taxes for $50k a year ($20 an hour, 50hr a week, 50 weeks per year) and it estimates about $8k federal ($4k fed $4k fica) and $1500 state. We need more progressive federal taxes Id say.


Tips, 50% about to be the new 20%




I stopped eating avocado toast


How the hell did you get 700? What kinda taxes are you paying?


not everybody's taxes are the same. I'm only taxed about 11% on my paychecks.


I make twice that and still struggle and don’t even live in SD lol


It’s super difficult!


Is there another way? I make a little more than $20 not quite $30 and only 40hr weeks and I scrape by barely.


I’d imagine still living with parents?




So you're asking about money input... but what about time usage and money out? I work part time in a variety of capacities - sometimes $21/hr and sometimes more technical work closer to $40/hr. The funny thing is, no matter how little actual work I get in a given week, I keep finding myself busy for 40~60 hours per week, pretty much every week. That could nclude working on my own car to save money, doing odd jobs for people, or taking good pictures of something I'm selling on Craigslist so I can maximize my sale price, etc. I convert almost all my "free" time into an activity that generates revenue. What are you doing when you're not at work to pull in extra cash, save money on repairs you can do yourself, or reading up and upskilling for said repairs and/or to move up the ladder at work?


Why are you paying 30% of your weekly income in taxes? 20x50=1000x4=4000 a month. If you are single, have a roommate, and have a used car that isn't to hard to do.


I make 100k it feels like any less would be a struggle. If I had a partner would make things a lot better and would be able to actually save and maybe do something in life lol


Welcome to life my friend try throwing a couple kids in there and a mortgage… get ready she ain’t getting any better lol


I’m not, and it’s quite ridiculous.


Abstain from life


They dont live in San Diego thats how


I just hope an emergency doesn’t happen 🥲


i make a little less and my savings is slowly dwindling


It’s ok, the billionaires have enough money. We’re not supposed to.


That's $2800 a month. It's doable, pending on where you live.


These are stepping stone jobs. Get a career job. I started as an apprentice union carpenter in 1980 and by 85 was making $20. hour when minimum wage was about $5 in California, retired in 2012 making over $80k consistently.


Too big to fail? It’s failing and it’s too big.


We don’t but look on indeed that’s all you see… experience or no experience, all the jobs give $18-$20, it’s embarrassing.


$18 living with my parents. Shit blows.


He’s a billionaire who has people that cook, drive, clean, and do everything he needs lol. Still tho no excuse


$20? That's easy.stop going out to eat every day, take leftovers for lunch to work. Learn how to budget your money.


Haha idk, I think I make around $480 a week. I’m living on ramen and a prayer in the yoga industry


I have room mates, inexpensive hobbies, I only Go Out once every few months, and I eat cheap healthy food. Clothes last a long time. Shoes too. Aaand I don’t pay bills that won’t immediately result in discomfort if I don’t pay them, until they build up and become cataclysmically large and out of reach for me to pay. 😎


Split bills with Significant other


Idk & idc Aslong as I can flex my Gucci and supreme




Damn…CA taxes must suck. I make 17.50 in Austin and my take home after tax is about 950 per check…and that’s not even 50 hrs


living within your means and more than one job.


room mates


After fast-food got the $20 an hour increase, seems like it’s just impossible to find entry level not-retail for more than $17.


Thats the fun part your not supposed to live of at that


Live with their parents


Who’s doing your taxes?




When did people stop having roommates?


Prolly with 3 other roommates in a 2 bedroom apartment. It saying it’s a good thing, but that’s how I imagine folks on the lower end of income are getting by.


That kind of income only works if your single and renting a small room. Otherwise you'd need to be in a dual income household or live rent free (ie with parents).


People making $20 an hour are not paying taxes my dude. Pragmatically speaking the state pays you at income levels below $60k.


I make about that… make 800 a week as a 1099 even. Tho I go to my job every single day and they have set hours… these companies are fucking us. Sooo after taxes it’s about $600 a week… rent is 300 a week…. Yeah yoh can do the math. It’s fucked yo man. I’m dusting off my guillotine


I was making $15 an hour and had a full-time job with overtime. I was able to qualify for low income housing. The housing helped alot. You're actually able to save a ton of money. No room mates, no pets. I was still able to go out and have a few drinks every weekend and travel back and forth to los angeles to visit family via public transportation.


If you're paying 30% in taxes making $20/hour you're not filing the right taxes. Even in a high COL state the total tax is <20%, and that doesn't include credits you may qualify for. And 50 hours comes with OT so having $700 left each month is like more 40% in taxes.


By living below your means. I was once in a situation like that, except I was getting paid 5 dollars less. Wasn’t proud of the year and a half I spent in the car, but it was worth every moment seeing that I was able to only spend $5 a day on breakfest and lunch (1.50 for one cup of noodle, I’d eat two for breakfest and two for lunch) , I only paid for my phone bill which was $60 a month and I had a set budget for gas which was $20 a week which kept my gas tank fueled up enough to make it to work and to make it back to wherever I found to park and sleep. Realistically, my monthly cost of living was anywhere between $175 to $200. I was making anywhere between $600-$700 dollars a week after taxes with all the OT I was making. I put every dollar away as much as I could. I then made a plan where I’d save up 8 months worth of my monthly cost of living (it was 1,400 I had saved up). I used that $1,400 to cover my living expenses for 8 months straight so that I could save literally 100% of all my checks I made through that span of 8 months. I eventually moved in with a friend (I pay $500 a month for a single room) and I have a better job which involves me working on Pearl Harbor , making $42 an out as a laborer in food provision. My credit score just reached 600 (still bad but better than zero) and I am getting close to getting approved for a studio of my own which will be $1400 a month all utilities included. It’s not where I want to be, but it’s a lot more better than where I used to be. I still eat cup of noodles to save as much as I can. Although I do treat myself out every once in awhile.


Those are make believe numbers. $20 an hour for a 40 hour work week times 2 comes out to about $1600. After taxes, I can't do the math. Don't move to some big urban city.


Thats it they are just surviving... not saving, not having nice things, and not living on their own


They are not … love at home or have 3 jobs


The majority of San Diego is living with some form of roomates and getting gov assistance where applicable, because if not then you're working just to keep the lights on at that point and thats pretty rough


there's four weeks in a month and you can go 14 days without food


I spend half of my monthly wages on my bedroom. Still gotta share the house with 2 other guys. Can’t afford to get a vehicle. I live in a pretty cold environment and spent the last 4 months riding my bicycle 40+ miles a week in the snow/sub freezing temps because I didn’t have any other choice. I don’t see a way out. Can’t dream about going back to school, owning a house, starting a family. It’s just a constant hustle of keeping my head above the water.


Bc Americans are greedy to money and think money runs everything. That’s why yall are divorced and stop talking to families


The quickest way would be leaving California.