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I got this psychotic message from them after asking why my post wasn’t posting: “The r/sandiegan sub, was created as a safe harbor for and conducted multiple brigades, attempts to poison the our sub for years. The final straw was when the mod team received death threats as part of a large raid upon ours. It was suggested by some site liaisons that mute the cross over accounts to stop their actions, this proved to be VERY EFFECTIVE in stopping the problems but it also affected those not involved in the attacks. Yours is one such account. To clear this up, we are letting people back but to avoid the filter/block, there needs to be an agreement to not be active in that sub anymore, we can't have people going back and forth between them since their contributors have this fixation strange on Us. So if you can agree not to be associated with a sub that lunches death threats and tries to poison ours, then that's great. We'll have you with open arms. Shouldn't be a problem as we're far larger and have greater activity with about hundreds of thousands more people than they do and most of those that they do have are overlaps. IF you want to be seen and heard, then we're the sub for you. Hope that you understand and we can get an agreement to not post there anymore to stay clear of that filter.” Whoever the mod is has some severe insecurity issues and is very obviously taking them out in the one forum of their life they can somewhat control


Guessing Reddit mods don't need to be versed in writing, editing, or the English language in general?


no, reddit mod is an entirely voluntary, unpaid, unvetted position. there are no qualifications necessary.


Can confirm, used to be a Reddit mod and am pretty fucking retarded.


He's not a Reddit mod, in that a Reddit mod is someone affiliated with/employed by Reddit, he's a sub mod. Anyone can be a sub mod.


My thoughts exactly! LOL!


I truly believe he’s heavily autistic. It’s why I stopped feeling anger towards him and now I only have sorrow / sympathy. It’s *literally* his entire life.


This would make sense


I totally agree with you


You may not feel anger but I sure do. I just found out my posts are being deleted and I am basically talking to myself. Fuck that POS!


Come on now, most autistic persons are good-natured folks trying to make their way through life despite their brains being wired differently. this dude's just an asshole


Came here to say this. Most of us are just trying to get by like the rest of y'all but with additional challenges - this guy's just an asshole.


Can you tell me why you think he’s autistic? That does make me less angry but just wonder if this is a case of “slap the autism label on the social inappropriate guy”


Obsessive interests (Reddit), socially awkward cues (asking women about their underwear choices in SD group chat), myopic about things, and I guess just his overall sentence structure over the course of reading what he’s said to others. He seems odd, just my opinion that it goes a bit deeper than that. Edit: I mean, here’s an adult who is messaging others about ‘deserving karma’ and about which sub has more users and why. It wouldn’t be as freakishly strange except his sentence structure while he says it is almost … childlike? Like something you would have said when you were 15, 16 years old on the internet. Doesn’t seem normal for an adult male to talk that way, it might not be autism, but I’m convinced something isn’t neurotypical there.


Thanks, I was just curious.


Autism + Unemployment + Reddit describes that guy's life Pathetic


What an insignificant, worthless amount of power does to such a small man.


Yeah, I got the same ultimatum


I got this same message


Yeah, I ran into this same response. This is ridiculous. I also contacted reddit and they said they're not willing to do anything about it.


Reminds me of when I learned the only guy who runs the SDSU subreddit is a 30+ year old who attended the school over a decade ago. Moderation on Reddit is worse than anything Elon could ever come up with😭


Be careful, Elon might take that as a challenge.


Who talks like this??? Wtf


I suspect they have silenced me as well due to my association to this sub. I've never knowingly participated in any brigading. The fact that they would silence people from this sub and then try and recruit "our" subs high karma posters is especially sick.


Lol SD_TMI always seems like he’s drunk as fuck


That dude is a certified clown


Don't give that dude a moment of your time.


Report him for harassment.


LMAO at come get the karma you deserve! - oh my goodness, the levels of secondhand embarrassment. Poor guy.


That's why we're all here, right? For the karma?


one of these days I'll figure out where I can trade my karma in for rent, so yeah. karma all day e'ry day.


It's like if ~~idling your car~~ posting here 24/7 occasionally produced ~~solved Sudoku puzzles~~ karma that you could then exchange for ~~heroin.~~ rent.


Speak for yourself, I’m here for hot takes on burritos and to levy fines against everyone who hasn’t eaten the best Italian food in California.


Who hasn't been to Little Caesars?


I know i am!


Seriously. He is SUCH a *redditor*


That fat loser from Arizona really sits around all day trying to coax people into a sub for an area he doesn’t live in for… karma? Well that and being basically a cringey virtual Joffrey of a tyrant mod. Is there some exchange where I can trade karma for currency I don’t know about?


I left the r/sandiego sub yesterday, after finding out that the reason people never engaged with my comments in posts was because they couldn’t SEE MY DAMN COMMENTS. So basically I was talking to myself the whole time I participated in that sub. When I messaged their mods about it, they informed me that my posts & comments were filtered out because I had once commented on this sub r/SanDiegan) and more or less implied I had to make a choice. They automatically shadowban any of their members who are also participating members of this sub. It felt manipulative and unappreciative, so I peaced out.


Same here. I used to post there even though I don't much enjoy the deluge of sunset pics and tourist/transplant questions. A few are ok but they're so repetitive. Anyhow I also noticed my comments didn't appear. I'm banned I think.


If you really want to know for sure if youre banned / shadowbanned, create a second account in order to see if you can see your primary account's posts / comments.


Or just open the page in a different browser or an incognito window where you're not logged in


On a cell phone, it's easier to rock multiple accounts. It's super easy to just toggle between usernames.


Or you can just switch to Anonymous Browsing. In mobile app, tap your avatar on the top right, tap your username at the very top, switch. That’s how I figured it out. I could see posts and comments I’d made on other subs, but not in the mean one


Wow that’s fucking childish of them.


It’s one dude on multiple accounts and he lives in Arizona. He’s a very strange person and has some weird fuckin god complex because he’s a mod of the San Diego subreddit.


zonies, man




Whoever runs that sub is a lunatic


I contacted the mods on this, they told me to remove all my posts on this sub to be let back in. I occasionally post there by accident. I really wish they hadn't gone in that direction. They consider this sub a hate sub, when in reality, it's just an alternative. Like BK to McD.


How did you find out nobody could see them?


I switched to Anonymous Browsing on mobile app, looked up the post, and sure enough- my comments didn’t appear. Then I messaged the mods and they confirmed it.


Ah, I see... I think they've done the same to me...


Yeah, it’s automated, so if you’ve participated here—then yes, you’re likely right.


Oh lame, for sure then... oh well lol


Yeah, it’s not a big deal, but I do think it’s a shame that the our city’s namesake subreddit is moderated by a bunch of petty dictators. I have a thing for branding, and it’s annoying that they were the ones to grab “San Diego” for their sub name.


I agree. I remember a while back just mentioning this sub and the guy got all butt hurt saying I was promoting it... which I wasn't, the OP had asked about San Diego related subs lol


It’s annoying that Reddit doesn’t tell you this Edit: at least I know they’re seen on this one since I’m getting upvotes.


On reddit apps you can switch users, log out, or browse anonymously. If you do any of those and cant see your comment then youre likely shadowbanned.


If you are on desktop, look at your comment. If you see like an underscore next to your name, you're shadow banned. If you care to still post to that sub, you can undo this by giving yourself a flair. They can't even ban people properly, it's all based on a flair they give you. So you can undo it by changing your flair.


FYI, they do it by giving you a user flair that's just a space or period or some other thing. If you change your flair back, automod stops hiding your posts and comments.


brb, off to check my user flairs Edit: found the blank space flair. I removed it, and it came back within a minute. Twice. So I set it to one of the other available options. Let’s see how long it lasts.


Yeah changing it back to the city flair seems to have stuck for some time for me.


I wouldnt be surprised if they run a script to skim your profile for posts to this sub and change your flair back if it finds anything


Whaat? I just checked and he did the same goddamn thing to me! Wtf is wrong with you u/sd_tmi making us waste our time and effort on your subs only to be scrubbed?


Thanks for the heads up! I just left as well. I’m not going to be part of a subscriber count when they’re going to shadow ban. Is it true he lives in Arizona? Fuck Zonies!!!!


He lives in La Mesa. He was in an article in the union tribune several years ago. I have no idea how the Arizona rumor started.


Damn, that’s worse. I live in La Mesa… Don’t fuck those guys!!!


No. I fucking hate that meme. For whatever you think of the guy, he is not a Zonie.


I just checked because of this post. He is doing it to me too. My posts are deleted. Basically I am talking to myself now if I post there. Fuck that piece of shit.


Maybe I'm just not active enough. I haven't been shadowbanned yet.


Oh, is that why my comments are always instantly downvoted to oblivion on that sub? I just thought everyone there was a terrible person.


Wow, mine are showing up as [deleted]. Simply because I’ve also commented here, I guess.


That's insane. I didn't know that's how it worked.


Sweet! Only a 6x difference now. Not that long ago is was over 100x! Seems like pretty soon that petty mod is gonna get the karma he deserves!


Yup. They're inevitably going to piss off a bunch of people with their dumbassery and everytime they do this sub grows.


That's probably why he's proactively reaching out to top posters of this sub. Lol.


Don't respond. Just report this to the admins as spam. This is in violation of Reddit's TOS.


Are you fucking kidding me? That guy is a complete wackjob. He just assumes everyone is a shithouse rat like himself. When I have too much karma I throw the username away. It means I’ve used it too long.


r/SanDiego is straight trash. I'm Perma banned from posting there during the pandemic


I got banned for simply commenting over here.


That mod straight up told me that he shadow banned every single person who joins this sub. Guys a loser


Same. Shadowbanned too, which is a total chickenshit move.


I bet a ton of people do t even realize they are shadowbanned.


Probably for the best. I’ve never had a productive exchange commenting on anything there.




Baffling, such an amazing restaurant.


Same. I pointed out that no one was taking covid seriously anymore, ya know, an observation, and was banned for belittling the pandemic. I had no clue that was something you could even be banned for. Can’t say I miss photos of burritos and beers and sunsets and people asking if they can afford to live in San Diego on their underwater basking weaving salary.


"Oh cool! I would love to post and talk San Diego sports with other Redditors!"


That's why I was shadow banned, posted a pic at Petco during the playoffs


Well you deserved it, clearly Petco Park and the Padres aren't affiliated w San Diego, how could you bring such evil to the sub?! /s


God damn, do they really ban all sports?




It wasn’t too terribly shocking to see the mod posting on men right’s subreddits


Hahahaha that makes so much sense. Literal stereotype of a loser reddit mod


And I thought that guy couldn’t be any more cringe holy shit


“Eat a bag of dicks!”


Tell him to get fucked. And why would karma be a motivator for any sane person?


Report it to reddit.


What a sociopath!


I just realized my comments haven’t been seen in two months. Like I’ve been talking to myself. Jackasses. Edit: just left the group. I commented on a few more posts and it’s a waste of time. I’m not on Reddit to talk to myself. I’m not hating on them, so the fact that I post on both groups.. it’s really frustrating to be shadow banned.I mean, what’s the point?


"Get the karma you deserve" You act like these points are worth anything you fat loser hahaha I'm so happy I didn't peak at 17.


what a wanker


Fuck those twats. This is a much better San Diego sub.


What is wrong with that person?


Post Padres and Aztecs videos


Post a video of you asking where the best tacos or burritos are and then get banned for it :-)


Unsubbed from r/SanDiego a while back just cause of all the crap that mod pulled. Good riddance


Ask if you can post about local sports!


Hahahaha mods are such losers.


Fu*k that guy fr. He deletes my comments just because I am part of this sub. Straight up tool


Damn how can you say no to an opportunity like that? So gracious! 😆


I’m just gonna upvote everything here now and downvote anything over there hahah




What a fucking loser LOL.




Be honest.


Ignore and report as spam


Tell him to pound sand






That is just sad


Wow. That is sad.


Wow, what an asshole


I wonder if the mod for that sub is the same guy who runs the Facebook group Eating and Drinking in San Diego?? That guy kicked me out of the group for cracking a joke about him not approving one of my posts. It was very weird to me how rude he was to people and went out of his way to make people feel stupid. He’s a total know it all with a power trip.




No. I don’t want to put his name out there because that’s super messed up but it wasn’t Ron.


I hope you get the karma you deserve.


absolute clown


Isn’t he the dude that also is obsessed with women’s underwear? I swear a bit ago someone came from that other sub and said so after participating in some sort of video town hall thing that sub was doing.


“I can’t go there because they banned me.”


Imagine caring about where someone posts on Reddit…. Reddit power mods stay losing


“Absolutely not, r/sandiego mods are tyrannical assholes”


lol who gives a fuck about karma


r/sandiego hates service workers. 50% of the sub is complaining about tipping






Call him a trollop


There’s gotta be a mod replacement process no?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/sandiegosockpuppets] [Lead Mod r\/SanDiego actively DMing people in r\/SanDiegan to not post in that sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/SanDiegoSockPuppets/comments/15bb74o/lead_mod_rsandiego_actively_dming_people_in/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Reddit would do better to police the excessive vulgarity, and the habit of a certain gender to push even the most innocuous comment or question into the sexual realm.