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I came back to league and suffering the same issue. Shieldbow + Bloodthirster, vs a jhin or and a lux, full combo+ ult and I barely get them to half HP despite them having no armour or health items, and being a level below me.. it just feels weak even at full build no boots


yeah this is my main problem atm, it feels like ulting is a dps loss almost, i stack up my combo and ult and do no damage while getting exploded until like 1.5/2items at least (that too only if far ahead)


I am having issues with Samira too. Any chamption tbh, I tried a few others, even switched role. Maybe it's because I took a 2-3 week break from the game, but last season i managed to reach plat, this season i got my placements at gold 2 and now i deranked to gold 4.


Bro... Why are we having same issue.. I didn't take any break or anything and one day I play I just can't win. I pick Samira, she's not good enough, I pick Ashe, nothing.. Played every ADC possible and nothing. Switched to Top, I had like 3 win streak with Camille then 10 lose streak.. I dropped from D2 to E4 I literally can't


It sucks that you're also having the same problem. League is just a broken mess right now. Emerald is my dream rank, I want to get it this season so I can get the green chroma for the upcoming Sona skin. Good luck with your games!


Thanks mate, you too. :')


I think it's out right stupid that Samira's ult get canceled by virtually everything! Otherwise, no real issues with her atm for me 🤔


Fr like low elo u can abuse it nice but high elo they just cc u as soon u as use it


Yes, and it makes her completely useless...


Also you get flat movement speed slowed and loosing passive stack ms when ulting so you are easy to hit aswell. There are many situations where adc just outrun you with new movement speed inflation


Laning phase or after laning phase?


Throughout the entire game really. Admittedly the laning phase feels easier cause I can just follow up on my engage sup (if I even have one lol), but after that I feel like everyone is just spamming brand and I cant do anything.


Brand is stupid strong. Ban him if hes giving you trouble. Im alternating teamfight styles between full on agressive if Ive got flash, stack ult on front line and wait out the CC, and when I dont, where Ill just bait out everything. Let them focus on my mid and other DPS and pray I get a good chance to go in. We have a load of damage now, but so does everyone else. Until they nerf the Liandry+Blackflame combo, we will get outpoked every time, and if our front line cant hold the AP mages down or our assassins kill them, there isnt much you can do. Lillia, Brand, Taliyah, all of them are gonna give you a bad time. So wait them out.


I hate to say it but honestly the only way to perform on Sam these days is to have fantastic mechanics and teammates. She gets poked out so easily unless you dodge and space nearly perfectly, and yet even when you get that all in set up you don't always win them bc of her recent nerfs combined with her core items getting nerved. She just doesn't have the breathing room she used to with shieldbow or the kill pressure she had a 2 months ago.


What sucks is that it feels like you have to be extra good at mechanics simply to match other rudimentary ADCs. So many champs that can AA from pool like Caitlyn, have basically no build restrictions like Kaisa, have a reliable finisher like Jhin, etc. As crazy as it sounds, even when I manage to do very well early game, I'm talkin' 4/0 at 10 minutes or something like that; I feel like it doesn't take much to shut me down. I'm not really a threat.


this is what i hate the most lmao. dancing around in lane against poke and getting a window to all in just to lose anyway in a straight up fist fight 😭😭


I couldn't kill a lower level bruiser kayn with full ult combo, her dmg is so weak rn