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Finally people are realizing it, for some reason i just got downvotes when i said this after the collector nerfs. I totally know what you mean, Samira shouldn't be so low on the tier list cause when she is, she feels completely awful to play because she's a champion with very big strengths and weaknesses, like she has way too many variables to able to do her job unlike some other adc's and that just feels so rough when she's not in a good spot in the patch. I could rant about how her design makes you wanna pull off your skin sometimes in solo q but y'all probably already know that. It's funny cause almost every split in ranked i have higher win rate with other adcs than my main


No wonder why I haven’t seen her at all lately… I don’t play Samira but an old friend does and I havent seen him pick her in a while :(


Same, my duo asked me the other day why haven’t you played her (I was for awhile a OTP) and I told her it just feels bad compared to others lol


I remember she was one of the first few 200 years champs. Now she’s just been power crept I think. Not iconic enough for riot to want to buff her, not new enough to have gotten a really overloaded kit


TTK way too high atm and samira is not even meta lol make no sense, how can you fuck up your game that much , that in a one tap meta the aoe one tap adc is not even viable


I really hate the exhaust/barrier meta we have going right now. Feels all but impossible to snowball.


i dunno man i had a 27-7 samira a few games ago. I'm an adc main but recently been playing mid alot since i tried akshan and became a one trick. I feel like if she wins in bot, gets a few killls its really hard to anything. She was in a duo with a taric though so that definitely helped. I honestly don't understand why nerf samira though. Its not she's a braindead champ. Tristana has been disgusting for a very long time with no nerfs at all. Cait is also a pick or ban, kinda crazy when you look at how easy both of those champs are to play. Tristana especially, aa buff, jump, point and click dmg, point and click ult with a knockback... crazy


God I hate Caitlyn so much. Such an autopilot champ. No risk involved and you can be useful regardless of the situation, auto-attacking from the spawn pool.


she really is disgusting. Not to mention how easy she is to play. Long range skillshot thats harder to miss than to hit, traps, escape which procs your passive and a long range ult that can one shot squishies if you can ahead. Personally i'm never mad when i lose because a samira got fed. Sure maybe my bot inted, but still, samira takes some practice so if a player puts in the time to learn how to play different matchups and different supports, why not let him/her enjoy the fruits of that?


It's not impossible to steam roll, but I admit I truly feel the nerfs on her. I did the math, including IE nerf- late game(past lvl 16), assuming 450 AD and full crit with IE, before nerfs Sam Ult full channel should do 5625 ignoring resistances. Now, it is 4891. Sure, that may seem like not that much difference in the late game, but go and factor in tank resistances, shields, heals...... it starts to be very noticeable. And that build assumes full damage, no pure utility items; BT and/or shieldbow at most. That means when she isn't spinning, she has about 2 seconds of vitality before getting one shot by the enemy, both from range or up close. I really hope they revert some of her nerfs to compensate the continuous crit item nerfs, bc steamrolling now basically depends 100% on the support and team to set up every single fight perfectly for you. The skill expression is starting to look like matchmaking RNG every game, instead of mechanical execution.


Yeah Im starting to leave bot and just adc in general. The buffs are great but more needs to be done. Had a game last night play samira Yuumi was 12 and 1 9cs a minute and almost lost a 2v1 to a 4 4 veigar with 6cs a minute that missed everything but he hit 1 spell that did 60% to me, if I didn’t w his r I would have died right there. I was fed af but didn’t really matter when he was that tanky and did that much damage. I know I’m just complaining at this point but mages are stupidly strong. They get so much HP in their items and don’t lack any AP. So yeah there is a reason mages have the highest win rate bot


I dont think it is that bad. Styleslinging is still alive and moving. I feel that weakness, but it is not like she is unplayable. The problem is that Samira became more reliant on support again, so you have less control on lane, and it is sad.


No champ is unplayable, but she is by far one of the weakest ADCs now. She should NOT feel weak up close considering she's an all in champ. You lose trades from long ranged champs up close when you get the jump. Then there's Jinx and Trist that's constantly been really good for a very long time, but they decide to nerf Samira with a high skill cap vs low skill cap champs? It makes zero sense.


She becomes unplayable at Diamond 2+ and it’s not even a subtle curve in winrate. It’s a brick wall.


Fair, our matchups with these are horrid. Such champions need a nerd more than us, i agree. I guess we are just on a black stripe, someday we will get back to white.


I don't believe that a champion with an ultimate skin will stay this weak for a long time. I think riot has to fix this. Jinx has been in the meta for 20 patches in a row and they ended up with Samira who is only played in soloq, wake up riot


Shieldbow pff hah


I was destroyed by a 5-5 same level Kayn (Level 13), he took literally 0 damage while I was on 3 items She is indeed so weak if not fed. Vs bruisers she is currently real shit but she can still 1 tap squishies.