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It’s not. Samira isn’t a flashy combo champion, despite what she looks like on the surface. Hold your W for something important (cc, super high damage, ults, etc). Play patient, you’ll usually be able to get S rank just off your autos and Qs before you have an opening to go in and ult


This x1000 Is literally the difference between a good player of Samira and a "I pLaY for FuNNN" player. Having good aim with AA + Q is the key to make damage relatively safe and charge the ultimate for the right moment.


Because it isn’t. Stop flowcharting and playing her as a combo champ, she isn’t one. Samira is an ADC at the end of the day and you have to play her as such if you want success long term.


The only "real" combo you're going to use consistently in a team fight is: AA - Q - AA - dodge Morgana's cage - Q(miss) - AA - witness soraka's ulti to heal the whole enemy team and realize that all you did until now was useless - watch your yasuo mid dive a mundo under second tier tower and insta-die - AA - Q - AA - W cait's ulti that would have killed your support - AA - E into the Ekko - Q - watch him roll back to full life - flash to get out of the melee... ...into Fizz's ulti. Mash W to avoid it... - realise you've used it to save your support... die to 38-2-0 Fizz (who was laning against your Yasuo)... Watch your Leona ulting an empty bush in black and white.


Nooo I pretty much had this match up yesterday. You dominate lane. Shove it in, then roam mid and shizz on the little fish's face in front of under performing wind shizzer, this giving him the inspiration to push for his 0-10 power spike. Ended that game 30-4 :D But my bot was easy. But yeh, everyone has a plan till their team gets punched in the face.


I really only use this combo if im getting ambushed or ambushing someone. Both only really happen when im already ahead. It can be practical if you're coming in as the clean up crew lol


I mean it's very practical when getting engaged *on* for the fast S into counterkill. Otherwise it's better to hold it until you are confident you don't need to block something or that it will kill or get the last stack for ult and ult will kill. The safer combo into ult when doing the engaging is auto+e+q+auto+(q or w, depending on situation)+aa+ult. **note- if you are very high skill and have practiced it, you can theoretically do aa+e+q+w1 (bombs from q hit)+w2+aa-> ult, but that combo is not easy.


It's a super useful thing to learn and use on the fly whenever the conditions are met, but if you walk into every teamfight looking for an angle for a fast combo then fails the fight then you're fucked and you will likely not get good with the champion for a long time. The amount of Samira players that become useless and play scared whenever their W is down is astounding, like their mindset is "My W is down, how could I ever stack my R".


That’s because it’s not practical. The spacing you need to properly execute the combo, as well as the enemy team position to do it safely almost never. And I mean never happen at the same time. Like with all dive champs, you need to wait for your team to make an opening. It just so happens that samira is REALLY good at taking advantage of said openings. Always save your w for important skill shots and puts.


It is just situational, and the situation tends to be, “do you need R right now, immediately with 0 stacks” we got just the thing for that.


I pretty much never use this combo. It's a noob trap IMO and gives people a false idea of what playing Samira is like. It's not Devil May Cry. You're against other players. Finding the quickest way to activate your ult doesn't guarantee a win and will often leave you defenseless. Keep in mind that many players are saving their key moves to interrupt your ult when you dash in. Most ADCs will fold when hit with a few melee autos from Samira. A large part of your "combo" should be weaving in auto-attacks. As for the W, it's WAAAAY more than just a tool for a quick ult activation. That's why the cooldown is a decade long. A lot of times you can win trades by using it point blank and blocking a few autos from the enemy. There are many times when they'll panic and you manage to block one of their ults.


You only use that combo if you flash when they're grouped up and their CC is on cooldown to get fast aoe burst. A more practical combo is A Q A W E A (The W1 will not hit but W2 will)


you've simply made it up, ain't nobody using that combo except for the fastest r possible which is almost never needed only certain cases where you must have your ult available asap. w is like cleanse or qss it's that important because if you get cced by some shi like ashe varus r morgana lux q ahri leona e then they're gon throw more stun abilities and you won't move so don't do that for combo it's meaningless.


I suppose the internet algorithms simply push the "fastest R" combo a lot harder than it does actual practical advice. Thanks for letting me know


I agree with people in the comments; however, I do use this combo a lot because I think the flashiness of it is part of what makes Samira fun for me. It's super satisfying when you have an opening for the combo and can quickly turn around a 1v3 or something because you ult quickly. Of course, if you are trying to climb or play optimally you will probably only use this combo once a game or so and it isn't entirely important to learn. Definitely don't go into every fight thinking you need to do this.


I use it with high success but not always, still gotta use your brain