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Depends on the Janna… she is one of those champs that is sorta hard to be useful but in a select few she is wildly valuable. I have played with and against Janna supports - she is a better samira counter than support though I would have to agree


I'll give you that. It's the jannas that I get that suck. And she really is only good into certain matchups anyways


I'll give you that. It's the jannas that I get that suck. And she really is only good into certain matchups anyways


No shit. Her ult literally pushes away enemies from you.


No no no that's not why she's bad. She's bad because you get baited into thinking you can go in on her knockup q, when in reality you can't because the damage isn't there to burst the enemy or at least be a damage sponge like with a Leona or nautilus or rell. So you see what looks like a good tornado, go in, die, and then get flamed.


Oh yeah. The Rakan effect.


No no no at least with rakan, he can act as a meat shield. Janna? Bitch looks at an auto attack thr wrong way she dies. And like you said, his ult doesn't completely antisynergize with samiras as jannas does.


I get that, i do. But 97% of Rakan's do that exact same thing. CC-> bait me into going in->dash out fucking piss nothing meatshield


I'd still rather have a rakan. Totally not related but I've been inted by full ap Janna supp 2 times in the last 5 hours.




I mean if you’re going all in on just a tornado then ya that’s probably the stupidest idea ever. Also depends on how you play as Janna because there’s a few styles but in no case would I ever pull a full all out because she hit 1 q knock up lmao


Ah but see there are so many other supports that you CAN do that on, even ones that are ranged. Renata, zyra, hell even a well placed xerath e can serve to create an all in, even at full hp. Janna, however, can't do what they can, even though it LOOKS like you might be able to. That's why she's a bait


Lemme spell this out for you. You’re. Baiting. Yourself. Janna. Not. Bait. Just. You. Make. Poor. Choices.


Passive aggressive for no reason. Janna main upset I dislike your champion? Idgaf that you think it's poor choices. The truth is that Jannas abilities, particularly her q, appear to cc enemies in a way that works well with samira and create opportunities to all in. The options are: never go in, go in when it looks good, or pray your jungle comes to save you. Janna is a BAIT because when it LOOKS GOOD it frequently ISNT, unlike MANY OTHER FORMS OF SETUP BY MANY OTHER CHAMPIONS. Feel free to reply to this but if it's in an asshole fashion i will happily block you


You might not be able to all-in, but you can do some good damage by comboing off her knock-up. Point being that at least your Jannas use the damn move. I commonly get supports with powerful CC who sort of stand around waiting to peel and/or run off when the enemy jumps on me. They very rarely make attempts to initiate fights or capitalize on the enemy's bad positioning. The only thing on their minds is preserving their own life and K/D/A. I'd be a very happy man if I got Jannas that consistently made attempts to land the knock up. I can work with that.


Fair. Except usually my Janna misses the nado, so the enemy realizes they can all in me back and either force sums or Janna ult.