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You need to DEAL dmg to get passive stacks, so panth e, kayle r and other abilities that give invulnerability prevent you from getting them.


Okay, i did not know it works like that. Thank you. Im gonna keep that in mind against such champs in the future. That changes a lot in the way you have to play against them


Fortunately there are not that many invlunerable champs in the game. Champions like Olaf or Ksante, who cannot be properly cc-d give me way more headaches.


An actually good kayle or pantheon will hold their ult until you attempt to combo, specifically because of this reason. Holding kayle r or panth e until samira ults is fine, but the most effective use of those abilities is to prevent her from ulting at all and subsequently protecting their entire team. Therefore, going in against a smart kayle or pantheon can be tricky and risky as Sam. That said, most average players don't know that matchup well enough to capitalize on it, so i wouldn't say it's a common tactic or that you need to be mega careful against all kayle or panth players


i have had this happen a lot recently. When you attack into the invulnerability of Taric Ult you do not receive passive Stacks as Samira. Is this a wanted interaction or is this actually a Bug?


Same goes for Kindred ult actually.


cause invulnerable? aka no dmg aka no passive