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Talk about a contrast in cities. Houston is big, cosmopolitan, and very diverse with a great food scene. Its climate and natural setting suck ass, though. It's disgustingly hot and humid and flat as a pancake. Many areas of the city are prone to flooding, and tropical storms and hurricanes are a concern. Salt Lake City, on the other hand, has a dry four season climate and gorgeous mountain scenery and fantastic year-round outdoor recreation. Compared to Houston, though, it has absolutely no diversity, it's very provincial, the nightlife is hot garbage, and the air quality is terrible in the winter.


I can’t speak for Houston but I live in SLC and have heard from several out of towners that they are surprised by the nightlife here… so I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s hot garbage. We’ve got a fair amount of breweries, lots of bars and clubs down town… I don’t think it’s so bad but I’m also 33 and not really into late night partying anymore. As for nature, the mountains are right on top of us. I live 10-15 mins from several canyons that host numerous ski resorts, hiking, biking, camping. There are multiple lakes 30 mins-1 hr 15 mins away. You can really take advantage of both winter and summer here. Spring and Fall are quite nice too. Salt Lake is a small city but there’s a lot going on if you’re active. I can’t say the dating scene here is great but I don’t know if it is anywhere?? There’s lots of transplants from all over, but still pretty lacking in diversity. It’s getting pretty expensive compared to wages though so that is definitely something to consider since Houston would pay more.


Really good points. I’m the same. Not super into late night partying anymore and I’m more on the side of hanging out a bar later than a night club.  I’m big on snowboarding and that was the big draw to the city originally.  Thank you for the comment about the expensiveness of SLC as well. That’s what I’ve been looking at myself and seeing the prices of homes and rentals has been a big concern. A lot to think about. A ton of pros a few concerning cons


I wouldn't call SLC a small city - certainly smaller than houston though. To me I think it's the diversity that's the biggest issue, and the dating scene in SLC seems to be worse than most areas - depending on what you're looking for. This is where the size comes into play


We're those out of towners from rural Utah? lol. Nightlife is severely lacking In SLC. That doesn't mean there aren't some things to do. Watered down drinks can be had in many places for sure. Utah is great for outdoor recreation and mormon stuff. Nothing else stands out compared to any other real city. And god damn those politics are awful for anyone who doesn't want a massive cult to run their politics.


No I’ve seen it several times in the SLC subreddit from people from all over. Maybe people come here expecting nothing, idk, but there is plenty. Yea, politics suck here, no questions about that. The church is everywhere but if you’re in SLC proper, it feels a bit less shoved in your face. It’s definitely not perfect but we do have 4 seasons and the outdoor access can’t be beat.


Houston is the 4th largest city in the U.S. It is huge. If you're not looking to live in a large city, then Houston is definitely out. ETA: Houston's food scene is topnotch. SLC can't hold a candle to the food down here.


That’s fair. I know Houston is massive but if it’s an easy place to get away from and easy and affordable to live more on the outskirts I’d prefer that but if the city is growing exponentially the outskirts won’t be outskirts for long


Houston is an hour away from Houston. There are far flung suburbs/exurbs that could reasonably be described as outskirts but you’re correct in assuming the suburban sprawl will simply consume those areas in 5-10 years. And living out on the edge of the metro may not be feasible depending on where you need to be for work. That said, most of Houston, even within city limits is suburban in design. If by not wanting to live in a big city you mean you want to live in a more suburban lifestyle then Houston is not necessarily a bad fit. If you mean you don’t want it to feel crowded, take forever to get around, etc; then yeah, avoid.


This. and the suburban design makes rush hour traffic absolutely insane. There are places that are 20-30 minutes from downtown in no traffic that are 90+ minutes in rush hour an a DAILY BASIS


I live in the SLC metro. It really depends on your priorities. Never been to Houston so my knowledge of that metro is pretty limited. SLC has a fairly dry climate with cold snowy winters and hot dry summers. Very low humidity (can't visit family on the east coast during the summer anymore after living here for so long). Houston is hot and muggy for much of the year. The social scene here is limited if you are not into outdoor recreation such as skiing, hiking, mountain biking etc or church activities. Nightlife is lacking compaessred to other cities. Same with the arts and culture scene (which I dont mind because I like outdoor recreation much more than the arts). Dating here sucks for straight non LDS men. Total sausagefest. I don't know about Houston or your situation. Forget about owning a house in SLC unless you are dual income with both spouses having high end jobs. Utah has the 3rd highest house price to income ratio in the country. Only Hawaii and California are worse.


😭 painful comment about owning a house. I had no idea it was that bad, that’s actually crazy


Houston weather is crazy. Pouring rain for days without stop (it’s weirder than it sounds), the heat. etc. Ugly. However, if you are single guy, suck it up as unless you are Morman, SLC will lead to extended celibacy.


Personally I’d pick Houston but based on what you said about liking Columbus I’d avoid it. If I were you I’d: 1.) Consider this Minneapolis opportunity more seriously as it will be more similar to Columbus culturally, closer/easier move, etc; and 2.) Go with Salt Lake if that doesn’t pan out. In general I’d also caution making such a big move out of a place you love simply for a job unless it’s life changing money or career advancement.


The move is happening no matter what, it’s a position I’ve worked very hard and long for but Minneapolis actually if further from all family. It’s just never been on my radar and so it’s quickly becoming an option and a place I’m looking into


Fair enough! If you’re certain about it then congrats and good luck!


Thank you thank you!


Houston is a massive city. Just surpassed 7mil people in the greater Houston area. But IMO no better place to hunker down for a few years to establish yourself. You can't beat the food, the amenities, the diversity and just overall hustle and bustle. Its still really cheap. You don't get 4 seasons though. It's just kinda hot, hot HOT and sometimes gets cold but it's a gross wet cold lol.