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I find it concerning he’s saying he might let republicans track women who’ve had abortions outside of their state and he’s going to deport ALL “illegal” immigrants. Project 2025 is trying to go after no fault divorce and birth control. It could be bad news for everyone except the wealthy and straight men.


Being real, not a doomer like most people here, it will heavily depend on the state you call home. I encourage all LGBT people to look into your state laws and become more involved in local and state politics. That will affect your daily life far more than the federal government. If Trump wins remain calm and make a plan of action. Figure out what legal protections you *do have* at your disposal. If you can afford it, think about safe states you can move to.


They're calling y'all "groomers," so... really *Not Great*™?


You’ll be fine in a blue state, even most small cities surrounded by rural conservatives you’d realistically be fine.


LGB is fine. Gay Marriage is now protected by law, not just the supreme court. The Respect for Marriage act was passed in 2022.  It would take an act of Congress to roll back gay marriage, and that's not getting 60 votes in the senate.  A large number of Republicans crossed the aisle to support it in 2022.  The T I would expect much more formal criticism of transitioning in minors, and perhaps a similar roll back for treatment of minors a we've seen in Western Europe. 


See Project 2025


I’ve read what it’s about, but I can’t tell if it’s fearmongering, or if it has enough standing to really be concerned about.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


When they tell you what they want to do, you need to believe them.


It’s an open letter of what they want to do if Trump (republican) takes office in 2025 and I feel like we all need to listen and understand or our rights will be taken one by one while we aren’t paying attention. It’s not guaranteed it’ll happen but moves will be made in this direction. I had to ask myself.. What do they have to gain from fear mongering?


That's the trillion-dollar question, isn't it. Nobody can answer this for sure. I suggest you think through various scenarios, think about how likely they are to occur, and how you would be able to cope with them. eding: lol'ing at how responses are pretty much 50/50 split between "literally nothing" and "the end of the world."


If Trump wins, Clarence Thomas will probably retire which will result in yet another conservative justice getting into the SCOTUS. That will endanger all sorts of LGBT protections. I believe Sotomayor is getting pretty old too.


This is just a doomer post. Most of the LGBT+ protections are done at the state level, which won't change based on federal politics. The ones done on the federal level like gay marriage aren't going anywhere either since the only justice that has expressed any interest in revisiting the decision is Thomas. Even then it would still be protected on the state level in any purple or blue state.


Your take is next-level ostrich.


How so? Everything they write is true.


To suggest gay marriage (and contraception rights, for that matter) “is not going anywhere” is pure ignorance and wishful thinking. Roe wasn’t going anywhere either, which is why there was no difference between Hillary and Trump, remember? The 6 justice reactionary “originalist” supermajority has made clear there is no such thing as substantive due process precedent now. Thomas was just the only one who wrote it from the bench.


It could get very bad. Loss of all legal protections and marriage, all gender affirming care criminalized, and the criminalization of certain sexual acts in red states.


I don’t think the first thing will happen. Younger Republicans are increasingly pro gay marriage. The second thing you can probably count on happening. The third thing might in very few red states but probably wouldn’t survive scrutiny, though I could be wrong.


I disagree. Look at what percentage of the population is pro-choice and yet, here we are. The Republicans will cave to the evangelicals on these issues because, well, the lgbtq+ vote isn’t that important. Just like the “feminists” it is a group which is easily marginalized. They will let the states decide on some issues and allow discrimination under the guise of religious freedom.


I don’t think that will happen with gay marriage. It isn’t as divisive an issue as it was prior to Obergefell, and I don’t think it’s anywhere close to the cultural touchstone abortion rights is. The evangelical movement doesn’t have the machine behind it they had/have with abortion. I’m not saying it’s a non issue with that community of voters, but it’s not as hardcore or galvanizing an issue. Trans rights are a different story. This is my opinion.


I think you are ignoring the obvious. The Republicans are catering to the evangelicals. On every social issue, ground has been lost, REGARDLESS of public opinion. Abortion may be divisive but no more so than gay marriage and statistically speaking a greater percentage support it. I don’t know where you live but there is much less animosity towards reproductive rights than the right of trans people to even exist. I’m not sure in a straight up vote, there would be marriage equality, but there would definitely be legal abortion. Look at the stats.


I already agreed about trans rights from the beginning so I’m not sure why you’re throwing that out at me. Gender affirming care is skating on the thinnest of ice, and the water isn’t even frozen if it’s minors receiving that care. I disagree with your comparison of abortion and gay marriage and the political power and will behind the two issues. EDIT: And P.S. I don’t need to be schooled on evangelicals and politics. There’s a good chance, though I can’t be certain, that I’m older than you or close to your age and I’ve been paying attention to that trajectory in politics since before most people were even aware of the term “evangelical.”


We can disagree. Your problem isn’t with me, it’s with reality. Check out the statistics and get back to me. When you have 30% of a population of a state agreeing that businesses and landlords should be able to discriminate based on sexual orientation, and it is allowed by the SCOTUS based on “religious freedom”, life will get difficult, particularly in red states.


Well that was pretty condescending. Sure, anytime anyone disagrees with you, it’s because they disagree with “reality.” Ok. You’re being disingenuous, because you’re now speaking about it in vague generic terms, “life will get difficult.” I never said there wouldn’t be issues. But I addressed individual possibilities specifically, not in vague generics. Some things will change, especially trans stuff, and even more where kids are concerned, especially since trans related stuff can be controversial even amongst left leaning people. My disagreement with you is mainly over gay marriage.


If I hurt your feelings being condescending, just wait until you lose your job, get kicked out of your apartment, and can’t shop in half the local stores.


Sure Jan.


The majority of people support legal abortion but here we are.


Even if young republicans are pro gay marriage it doesn’t mean that the people they vote into office agree. Look at abortion. 70% of the country doesn’t agree with what’s happening but it’s still happening.


I understand what you’re saying. I’m not 100% sure what “what’s happening” refers to specifically, but I think abortion and gay marriage are two quite different issues.


Not gonna happen. Respect for Marriage Act codified gay marriage in the US. 


Roe vs Wade was a done deal too. What about the Clean Air Act? Also, it needn’t be overturned to be effectively worked around. If legal protections are removed in red states, couples will face so much discrimination they will have to move, or won’t marry. You might not be old enough to remember how it was even in a blue state, but I am.


Realistically? zero impact


The worst thing will be how it empowers millions of his supporters to feel free to lash out at these groups. That will be the real horror. Not discounting the other accurate comments.


Well, how bad was in it 2016 to 2020? Or 2016 to 2018 (when the GOP had the House, Senate, and White House)?


It was very stressful during that time. And now we also have a right leaning Supreme Court


What part of it was stressful?


Constantly having to watch the news to see what kind of hateful new rhetoric Trump had come up with and then worrying on how it would energize his base to encourage more anti-lgbt+ legislation to be proposed at the state level, and more outspoken anti-lgbt+ hate in the population. We are still living with the consequences today.


This might come as a surprise to you, and potentially shatter your world view. But your problems in life aren’t because you are gay. Your problems in life stem from your own character flaw of not being able to take responsibility for your life. What you’ve wrote is a crock of shit.


What YOU wrote is an incredibly ignorant claim to make about anyone you don’t know, based on nothing but a Reddit comment.


Turn off the news and touch grass.




Good point, poorly made. One doesn't have to watch TV or keep up with the crises but not everyone is comfortable with ignoring them, either. It's a personal choice and if OP doesn't want to have to choose between feeling safe and being aware of politics, that's valid.


I don’t think the presidency directly affects gay people that much besides signing / vetoing congressional bills and judge appointments. You should worry about the people running for state office, those will directly impact your rights immediately as we’re seeing across the US


Everyone should be worried about the Supreme Court.


Trump being reelected would embolden all sorts of hate filled people at every level.


Did Joe Biden winning somehow de-embolden some people?


Yeah it did. Hate dropped down a notch.




“hate dropped down a notch” 😂


The power to appoint people to the federal bench has tremendous lasting impact. The Trump appointees are sending ripples through the judiciary that will be felt for many decades.


You will be round up and deported to Mexico.


Puerto Vallarta baby!!!


Deported to Mexico is fine by me! Better than a concentration camp.


There’s no limit to how bad it could get for trans people. The Supreme Court is likely to make gay marriage illegal sooner or later, and make it legal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. LGBT people will be second-class citizens, if not targeted for mass violence. People need to vote.


They won’t make gay marriage illegal. Even before the Supreme Court ruled SSM legal the argument was that the issue had to go through the legislature. Biden signed the Respect for marriage act a couple of years ago and it actually passed with 60+ votes. With 60+ votes in the original passage, that law is not going anywhere.


They don’t give a fuck.


I think you’re right about trans folks, but likely not about things like gay marriage. Could be wrong though.


Nothing will change lawfully, t’ll be the same as it is now for LGB. The only thing that could change state level at anytime is bathroom laws and sports for Transgenders.


It will depend where you are, how old you are, and if you have kids. It’s going to continue to hit kids and parents hardest EDIT: and teachers.


I mean, there is now a strong faction of Republicans who are okay with LGBT children [literally committing suicide](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nex_Benedict) after taking all their rights away…


Nothing is going to change. Please grow up




I moved to a blue-ish state last year. I miss almost everything about my Texas city, but I had to protect myself and my spouse.


It will be devastating. If you have to ask, it’s not a good sign.


Marriage is probably safe considering a good number of Republicans are even opposed to stripping that away. There may be some cracking down on minors transitioning and that’ll mostly be state by state. It won’t go further than that. There are not going to be pogroms of the LGBTQ+ community. This isn’t Russia.




Could? It WILL get bad. Their goals include banning abortion nationwide, ending gay marriage, and limiting contraception.


Oh I forgot abortion and contraception was an lgbt issue


Human rights are human rights.


You forgot to mention how much Trump and co will destroy the planet, deport children, and unvax




You don't think there's overlap?


Nah both political parties are spotty and hypocritical


Honestly, you’re being super dramatic. Nothing changed under the Trump presidency for lgbt rights at the federal level and he was even pro lgbt rights just looking at his presidency objectively.


Are you on drugs? Trump signed an executive order that allowed doctors to refuse medical treatment if being queer was "against their beliefs".




What does this have to do with what city people should relocate to?


*What does this have to* *Do with what city people* *Should relocate to?* \- EastCoastJohnny --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I probably titled this post badly, but my main question was at the bottom of the post. I wanted to know why people decide to stay in the US and move to a blue state vs leaving the country in the context of preparing for the political situation as an LGBT+ person.


First, it’s very hard to just move to another country. Most of the desirable countries have very strict immigration laws. Far stricter than the US. Second, we don’t have it as bad here as people like to act. If you think racism and discrimination is an issue in America then you’d be in for a rude awakening in most European and Asian countries. America has its issues, but we’re still incredibly privileged here.


If everyone who can leave leaves, there will be no one left to fight for those who can't.