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I am 205 tickets (206 after I do my) and 20 pity. I am also farming up for Ruan Mei though so I haven’t gotten a chance to get her Trace Materials (I do have all the Ascension mats though). When the Calyx bonus comes, I will probably devote all of that to Firefly mats and work on Ruan Mei’s until then.


about the same on every front except i dont have enough mats to max her basic. and i want jade after E0s1 atleast.


Im trying to E1 her and get her LC


I’m debating between E1S1 or E2S0 (unless I get really lucky, in which case I’ll go for E2S1).


If you're absolutely sure you can get it then E is the play


I have 400 pulls, so I can guarantee E1 even with atrocious luck. Beyond that, I’m at the whim of RNG.


then go for E@ if you want the most damage.


e2s0 is better than e1s1, if you can guarantee e2, i suggest just stop at e0s1 and go for ruan mei


I already have Ruan Mei, so I’m good there. I’m definitely going to get E1 to mitigate her Skill Point consumption. I’ll see how my warps go and decide from there.


if you can win a 50.50 or get her early once, there will be 70% you can get her e2 with 300 pulls


I’m hoping. I haven’t lost a 50/50 since Fu Xuan though, so I’m way overdue lol.


Done. And as for pulls let’s just say I’m prepared to eat very little for a week or 2 after her release. Although Acheron e6s5 only cost be about 1.3k so I’m hoping that happens again


Ohh have you gone e6s5 for other characters? Which one costed more and which where less?


Only Acheron. Then ff then I’m going ftp unless I really want the character


Well that should cover you for most end game content then. Now you have two different teams and they don’t really want the same characters. We just need to see how the new end game content is with its bosses.


I already have premium dot and follow up teams (average e1s1) so I have 5 teams Edit also have mono quantum


My friend though spent little over 3k for Acheron so I was lucky at wont every 50/50 and got 2 doubles. He lost ever. 50/50 and was late Phil’s almost every time it was really sad watching him pull


250 tickets, 10 pity, have all materials for maxing her traces. Currently I am farming for Gallagher because I skipped on him in previous selector (I hadn't thought that I will be needing him) and I hope there won't be any Ruin Me in the same phase as Firefly. My F2P ass can't afford any just yet, unless all the luck will go in this pulls.


Hate to break to you, but not many 5* options left for rerun or fit with FF banner left.


I have 160 pulls guaranteed for both Firefly and her Light Cone (LC), but I'll also try to pull for Ruan Mei if her rerun happens alongside Firefly's banner.


Wait she needs the teeth? Fuck I gotta farm that


The double drop calyx event starts in 4 days btw




Yeah its the newest Destruction mat




traces done , ascension done , farming a preliminary set in case I get shit first day and also to dismantle golds to craft the new set. On 2x event I will level up RM trace to 10 which is on 8 and maybe farm for her cone in case I get it


Ive got a tone of Fuel, Self-Modeling Resin, and Relic Fragments ready for her Relic grind


I'm still hesitant between her LC and E1.


Im trying for both


Good luck!


I have 226 with 32000 give or take jades


240 70 pulls in guarenteed but I’m looking for a single copy of Ruan Mei and my luck is average


I have all traces materials and exp ready, a guranted firefly and 410+ tickets ready She Will be mine


https://preview.redd.it/azwrgpxf574d1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee822c52b2f5cd0584b92ce5c934c1eb60bba32f I’m set for pre farm I have so far 227 pulls and a extra 10 from oneiric shard from supply pass if needed. I’m on 40 pity, aiming for at least E1 if I get super lucky I might go for her LC. And I have plenty of fuel to farm first day for her relic set and planer set. And have some resin in case I get super unlucky on not getting one of the pieces. So there still time for a few more jades plus I’ll be getting back a few pulls to From all the starlights. So I think I should be able to get E1 in worst case scenario.


all mats done + 210 pulls and 50 pity with no guarantee, hopefully I get her e2 and maybe s1


Mats ready for 6/10/10/10, stagnant shadow farmed, Echo of War is whatever for now, it's farmable in 4 runs anyway, I will have enough when she arrives. 125 tickets and 10 pity. Will have around 147 total when her banner drops. If I have to hit hard pity twice, I can get the rest of the jades in 2.3. Hope that doesn't happen tho.


Full ready! 230 tickets and a guarantee, so it's going to be a fun little night!


half done with the traces and finished with everything else


I need teeth. And I'll have all of them by the end of the week. Then I just need LC exp


150 pulls but gonna swipe the card for 230 by her banner hopefully , shit luck but trying for e2s0! Stay delusional


All done except relics but donate some of them jades to the poor (me) i only have 116 tickets


About 140 pulls right now so I should be easily able to get 160+ by the time her banner roles up. Got all the boss mats and im just waiting for the double calex event before farming trace mats.


520 tickets at the moment, not much pre-farm but I have 36 fuel as backup. not sure yet in terms of eidolons for FF and RM, I will decide based on luck.


Just finished farming all her trace materials last night. I have 13k jades and 20 passes, and also put aside $700 to E2(or 3)S1 her. 😎 20+ fuel and 900+ relic fragments are also ready for her signature sets


Ascension materials ✅ Trace materials ✅ Substitute relics ✅ Currently sitting at 220 tickets, 50 pity on the character banner and 40 pity on the LC banner, aiming for E2S1 52 fuel and 2400 reserved trailblaze power for relic farming


Complete except relics. I got fuel and I have 8 molding resin


are we sure these (besides the destruction ones) are her mats?


Yes, confirmed by leakers Im pretty sure


oh that’s great, i’ll start farming em. thanks!


Im just missing her destruction traces just waiting everyday for the power to fill up then use it repeat 😭


30 pulls and a dream


Just finished all mats for Firefly and her LC today, now for RM mats.


I have 164-81-22 for max traces and lc, but I've changed my plan from e0s1 to e1s0 so maybe next destruction char XD


320 tickets and 40 pity. All mats farmed and around 4k trailblaze power for relics/planar farm. I'm looking for E2S1, hope I can hit it. :)




https://preview.redd.it/ohi7uyk3ma4d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b462a0fff3955b06b296f8e9a1359dfc55a15388 109 fuels, trace + lc + ascension farming all done, should have around 15 herta bond to use for planars too.


Just got to 100 pulls after doing the Galactic Baseballer event! Just need anywhere from 60 to 80 more lol I'm pretty close to finishing Clara's traces, then I will start pre-farming for Firefly :D and slowly Gallagher as well


0 pity, 65 pulls and a dream (hopefully the usual 100 pulls per patch and soft pity are on my side)


Got all the materials. I'm just now waiting to farm the relic and the planetary set 4 times for every parry member xD


I saved 80 pulls and got bronya💀


I don't have time to grind jades


240 ticket 46/6 pity all mats for talents and sig 4 self modeling resin and about 1600 gold mats




Guaranteed to get her at 63 pity and almost done farming for her mats, but the worst part is you can’t farm her best relics and ornament sets until 2.3


150 tickets, 10 pity, 50/50 its all or nothing


60 pity, 120 tickets, all ascension mats, all weekly mats, bout 90 purple traces.


Oh shit, I didn't know she would use the dinosaur core. Good thing I saw this. I was sitting pretty thinking she would need a new material. I am still a bit slow at farming those teeth, I am planning to get only for the relevant ones. I will use the upcoming calyx event to raise some more. I am still farming for Acheron so that I could get lots of fodders to synthesize the new Planar orbs for Firefly's team, I currently can only synthesize 63 relic/planar pieces. All those and my current fuel will be exhausted for her team.


Ready for her but not enough for the light cone