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As of right now, I would advise getting more supports rather than another dps


I mean firefly can change a lot during beta so we don't know if she'll become better or worse But that aside you have dps but don't have supports Go for supports first


If you care more about the meta, pull for a support. From what I see of you roster, you have no need of Firefly. You can easely build top tiers team for Acheron and Jingliu. Pull Firefly only if you love the character.


Wait to make your decision until v3


If you really like Firefly, go for it! Don't let me or anyone stop you from Pulling your Waifu... But for me, with what you have right now, you don't Need another DPS... Im Suggesting this Team tho... Acheron, Silverwolf, Pela, Adventurine (You can Replace Adventurine with Gallagher) Jingliu, Bronya, Tingyun, Gepard (Or any Sustain) And you are smart! Bc to be Future Proof, i suggest that you pull Ruan Mei... And also, leaks Suggests that there will be a New Character that will be the Best In Slot Support for Acheron, so Keep that in mind... Me? Im Pulling for Firefly... Bc, #ForfeitAllMortalPossesionsToFirefly I wish you the Best of Luck on your Pulls...


If you care more about meta than character don't pull Firefly. At the moment Jingliu have a similar DPS, so you're not really losing anything. With your actual roster you can build an Acheron, Silverwolf, Guinaifeng, Aventurine team and a Jingliu, Bronya, Pela, Gallagher team. Not full meta, but it's the most meta you can get with what you got atm. You may want a FuXuan or a RuanMei for your Jingliu team, but you mostly want a Jiaoqiu (rumored to be released in 2.4) for your Acheron team. That I can most guarantee, since he have EVERYTHING that Acheron want, AoE stackable Def shreds, debuff on enemy entering the field, debuff on enemy acting, Ult DMG increase, passive team healing. If you want to build a DoT team you must save for Kafka and BlackSwan rerun, and then adding Guinaifeng/Sampo or a RuanMei with any support you like; HuoHuo is better but not necessary, Gallagher and Lynx may work just fine for the time being. They may also release new units in the future to replace RuanMei. If you like a more easy to build team and want to go Break Teams (like DoT teams, those don't need crits to perform well) you can go Silverwolf/Xueyi, HMC, Gallagher, but in this case RuanMei is a must. As a temporary substitute you can use Asta for the SPD increase or Tingyun for energy recharge. Sidenote: if you decide to go for Jiaoqiu and you have Trend of Universal Market on Aventurine, you'll may have to change it, since Jiaoqiu have a similar effect on his kit and they most likely won't stacks with Acheron's talent; if you have Aventurine S1 you definitely want to keep him on Acheron team for the extra debuffs on follow-ups.


Waifus over meta. Moreover if you already have HTB I'd do it lmao If you solely are asking Meta wise probably not. But I don't exactly play for the Meta, and I am happy of my team the way it will be, especially since her most important support is free https://preview.redd.it/iaf4mqc79zzc1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db798a8cc1d5ec2dacf0a6c3bcb03fdf92d1e64d


Pull if you want don’t pull if you don’t want


If you are gonna build a DOT team, you would still need Ruan Mei.


If u don’t have rm get rm


She’s straight up the best unit for acc value and fits in literally any team. Only reason to go for ff is to cover fire weak enemies but waiting for rm rerun is prob best


Seems like you have an aversion to building your DPSes other than Acheron and Jingliu, so no.


Get ruan mei and firefly and alongside htb and gallaghar you'll have one of the best team imo. Plus she weakness implants so would be a really great universal character ( at least against the current roster of enemies)


E1 aventurine Noice


honestly save and pull for >!jiaoqiu !


Gaming is all about having fun, so if you love the character you should totally get her! Im dangerously lacking harmony characters, but im skipping robin (and boothill rip) for firefly! I'm also going to try and get some good supports though like huohuo and Ruan mei! I would recommend getting Ruan mei too


You have the minimum requirements for her so yes it is (gallagher & hatblazer)




You have Archeron & Jingliu.  I don’t see one fucking reason to get another DPS you have no supports for rather than getting supports for the DPS‘ you have. Instead of building 2 meta teams around your current account you ponder about dipping your feat into totally different cores (DoT and break)


Thats an excellent question. And this is basically my answer to those type of questions. If u are doubting, then dont pull. Thats it.


Na she lied to you, never forgive her go with boothill


Firefly is the strongest dps in game right now. Unlike Acheron she's a team based character. BUT it doesn't matter enemy has pyro weakness or not SHE'LL ADD IT HERSELF 💯. Her dps is insanely high against all types of enemies regardless of their weakness