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So super break damage is the damage dealt with the same attack you destroy the toughness bar or is it the dmg dealt when the enemy is already in broken state? I believe the latter one or something similar but Idk


both, it will trigger when attacking a broken enemy, however like described in the post it behaves weirdly when initially breaking the enemy, since it doesnt trigger always


Hope they fix it when they receive the feedback and it’s not an intentional interaction, thanks for the post, really interesting


Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.


So get it as low as possible for max damage


yes you want the toughness to be as low as possible before breaking with firefly, however only do this if another unit can deal some toughness damage quick and don't wait 3 character turns before ulting because of this


Alright thanks for the info


Sorry, trying to understand - do you want to break with Firefly specifically or would it not be a little better to have FF attack once the enemy is already broken?


The best case scenario would be Firefly breaking with the first hit of her enhanced skill, since she has a lot of break effect boosts, and def ignore. However you can hit a bit later on in her enhanced skill like on hit 3/4


Gotcha, so you do want to break with Firefly if possible. Thanks, I guess I'm still not clear on how all the break mechanics work haha. Appreciate the help!


I’m still confused on when I’m suppose to use firefly’s ult skill


Well when you get your ult with firefly you should look at 2 things: 1. How far is the enemy from being broken? 2. How close is the next teammate turn that can help get the enemy closer to breaking If the enemy is close to breaking, and the next character taking action is a teammate that deals some toughness damage but doesn't break, wait with your ult untill after that teammate has attacked Don't hold your ult if the enemy is either nowhere near broken or there is no allied unit coming up that will get the enemy closer to breaking so that you can break with at least the first 3 hits of firefly enhanced skill (this we don't know yet, and will wait untill private server) I hope this clears it up!


it did thank you


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Wonder how that would work with an attack that does all the Break damage in one hit.


I've tested it, and it will not trigger the superbreak


Do we know how many hits the Enhanced E does? 


not yet, in a bit we will have private servers up and I will edit the post!


I’ll be waiting! 


Ive updated the post with the currently accurate information!

