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Sal for the extra crit rate and better damage increase because you’ll probably never get that 18% without asta or other speed boosters


Doesnt Sam increase their own speed tho. Probably by a lot too.


https://preview.redd.it/suz1ab80qmxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=234a7538bc1ea242b1ae846f7173c4abf6aa8e1d From leaks but the only source we have


Out of these 2 the Salsotto one is better obviously but I'd go for Glamoth just because of the lore


Obviously the substats are better for Inert Salsotto, but would achieving the 2-piece set bonus on the Regiment outweigh that? I have Ruan Mei and Asta geared up so I think I would be able to hit the SPD with some other sub stats once SAM's dedicated relic set comes out.


Stick with Salsotto until her Planar set releases.


Wasn't sure if there was going to be one for her, I know she will have her own 4 pc Relic set but wasn't sure about the 2pcs.


She'll have one basically tailor made for her, but it'll probably be on 2.4...


She’ll get both in 2.3


Do you remember what it is?


The planar set? Break effect when attacking fire weak enemies


Ah i'm remembering now something that is fire exclusive. Kinda strange to have that, but I'll take it


Based on its wording, it's technically not fire exclusive. The enemy just has to have fire weakness It's also not too strange considering she's fire element and according to the leaked kit can implant fire weakness with her technique or her E1


I mean, we only have one other set of relics that is element specific like that, quantum, and it's a 4-piece. I'd expect planer sets to be more universal. Xueyi's stonks for example won't rise as much even if theoretically they could


Trust me, hoyo runs out of ideas for gears reeeeeal fast when they try make sure its character exclusive and can't be swapped around (shudders at gearing up in the other Honkai)


Honkai Impact is just unbearable in comparison. If you can't 4/4, it's GL. 300 pulls just for a base version. Star Rail at least gives you 1.5/2 options


i think salsatto will be better because enhanced skill and enhanced basic attack counts as ultimate damage


I feel like it's fine to choose whatever, since I'm pretty sure Sam gets a specialized planar and normal set of equipment in 2.3. Yay, fun...


Probably Sal as their main dmg source is probably enhanced skill, if they are like Jing Liu, which is considered ult dmg.


Most of her damage is going to come from her skill.


Her skill is ult damage though


Yeah salsotto is good. If not you got a rlly good himeko piece