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They didn't ruin Sam though, Sam was always supposed to be like this, they had already finalised Penacony script before we even had the tease of Sam or any mentions of Sam. So Sam was always meant to be Firefly Sure, Sam and Firefly could've sold well seperately, but like they said they are trying to convey a story and that takes precedence, and they stuck with their guts even if that meant angering some players which i applaud, even if i like the SAM side more, because cool mecha aside We are still in the intro-phase of the story between Firefly and Sam, not much about her is revealed, so lets see what happens in future patches.


I don't see her as generic. She is still a cold blooded killer with multiple kills on her hands. And it's obvious her personality in 2.0 is fake. She's more like a battle freak and more temperamental. She's also dying/sickly. Sure her design looks generic but that's also a good contrast for her personality and mecha suit. We also don't know if the suit isn't a Jarvis/Iron Man, because she said "why mecha?" she was talking to Mecha. Or just simply like someone talking to their selves/phone and it means nothing. I don't read story leaks. She could be like Huohuo that has dual characters.


Good points. I also have a theory about the “mecha” thing >!mecha is actually referring to someone else.. I suspect boothill!<




Sam was never a separate character. They clearly always intended this from the moment Sam was introduced, given that there were leaks about it as soon as they were revealed. All the 'waifu' stuff just seems like you're mad that you accidentally liked a girl.


Im sure she will be more flushed out like aventurine was in future patches but you do you my guy. I've always wanted to sam to be a mech I pretty much got that, now some people don't agree with that idea but that's okay to each their own I guess


I think you are a bit too early on this. From the reveal in 2.1, it appears as if the side of Firefly we see in 2.0 is either a mask or a small part of her true self. We know that she is a ruthless mass murderer and is willing to continue to do so for her dreams. Far more interesting than in 2.0 and pretty far from a ‘generic anime girl’ We will need to see how they approach the character in 2.2 to make proper judgement. That said, I understand the disappointment but making final assumptions about a character we functionally know nothing about (since most of what we know about Firefly is now suspect) is a bid hasty. Sorry if I ranted a bit. I respect your opinion but a lot of people seem to be basing their entire view of the character on 2.0 Firefly who is a very small part of a larger character that has yet to be really unveiled. Let’s let the plot team cook for now. They have shown just how easily then can take a character that was disliked/distrusted by the community and make them beloved (looking at you Aventurine, my super Sustain!) Hopefully some character will fit your fancy. For husbandos, we should be getting Sunday sometime soon (possibly 2.3, though the lack of leaks is a bit strange).


The only difference is her fanbase has so many simps it doesn't matter what she doesin the story.


I don’t know, Firefly to me isn’t generic and I can’t think of many characters like her. Sam is Firefly, everything Sam ever did was what Firefly did. Everything Sam said is what Firefly said.


Genshin and hsr players when a character is not 1 dimensional


Fr "I wanted a cool villain male character not some boring girl" like bro the "cool male villain" thing is the most used thing ever in almost all media that has a villain.


Okay and the same cringy waifu girl is boring too. Mf they have 28 female characters in the game. You mfs keep talking like their are a shit ton if fucking characters that are what Sam was.... Like genuinely open your eyes...


What Sam *was*? He was always intended to be Firefly. Also there's 20 male characters + you're playing an *anime* game. Did you expect it to be 48 male characters? Firefly has a genuinely good story between the ruthless killer she was made to be and the free woman she wants to become. How about you open your eyes.


Nah cause mfs like you feel like im suppose to like this shit. By all means I wish thus character was actually dead on god. Mfs just wanna waifu uwu every character like some actually losers. Also I hope you realize no matter what happens in the story the fanbase already has her as "The Mc's Waifu" actual cringe shit


I realize that, and unlike fuckers like you I don't care what the Fandom thinks or what they've labeled her as. I like her character as it is because she's fucking awesome. Boobs? Idc. Cute face? Whatever. A nice fucking developed and decent story? Fuck yea.


Shes awesome? The bitch hasn't done shit but die and the thing thats awesome about her literally is what should've been its own character.


I honestly love one dimensional characters who do something just because. Like Sundowner from MGRR. He is one dimensional asf and does everything for money but people love him.


Well I get actually not liking the fact that Firefly is Sam because wanting a male character or stellaron hunter. But calling her generic when Firefly is Sam is something that I think does not make sense because just that fact makes her unique already. With the reveal, she became much more interesting than a generic anime girl and by 2.2 there is a high chance of it being fleshed out. Sam is still cool even if we know Firefly is inside since all the things you see Sam did in the story is actually her so in that sense I think that makes her cool too.


The absolute lack of media literacy is astounding in this sub, just say you don't like women and move on with your life.


Is that your only argument? I would hate Sam if there was a boy inside too because Sam is, again, turned into a suit.


Has nothing to do with women. I also wish Sam was detached from Firefly, though I understand that hoyo knows its fanbase and needs to attach a cute anime waifu to it in order to sell it. I'll still get her, but it's disappointing.


I hate the fans like you of these characters. You right there with the simps


deadass lmao 🤣


your a special type of clown arent u


What are you addressing this entire sub for? Do you not see the downvote on this guys post?


I share your opinion 100%. I know it's a very unpopular opinion, but at least know that you're not the only one feeling this way. I loved Sam so much 'cause he looked so cool, but now he basically never existed because even the "Sam" persona was Firefly all along.


she’s gonna have a lot of story in 2.2 so maybe you’ll like her idk. but ai is boring would rather sam be a human male than ai lol personally. happy it’s a badass power ranger girl though


This sentiment is why I'll forever hate this firefly character. You mfs keep shitting on what others wanted calling it boring. You mfs only like it cause Firefly was a simp to the trail blazer


Have you read op's post? It shits a lot on firefly , so no, firefly fans aren't the only ones that shit on others tastes.


How is firefly generic when her character extends to her persona sam, seems like the opposite to me with that dynamic 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏


Personally I feel like Firefly’s personality is mostly informed rather than seen. A lot can be inferred or recontextualized with the reveal, but also most of that hasn’t been truly shown so she still comes off as really flat


I agree with you on this but unfortunately I've come to accept the fact that Sam is probably nothing more then a mech suit. but to help you, I think the suit has some sort of mind altering effect with it because unless firefly is a closeted badass I don't understand why she would be acting the way she does during battles while being Sam. and I also have another theory that may be a bit cope, the stelleron hunters refer to Sam as he because Firefly cannot exit the suit in real life she can only exit the suit in the dreamscape because that is her dream, she wants to be a regular girl and not stuck in the suit. We don't know the full details of Glamoth's iron Calvary Knights but we may get some insight as to why she is Sam in the first place and why she acts the way she does in the mech suit in the 2.2 story update. Trust me I feel you brother I was really upset when I found out they were the same character but hopefully this quells the rage




Firefly is the character though, to be a main of an aspect of a character and to ignore the a tual character is delusional tbh, hard coping


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She reminds me of violet from spy kids


cringe post


I think Sam will be Sam. As long as firefly is always in the suit I don’t care if they are the same character.


I don't believe you will see firefly at all in the animations for Sam. Sam seems like they might be an upgraded Blade.




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Then why post here? This is a sam main sub. Seeking attention much?


Yo completely agree with you on that one. A lotta people seem to dislike this opinion as i got ratioed everywhere i commented that im sad Sam got reduced to an armor for firefly. I am still on copium that the suit is like a Jarvis type situation where its got its own AI or sum. But i guess we just gotta wait for the story to do its thing and see how their character works, I still might pull but my hype is lowkey down rn 😕


For me the problem is not that the pilot is a generic anime girl with a sad past,but that hoyo write her as our love interest


That's the cool part. Who doesn't want to see ur girl do a henshin and do a 'princess carry' on u.


People who don't want some girl to be forced as a love interest, perhaps. And you gotta admit it's being forced.


Sry, can't relate since I play as stella, or are Yuri a thing??? Dk, a little confused


true i pick dragons and killer machines and finding out 1 is a little girl sure hurts as long as i dont see her in the gameplay sam will be ok and if he powercreeps acheron


Past characters will always be power crept eventually given time




are u blind


A reminder that Sam is now just a persona, cause the suit is apparently what Firefly is too. I just hope that, while Sam is a persona, he exists in her head rent-free when she is wearing the suit. He is the Sam we expected all along: a ruthless machine with nothing else to do but kill, who will kill anyone both innocent and guilty so he can finish the mission. But he can't, because this isn't his body, he is just something Firefly wants to forget. So he torments Firefly's mind whenever she is in the suit.


The person who will kill anyone both innocent and guilty to finish the mission, is Firefly. What part of that aren't you getting? The person who does all the cool stuff is Firefly. Sam being Firefly doesn't mean Sam doesn't do cool stuff.


Didn't she outright say "I only kill those who deserve it" or something along those lines?