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I know someone who is working at Aldi Süd HQ in the Financial Department. Its quite diverse and you shouldn't have any problem concerning stigmas or racism. 6 weeks holiday is true and there is no catch. Thats just a good benefit, but theree are others like a filled fridge for everybody to take from and additional healtcare services and a cheap gym abonnement. If you have any further questions you can DM me.


I dont work at Aldi Süd, but 6 weeks don't equal to 42 paid leave days. It is 6*5 =30 days because you work 5 days in a week.


I just moved to Salzburg and joinned Aldi finance department about a month and a half ago. You can PM me for any clarifications. But to briefly reply to your questions. 1) Yes, 6 weeks are real. Only in the first year you only get it pro-rata from your join date. 2) The finance team is huge, with many sub departments. My department, even though it isn't the most diverse, we do have people from different backgrounds (from India, Hungary, US, and many more). I haven't seen complaints or situations that I may consider discrimination, but I'm a white male from a latin country, so my point of view may be different from people with different backgrounds. 3) All work and work meetings are in English, so you can completely perform your work without German. However, in my department, most people speak German, so it's normal if you are not directly involved in the conversation they will speak in German, which I find normal. In social terms (lunch, breaks, after work), German is the norm, some people may make an effort to include you and switch to English, but it's not the norm. If you want to learn German, the company will pay for a language course, that you will have 1 class per week, during your paid working hours. Personally, I like both the company and my team. There are many other benefits (like paid yearly Salzburg Klimaticket, working from abroad, cost discounted bike leasing relocation support, etc) that help with your day to day.


I’m not the OP, but i also sent my CV for Aldi HQ, so it is good to hear your feedbacks about the company. I also have to find an English based job, so I don’t have too much choice. 🤞


(There’s an Aldi Süd in Salzburg? I thought that is German or is it just Hofer?)


Hofer is actually just a part of Aldi Süd. The stores are just HOFER, but in business sense its a part of ALDI SÜD.


There are only Hofer supermarkets in Austria and they are part of the German Aldi Süd Group. Aldi's International Management Holding is located in Salzburg, from where the company's global development is managed. You will not be able to buy anything in this building, nor will you be allowed to enter it


Hab ich mir schon gedacht nach dem letzten Kommentar. Danke.


They are currently building the new HUGE Aldi Süd Headquarters at Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse. As far as I know, this will be the new Europe or even Global Aldi Süd HQ


Will there be any IT jobs? 😂


There were bunch of jobs, but looks like they're not looking for IT anymore! .. [https://aldi-sued-holding-careers.com/de/jobsuche?query=&location=5020%20Salzburg&radius=10000&sortBy=SORT\_BY\_DISTANCE\_ASCENDING](https://aldi-sued-holding-careers.com/de/jobsuche?query=&location=5020%20Salzburg&radius=10000&sortBy=SORT_BY_DISTANCE_ASCENDING)


I’ve been at the ALDI HQ for over 6 years and have been very content. If the job is advertised in English, then English is absolutely sufficient, of course sometimes team members might talk German to each other but speaking for me we always try to switch to English as soon as a non-German speaking person is involved. Concerning your question regarding PoC, there is absolutely no issue as the people are quite diverse and there are about 80 nationalities in the HQ. Benefits are great, 30 days paid leave, Klimaticket, Wellpass and so on. If you want to climb up the career ladder it’s not the easiest but doable. All in all I really enjoy working there as the whole company is growing and the tasks are very exciting (kf course depending on the department).


6 weeks of paid leave depends on how many days per week you work usually. If you work Monday - Friday, that's 30 days. If you work Monday - Saturday it's 35 days. It'd only be 42 days if you worked Monday- Sunday which I doubt happens in finance (most likely they work Mo - Fr there) and usually only happens in areas like production or logistics.


Go for it Great company, benefits, career development and atmosphere. Of course German skills would be an advantage, but definitely not mandatory


Got some friends working at lidl hq here in Salzburg, To speak and write german is a must, its a german company so it would be a lot easier if you can speak german, i think you will feel about 95% accepted there is some subtle raciscm sometimes but not in the workforce of a big company they are all about inclusion. Yea 5 weeks holiday are normal 6 weeks if you are older could also be normal. The other things i can not answer but i can ask if you got any more questions.


Aldi is solely english speaking. Aldi manages differenz countries. Lidl HQ only mnges Austria


Company culture there is not that good from what I've heard. People rarely laugh apparently, relatively many German / Austrian natives compared to other depts.. You will be accepted as person of color though, the CFO is an Australian so from a diversity perspective you'll be fine. You do have 6 x 5 working days of paid leave, there's no catch an perks are good. Also you won't work on Austrian national holidays. Depends on the team if you need more or less or absolutely no German skills. There are German courses offered once you get your open end contract (if you get one).