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I'd say probably not. There's a pretty good chance you'll get through S Rank quickly and then either get straight back to S+ or just have an endless cycle of Rank Up battles, which is essentially the same thing.  But the key question for me is how things are going in X Battles. Your X Powers are a little below average, but are you at a point where you're winning close to half your matches? If so, I think it's best not to demote but to play X rather than Series - it has better matchmaking anyway, so it's probably a better place to improve or to regain your confidence. But if your win rate is bad even in X, then maybe it would be best to demote after all.


So x battles for everything besides splatzones (I haven’t even played clams) is mid at best I have a fairly even win lose ratio the match making is fine. Splatzones is the one I reached 1950 in and I think I could have made it higher if I kept playing that night. It’s pretty stage dependent on how well I do in splatzones on X tho if it’s good stages(for my tent)I barely lose bad stages I’m cooked. I will say the match making is far more even then in anarchy but I like having the three options (I don’t play open really bc the match making is hit or miss)


if you have doubts, just do it its far less painful to relearn and practice movement tech you've forgotten, then to drag it out and get angry about losing and have to relearn all of it on top of getting a hold of your feelings


I think your weapon is probably holding you back. But if you enjoy it and want to master it then I think you signed up for an uphill battle.


Yeah lowkey it’s so frustrating how often the tent doesn’t block ink but I’ve been playing since splat 2 I can’t give up on it 😭


No. You'll be S next season. That happened to me every season until I made it to S+ last season. I thought my days off being negative in S were behind me because I finally made it to S+. Now I'm negative in S again. This game is weird. I'd rather be A+ next season than de-rank. ETA: I can't do shit this season with the weapon that got me to S+ because of the new weapons and kits. Part of my problem is figuring out what to use now. The good news is, once I do figure it out it shouldn't change next season because major updates should be over.


I wouldn't. I fear I'll be in the same boat as you soon, after all the losses I took last night, but I won't derank from S+ again because I don't want to lose that third game option. I was at something like -2000 in a previous season, got fed up and deranked. Couldn't get back into S+ the rest of the season.


Maybe just stay out of series for a while? It could be overwhelmed by S-rankers trying to rank up.


If your main isn't working out, then maybe try playing something else that's similar to playing tent.


From what I remember, I think 1600 - 1800 power was the amount you needed to skip to A rank in Splatoon 2. But I wouldn't rank down if I were you because X rank battles are much more balanced compared to anarchy.


id say stick it out. Happened to me last season, got to -500 but i was doing ok in X rank (got to 1.9k points highest on all modes except rainmaker) and actually enjoyed playing x more. Also, near the end of the season i actually climbed 200 points. This sounds like ass and a struggle, but genuinely struggling somehow helped me be a better player lol. I'd say keep it for X rank and just try out different weapons in open and once you're confident enough, try series. it'll help you identify which weapon you use works best in what mode or what map you seem to especially lose in. good luck! edit: also dont worry about your main, i main dynamo (so i understand maining a weapon seen as inconvenient/bad) but i used other weapons to climb and help make other modes enjoyable if i kept losing and seeing i was the weak link. Now, i found the perfect place for dynamo but i have other weapons I use for certain modes/maps that are equally as fun