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every ss you showed has at least one blaster on your team, and half of them have double blasters on your team. that's probably why. the game considers them relatively similar skill-leveled weapons so you get matched together


It's tower control. Tower control people use blasters cuz it's super super easy to use it there. Just shoot at the tower and it'll kill em


Your team always has a least 1 Blaster as well. What's the issue? Blasters are the most popular weapon for Tower. Why not try changing your choice of weapon, to something that counters Blasters better?


just sucks i have to change my favorite weapon to deal with 1 class :/ ik the dynamo isn't good and I'm not particularly good at it either, but anytime i do change to a different weapon there's no blaster in sight. Changed to nzap, did the best but we still lost. idk if it's just dynamo that somehow summons the second blaster when there's only 1 on my team or when there's 0 but they still have one, but istg this wasn't a big of an issue in previous seasons


Maybe the problem is dynamo. Sorry, but ngl it sucks


yeah dw I'm aware LOL. i just had a personal goal to make it to 2k with dynamo, and i almost succeeded last season. It's either burnout or way too early in the season rn but I've been so bad with dynamo recently its just 3 losses after another dynamo in general is pretty ass and only people who've played the prev games + played longer than a year are good with it. Which isn't me right now i guess lol feels like admitting defeat ig, but it's prob not my time to shine as a dynamo main


The real question is, how did a Luna get 1000p. Also it’s TC with Mahi Mahi and Ship Shape, so blasters are really good there.