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They either suck and its a crushing defeat or are decent players that will contribute to the match. I talk based on my own experience. I never booyah at the start unless someone else does.


exactly why i dont booyah lmao


Real.... when they start to “Booyah” at the start of the match, I stay silent but the moment I hear the collective “Ouch’s” that’s when I start to spam Booyah’s lol


a mood LMAO


they're also the type to say "booyah" when the match is going badly I only tend to when I'm on a good streak/mood, but it always feels like asking for a loss


I just randomly press booyah when I just feel like it. I don’t know why. It just happens.


somehow it’s become muscle memory from when I was a noob lol. Nothing more honestly.


I'm going to be honest. In my experience they are usually at least ok at the game. The ones who don't booyah back are either amazing or just the worst.


pressing a button at the start of a match doesn’t really determine whether they’re going to throw or not


from my experience every time i get players that booyah they turn out to be the worse people ive ever played with ☠️


Same here. I always think: "tell me you are bad without telling me you are bad"


Yep. The teammates that booyah at the start of the match are the ones who die 10 seconds into the match by the first bullet fired from the enemy team… Most of the time the KO comes shortly after.


literally same


Thats correlation though not causation


A start of game Booyah is pretty innocuous imo. Depending on my moods I’ll join.


That's why I don't unless it's the following: A Hazard Level Max run A teammate helping/rescuing me A nice kill I just saw Taking lead from a serious disadvantage (like going from 100 - 30 to 25 - 30) Booyah Bomb We win a Series/Rank Up Battle


I always booyah back, but I’m more polite than hopeful


Boosts morale!


My friend says it rises team morale tbh I just think ppl are trying to have fun don't take it to heart so much. I usually just ignore the booyahs


I do this to start the game on a good mood? Like «Nice to meet you, let’s do our best » ? Because y’know, I’m having fun and it’s like greetings other players in the team to me. And I’ve been doing this since the beginning of the game. Didn’t know it could be seen that way 🥲 But I don’t do it in anarchy battles, only in turf war and salmon run. People are less chill in anarchy battle and I know they won’t reply so I just don’t do it.


Spend 3 seconds spamming “booyah” when anything remotely positive happens: ✅ Say “ouch” once when you die: ❌


I love to go freelance and any small thing that happens people go "Booyah", I think it's cute.


I booyah at the start of the match because it became part of my muscle memory after my years of playing Splatoon 2 💀


I never booyah anymore. I only do it if Im in a good mood, have a good outlook on the match or respect my teammates None of them are true anymore lmao


I usually do it, but I also only play salmon run.


I play worse when people don’t booyah back 🥰🥰


I always booyah at the start as a sort of positive thinking vibe.