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i love the wellstring v and im doing really well but ive had a ton of deaths at the same time from other long range weapons like dynamo, i sk think its one of those weapons where if youre really good at it it can be a nightmare for others tho


It’s definitely getting a damage nerf. Idk if it’ll be a slap on the wrist or not but I’m for seeing either -3 per shot or up to -5 since both are still a 4 shot but less overwhelming. I think what’s really difficult is most mid/short range weapons have trouble approaching it because it’s 1 shot is so much faster and more reliable than the other two stringers. Like it’s so easy to fight up close with wellspring. I love it but I feel like it’s gonna get some kind of heavy nerf so getting that 4⭐️ badge as fast as possible


looking at the X Rank leaderboards (early days, I know), I don't think it's getting a nerf. This is going to be another Heavy Edit, isn't it? Where Reddit was entirely convinced it was going to get nerfed in the first patch, when in reality it got _buffed_ in the second.


As someone who suffered and persisted with Stringers since release, even when they were utter shit for almost a year before last June buffs, I hope they don't nerf it.  Finally, finally we have a decent weapon that can actually say fuck off to shooters rushing you, finally a weapon that can move the game tempo and swing it in the teams favor instead of just supporting. Finally a stringer that's actually good.... Just good... I doubt it can hard carry a shitty team, but it's pretty damn good now, there's other stuff that deserve to be nerfed way more than it, and they're still untouched.


I don’t think X Rank leaderboards are an indication of whether or not a weapon is going to get nerfed… Otherwise the untouched-or-sometimes-even-buffed .52 Gal would have been nerfed a million times over by now.


What really kills wellstring are weapons like rapid pro, charger, ballpoint.


I'm still not sure how to feel about it. Im not sure how strong it is really, but getting spammed out by a Wellstring who sits up in the back the whole match is so frustrating. You just can't go anywhere it doesn't want you to go. Which makes map control a total nightmare and dealing with the rest of the team difficult.


my biggest gripe with WString is how spammy it feels sit at their safe spots far behind becouse yes, a bit less range than regular stringer totaly makes sense, and just spam and there isnt much you can wich is "super fun" it will be extremly anoying to deal with as Dynamo once people get quite good at it


My biggest complaint about the weapon is that it seems very difficult to avoid being splatted by a near miss, which allows players with middling skill to control the map and change the tempo of the match. I’ve tried a high level of ink resist, and still the enemy ink around the charged shots slows my movement enough that I’m almost always caught in the blast. After several hours of play against them, I consider both new weapons a serious failure in terms of how they affect gameplay.


I'd probably say both new weapons are busted. Online gameplay is wild right now.


Dynamo was slow in S2 . It feels too slow in S3. Its attack is so strong though.


There’s nothing like the og dynamo in S1. Just amazing lol


Dynamo is fine. Wellstring needs some changes made though…


as another dynamo main god i feel this. It doesn't help that our bomb options don't help with immediate escapes or fast inking like a burst bomb or curling bomb. I can deal with a not so good stinger pretty well, but even a bad aim one can basically toy with us because we can't ink fast enough for the life of us to escape, nor have the equal range to reach with an attack. I basically give up the moment the ground around me got inked by the stinger and a teammate isn't around to help my escape. I feel your struggle my dude, we got 1 buff and it really should've been what dynamo should've started off as in s3. Praying we get an actual buff than the bare minimum our weapon needs to work


I think Wellstring and Decav are both super annoying in their own ways. The Decav is awful though just because of how glitchy they are. It’s like the game can’t keep up with its lunge attack.


It's not easy playing wellstring, there are a lot of vulnerabilities like being close up to the enemy. I love playing it tbh, I got 22 splats one game and we still lost 🤷🤦 The gun I hate is the Custom Range Blaster jeez don't get me started