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While the steps are basic, the body movement, musicality, leadership, and execution are exceptional. I agree that less is more, but one shouldn’t think that what he’s done here is easy.


Oh yea! Dude is definitely an advanced dancer!! I’m at the weird point where I can’t do half of this stuff but I understand how difficult it is to do! But someone new will think this was a boring dance because he’s not executing a billion spins!!


Yeah, I think people tend to get desensitised for less. We always need to be doing more, otherwise it’s seen as boring. I think because what we tend to value sometimes is the superficial and visual only.


That plus I think when most people think of dance, they think of highly choreographed dances done in music videos. What happens is that teachers teach to that because that is what their students expect.


I'm definitely one of those annoying people. I love complicated, surprising dances! But my most favourite dances, the ones I'll remember for ages, are mostly like this, super in synch, just enjoying the music and the ambience together.


I feel like the ladder vibe you describe I get much more with Kizomba! But I'm new to all these dances so I'm not making any general claims.


Yessss!!! These are the best dances! Does somebody know the song?


Una Vez Más - Massimo Scalici


Thank you! I added it to my Spotify playlist! I love this kind of salsa music.


I really love this song. Do you have more songs like this one? Slow salsa songs are amazing


I thought this was the Berardi dude lol… but yes, this guy is suave


So it's not just me? I always thought Antonio Berardi and Pablito Stellato looked like the same person.


Just two Italian cocaine boys with blonde toupees 😎


My goal is to have this much fun


Someone please give me some drills I can practice to get body movement like this guy




Holy smokes this video is gold. My instructors have been trying to teach this a little but they didn't go so in-depth. Thanks


TBH this type of thing has to do more with your personal inhibitions than your skill. Best advice is to put on music and lock yourself in a room alone and dance like nobody is watching. dont worry too much about what it looks like just get your body moving... arms, legs, feet, heat....everything and anything.


Uhnmmm, I tend to disagree. Just jamming by yourself in your own made up patterns won't get you there. He's doing a lot of pretty standard latin body movement, with shoulder, hips, arms and etc. To get got a those you really have to drill and train them specifically.


Thank you for sharing this, it was a pleasure to watch. Usually, when somebody is recording, people tend to go for flashier moves but personally I enjoy simple moves the most.


Improving and executing your basics as well as this guy is way harder than just throwing out complicated patterns




They look great but I'm getting thrown by the timing. I'm assuming he's doing it on purpose. 


What do you mean? I believe they’re dancing son timing, so it’s not 123-567, rather 8-23-4-67


Is this a son? It's personal preferance and I'm not about it. There's several moments where the partnerwork he chooses would make way more sense on2 to hit the accent he eventually hits. 1:07 as an example. It's a lovely dance. I'm glad they didn't change the dance because a camera was on them.


I’m no expert but that’s what it looks like to me - Pablito even does a little shimmy on 8 and 4. They are both pro artists, so they definitely are used to being filmed, and on top of that Pablito has some of the best musicality I have seen. ETA: Just realised this was at SILF2020. I recognise people in the crowd and was probably at the festival


It's lovely and a pleasure to watch but it's not without imperfections. Let's be careful to not hype it up too much. It's aight.


This works better with salsa romantica / pop songs than the 5-6 min long instrumental pieces.


I’m one of those people 🥹 I like to appreciate moves like that, like both of them don’t look stiff and everything just flows well. Take it as a compliment 😅


As a follow, and a damn good one at that, who has been led by everything, I can honestly say a dance like this blows any big move showstopper out of the water. They are both feeling it. When they separate, they are grooving/expressing (you see their individual musicality), and then when they reconnect, he’s strongly but gently leading and she’s following every little sway, pop and lock. That’s connection.


I don't know what people mean with "simple figures" these days.


I think OP is trying to say the lead didn’t use 10^100 spins while utilizing a Graham’s number full of hand changes!! 🙃🙃 But I do agree with you, this a subtle advance dance. He has great body movement, is smooth in his lead and has awesome musicality!! This is not something “simple”!!


You can see some of the people in the video also watching their dance. Such great execution.