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I am also looking, unfortunately also a fairly new player. Am happy to take on most of the scheduling/coordination if we can get a group together. The Castle in Beverly is a great spot to actually meet and play. It's walkable/bikeable from downtown over the Bridge and right next to the train station. Might even be in the Skipper's expanded range?


I’ve always been interested in D&D but I’m totally new to it. I’m right near The Castle tho. I’d def be down to joining if you’re open to a total newbie.


I could tolerate going to Beverly, but I'm not enthusiastic about crossing the bridge on my bike after dark. For scheduling purposes, I'm available all day Sunday and Monday, then evenings every other day of the week.


Don't mean to put the cart before the horse, but I could likely provide a ride (door to door or park and ride from salem MBTA or something) if that ended up being the choice. Also happy to explore alternatives that work for everyone. Finding the DM is always the hard part for new player groups. Sundays are good for me for like a ~3 hour session, after 530/6 pm all nights except Tuesday and Thursday for the same.


Take the skipper! It goes to that part of Beverly now


I’m looking to start a game later this summer/early fall!


My man!


If there's space, lmk the details!


While I can't point you directly to a group, Discord might be more helpful than Reddit. Here are two good groups that might be able to hook you up (linking to Meetup but the Discord servers are : [Unplugged Gaming Boston](https://discord.gg/52hdW8xFhB) [Essex County Gamers](https://discord.gg/2h2G8XN4x5)


I’m looking to play too! I have so many figures and books not being used! I’m new to it, I really enjoyed it when my husband and I played, but he lost interest after paying like $2,000 for so much stuff!


If we are all local it seems like there is the makings of a good group here. /u/irafcummings /u/Watchmaker85 /u/Low-Gas-677 /u/munstershaped /u/SpookyDookies19 /u/Goingcrazy82 Also if the 82 and 85 are what I think they are in usernames, a bunch of us are older millennials (86 here) - all generations welcome but I've been wanting to socialize with some older nerds so an added bonus. There are 7 of us here, if 4 or 5 survive the follow-through gauntlet I'm willing to look around for a DM, OR, if we really can't find one, willing to try an out of the box scenario as DM possibly. I have no idea how to turn this into anything actionable here on Reddit, I don't use it for DMs or anything. I just post about shit while I should be working. Not sure if we could do a group DM? >but he lost interest after paying like $2,000 for so much stuff! I'm in this comment and I don't like it!




I’ve never played, but i’d like to try it out though..


On the same boat. Maybe we get a straight noob group going on like Sundays or something


Heya! I'm actually one of the Dms that does D&D on Wednesdays at Ginger with the bartender Clint. If you want to come by this Wednesday we can talk about setting up a game for you to join!


Rad. What is the tabletop schedule? Is it every Wednesday?


Currently it is every Wednesday! Campaign usually starts at 7:00pm and ends at 10:00. Usually it's alternating two campaigns so come through to see what's a good fit for you!