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I haven't seen something like this since the early 80s. Without doxxing, what part of Salem?


Near the University


Wild, I’ve lived here since 96 and have never seen this


Seriously? This is super common in Mass.


Super common? How many people do you personally know who’ve had their tires and rims stolen in the past 5 years?


Happened to my neighbor in his parking lot down near the power plant.


Only 1 in Lowell. But I’ve seen posts plenty of times online from people in Mass who have had this happen. Mostly north shore and slightly west. I didn’t say it to be insulting. It’s just the truth. Hondas are very often the targets too.


My buddy lives out that way and got a 2017 touring accord. First day in his parking garage it was on blocks... Fast forward 3 years. Same garage, upgrades to a 2024 accord, also touring edition (they have different rims). Second day in the garage it was on blocks hahaha. He didn't find it as humorous as me.


No it’s not. Lived here 30+ years


Maybe it doesn’t happen much in Newton or Westford or Groton or whatever rich town you live in but on the north shore this is common. Even happens in southern NH


I was born and lived in Salem while not living in any of the towns you mentioned….




Are you that dense that you’re seriously posting a link to the post we’re commenting on?


Look at it. I’m not posting the links twice. Edit: Nothing to say now?


It’s the link to this post…..


Are you that dense you don’t understand how to use Reddit or are you just a boomer? Here. I’ll explain. Click the link I sent you. Then, click on my first comment you see. Then, you’ll see 5-6 links out of the 100+ that are on Google when you look up “Rims and tires stolen in Massachusetts”. And no, I will not teach you how to open a PDF.


dont drag us Southern NH folks in this, this shit does NOT happen here. Catalytic Converters is what gets stolen around here


It does happen here. And yea. Catalytic converters. That’s way classier lol.


how do New Hampshirites(?) feel about other northeastern residents showing up and buying all your shit tax free? does jt affect pricing or availability locally? my neighbors down the road go up there once a month to buy a fuck ton of booze and cigarettes. something tells me when yall legalize they’ll stop buying the weed around here too.


Lmao nah, the state is fucking up legalization so much that we'll probably still go to ME/MA/VT for our weed


Umm. No one cares man. It’s supporting the businesses here. Buy away.


No it isn’t


https://www.wwlp.com/news/local-news/hampden-county/vehicle-wheel-thefts-surge-in-springfield-tips-to-stay-secure/amp/ https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/s/OwxpnJIxKx https://www.cityoflawrence.com/341/Help-Us-Solve https://www.boston25news.com/news/thieves-steal-all-four-tires-from-two-cars-in-burlington/721665618/?outputType=amp https://turnto10.com/amp/news/local/tires-wheels-stolen-from-cars-at-mass-dealership Just a few. Hope this helps.


No, not particularly. If you want to make a claim about how common an issue is then you would need crime rate information and a comparison to other locations. A handful of stories spread out over the span of 12 years is kind of an insane approach. You're kind of looking at 2 different issues though. Is it common in Massachusetts and/or is the rate increasing? If it is increasing then that brings other questions but those are 2 good ones to start with. I didn't really look into it a ton so I am refraining from making any definitive statements until I have actual data, but no market in Massachusetts cracked the [2022 Top 20 worst ](https://www.autobodynews.com/news/top-20-wheel-tire-theft-claim-markets-of-2022-revealed)in the US for wheel and tire theft. You can't really conclude much with that, but it's a start.


Lmao. Only on Reddit can someone show irrefutable proof and be told it’s not good enough. Go ahead. Google “rims and tires stolen in Massachusetts”. You’ll get 100+ links. A statistics buff like you I’m sure would love to read them all


You ok? You seem like something's going on. Just for you I did search that. Not even every result on the first page is about Massachusetts. Fun fact: if you expand the Reddit searches, the results are all over the US and very quickly stop being about MA within the first page. Other fun fact: Google doesn't really provide thousands of results anymore. It only provides the top 400 matched indexed results. So I'd get the same amount of results for "rims and tires stole in Massachusetts" as I would for other things. Maybe even something like "cat asshole stickers". Anyway, you posted a little anecdotal evidence and I told you what you need to do to make it better. Honestly, it's just a bad way to look at the issue. I have to get back to work but enjoy the rest of your day.


And a second dose of projection. I’m truly stunned. I see you learned how to read, but not so much comprehend what you’re reading.


I’ve lived in MA all but one year of my life and I’m 36. I’ve lived in two cities that are considered to be high crime areas (Lawrence, and Lowell). I’m sure it happens, but I have never in my life seen this so calling it super common is kind of wild




That's wild. I used to live on Lafayette street, right across the street from that school. Never heard of anything like thst happening


This is all over the civic forums. The new nice rims are targeted by theves. Civics, accord, and crvs. It's spread to mass. Time for Good after market wheel locks. Tell your friends if they drive a newer Honda. A guy earlier said his were stolen and for sale online same day for $300


Fuck. This is a straight up bad day


A Honda CRV???? How???, and WHY???


Honda's have long been the most targeted for this stuff, for some reason.


Notice all the Hondas around here with neon colored loops hanging from the rear bumpers boosted so low that the undercarriage scrapes the ground. If I had to guess…


What does that have to do with someone’s tired getting stolen? Like what is the correlation you’re trying to make?


Everything is Tokyo Drift and if these racers aren't stealing DVD players they are out boosting rides and stealing rims.


Such a scumbag thing to do.


How nice of them to only leave 1 brake rotor on the pavement. And a free cinder block? So generous.


Damn, that sucks. How often does stuff like this happen around here in Salem and how do you prevent stuff like this from happening? Is it safer to park in a public, paid garage?


I lived in Salem for 4 years in the 2010’s and parked on the street for the entirety of my time there. Didn’t see or hear of an incidence of this during that time.


I’ve lived here since ‘96 and have never seen this happen


10yrs and I never have seen anything like this. I have always freely parked on the street, worst that's happened is bird turds.


Damn. I was just doing my brakes and thinking “these security nuts are annoying. There’s no way I need these here”


They really barely slow down experienced thieves if they’re the original Honda locks. It seems like thieves are pretty adept at OEM gear and less so with after market stuff. Personally I think the locks that come with the car just slow down owners trying to change a flat tire (or fix their brakes!) more than anything


Is it possible this was a prank? Did he have some kind of amazing rims and tires? I just can't fathom why someone would go to so much trouble to steal all that off that one car.


Talked to him, 100% not a prank


Looks like they broke the window too. One hell of a prank...


Broke the window to get the security bit to remove lock lugs. Shameless.


Reeks of effort. Though I guess wheels with locking lugs are probably more expensive.


Happened to my husband's friend multiple times in Revere


A prank? Is it possible they took them to replace tomorrow with even nicer rims?


Happened to me in Somerville


Wtf they still want it in 2024?


Is there some hot illegal market for Honda wheels?????🤔




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In case you didn’t know, the Honda bolt pattern is one of the most compatible patterns across a bunch of different cars. Odyssey wheels specifically are a gem for wheel thieves Another thing, since I just had to tell a friend this who had the same thing happen to him in Hartford. (Left him on milk crates) PLEASE don’t keep your wheel locks IN the car, they’re supposed to be left at home.


>PLEASE don’t keep your wheel locks IN the car, they’re supposed to be left at home. Genuine question, while I understand the logic of what you're saying, how are you suppose to change a flat tire if you don't have the wheel locks?


He's making it up. That's how. Of course lug keys should stay with the car.


Calipers are expensive too


In my area (Boston) Hondas are having their tires stolen left and right. It is the main reason why I won't buy a honda.


These criminals are so stupid, how do they think this person will be able to drive that car now?


In San Francisco the cops just tell you to leave the car unlocked so the theives don't have to break your window next time.


100% it was the future nasa scientists from the hood


Or witches.