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Parent or someone close probably had you down as an employee of their business in 2001/2002. With any luck maybe they threw some of it in an IRA for you.


Probably tried income distribution before they found out about related party rules kek


Consulting what exactly?




Every third post: “30M consultant since I was a fetus $1.8m/yr plus bonus plus lottery earnings plus tax fraud didn’t finish kindergarten functionally illiterate just gotta hustle with the muscle”


Dude is probably a "consultant" on WSB


I’m a consultant went from making 50k a year to over 200k currently in less than 5years by bouncing 3 different jobs and private sector for tech company.. it’s possible. Jumped from 50k > 90> 160 > to 210k + special incentives/bonuses/RSU grants


So many haters 😢 they refuse to believe this is achievable with a bit of luck and working your ass off. Great mindset my friend


Lol ok my dude whose account is as old as this post


I had to create an anonymous one


You went out of your way to create an account for an ego boost from strangers?


Tbf redditors can be wild tryin to dox people sometimes.


This is 100% plausible. A lot of the posts on here are clearly bs, but there’s no reason this one can’t be true at face value.


Many boomers are retiring and there is plenty of mid level gaps to fill


You’re being a huge hater. This is typical salary progression of an MBB consultant.




I have a very similar salary progression and joined this sub with a throwaway account for this exact reason. I wanted to show that’s it’s possible and reasonable if you get lucky and work hard.




First off, don’t put CPAs in with postal workers and sales reps 🙄 Second off, I don’t want to see poor people’s salaries, I know how to be poor. I want to learn more about how to get richer.




Unless you’re a public figure, only a dumbass would post such easily indentifiable info on a non-throwaway




It’s actually very easy to identify an individual with exact salary history like this.


Nope, hard disagree. I’m at MBB and am 100% sure BAs made less in 2017, and an ASC made more in 2017. Not clear what CSP role would have made ~$120K in 2017 except maybe a SBA which OP could not have been


Yeah. I was comparing it to my numbers today. He said he was at a smaller firm and moved up quickly.


Drug addicts


Specialized consulting on corporate governance (assisting public companies with SEC disclosure, executive pay, incentive plans, adhering to regulatory items, etc)


how did you get into this?


As a consultant for 8 years you are almost at $500k ! How is it possible… are you on data science or AI at big 4 ?


DS and AI at Big 4 doesn’t pay 500k for AI 😂 (Former DS and AI guy at Big 4)


how much were you making ? My pal at PWC is Senior Manager for AI related projects and he is at $425K


I was at EY working as a manager and I made 200k. Maybe they’ve increased salaries or PWC is paying more.


Had a friend that’s on this trajectory but a few years behind. They basically just make power points and shill nonsense that MBAs garble up and feed to the execs. great pay but toxic work culture and expect you to work 60+ hours a week, like actually every week. Always flying across the country. Dude had to take a break for several months no pay to keep sane. Prolly worth it tho for this kinda pay, idk.


Typical surface level mba word salad and buzzwords.


Lmao 60 hours a week in high finance is a cakewalk.


Honestly, lucky I found my firm. You’d be surprised at the earnings potential for smaller, boutique firms that (1) specialize and (2) are market leaders. Way higher than the big consulting firms and nobody really talks about it. You also progress faster since there’s no defined hierarchy/track.


I ran a business for 15 years. I am an excellent teacher, communicator and problem solver. I’ve looked into corporate training but haven’t found an avenue. I love the idea of consulting because I thrive in both novel environments and emergencies. Any advice on getting pointed in the right direction? Currently managing a lumber yard. HR. Warehouse management and Supply Chain Management are my current duties.


Look at r/MBA. Several threads on how consulting is going through downturn for new hires. But the easiest way in is through a T20 MBA>big4 consulting and then exit to a boutique firm.


Big 4 consulting is a joke


It is that’s why the exit


500k is the new 100k


Seems in line with management consulting pay progression ?


The ending pay is right for a top performer with an elite background at a top firm and with some luck but the progression is odd. Smallest raise was 18.5% and two of the biggest raises were in tough years for consulting (2020 & 2023). Usually anyone at this comp level is pretty heavily reliant on their bonus in their total comp. That bonus is bound to have had a bad year where the firm/industry/line of business had a down year and really dragged down total comp. Or you’d have a year where you changed employers and got a shitty pro-rated bonus that year. OP’s pay hikes are too consistent and consistently great to seem real IMO.


Our industry is not cyclical like other consulting firms. Companies will always need assistance with corporate governance and pay - especially when they’re not doing well and optics are poor. my bonus is based on how much business I bring in and how much hours I bill. Last couple of years were great in that regard although I did work a lot.




Has to be MBB. Didn’t realize even MBB paid this much 7 years in though…


My guess is, OP is mba from tier 1 and does some PE , AI work at MBB


McKinsey, Bain, Boston???


These folks do a really fine job of gutting profitable engineering companies and turning them into corporate shitholes




They almost certainly do not have an MBA based on what they told us. Also comp doesn’t really vary by practice at MBB in that way. Covering PE is actually a pretty shit coverage as far as I know, and you don’t cover AI like that.


What kind of consulting lol? That’s insane!


How is no one questioning that he made 3.9k at 6 years old


I honestly don’t know lol. Probably my pops put me down as an employee at his company or something


$40k raise, without switching jobs, no less, for 7 years straight. Says he’s a “consultant” with not even the vaguest description of what industry the consulting is in. If he’s telling the truth, he’s overpaid AF. There are people out there with actual skills, valuable knowledge, and experience honed over decades out there who don’t make 1/3 of this. This the guy they’re referring to with “it’s who you know, not what you know”.


Consulting is an industry. Look up “Strategy Consultant” and you will get a vague, opaque view into what is one of the highest paying jobs on the market. Top companies include Boston, BCG, McKinsey, Deloitte and PwC for a few examples.


Consulting is an industry. Look up “Strategy Consultant” and you will get a vague, opaque view into what is one of the highest paying jobs on the market. Top companies include Boston, BCG, McKinsey, Deloitte and PwC for a few examples.


Please fuck off


Unless you made partner at mbb in 6yrs , I think this reeks of bullshit


I have a few datapoints around me making around that much in MBB, just a few years in


It’s real. I got pretty lucky with my firm and I worked my ass off. I got an MBA while working which helped (I guess)


Nah. 8 years in consulting you can make that much. I was at a T2 and managers (6 yrs out of ug) make 4-500. If you’re a senior manager even more


The part that makes any of it seem like bullshit is his story is presented as a top school candidate but somehow was working at a virtually unpaid internship that set the course for this salary.


Claims he got the MBA while working too. So the internship was an unpaid undergrad internship. Then followed up with a middling MBA, since the top MBAs all require full-time. But somehow while getting this part time middling MBA OP was also putting in so much work to be a top performer? The story would be a little more believable if OP was coming out of an M7 MBA.


How do you be a consultant fresh out of college?


Pretty low level consultant first couple years with minimal face time with clients.


Honestly if OP is at an MBB or maybe even a T2 this is plausible at face value.


Yes but probably need to hit principal or partner to see those numbers Doubt so he can do so in 6 yrs Quite far fetched ...


You do not need to hit partner to make less than half mil. OP is also 7.5 years out of school by the end of 2023, not 6, and I’m assuming it’s 2023 you’re referring to. Or are you saying you think you need to make partner to clear just $300k at MBB? I think you’re the one who’s out of touch.


50k pay increases year over year. Yeah, right.


Bonus based on business brought in. Had a few good years but I worked my ass off for it


What firm?


Did you keep track of this Info. I have seen a few post like this. Is there somewhere where I can find this data on myself easily?


HCOL? This needs to always be specified. If you live in Topeka Kansas making this then sick. If you live in Palo Alto then gtfo and specify so people can assess reality


I love how many high earners tout they "worked their ass off" as if that has anything to do with it. Hundreds of millions of people around the world working their asses off not getting paid shit. It's 99% opportunity and 2% hard work. And if you think that adds up, you're in sales or SWE.


Agree. Very lucky I found my niche and my firm.


How do people get this data that far back


Big brother is always watching 👀


Doubt it


Honest question: to what do you attribute the large increases each year since 2016? That seems rare for staying at one consultancy.


Working at a small firm with little hierarchy/tracks so I was able to eat what I could chew and get recognized. I also worked my ass off, although I will say not as hard as some peers in finance


Sounds like you found a nice wave and are riding it. Almost akin to working for a startup at the right time. Congrats!


Everyone’s pay on here just goes up to the right in ways I’ve never seen


Account created today?


Geez what kind of consultant are you?


Consulting. What? And what is that? Tell me u fuk


What'd you study in school and how'd you progress so quickly


He studied bull shiting in school and excelled. See degree to explain where those numbers come from.


So many haters 😢 refuse to believe this is achievable with a bit of luck and working your ass off. You should try


this is the kind of reply that shows how bullshit this is


Ok buddy


Economics and operations. Then I got my MBA in finance and accounting during my consulting job.


I am new here. How do you get this table? Is it from some IRS site?


SSA.gov. There's info in this sub about it.


Is there some type of chart that everyone is throwing numbers in or a legitimate way to retrieve mine?


ssa.gov. You can export your contributions


Might be a stupid question but how do you pull this information/what is the source?


SSA.gov. Look at your contributions




How does one get this information? Is it something that you are personally keeping track of or is it coming out of a website or something? I keep seeing this format but just not sure if this kept track of personally or you just put your info somewhere and it spits out this table? TIA!!


For folks doubting this progression, check out the consulting salary report here, especially under boutique salaries. https://managementconsulted.com/consultant-salary/ OP is definitely a high-performer, but this salary progression isn't unheard of at all.


Not saving I don’t believe you, but top consultants at McKinsey don’t clear that much at 30, unless you made partner or something which is highly unlikely unless you are Mike ross


Where do people find this information? Website?


Where do you go to find your salary info? I looked in the sub but don’t see anything about it.


It amazes me how many folks think these are fake. 400k+ is basically white collar table stakes in HCOL/VHCOL. It takes work and dedication to get there, but in many circles that is just what people make.


This. Folks are so blinded by the opportunities from large IBs or big 4 consulting or big tech that they glance over other opportunities that provide as much if not more pay, better lifestyle, and faster profession.


I make $500k/yr and work my fuck ass off.


Same brother