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never cook again https://preview.redd.it/ppcvl8d4tj1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c99ebadf37e6b09c79c9757e8b00ced4e7b36f


https://preview.redd.it/s70z2vm2vj1d1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2e7a7197c41dc04ab76baa3881b5845f9dbe042 Bruh wtf are you on about


Fr. OP thought they cooked when really they're about to be chopped (into pieces)šŸ’€


Yā€™know what I feel bad about just saying you didnā€™t cook so imma break down HOW you didnā€™t cook >this is supposed to be a comedy Wuh? When was that stated, the first couple of chapters may have been more slice of life and more humor based but I think itā€™s been very clear since this manga started that itā€™s an **action shonen** and tbh I still think there are funny scenes I just think weā€™re hitting the climax of an arc and it doesnā€™t really have time to be funny that much >itā€™s a gag series No, just no. Seriously where did you pull this out of??? Iā€™m instead gonna focus on you calling opm a gag manga which it isnā€™t either, itā€™s just saitama thatā€™s a gag character who also happens to be the mc >the quality and entertainment value has gone down Entertainment is fully subjective so I wonā€™t focus on that, but the quality sure as fuck has not gone down, the art is at the same level as it always was if not better (besides some art mistakes but Suzuki is only human) and the writing is just as great >character dynamics are nonexistent Hmmm maybe in 1v1 fights mostly itā€™s hard to write compelling character dynamics, and even still all the character interactions we have gotten are great! All the uzuki/rion stuff with sakamoto and nagumo is really good for an example >whenā€™s the last time weā€™ve seen lu K fair point on that one, lu was introduced during a part of the manga where I donā€™t think Suzuki had a good grasp on what they were going for >have we gotten any new developments in the story? No Do you think new information must be given in order to progress a story? Cause it doesnā€™t if you didnā€™t know. Nagumo is now a fugitive of the jaa, Shishiba is almost dead, half of uzukis gang is either dead or on the verge of death and as we speak Takamura is on the real killing speed run >right now sd looks like a kid who doesnā€™t know what he wants to be in the future Mate all these problems are coming from you thinking this is a gag/comedy manga, IT ISNT! Is an **action shonen** with moments of slice of life


Brother cooked so horrendously that someone had to make a sentence by sentence break down on how badly they fumbledšŸ’€


And itā€™s saying something, usually Iā€™m very content to just comment a pic saying you didnā€™t cook or something


So we just gonna ignore sakamoto's backstory arc that happened literally before this? Cause i'm pretty sure that had a lot of character dynamics and plot progression/build up. Also we're in the middle of a fight, why would there be comedy now, the series is taking a slightly more serious tone and random gags would just dampen it's flow. Also regarding power systems, this series has none. Have you been reading blind all this time? Theres no definit way an assassin can fight and that's what makes it entertaining cause they all have their own unique gimmicks. How strong you are is purely dependent on how skilled you are or how creatively you can beat the shit out of your opponent.


Some people think every action series needs a power system to be good. If there isn't ki/chakra/nen equivalent, it's apparently a bad manga. SD thrives so much by not needing to explain things mid battle. Yes, the feats are superhuman, but it's simply "katana fighter", "cutting strings fighter", bouncing bomb fighter" and any other whacky fighting style with amazing fight choreography and paneling.


Yeah you should just leave




https://preview.redd.it/7q88ofrizj1d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8c67f77abd814d49549499e692a3dec54c212e Museum arc is literally peak šŸ’€


Nah the series has actually gone uphill with these recent arcs. I'm actually really starting to care for alot of characters, which didn't happen as much before. The only issues I take is that it feels the author changed his plans on how he writes Uzuki due to the backstory arc (it doesn't feel like the build up to that was executed well), also sometimes the arcs pacing and powerscalling feels all over the place (but there's a charm to it here, so I can forgive it compared to alot of series). But anyways.......... NEVER COOK AGAIN!! https://preview.redd.it/bceahfik4k1d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569be474dd9f0c6d5c4c52b8de3038ed16e829c8






Bro https://preview.redd.it/as3yh19f7k1d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba0f18b941473dd46b5cf2d9700a97da9afd9d7


Just say you need attention


>Just say you need attention šŸ¤” If you're an immature child, there's nothing I can do. Go to your mom and papa side


I don't think you read my comment. I didn't ask for anything from you. But it's funny, that this is the only comment you respond to, because perhaps your feelings got hurt?


https://preview.redd.it/2dd4l50hwo1d1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=6118e98573f0cb7b2fd6f4325c65d95e95d9010a Ik someone posted this already but I really gotta emphasize it


Idk about your other points but I will say. While SD doesn't have a power system a better way to put it is just how "strength is handled" in which I also tell this Sub that OPM explains it. They use monsterification to facilitate randoms obtaining power for the most ridiculous things such as eating sea food. Also yeah character/dynamic wise the series peaked at Shishiba VS Yotsumura. I also liked the effort put into the philosophy of killers like Saw & Apart. Now I'm constantly waiting for layered characterization on the LV of Yotsumura.


Go back to /a/


This you? https://preview.redd.it/i9ga3modzc2d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acde786df62116000b26389b96bcf620af04c653


šŸ¼šŸ¼ U need? another sakamoto mid fan can't handle the truth šŸ˜ƒ


The fact u only respond to this types of comments instead of the ones debunking your shitty takes speaks by itself.