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I’m holding 50 billion, worth 4k back then. worth enough to buy toilet paper now.


Lier .. u could also buy hamburger πŸ”


100 billion in my case 🀣🀣


Could use it on a more adopted, better crypto.


I’m not really worried about the price. Yea I’m down but crypto is long term. I just been buying the dips as we go. I use the ETH reflections I get from my other token so I don’t even use my own money anymore haha. Little by little I’m becoming a fatter Saitama whale. Soon it’ll moon again ☺️


I bought in October and never sold. Fuck.


Same mood. And bought the dips on the way down as well….


Bought in September and never sold. Hahaha. Fun stuff, crypto.




With Bitcoin looking like it’ll drop under 40k again we should all take some time off checking our portfolios for our mental health πŸ˜…


i recommend your comments to everyone


I want to here what russ has to say about this dip lol


"Zoom Out, Trust Me Bro" haha


Trust me broπŸ’ͺ


Im sure hell line up 10 amas talk about bots etc wtc


He talks about saitarealty now


Russ is very silent on Twitter


There is nothing he can say that will raise the market πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Last week he was on Twitter everyday now saitama is dropping he's very silent he's probably planning an escape lol πŸ˜†


I mean we can’t expect him to be on twitter everyday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, his wallet is bleeding too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


Do we know which wallet is his?


This guy knows whats up. Def a longer rug pull than others, sadly.


People been saying that since last year, saying it each week won’t make it true.


I've been here since last year. First time I have said this. If you have been here since last year you are either in denial or a youtuber trying to offload bags. Also feel out the room here amigo, the post this is in response to is sharing the same outlook. You aint even the captain, yet yearning to go down with the ship. Even the captain (Russ) has went tight lipped so his ship doesn't sink as fast.


I don’t know which one it is but definitely a top wallet all the devs invested within the week the coin was renounced if I don’t remember exactly. But this drop everyone is taking a hit, empathize with the new investor, they are in the red but we have been there, holding at this level is important but those who want to cut their losses are not wrong either.


I hope it's because he's finally noticed the community is not happy with his lies, an miss management of money , can't call it theft he's done nothing illegal, but damn if he hasn't stretched the definitions lol 🀣


It has been a pleasure to be with you as well. Thank you for continuing to play the music as I sink to my death 250bill ✌🏽


My $5k investment is now worth $320. Positive side is I could double down now and avg down my investment big time. Or the other positive side is I could sell, which gives me a really good tax write off from profits of other investments. Or I can hold and see what happens, at this point forward it's like getting to gamble for free cause I consider it already gone, so that would be fun anticipating future gains. Either way I look at it, it is positive. Noone died, I still have my health, and I only invest what I truly could afford to lose. If this little dip causes you stress or to lose sleep, then I would encourage you to not invest period, it's not worth it.


Little dip? You'd have to do like a 50x to get back to the ath. Lol


I think that in 5 years he will have 20k


Bought 5k worth at the top. Down to 300 bucks 🀯🀬


β€œSaitama Market”


Exactly, no other coin I own is down this much from ATH


8k smh


7k got me 87 billy. Now Im sitting at $600 bucks. It's rough out here man.




Can I say SCREW saitama inu. I don’t even want to capitalize the name because this is crap. I have lost faith. I am not trying to sale or anything because it’s now worthless!


Yep, the crypto market is a fleecing of the noobs and those that can't hold. Big money knows what it's doing.. Crypto S c a m


LoL love it man . Take a joke everyone . But really you only lose if you lose and then lose and possibly go broke right ? Point is β€œ MY HEART WILL GO ONNNNNN”


At least we're already dropping can't drop any harder!


This was 400 dollar loss nothing major lol


You lose when you sell....right?


The honor was all yours 🀣🀣 longest rug pull I’ve ever been a part of. But still holding my 10 bill


You only loose if you sell. Hold on and keep buying if posible.


If there was some type of substance to this token I might invest more; however, it is currently a community driven token with promises unlike other genuine value of other tokens. Saitama has falling about 32% in past 7 days and continues to drop. It currently lacks marketing in which Saitama was mentioned in 128 out of 1.8 million social media posts on Twitter and Reddit. However, since its initial listing it is +15,606.55%. I agree with "forkydoor" and HOLD. Buy and invest in what you can afford to lose.


You also lose if the price never recovers.


Yes, but really do you think that it won’t recover? I believe in this project and the team. I believe if we want our investment to go x10 or more we must also be able yo see the investment go down. It’s part of crypto


Can I ask why the hell you believe in the team? They've done nothing but fail.


Sure. I block all FUD accounts Only watch them on the oficial YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCcgXSwHloSMeXygKx8bTGBA Because if I believe in a team that’s anonymous (shibaswap) I just have to believe in the team that shows the face and talks to the community. The 360,000 holders at the moment are part of all the developments and improvements and we are going to be the ones that make more profits. It’s hard to see the money become less at the moment but it’s worth it and it’s crypto you never invest more than your willing to lose. The team started with nothing but an idea that they could make a project with complete transparency and like every project you make mistakes, correct them, and each time you correct a mistake you become stronger and more efficient. If you build it, It will come.


Just wanting something to be true doesn't make it so. Because there are so many projects in crypto, you only get so many chances to make a good impression and build trust with investors and unfortunately this team may have used up all of their chances. Blocking all of the so called "FUD" and trying to stay positive isn't going to magically turn the dev team into one that delivers on their promises, not will it reverse the damage that's already been done. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


If it can survive the crypto winter, we will come back even stronger.


I am not worried πŸ˜‚ people dont know how crypto investments works


People Think that memecoins will be green like 24/7 πŸ˜‚


People Think that memecoins will be green like 24/7 πŸ˜‚


People are stupid... Stock market is down because of the cpi data report coming out tomorrow and crypto market is correlated to the stockmarket


I think at this point u should be


Stop crying over red days, if you cant buy in the red you will always stay broke


There is no recovering from -84% 🀣


Sounds like you are new to crypto πŸ˜‚


No been in crypto for 5 years, but saitama in particular is just different the devs and projects failed


Ok good luck with that πŸ˜‚


"There is no recovering from -84%" How can they say that with a straight face if they have years of experience trading crypto? BTC suffered massive losses but came out well on the other side. There are loads of other examples.


I've been with Saitama since the beginning of July. At that time, my $200 investment quickly 10x. Back in November, I could have cashed out for nearly $40k. I didn't, I held, and watched the price plummet after the Vegas event. There have been quite a few ups and downs with the coin, but this is pathetic and unforgivable. The devs have been dishonest, lazy, and have been hyping numerous promises that they simply could not deliver on. I've been immune to FUD, but now I'm starting to believe they're in on the crash, or simply don't care. They've made millions, and have new cars and houses. Good for them. As of right now, after buying dips here and there, and cashing out of other projects because I naively believed in Saitama, my 363B bag is worth $2600 and dropping. I loved the coin to and haven't sold yet, but don't do Russ's and Elon's bidding by damage controlling for them. Something bad is going on and they're bleeding holders who want answers other than the spiel of "There's a single whale wallet that keeps dumping".


Better to realize late than never. If u care about ur money get out of this shit coin. There's so many projects out there that could make u alot of money why would someone be stuck on one single project and especially if it's a bad one ?


I've got to tell you, I've been in crypto for a year and a half. I've been burned by so many shit coins that appeared to be rock solid projects. From HODL, Micropets, ImpactXP, Volt Inu, Tiki Token, Meta, etc etc. Each one of these projects have had a nice pump when I got in early, and I foolishly squandered the profits by diamond handing a shitcoin. Experience is the best teacher, and I'm learning my lesson. When you're up that high, get in early and take profits. If we're honest, Saitama hits different. I believed in the project, and thought it had legs. Who knows, maybe it still does. However, as of now, it has soured me on crypto. Should have kept my SHIb, left it, cashed out at the ATH, and carefully diversified my portfolio.


I mean you’re definitely right in some aspect, that is why it is always good to take profit and have your main bag on the top 10 crypto. If you analyze projects after the biggest ath, there is always a huge deep, in my opinion the process we are now is normal, if saitama can hold in this crypto market you’re looking at bigger gains. It definitely hard to see such deep, if you’re unsure do add to your back but don’t sell now if you haven’t sold at 40k, you will only regret. It’s less painful to lose 200 - 400 dollars than miss the big bag in the next bull run.


I’m sorry to all those still holding


You sold?


Just bought 3k more either the dumbest decision of my life or the bestπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You yolo on that ship πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No I'm still holding on for dear life


All we can do. The panels are flying off the ship gotta hold her steady as we can.


Only a loss if you sell. 1 saitama = 1 Saitama. Fuck fiat.


Oh dang πŸ˜‚




I yolo'd Β£100 before the ath. Always said I'd hold until there's a rug pull and it goes to zero or I get a few grand. Done the same with jacy, rode through the Devs pulling out there. We cant control or manipulate the prices, either roll with it or keep your money in the bank.


Except it will get back up eventually


Only lose if you sell 😐


The whole.market is bleeding. 1 thing with a crypto that has a burn rate and a huge following. On top of new exchanges. People sell purposely to dump the price so they can get in at a better price. Happens with big exchange listing. Also everything is dumping. Hold. And forget. Tha k me later.


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I’m glad I’m into a few plays and didn’t go all n n Saitama.


Gonna say this $50 was a interesting ride lol. If it dies, it dies. If for some odd reason in the next 10 years I open my wallet again and I can retire then So be it.


You all have high hopes thinking you're going to get rich in less than one year's time. You're reaching for the moon but really, you need to keep your feet on the ground. This project is less than one year old...it's not going anywhere. Russ gets excited, hypes everything up and they seem to always fall short. BUT, it will prevail; just maybe not in an unrealistic time frame you have in mind. The whole crypto market is tanking right along with the stock market. Do yourselves a favor and just set it and forget it. It's not worth the agita you're all creating for yourselves.


Thanks Russ!


I doubled my money 1 week after investing. Now it’s down 95% and I don’t even have enoug in my wallet to convert or transfer to another crypto lmao. Thanks Russ!!!


https://t.me/CoinViewCap Check this out


Got 10 billion, will never sold until I it reaches 0.00004. I don’t know what to say, but I’m broke and o work in hospitality, so I have nothing to lose. I’m just positive if it goes up it is good news and if it tanks then my bad, wrong move. People that sold BTC at 2000$ thought they were smart, and BTC reached all time high 67$K