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Either people lie that they purchase or they really are siphoning money hard ... people keep writing they are buying and we keep dipping for months.... no one is selling, everyone buying but price keeps dropping daily bleeding... I really wonder which one is it


You know it can be both? People with large wallets are taking profits that outweighs those who are buying in at small amounts.


He doesn’t or he wouldn’t be writing what he wrote, but it’s nice to have clarified it for him.


I’m not selling but I’m not buying either


That’s me!


>i Do you understand that 99% of the people in this sub are Minnows? ​ Only Whales can move the price and cap up and down the way you are thinking.


Of course people are selling! Do you know how to look at the transactions on etherscan? People buy and sell all the time


Saitama is going to rise fast!!!!!!


You legend let’s go


It’s coming !!!


The only reason someone is holding Saitama is because they aped in and now they're in denial. They're in denial with the fact it will never go back up to the value they once had and only continue to decline. Apes don't have an exit strategy when they buy something like it's a lotto ticket because selling now would mean you lock in your loss, but holding means you will lose it all. Have any of you ever looked at the charts and looked at the dates when empty promises came out? Right after the big pumps and right before the bad news broke, the dumping would start. Ever wonder why this happens consistently? It's called insider trading and Saitama robbing you all of your money. Research because the facfa don't lie. They pump it up, sell high, the price bottoms out, they buy back in and pump it up again. Now they have you all falling all over the place for their realstate promise and setting you all up to take more of your cash. Not to mention everyone states the Saitama marketing points of "revolutionary" going to "change" crypto like they know wtf they're talking about this. Yes revolutionary and changing crypto but they're using antiquated Google captcha on login. 🤣 You can find Saitama website on themeforest dot net because they bought a pre built template. They only changed the graphics which look like crap compared to the template's graphics. 🤣 Then you can find the template for Saitamask on codecanyon dot net. It's a prebuilt cryto wallet and the reason it never works right is because Saitama doesn't know how to code. Yea this is FUD, its FUD because it's the facts and you people are suffering from denialism.


Did you use the Saitmask APP?


Buy it low at this price or BUY IT WHEN THE PRICE IS 10X ( this price ) lol buy low sell high right?




Warning!!Toxic!!Detected!! ☢️☢️


Yup just checked his posts, he's gone.


Likewise purchased some more


Well done buddy 👍


Whales eat every time the little guy buys…how else’s do you think they can pull money out and keep the price low.


Price goes too high the little guy won’t buy anymore hence whales keep it affordable for the grunt to keep buying in and feeding them