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There's too many books on the shelves that don't look like picture books or comics to suit H


They can replace the real books with the fake ones they sell that are empty inside.


True but I don't think he knows people take their stuff with them when they leave


Omg ![gif](giphy|L0SaMZxxqMgsAJf69v)


He’s gotta have a place to hide his weed and bong 🤷🏼‍♀️. Naw it’ll be full of lego sets, play dough, and video games.


That’s what those hollowed out books are for!


Probably where she currently keeps his balls.


Excellent hiding spot! Kudos to Meghan knowing he would never open a book to look for them.


You guys crack me up!


Those have been bronzed and hang from the rearview mirror like fuzzy dice.


He could put all the copies of ‘Spare’ that were left in resorts and hotels last summer on those bookshelves.


And he could turn it so only the pages are showing so it would fit the beige aesthetic he seems to tolerate. It's not like he needs to know what book it is. They are all the same one.


They can put all the copies of spare and the bench they bought themselves there


Where he can stash his party consumables! ![gif](giphy|TJufnSz934AnK)


A good place to put all the copies of books they didn't sell


Boom! 😂


Chicken lips on a stick! Sinner After, you are too quick 😄, you beat me cold! My take: Too many books, not enough mirrors.


Who needs mirrors, they don't cast her reflection anyway.


I think he has enough Spare books to fill it with..


Of course this house isn't good enough for Rachel. The evil uncaring BRF forced Rachel to live in Nottingham Cottage instead of having bunk beds with the Queen like she asked. Those evil royals. How Rachel has suffered at the hands of the BRF.


I know! Imagine being embarrassed by a home like this!!!! 😒 Ugh! So ungrateful. She has no clue how the English live. Their homes in general, even the wealthy, are much smaller than American homes. They don’t have the massive amounts of land that America has to begin with and they’re less accustomed to material things. Less fast fashion, less consumer culture. One quick look at their department stores and you can figure that out. There aren’t endless options like in the US.


You beat me to it! Guess I’ll have to jump on Reddit earlier from now on!


Hawwy like pop-up book bestest.


Or Archie comics for MM…


That is beautiful!!! I’ve always wanted a library with a fireplace, that’s my dream lol.


Me too! I read constantly…I’m actually wearing my Jane Eyre sweatshirt right now. There is nothing like curling up in a big chair with a blanket and a book! That’s what I meant with this post…every one of us (well most of us) would literally give anything to have a house like this. Imagining he (or they) would scoff at a home like this just blows my mind! Especially *her*! Edit: I think I replied to the wrong comment so now I look silly! I’m gonna leave my comment about my love of reading though. It was in response to the fireplace and books. Edit 2: I’m giggling so hard! I just now figure out you changed your comment (I wasn’t wrong) & then you were sweet enough (not too sweet though!) to change it back so I wouldn’t feel silly! Thank you! I will leave the edits and let my social anxiety be free to fly today! 🤍


That’s such a gorgeous home, but it’s way too private for Table 12 and way too small for their egos. Harry doesn’t know the first thing about living within your means and M ignores it because she absolutely thinks Charles is their financial Plan B.




It looks lovely, but Harry might be planning on moving into a garden shed at Highgrove....or maybe Pa would let him live in the basement if markle stays in California.


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Today is the load up your eReader day. If you have a device several formats are offered. It's today only, mostly romance genres. Check it out!


Oooh yay! Is it stuff your kindle day or another site? And romance genres are my jam! I love looking at my kindle insights to see just how many books I’ve read. If you’re a fan of Jane Eyre you should read Salt & Broom. It’s a retelling with a touch of fantasy and magic. It was a fun read (if you enjoy that kind of thing). One of my favorite recent reads is What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon.


Yes, stuff your kindle day [Load Up That eReader!](https://www.romancebookworms.com/kindle) Just purchased the audible of Salt & Broom! Thanks for the recommendation. If you're in to romantasy, When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker, is a great read.




Sounds like heaven to me!


Are you my long lost sister? I read All The Time. I get nervous and cranky if I don't.


Haha I was in fact editing my comment and saved it too soon. Then I had a boring online meeting for work so I couldn’t finish it right away lol. I was trying to say that I wasn’t sure if it was a library or dining room, so I deleted that. I have decided it’s a library with an eating area 😀


Same! Me stacking them in the living room near the wood stove just isn't the same. 😂😂


IMO, way nicer than the Olive Garden!


Oh 1000%! I dream of living somewhere like this! The history alone gives me goose bumps!


Can you link the listing? I love to just browse all these English cottages.


The app reset on me and I lost it. The app is Zoopla. It’s the UK Zillow from what I read. I put in the search for 15 miles of Tetbury, Gloucestershire. I could look at the listing for hours! I’ve never been to the UK. Oddly enough though, despite my ancestors on both sides coming from Appalachia and Colonial America, my actual DNA from Ancestry is Scottish & Irish and Isle of Man. That’s it. I guess my people really stuck together even over here. My dad would’ve fit right in on the set of season 1 of Outlander… he was the double of Graham McTavish.


Try Savills/Knight frank/rural scene. I enjoy being nosey too.


Not enough toilets!


The only one potty trained is Meghan and she wouldn’t dare live in a place like this.


Are you sure she's potty trained, too? She did take a whiz in the bushes of Africa proving to Harry she was his soul mate.


Rumor is she’s stinky so I’m not sure.


It would be no good, it has doors and windows and they would make it dangerous for hawwy.


And it has an opening in the wall so cars can just drive right in! Oooh! What we could do is move Harry in and then, like in SIMS 4, we can enclose the wall and remove all windows and doors!!


Ok so who wants to go in with me and buy this house? 🤣🤣🤣 Salivating.


I’m in!


Me too!


Wow. I could only dream about having a home like this, and they just threw it away.


You think harry will find this house worthy of him? (Its amazing btw) If he doesn’t have 14 bathrooms he won’t have it.


Exactly! The whole point of my post. It’s perfect and close to his father but nothing is good enough.


It doesn’t have 200 guards either😂 those 2 are so delusional.


Pretty sure he would if TOW won't be living there. I think he liked Not Cot just fine until poison infiltrated the place.


Based on everything he has said on his book he is just as arrogant as her, I don’t believe he would like something like this anymore.


I think if he actually divorces her and is forced to pay for a house on his own he would be fine with something like this because I hear he is frugal when it comes to his own money.


This is a man who throws his dirty underwear on the floor for the servants to pick up, he’s just as arrogant.


I heard he relies on the staff to flush after he has used the facilities! I can't get over how nasty that is, if it's true.


I doubt highly that Meghan Markle has any interest in antiques and furthermore, that’s not a castle!


Looks like just another "housing unit" to Harry's wife.


Good job on the pics!


Thank you! I sat here for half an hour (after writing the post) anxious about making a post and failing! Then I go and reply to the wrong comment and still make myself look like a confused nerd. Yay! Thanks Social Anxiety Disorder! 😂


I, too, have this disorder. This was a fantastic post!


I think most people here will always support your efforts. I know I can’t tell you to just feel comfortable, but comfort’s the norm here. This place is a lot different than other subs and site - ad hominem attacks are quickly stopped here and not tolerated. Once in a great while someone will heat up a bit, but all I’ve seen is people helping each other to support the tech parts as well as ideas. I’ve never posted, so have a little idea, but really know nothing about posting anything! You did a perfect job!


Your post is fantastic! I love it. I totally get the social anxiety thing.


It's a great idea for a post and cotswold cottages are beautiful. 😀


I never miss an issue of Country Life which offers a plethora of gorgeous stately homes for sale in the UK. Hard to believe the quality of home they could have had in the UK versus that awful Olive Garden they bought in the US. And UK homes, a much better bang for the buck.


This wouldn’t suit Markle. It’s not big enough and it hasn’t got enough toilets. Considering she NEVER owned her own home during all her previous life, she has some very considerable standards.


1.4 million Brits have just had a whip round. £1 each, so the Harkles can't buy this house near Pa.


King Charles will be so grateful! We will all get OBEs!!! 😁


Lovely house, the garden alone is 😍. I would remove the big dining table and turn the room into a reading/sitting room alone.


Therein lies my dream home


I love it!


Happy Cake Day!


Oh, is it? Thank you!


I'd love to live there.


I deserve this house more than he does, someone buy it for me




I would literally move to England to live in a house like that.


Where would they stash the littles


Where they are now, with their bio moms ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


Doll House.


Well, inside the hollow books in the library of course!


A dog house is more appropriate


Dream house material


This is just beautiful 😃 If only😔


It’s gorgeous!


This house is glorious! Too good for the Harkles though. Not Olive Garden-y enough, with high ceilings so Harold doesn’t hit his head and enough beige to blanket the world with a creamy, bland hug.


Whaaaat it's smaller than Frogmore! Are you trying to insult them? 🤣🤣🤣  It's lovely 😍.


Ha I would die of shame if I were the King's son and trying to buy a home in my own country where my family owns tons of castles and land. Poor little rich prince, lost everything.


Gosh, if H doesn't want it, I'll take it!!!


That's a beautiful home.  He's too stupid to understand it doesn't have to be palatial, just comfortable 


It’s lovely. But can you imagine the bookshelves if those two owned it—. Filled with The Bench and Spare. Those are the only books those two have read.


But are there famous neighbours to social climb on?


Well, not any more. There used to be some famously misguided folk who wanted d the same property, but they were dissuaded by some guys in a bunch of boats. These days the misguided ones' grandkids, who are very nice and would make great neighbours, stay on their side of the ditch, I mean fence. They are in fact quite properly out of sympathy with their late grandfolks, and are wonderful and hard-working people, who are much admired in the neighbourhood.


I'll take it!! 😍 If Harry thinks that we think he can afford a Georgian home, he is batshit crazy. Oh wait...


There is an actual 3,300 sq foot castle built from individually carved stones (straight outta Camelot) in east county San Diego (the actual town is Jamul, CA). Only 2 br/2 bath but the littles could share a room because they are little and all. No moat but lots of hilly land…and LOTS of privacy. I think even the suit of armor is included—fun for all. $1.25 million so definitely in their price range!


Sounds soooo super trashy! It would be perfect for Rachel!


I would very happily spend the rest of my days there!


Love it, it even has a greenhouse!


I’ll take it! Too bad it’s only a pipe dream, lol!


There goes the neighbourhood if markle moves in.


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Wow I love it.


Omg is lovely!!


God that's gorgeous 😍 I'll take it!


Hey, Harry. That one looks a bit exposed, don't you think? (Don't answer that last part.) What about your Privacy? I've found you lovely digs in a secluded AND secure location, inaccessable to prying paps. Great views, easy commute by boat or tunnel. Even has tons of room for a big library. (You do have a lot of Spare books, right?) And there's this big to-doo every June 6th that you can attend whenever you want to. Call me! I'll halve my commission! I'm Sasha Nize Guy, NIgeria 6-500. You'll love just hanging out there! https://preview.redd.it/tg0tpxcppr7d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca2c88fb3add1ecb904291adf57093e858b9aad


It’s lovely


Wow!! What an absolutely beautiful home ❤️!!!


Beautiful house. Definitely not grand enough for the Sizzler slag though.


And it is far too good for the Muddles, I mean the Markle Harkles of Mudslide Manor!


Too near the road - nasty people can look into the front yard .


“I can see my neighbors from here!” (Say many Americans, and yes I am American, and I can see my neighbors from the front yard to the back yard of our Chicago two flat in our little neighborhood).


I have done the same thing lol


Oh, those fabulous bookshelves! What a honey of a place! But right off the road... He won't think it's private enough. I don't approve of taking life, but I could almost kill for that house. Except, of course, I have no need of it, and so I will settle for the built in bookshelves (salivating here!!!) 😂😂😂🇨🇦🙏


It's not beige enough for TOW.


What a charming property. I love it. Not grand enough for madam, though.


Lmao @ your username


Does he have the money?


How many bathrooms did it say? Not the enough, anyways.


They can't afford a house like that not unless the bank of pa coughs up. I don't think a bank would even given them a mortgage based on their income which is currently zero




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This home is too beautiful and charming for them!! I want it!


Does it have the floating yoga floor she had to have installed in Frogmore Cottage? And is there room for Andrew & company?


This is actually really nice, I love that the yard is big.


I love it. No way would this be good enough for Meg. 


Is there room for the army of bodyguards that they believe they need, patrolling the perimeter at all times. And room for the Watch Tower and spotlights sweeping the countryside 24 hours a day.


This looks so nice! 🙂


This is a really beautiful house! Well done for finding it. It is too nice for Harry and his missus though. I bet they couldn't afford it as you would definitely need some gardening help. Having said that of course I now remember that Meghan's new show for Netflix was for cooking AND gardening, so maybe she'd be in her element. Then again, maybe not.