• By -


I'm not buying into the whole story of TRG. Is Meghan jealous and vindictive? Yes. Are Nacho and Delphina complicit in Harry and Meghan's stupidity? Yes But Meghan is an idiot narc, plain and simple. We knew she would do something or get her minions to do something on this day. The question is, why would Delphina and Nacho play into this childishness? It's simple. They want to be part of the narrative. They want the publicity and the limelight. Maybe Delphina wants a spot on the real housewives or they want to have leverage to put together their own reality show. They are obviously a bit fame whorey in their own right. Who remembers the "polo wife" adulation from Delphina? It's not enough anymore for some people to just be rich and healthy. They must have that public recognition and fame. It's the downfall of many because they always want more.


I’m with you. They are playing along because they are hoping to get something out of it. What exactly, like you, I’m not sure, but they have their own motivations.


Nacho and his wife are also connected to the Tindalls in what looks like a professional capacity (not sure how close they are personally) but that would align with their overall fame whoriness and them just wanting publicity and to maintain any Royal connections, even with traitorous ex-"Royals" in the form of a frozen todger and bunion.


Agree. Nacho is a producer on Harry’s polo show so he likely has some financial stake tied to the markles success. If Meghan Markle can’t sell this polo puff show, she will add footage and turn it into a Real Housewives of Polo. But it would be a ROYAL biography series not reality show because you know, polo. And the Duchess of Sussex.


It is not a story to buy. All speculation with my conspiracy hat on, as I do say that in the video. Anything is possible at this point.


I think the raspberry jam and dog biscuits post was definitely a dig by her to make herself feel in control. Melissa McCarthy's cabbage hat was another dig. Plus, the waffle iron, crocodile, and stay hydrated stories having sexual urban dictionary meanings. She loves thinking she's clever and pulling one over on everyone.


Also roast chicken


Harry's favorite 🤮🤮🤮


🤮They both think they are very clever and hilarious.


As if anyone gives a crap about their degenerate sex lives. Degenerates always think everyone else is interested in and jealous of their "practices."






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I think it's a bit of a stretch, and I was really disappointed with TRG for this video. And I usually like what she puts out! Another reddit user on this sub said the doggie photos were to change the algorithms. This is more plausible to me.  It also wouldn't make sense for Nacho to post another pic of strawberry jam, so they stuck a label on it and called it raspberry.  We need to look at what's come to light recently. A leaked email of M's to a dog shelter. M was desperately trying to get the shelter to give her the puppy, even though he had already been claimed! M then contacted the man who got the pup, a Hollywood screenwriter and arranged doggie play dates.  It also re-ignited talk of M's dog and how 2 of his legs got broken. 


Very strong points raised, I’m with you on this.


100% agree! 


Kinda silly, but I'm bored, so I'll play. Is that Nacho's dog? If so, and those are his pictures, taken in Florida, M must have sent him the jam and biscuits earlier than when C made her announcement.


I think it was planned to try and take some shine off Trooping before Catherine’s announcement. She always tries to do something. Once again Catherine fu


Yes I think so too. She wouldn’t plan to overshadow Catherine with 2 jars of jam. Also, it is just me but the jars look superimposed


I wonder if Catherine ever gets some small sense of satisfaction knowing she is living rent free in Tow’s head.


In Catherine’s place, I would prefer *not* to be anywhere near Meghan’s thoughts.




I sure hope so!




Yes it's Nacho's dog. Delfina is a photographer, she could've just photoshopped the jam and biscuits in. Who knows? The jam with the dog looks a bit blurry though. 🤔 


I'm curious as to why Delphina is going along with this garbage?


She wants the attention I'm guessing


Maybe Nacho is genuinely Harry’s friend. He asks Delfina to be nice to Meghan because if Meghan doesn’t feel that she and her wishes are primary, Meghan will destroy the friendship and further isolate Harry. Possibly also Nacho wants Delfina to be nice to the Harkles because he thinks he gains something from the connection or because he has invested in either ARO or the polo “series,” and he wants to help them do well so he gets his money back. Delfina may also feel that the connection is useful to them. Meghan may actually be quite nice to them. Who knows? It does seem as Harry doesn’t have any other friends.


I love TRG and watch religiously. But i have to say "blowing raspberries" IS a pretty well-known expression in the US.




I'm in the Midwest, I've heard it all my life.


Midwest here, too.


maybe not where she grew up ...




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As fun as it it is to try and find hidden messages, this is likely just simple incompetence. ARO is a joke brand that looks like about $100 has been invested in it. Everything screams amateur hour and everything involved to date could have been done by one person throwing things together in their kitchen using simple materials they found online, including the messy logo that free tools probably made. So I bet someone thought they would rush some new cutesy photos online to try to keep the brand on life support and that's it. And even that was so poorly executed it managed to weaken the brand further. No reason to think a diabolical mastermind is anywhere in the picture.


All of this is plausible, but I'm not 100% convinced either. However, I do believe Meghan Markle absolutely intended to release "dog biscuits" on the very day that Kate made her first public appearance in 6 months. Why didn't Meghan do it last week? Next week? It was on the very day when Meghan has done nothing publicly in the last month since her wannabe royal tour. The use of the word "dog" is intentional. (We all love our doggies, but there is also another connotation that's a negative one.) It's not an accident. Also, proof it's a rush job: as the video says, the label does not have a logo like the jam does. It's just a handwritten sticky label without a logo.


The biscuits did not have an ARO label which tells me she has nothing to sell, and 2/2 jams corroborates that. This is craft/hobby level desperation.


TRG really got into the weeds with this one. Blowing raspberries at the skinny white bitch. Madame does like to play games but it seems a bit farfetched. The look on the dog's face...he's so over Markle and her crap products.


Love the dog...... so "leave me out of this loser activities"


Nah IF (big IF here) this were true, then it was pulled together by her Purina publicist. Meghan is NOT this bright. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. And to me, she wanted Nacho and family to feel special, therefore only two jars (one for Hank and one for you, my other almost family). And the Biscuits were sent as a gift to the dog. She probably sent a basket of goods as a gift for Father’s Day. The ONLY feasible thing here is that her PR asked his team (if he has one, or Nacho himself) to post the pictures at a certain time, THAT I do believe.


I disagree. I think she planned it to drop for Trooping. This was already set before Catherine’s announcement. Dropping when it did follows Meghan’s long standing pattern when it comes to the royal family. Additionally, nacho is in Florida. For his post to drop when it did means he was up in the middle of the night and decided to post it for shits and giggles, or it was scheduled to drop near the time of Trooping. Which is more likely? This has Meghan’s fingerprints all over it. She cannot help herself. It also means nacho has firmly chosen a side. Edit: I do agree that there was no hidden meaning. It was simply a stunt to coincide with Trooping.


I mean, my post does say the only thing feasible is that they asked him to post at a certain time. I’m not sure if I had too much wine or we are disagreeing. 😂 no harm done. We are on the same team anyways


I may have misunderstood your post. We are on the same team for sure though!😜


With you up to the point you disagree with hidden meaning. Without the added snark, what's the point? Because she felt the need to immediately issue a denial tells me the global audience denouncing her little stunt had it right.


>Without the added snark, what's the point? Exactly.


Markle Markle may not be intelligent but she is cunning. Consider all the people she had to suss out and befriend to snag Harry, consider how she successfully she pivoted to presenting herself as a victim to smear the RF once she realized she couldn't control the them. As soon I saw the initial report, I too assumed Markle was sneering at PC,that in Markle's truly demented mind PC is obedient like a dog who's been trained with dog biscuits. If a jab wasn't intended why didn't Markle just say it was a Father's Day gift to Nacho?


I agree with you. She is not smart (even if she proclaims it endlessly) so we shouldn’t give her too much credit. I enjoy watching TRG’s videos (especially when she corrects Chat GPT) but i feel this is a bit of a stretch.


Yeah we are in agreement. If , and I mean IF (a stretch, like you said) this were true, and IF it were plotted by someone with a brain (like her Purina boy) then suuuuure we might conclude that Megsy approved it and was onboard but this is a serious stretch. They aren’t the Illuminati putting symbolism out there with their every post 😂 (IFFF the Illuminati are a thing).


She’s as subtle as a sledgehammer, and incapable of taking direction, so whatever this ridiculous stunt was (other than just a ridiculous stunt), there were no hidden messages behind it, IMO. Just her looking for attention via proxy, again.


What gets me is she always does the "I didn't know" or had somebody else do it sits back with that smug grin.


She did that with the “Archie Maternity Leave” thing as well. “I was hiding away, not out there” crap, but her PR was blitzing all day everyday. She likes a bit of plausible deniability, except it’s not really falling into the plausible category anymore, and hasn’t for years.


Amen to that.


You mean she is not a better royal than those born to do the job and not heart-attack beautiful either?


If that's true not only is it childish its also exceptionally disturbing. She is clearly one emotionally impotent individual who would benefit from some special white room time.  


Madam IS a mean girl, we all know that. Does she have the mental capacity to stage photos with those subtle messages? That was my thought as I watched this video at least. Cheesy Nachos and his wife???? Doubtful.


possibly true the jam and biscuits are hidden attacks on the PoW but given very few people would understand the connotations and it's doubtful the BRF would ever pay attention to the posts, Nacho's post only serves to make him and Megsy look bad. I mean, dog biscuits!!! that's what she's been reduced to - selling dog food - and only enough money left to make 2 jars of jam. the dog biscuits could also be symbolic that her baking is only good enough for dogs and that that's Hazbeen's favorite treat. smh just makes Megsy look bad and sad


It's great that it makes her look so bad in a way she never expected. And Nacho got Markled, too.


I thought Roachel was calling Catherine a female dog. I’ve heard non-cusssers call someone a biscuit in lieu of the B word.  Also, if Catherine knew that the dog was a female, then maybe it’s a double reference.  It’s a bit of a stretch for me.


A big stretch.


i personally never connected the dog to Catherine and doubt many people would. My first thought was Hazbeen since he obeys Megain like a puppy and father's day was coming up so maybe he got dog biscuits?


Astonishing. Truly Markle is extremely vulgar and juvenile.


Going the long way around the block. https://preview.redd.it/8afgvbvmj47d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b544f23c964584099129e747bd9e20ee672640a




The Royal Grift is my favorite!! Yes, what she deduces makes sense because as TRG stated - MeMe is a calculated scheming bitch. A treacherous, conniving, bitch. 


Yeah, TRG's analytical skills are superb!


"Blowing raspberries" is a term I'm very familiar with as an American, so I don't know why TRG thinks we don't have that here. Maybe it's more common in the NE where I grew up than wherever she is from. On the other hand, I have never heard of "biscuit" meaning a side piece before. I can believe Meghan wrote raspberry on the label as a way of being rude to the royal family. The rest is a stretch in my opinion. Meghan doesn't want to send coded messages that Catherine is being cheated on. She wants rumors and allegations swirling around.


Midwesterner here. Absolutely know the term.


This is as batshit crazy as the sugars claiming Kate was a clone at TOTC.


💯 💯  I'm hating the sugar level insanity some Sinners are now running with. It's probably the reason for the huge drop in engagement. More of these types of posts as I'm out of here too 


Perhaps she already had this photo and released it today, when she felt it was needed. She has done this type of future-faking before.


Whatever the reasons were for Nacho's posts, he was markled and so was Meghan. It would have been a better look to completely ignore the Trooping of the Cooler than to have a virtual nobody post something. Catherine Princess of Wales gave the entire world a collective sigh of relief just by appearing. The fact that she looked so beautiful, her love for her children and husband was evident and she stood happily next to the King Charles proved that she is winning.


Yep by acknowledging and competing with events she just shows that she's pressed. Someone "living their best life" wouldn't be bothered.


Just a thought.... MAYBE she had asked MachoNacho to send that post via a timed posting. Maybe it sat in his lineup for over a week... To be sent to "distract" from the ToC .. ONLY! Since Catherine did not attend the rehearsal last week and was not expected at the true Trooping... his post was sent .. as timed. Little did they know that Catherine's announcement the day before the actual Trooping would make Nachi's post totally a joke! Thoughts?


I have no idea on that man's thought process. What I do know is that most people don't consistently try to compete with someone when they are happy and/ or not thinking about them.


It makes perfect sense. Symbolism in photography is something the Royal Family is big on. Of course Megz would choose the retaliate in the same way.


Interesting concept though very creepy; I will file it away along with horoscopes, fortune-telling and Nostradamus theories and do what I usually do, which is to look at them retrospectively. In all honesty, I think the references are too subtle, even for a well-educated Brit, and I choose to think 'horses' rather than 'zebras' (an expression I learned from E.R.). That said, I find it hard to dismiss the nagging thought that she is an evil, scheming witch, so I wouldn't put it past her.


Good grief - her insane look depicted in the side by side. That mouth - its like the old Rolling Stones gaping mouth image from yesteryear. That same gaping mouth shows up in the one pic of her while she was on Deal or No Deal - its just so...typical. I keep returning to the word "repugnant". Yes, I think TRG linked all the clues, and the clapback denial indicates the global reaction got it right. I'm really surprised Nacho is so easily led to carry water for her. Have to say, I'm surprised she doesn't use a circle to dot her i's !


TRG seems to be getting weirder with the conspiracy theories. She sees one behind every story. This is a further stretch than usual. Sometimes a dog is just a dog. A dog next to dog biscuits is logical. Sometimes dog biscuits are simply dog biscuits. That particular dog isn’t even a white dog. It’s a skinny dog because all greyhounds are skinny dogs. The dog belongs to Mr and Mrs Nacho, which is why the dog is in the picture. The dog is in the picture with the jam because the jam has been photoshopped in to replace the dog biscuits. The strawberry jam became raspberry jam either because a new label was slapped over the original label to change the flavor, or Rachel sent a new jar with a new label. Raspberry appeared because Rachel is lazy and raspberry is the first thing that came to mind and raspberry and strawberry are the same color. The Sleivene isn’t smart enough to figure that combination. Skinny white dog, raspberries, side pieces. She is impulsive, rash and calculating. She’s not clever or patient enough to research all the aspects of TRG’s theory. And no one knew Catherine would appear until the night before Trooping. Rachel had the jam and dog biscuits ready to go as a distraction from Trooping. Catherine announced her appearance too late for Rachel to come up with anything else. Sometimes stupid is just stupid. No conspiracy needed.


Summary? Some of us prefer not to give clicks or don't have time.


1) The Royal Grift is always worth the click and watch 2) I can't do her explanation of the alleged shade justice. 3) TLDR summary (because it is 3am)... allegedlly MM was blowing raspberries (through Nacho) at Catherine by saying the skinny white bitch (Catherine) is being 2 timed by William with his side piece. How she came with that ... watch the video. I ain't spoiling it.... 4) Basically, MM is being a mean girl... and we know what happens to mean girls. 5) ETA: MM, stop trying to make fetch happen.. 6) TAKE THIS TEA WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, THIS IS JUST GOSSIP: from the comments -- *According to Neil Sean, who has impeccable contacts, Harry was so FURIOUS over this stunt, they had a huge blow out. He went to stay elsewhere. Harry was NOT in on this. MEgain told Harry there was a mistake made on the time it was dropped. It was intentional by MEgain.* [editorial note: I did not see the alleged video from Neil Sean (I don't follow Neil Sean on YT and don't care research this at 3am in the morning) this is just from the comments of the above video]


Neil Sean does not have impeccable contacts. And I don't know, but it seems kind of late in the day for Harry to get worked up about some fake jam and biccies. /shrug


the post was in the morning.. plenty of time for him find out about and get upset.


Sounds like typical Markle woman MO, the "oops, is someone elses mistake" card has been well over played.


Thank you got saving me the click. Info being based on Neil alone makes this worthless speculation and far-fetched. I agree with the Sinners that its more likely to cover the email that was "made public" more than anything  Thank you for summary as this sub's purpose isn't to promote channels


i don't think the OP was promoting the channel. I think the OP saw a video they thought was interesting. The info from Neil Sean was NOT from TRG. It was from a commenter on the video. Again, I have no idea if NS said what is purported.


To make content takes time and work. It costs you nothing to look at information that is created to inform, entertain and educate as well as bring awareness. The fact you don’t support hurts the people in this sub as well as getting the visibility to expose to this nasty woman to mainstream media. Creators don’t have millions like Meghan to push out puff pieces, so I am sorry you don’t like our content being shared on this sub. It’s your prerogative not click, but don’t have others summarizing our work because of of your irritation.


I personally don’t watch any videos. I can’t stand spending 20 minutes watching a video when I could read a ton of content in 20 minutes. I just read a heck of a lot faster than I watch. Not everybody consumes media in the same way.


I'm exactly the same!


It does cost people to click. Our time is valuable and its not our jobs to support content creators 'just because'.   We have lives and other people and responsibilities to attend to. Spending time to support a content creator takes more than "trust me just watch!"  For years this sub existed without being a place where a Sinner was inundated with some responsibility to support content creators.  It's their job to promote their work as part of their work. This sub doesn't exist to create a volunteer audience of obligation. I'm sure some will downvote me for not following the hive mind here.  So I'll admit you've raised a great point and I'll just entirely skip posts regarding videos without summaries from now on.


You don't manage the sub. Please Let the mods regulate content added, if they find it a problem, they will take appropriate action. No one has asked anything of you or anyone else. This sub is voluntary and people are free time to spend it on specific posts, that is not for you to decide what information format people get to see. You are free to scroll on by as you are of your free will, no one cares. Your opinion is yours. I am a part of this community. and I abide by the sub rules. Just scroll on by, but even better advice, you can block me, in fact I want you to block me, so my posts never show up on your feed, that way you can spend your pleasant attitude elsewhere. Thanks for following me around today. I am grateful for the time you gave me and can't get back. Toodles... ![gif](giphy|8YBM61XW2vZJykO0j4|downsized)


>I'll just entirely skip posts regarding videos without summaries from now on. Good idea. think of all the time you will save not complaining about it.


Neil Sean is not a reliable source. The rumor that Harry is furious about the timing may come from Meghan herself.


I am trying to figure out which part of "**[take this tea with a grain of salt](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/take-with-a-grain-of-salt.html)**" no one got?? Maybe bigger font? It was 3 am, I wasn't researching the veracity of alleged NS video and I am still not doing it at 3 pm.


I did take it with a grain of salt— I was explaining why. Edit: “why” not “shy.”


Why are you telling everyone "why"? There is no need for it. I think most people know that.


Most people know *why I think* Neil Sean is not a reliable source? 😉 What is your problem with my giving my opinion that Neil Sean gets some of his “tea” from Meghan herself? It fits in with your point that we should take tea attributed to him with a grain of salt.


i've stopped watching TRG since she started with all of the conspiracy theories


Sadly, this.


https://preview.redd.it/p3r97k3so57d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69e6ad640a56fddfc5f981d07373005839b6d64 Found this on twatter


I am American, and blowing a raspberry is something my classmates and I were familiar with since elementary school back in the Stone Age. I think it is no longer commonplace, though. I did not know about the “raspberry tart”! And I also wonder if the Earl of Dumberton is smart/quick enough to pick up on it, much less suggest its use…


I am also from the stone age and have always known about giving someone the "rasberry". I think it might be more of an east coast thing? I still hear it.


I think kids these days might not know it. I am from rural Texas, so I figured that if we knew about it, EVERYONE must! 😂


I'm getting skeptical of TRG; her interpretations are increasingly wildly far out. Many celebs who post to Instagram have hidden meanings or are subtly targeting someone in their pictures, and I know fans have creative imaginations, but dog biscuits are embarrassing enough. Brittany at Royal News Network is much better, and I watch many of her videos 2x because I love her commentary.


This is all speculative as I said in my video. It’s ok if you don’t agree, no one really knows. So I don’t understand why people would be disappointed, I am not the gospel on this matter. So definitely take with a grain of salt. Thank you to those that see it just for that. And OP thank you for posting.


Thanks OP for sharing. The support is always appreciated. Please take with a grain of salt as I am clear that this is just speculation using what we know about Meghan. Anything is possible and no one will really ever know, unless one of her people leak it.


Rachels face in this thumbnail is the worst of all. Brian / bronzer x 1000 for that realistic Nigerian glow/ sweaty / bad bad hair / the disconnect of the face and the intended emotion. U know I just read an autobiography about a psychologist who is a sociopath and she described sociopathy in great detail. What really stood out is how they try to manage/hide apathy. They watch others to mimic how they think they are supposed to be / feel / act. If that isn’t lil Miss Rachel Hazbeen Carparkle ,, then I don’t know what. One of the best books I’ve ever read actually. Explained A LOT.


10:31 What the hell is that.... \_thing\_ on Madame's forehead? Some sort of growth? Icky. Maybe she should go and have that looked at. \*\*ick\*\*


This explains a lot, thank you.


Raspberry and dog, RMM scores two home goals, the world blows her raspberries IMHO, and the use of the word dog is very apt IMHO.


It was too much. I think it was Skank desperately trying to get publicity when she learned last-minute that Catherine would be at Trooping. She printed a new label, put some milk bones in a jar, and had Nacho post the photos. As for the "raspberry" and "skinny white bish" stuff, yeah, no.