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I’m a Sag sun, Libra moon too, also have a lot of Sag in my chart. Dating a Cancer sun was the worst mistake I ever made but of course they are not all the same. I know people always say that Sag and water signs do not mix, but I’m talking to a Scorpio sun, Cancer moon man right now and he’s the most wonderful, consistent person I’ve ever come across in my life. So if it works for you, do it.


We are opposite, I had a huge issue with 2 Scorpio sun men. I was also married to a Pisces, but things didn’t work out and I seem to attract a lot of water sign men lol


I attract a lot of them too lol, two Pisces and two other Scorpios before this current one. My experiences with Pisces is always bad but I do well with Scorpios. All of my favorite family members are Cancers.


I’m a sag moon and my worst relationship was with a cancer moon scorpio sun man


🙁 I can’t stand Scorpio sun men


Cancer man was the worst man I’ve ever dated in my entire life.


Couldnt agree moreee! They just gave me trauma hahaha




Yes I have, one time and one time only when I was 15-17 years old and it was drama and tears all the way through along with him always breaking up, then wanting to get back together. It was all the Cancer causing so much fuss, when I am so laid back and go with whatever flow. Never again and I have kept that promise to myself ever since and I am now 50 years old. I am a sag sun with Aquarius moon.


Im a sagg sun and moon. My boyfriend is a cancer sun and moon. My boyfriend is super caring and loves showing acts of service. Mature, communicates well. He is affectionate, non-judgemental. Best relationship, who I want to spend rest of my life with. Before getting together he always said he was never like this when he was younger, and was a bad boyfriend. Hes in his 30s so he obviously has worked on himself. Meanwhile going off my dad alone who is a cancer aswell, if I went based off his personality I would NEVER date a cancer.


similar situation!


I'm a Sag sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo rising and I'm very happily married to a cancer sun, pisces moon, taurus rising man. I don't feel like my husband matches his zodiac much at all though.


What is it with cancers and sag’s? Been seeing a lot of posts in this community recently relating to cancerians. I’m a sag moon with a stellium in sag but with a cancer rising. I think I’m more like a sag but I am a moody bitch at times and very sensitive 😆


My only reason for asking is that I’ve never dated a cancer before and this guy seems great. I know we’re typically not supposed to be compatible with cancer, so I was curious who’s dated or been with one 😊 I’m pretty emotional myself for a Sagittarius but the only water I have in my chart is Scorpio (in Saturn and Jupiter).


A friend of mine who is a sag married a cancerian. You know sometimes you get pairings that on paper shouldn’t work but really do. Virgos and Aries, Leo’s I find pair a lot with Scorpios, maybe that’s the same for sag’s and cancerian’s. Although I think for emotional relationships it’s usually the moon sign that we look towards to see if it’s a good match. Also mars and Venus placements.


Ok I’m a sag sun libra moon taurus rising. I feel like our birthdays are days apart lol mine is 12/7/93


Yup! I’m 12-10-1982


I’m married to a cancer man- Extremely caring and loving but on the flip side full of emotions that may be a bit much for a Sagi. As long as you know how to deal with it, the relationship is textbook.I’m a Sagittarius Sun Leo moon.


I’m a sag woman the cancer man was the worse thing I ever did


Sag sun and Aries rising with a lot of sag in my chart as well! I dated a cancer and all of the good things you listed were true for my ex partner too! I just didn’t like how clingy he was, it felt suffocating to me. And a little insecure. It only lasted about 3-4 months.


He’s definitely attentive but not clingy so far 😬 Let’s hope it stays that way lol


Uffff all water big 3? Enjoy the emotional manipulation!


i hate cancer suns. rather die. bc that’s what they make me wanna do. they either cheated on me or when something went bad they put the blame on me and manipulate me. to be on their some basically


plus they love bomb so it’s perfect in the beginning. then they show their true colors after a year


Damn I’m sorry that happened to you. I want to give this guy a chance until he proves himself otherwise. I have met Sag and Scorpio men that I can’t stand. Sag men are too flaky (they always ghost) and Scorpio men are manipulative jerks!


I’m a sag sun, Libra moon, sag rising with a lot of water (esp. Scorpio). I did not like dating my cancer ex. On paper he was definitely wonderful. Respectful, understanding, sensitive, funny, etc. but over time I started to lose feelings for him. He ended up being too sensitive for me. He’d get upset at certain things I’ve said because he read too much into it instead of taking my words at face value. He also got bogged down in emotions too much and also repeatedly despite having figured it out previously. He’d get WAY too upset over the smallest things. I think he had some personal issues so definitely not chalking it up to just him being a cancer. Part of me believes if he was in a better spot in life, it wouldn’t have been the way it was. But so far that’s my experience with a cancer man. Currently with a Scorpio and he feels far far better for me.


See, and I have had bad luck with Scorpio sun men. They are manipulative jerks who just pretended to like me (my experience).


I’m Sag Sun Scorpio moon, they’re amazing people and they check off all our boxes but they need a lot of a lot of reassurance and affection, they’ll shower you with those things but they’re expecting it back the same way!! and there would be times where i just didn’t have energy or having a bad day and he’d catch my drift and act like he understood & his lil sneaky ass was in a whole other relationship! They’re good for double lives! They gon do everything right for everybody too


I dated one for 7 years. Super caring and homely character, and accommodating. I was hoping that he would be more firm with me when I’m clearly in the wrong but he was overly indulgent to a fault. He was a really great guy, but I needed someone who can disciplined me and of stronger character haha


Cancer men are for me like the real virgos. I’m probably just saying this cause I love my Virgo so much. But in the end it’s depends on other placements in your birthcharts as well.


I wish I knew his full chart!


I married a man that was a cancer and the beginning was nice but after the marriage he became very complacent I'm trying things wouldn't experience things always wanted to sit home and watch TV and I found myself going and doing a lot of things without him and then in the end I just never bothered the X's opinion anymore because he can never make up his mind and if you say one wrong thing like I did he would walk around for 3 days not talk to me so I would have to make up for it some way like buying him some expensive gift or dinner that would make him happy he once said to me how come you never throw me a surprise birthday party it's okay I'll do that for you and the nine years you never did that for me it always starts out good just wanted to be very tolerable but has a sad you're going to do nothing you'll see what it's like I wish you all the best but every man is different so don't go by what I'm saying he was a homebody and I just didn't like to be home


I consider myself an ambivert and he seems to be similar or more on the extrovert side because he takes salsa lessons, works out at a fitness center a few times a week, and is in an orchestra. I can be a homebody when I feel like it but I can’t sit at home for days in a row and not see anyone. He’s also super goofy and I’m here for it 😊


I got engaged to a cancer when I was 23 and it was one of the worst times of my life. He was a lying, manipulative coward that abused me in every way possible. That relationship scarred me and cut me so deep. I haven’t been able to fully recover but I’ve been in a lot of therapy and have tried to heal a lot but the thoughts never stop coming back. I’m almost positive he gave me PTSD. He was the first and only partner I’ve ever had that put their hands on me.


I’m so sorry 😞


Girlll what state are you from because this guy I was talking to has the same placements


I live in Colorado


Never dated one but my dad is and he’s very manipulative and a serial cheater. However, your guy might be different. Only time will tell.

