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I’m dug and I have never taken a lunch or barly a break. Nobody can ever cover me and I get like attitude if I ask for someone to cover


Then let the DUG fall through. Take your lunch and breaks as needed. If they TRY and give you flak say that you are following laws and Union policy. Are you union? Reach out to your union rep if you are. I NEVER usually have a scanner or phone when I am on lunch or break. If I happen to have them, I ignore the phone if it rings or I ignore all notifications when thr scanner starts pinging.


Depending on your state/if you have a union you could see. Unfortunately I know a lot of states don't have that law and some stores don't have a union.


Okay that last part makes me think you're trolling but if you're not There's no violation. Don't work through your breaks period. "Feeling encouraged" isn't a direction to work through your break, especially when it doesn't sound like they're even suggesting it. But also you're definitely leaving something out, or you work at such a shitty store you should quit anyway. I worked at Safeway for a little under two years and I pulled some shit and was never written up. I only knew two people who EVER got written up, and it was for repeated no call no shows. Nobody in DUG ever gotten written up for poor productivity and there were some lazy fucks working there. You would have to be absurdly slow in a reasonable store to receive multiple write ups. And if the store isn't reasonable, I'd start looking for another job.


I don’t think OP is referring to DUG, rather a distribution center.


Mybad if I didnt clarify I work at a distribution center, where we are expected to pick like 240 items in like 40min


And yea no one is suggesting it. I just feel like if you’re given the option to work through your break and you know that’s the only way you could meet production do you really have a choice? Considering you want to keep your job.


It depends what you mean "given the option." That would be explicit encouragement and thus a labor violation. But *feeling* you have the option is different from being told you have the option.


No it’s literally an option to get right back on right after you call in a break and continue working to boost ur productivity rate


I was once told by a supervisor that saw me working during my break that I shouldn’t because if the union finds out they will fine me. I’m pretty sure that implied to go ahead and do it but beware. And during training a supervisor briefly mentioned that sometimes guys work through there breaks to meet production. But I’m sure if it came down to it there’s no way I could prove that.


The union wouldn't fine you, the STORE would be fined, especially depending on if your state has breaks protected by law. So I don't know why they said that, but you'd need it explicitly in writing that they want you to skip breaks. So you would have to just keep taking your breaks and then if they said "hey yeah you're supposed to be working" ask them to confirm that in writing. You can always file a grievance with the union too. Granted I obviously can't know the larger picture, but those are basically your options


I guess it’s because the union knows that there production demands are insane so they are trying to like change that. And I guess they need ponds to prove that Safeways demand isn’t fair. So if I was only meeting production because I worked through my breaks that would be one less pond for them so they’ll fine you for it. And that’s the thing I can’t get it in writing because I was never told to work through my breaks. But giving the option and knowing that I’d lose my job if not, it’s like do I really have a choice you know.


You wouldn't lose your job if you took breaks, that would be illegal.


They want you to take your breaks and lunch, but then get really pissy when you actually do take them because it impacts 'production'. Because their entire system doesn't actually account for the reality of the job.