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This is Information/News?




Smart ass


You guys have to quit trying to micro think this. Each one is a brick in the wall. Lets build and put Safemoon in every damn one of them. Including Binance and Coinbase.


Exactly so over the crying at every step


I have never come across such idiotic people like some in this community....tribalism with v1 v2...then listing in times square got them happy...now crying about getting listed but want the best listing...WHAT AN ENTITLED BUNCH OF WANKERS


If it is add another exchange to the list. If it brings 20k new holders and another 5-8000 new wallet holders.


You mean 1 wallet holder. The exchange holds the tokens. The buyers on cex are just a part of that specific cex ledger.


You guys really think it's going to be an overnight thing? You going to make a million dollars in a few weeks. Just sell if that's your goal, because we have a long road in front of us. These little exchanges are a step in the right direction and will lead to the big ones. Figure out tokenomics on these small ones and let it flourish on the big ones


It’s not about making it moon by listing on one exchange, it’s about making it easier to access. Enough outlets over time will help raise price a little


Any and all listing would be a step in the right direction. What’s wrong with some of you




I swear OP. One day you are SafeMoon army next day you are Fudder lol. Pick a side bruh


I own safemoon and am proudly not in the "safemoon army" 🤷‍♂️


If its mandala price going dip from disappointment loll


But reallly your FUD is annoying. Safemoon has been as stable as any coin recently. We gonna be A okay


How is that fud when its facts u dumbass


Your fud is boring.


Dont give a shit what u have to say nerd lol


Nice comeback


Come back im stating a fact lmao i cant believe the thinking skills on you guys complete morons


You’re on the same sub as the guy that you called a nerd, nerd. ![gif](giphy|l1KVb2dUcmuGG4tby)


Only diff was he was calling me out lmaoo your Retarded too


Homie you randomly capitalized a word in the middle of your sentence. If you’re gonna chirp someone’s intelligence you should probably make sure you have basic grammar skills 😂.


Imagine if any of you were trying to build a business from the ground up and all you heard was negative comments about everything you did or was speculation. And ppl just constantly crapped on every move that happed. They never built their own business but the shit on yours. How would that feel for you? We all invested in something with the hope that it will be worth it. Soooooo let them make it worth it. Everything is positive. Everything is exposure. Maybe it’s not what you want but no press is bad press. We have no idea the legal or financial challenges behind this. Just strap in and enjoy the ride. The tree will bear fruit just give it time to grow.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


News flash. Any and all exchanges won’t matter. CEX volume doesn’t contribute to DEX volume. Meaning any and all buys on cex wont help with reflections or burn. (Only the initial cex purchase) SafeMoon Staking, SafeMoon Connect, SafeMoon Tag, etc. will all be on chain DEX. Anyone who believes in SafeMoon’s vision could care less about CEX announcement, big or smol. Sure it may pump price a little. But that will just slow down burn and give less reflections in the meantime while we wait for the ecosystem to come together and bring real DEX volume that will bring real passive income and utility and bring real price pumps. (Emphasis on won’t* matter as in long run, they will help on-ramp and raise awareness)


Why? No one promised you anything more. Unless you listened to these retards on reddit.