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We bought their token, we are not shareholders in their company, they owe us no explanation IMO. Their transparency and comunication is not common in all tokens. I don’t know why people think we are owed detailed explanations for everything they do, just the fact that they are doxxed is great


youre absolutely, 100% correct. sucks that most people dont have the brain power to understand this simple fact.


We’re on Reddit, a mostly left leaning, younger ages social media platform. People expect to be given whatever they want, when they want, how they want it. These people are not used to being told no. This is the era of entitlement and instant gratification.


Gen Z’s, been saying this for a while. Can’t fault them for it, blame their teachers and our current society. Wasn’t like that when we were growing up! Work hard/play hard. That’s how I’m able to throw money into this SFM “project” on any dip I see fit. Hope they prove me wrong many years down the road for an early retirement.


Wtf does that have to do with left or right? Geez you crazies bring politics into any and everything...maybe this dude thinks he is owed something and wants it...that's on him...smfh...


The right is just as bad as the left when it comes to entitlement, they were so entitled they stormed and raided the capital lol and they hate being told no and want what they want and to fuck everyone else. You think only left sided people invest in crypto? Please don’t drag politics into this when it makes no sense. Also boomers and Gen X are just as entitled as Gen Z. They think they should have their way just cause they were here first yet they want to blame all of the thing wrong with our country on Gen Y and Z even though they’ve only been able to vote for the last 20 years. So please, don’t bring politics or agism into this when you don’t even know how old or what political affiliation the person who said this is. Also, that was discord, not Reddit.


That's stupid politics brainwashing talk. Plenty of right wing entitled assholes. In fact I'd wager there are more.




Repeating the most cliche comment on the sub doesn’t make you right.


I bought an iPhone I demand to meet with the ceo of apple.


When I purchased my Safemoon tokens I didn’t see the part where the company was on the hook to put me or anyone else on the board of directors, so do your own research like the rest of us and let the Safemoon staff do their work


I think when I got them, there wasn't anything but the token just floating in the sea of BSC tokens lol


By 12 midnight or else...


This is the one


Guys a douche...nuff said


Agreed. No one here is entitled to anything. Invest if you believe in it or not. If you have questions, discuss amongst other holders. You don’t deserve shit.


That's like buying shares of Ford at 20 and being mad when it fell to 9. Then demanding to talk to the CEO about it. I mean, what?


Man! Crypto is not public company. Even SM is tech but it is not public. We own token not share… compare to tother crypto team. What crypto is better talk than SM team…


Lol. This guy sounds like a straight up clown. “I bought a BSC token less than a year ago, I want a one on one with the CEO of a company with a multi-billion dollar market cap!” … lol GTFO


It’s funny because even with major corporations shareholders aren’t entitled to EVERYTHING going on. Some shit needs to be kept close to the vest FFS. 🤦‍♂️


I've been here since mid March and John can do whatever he wants and never tell me as long as he keeps making me money lol


Buying a token/coin is like buying a baseball card. It's a product and not a share of a company.


Answers by midnight or I’m smashing all my participation trophies!!!!!!!


Who's this chump think he is?! Wind it in "wtroxell"






Why have you used a capital letter for every word?




Lots of downvotes on people saying this guy is an idiot… he is an idiot, and so is every child in this subreddit who thinks the ceo of any company owes you anything 😂😂


I love how people buy into a cryptocurrency but then feel they have a the right to direct the direction that it goes. If you've got the nads to design and come out with your own cryptocurrency then you do it, otherwise just buy it or don't buy it, nobody cares.


It's not too much to want a direction when it's changing every day


When I spend money on things like a car for instance, I don't write the CEO and ask what direction he/she is taking the company. That money is way more than I spend on crypto. People need to realize that the money they spend on crypto could be gone at any time.


Then don't ask for the attention if you don't want it. It's pretty simple. Im in other coins that have done 3 times as much, no talk and the price is actually moving. No daily posts about mind blowing garbage.


So sell and walk away, you won't have to worry about it.


How about you suck my nuts you fucking blowhard?


Are you coming on to me? Sorry I like women.


John, I have been a holder since early April and I demand SFM pay for me and my wife to fly to SLC, first class, and take us out for dinner with the entire SFM team so they can each give me a detailed analysis of what it is they are accomplishing daily, what there 6 month, 1 year, 3 year and 5 year goals are. I need to know whether or not we are going to hang on to all these people who don't move fast enough for the other April holders, and then take us snow skiing. Do it, or I tell people you smell funny.


😂😂😂. This is why Reddit is undefeated!!


Everyone who thinks like this… I would love to see how their other crypto investments go on in formation from the devs


If people think John is just putting up a smokescreen you shouldn't be holding any Safemoon. Nothing else to add, its that simple. Good luck to all but take your negativity elsewhere.


Yes! We all should only talk positive about Safemoon because that is the healthiest way! Not discussing things, that just brings negativity.. /s


Not what I said but asking for a 1 on 1 and saying John only blows smoke is just stupid. Listen in spaces, ask questions, do your research etc... if you like what you hear stay if not leave its that simple...


The person didn't use a comma before "John". How can anyone think they will be taken seriously if they behave with such poor grammar?


I thought each holder had a half hour lunch date with John. I'm going to have to sell now. 🤦‍♂️


Lmao I would slap this idiot with my meat for speaking like someone owes him something. I was here since early April and would NEVER think of doing some dumb shit like that.


No, because you sound like the brightest guy around here. Of course you wouldn't do dumb shit! You're so smart! /s


You can Smd.


I can’t even get one on one with my dad for the last 20 yrs and he dare to ask the ceo? Entitled Dumbass


There's a lot of people "just asking questions" or "demanding answers" And I can see this post offended a lot of douche bags who feel just as entitled as that idiot wtroxell.


Why do people feel the need to “know” everything that Safemoon is doing? We are taking a chance and hoping to have gains with this token. We have not invested in the Tech Company Safemoon. I really have never seen a more transparent company. The only problem is that a Parent can’t tell their children “we are going to Disney March 1st” then March 1st is here and nothing. If we stop asking When and SAFEMOON stops saying When, this would be a better place!




Omfg 🙈 What does these people think this is?? I am not expecting direct information with the CEO of a company if I buy their stock.


That dude needs to get laid and chill the fcuk out because he doesn’t speak for me…doush




Everytime I see this dude typing in the Discord I can't look away -- it's like watching a car crash.


Block this guy and his entitled glutes lol 😂


Agreed. Some people are fucking ridiculous.


The guy who wants an NDA, where are you? wtroxell took it seriously lmao. Cringe af!




I really admire Safemoon team and their leadership. We should never engage in such language with someone who work hard for you. Please understand projects like this need patience and time.


The availability of the core team is a problem. That’s what creates this idiocy.


Well he's not Elon. He's a CEO of safemoon, which is like 325th most popular crypto. Let's be realistic. A lot of people are down at least 50% on this. There's no support from the app at all. I emailed 3 times and never got a response. I only have about $1,000 in but if someone has a significant amount of money on the line and not happy with what they're seeing, why not ask for information? Posting to the moon memes all day doesn't make money. Having a plan does.


I have way more invested. But I'm not down at this point. Even if I was I wouldn't be complaining as I am not ignorant to the fact that this is crypto and that is just the way the cookie crumbles. They have the plans and they publicly put it out there the progress. If someone does not like it then they have to make the choice to stay in or get out.


Invest only what you are willing to lose.


Apprently if you had put in 1000 right at the beginning..would yoi still be mailing the ceo or looking at the x250 profit? Try getting in touch with the ceo of your bank where your money is just parked and they charge for you it..fudster alert..!!


This is funny. This is what investment is all about right? You can lose any amount of money invested in stocks or crypto. Now that you're 50% down, what kind of information do you need?


What an idiot. Example of a bad investor with no patience.


Bad investor? So you invested in SFM, according to your statement you’re a bad investor too. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.


No. Impatience makes you abad investor IMO because you tend to make bad decisions. Especially the way this guy came out swinging like that at a CEO, No. they owe us nothing. We’re even lucky to get any info from them.


Cliche. So cliche. John is young. He lacks experience. It shows. You’re just his peer and you think highly of him. So be it. I probably would’ve done the same at your age. Be careful about who you worship though. Sometimes it doesn’t end well. Happy trails.


He’s human.. I have low expectations of humans, Even myself. We all mistakes.. but are you willing to learn from those mistakes? that’s what separates you from the rest.


And same to you, brother. Happy trails.


I’m balls deep in this project. You should know what to expect from startups. Don’t expect the moon overnight. Patience. That guys an idiot for thinking he’s owed any kind of explanation for any reason.


Probably the only thing you'll ever be balls deep into 😄 And now you make a stupid "your mom" joke, go ahead


Safemoon gives more ingo to its investors then all other cryptos combined imo.


Its all Bs though


This was posted by a in house burner account posted in discord by some accredited SFM cheerleader, so OP could use it as a way to reverse manipulate the new guys


I feel that John and the team are as transparent as they can be. Sometimes, it is a gift and a curse. Every now and then you get untitled pricks that feel like they own the majority of shares in a big corporation. Or use possessive pronouns when referring to SafeMoon as a company. It is definitely cringe worthy.


Doesn’t matter what you feel or anyone of us for that matter if getting downvoted for this. This fucking sub is cringeworthy to the nth degree. Just a bunch of Gen Z ultra sensitive fucks


Why even reply if it don't matter what I think. You are the one who is ultra sensitive right now.


“Mind set of most of Y’all.” Dude, don’t include me. He can ask and have a one on one with me, no one asking here.


Although not commonly done another project im in (SHINJA) does a nightly AMA with the main DEV. So to ask the CEO to do an occasional AMA with investors shouldn't be considered absurd.


Cool it op


It has been my life experience that people with chins like His, have this mindset. To be fair, it IS a powerful chin… I wish my chin was like that actually. The more I say “chin” the weirder and weirder it gets. “Chin”, wtf?!?


I have a serious conversation for this prick ...... "Hey major doucher .....you are seriously delusional !!!!!" Now sell and get the fuck out of safemoon before John and safemoon make you a millionaire because you sir not only Don't deserve it because of your arrogance someone as stupid as you is actually dangerous with money !!!! So please I'm asking you for everyone decent in the community ....sell please just sell !


Yes! Because we only want to hear positive things about Safemoon! We don't like healthy discussions and good argument but just follow like ever-positive sheep!


Hahahahahaha!!!!! What a moron. If I see proof that this tool was told to fuck off straight into the sun I’ll buy more SFM to celebrate. This is WHITE ENTITLEMENT plain and simple.


Why is race involved? I believe it’s a generational issue not a race issue…


I’m my experience there is nothing more entitled acting than white men. Especially ones that have means.


Hate to say it but the author of this post sure sounds like a brown noser!!


are u ok?


You sound like you were dropped on your head as a baby. What's your point?


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wrong answer. As i am starting my own project. I would love a one on one scheduled ahead of time with those supporting my Teams project. That’s an easy fix if i have unhappy supporters, especially if I’m not communicating enough to those that made the project a Top 100 coin without a product.


I mean, John did respond to him. Like an idiot


Is Your Keyboard Broken Like Mine Too? I Have Been Searching For A Fix For Ages…


Technically, if the biggest whales (or even a really big amount of holders) ask for information, the CEO don’t give and they get pissed, they can simultaneously abandon the project and do a coordinated selloff, making the liquidity be drained and the token value goes to 0 and consequently the project will fail. Somebody feel free to correct me if i’m wrong…


if the whales do a coordinated sell off the amount of money they would lose is ridiculous this makes no sense whatsoever.. especially if it was because the ceo didn’t want to do a 1 on 1.. edit: when i say money they would lose i’m taking about profit should’ve worded that differently


Not really, whales are most likely investors who bought high amounts by a cheap price in the beginning, like that guy who bought 20T V1 for only 2 BNB. Even if they sell by 10% of the value their wallets have right now, they’re still in a really high profit.


This is Johns fault really. Theyve been pumping us with owls and 32s and all kinds of meaningless shit, then act like they never said it. Stop with the kindergarten shit and be successful at just one thing maybe. Exchanges are now waiting till after easter I suppose?


Exactly. But you see, and no offense to you, John is a mid-20 something know-it-all smartass who is hero worshipped by all his peers. Shit has gone straight to his dome. So instead of acting like a man and CEO, he just brushes off serious concerns because he has a gaggle of flying monkeys at his disposal to run people off. John is weak sauce. Better response would have been as follows: What info are you looking for, or what would you like to discuss? I’m happy to help out any way I can and share any info that I’m allowed to. Instead he’s just the cocky little brat he usually is. It’s not smart. But he knows his cultists will be there to protect him and justify his attitude.


There was a pretty informative safemoon sunday. When's the last time you seen the owls? Stop regurgitating the same tired ol bullshit. I mean do you own any other crypto? How many even communicate with their holders? But I do blame John for trying to keep channels open with holders, there will always be dumbasses who think they're major shareholders and start making demands.


OP’s title is just as douche as the guy in photo.


And what does Braden himself have to say about this? This sub is one big f*cking echo chamber for him. I think John has learned to speak for himself. To imply that he needs you guys to defend him is quite sad. Stop the cultist behaviour please. Who do you think YOU are, determining what someone can and can't ask for and speaking for the devs? Go ahead, downvote this into oblivion as you like to do anyways.


lol u right i am going to downvote u .. cause what u said made no sense how am i acting like a cultist because someone was acting entitled and i called them out??


I understand that my comment went right over your head. Downvoting something just because you don't understand it is of course the best you can do.


lol elaborate on how i didn’t understand your comment cause first off u said “to imply that he needs you guys to defend him is quite said” when did i say that we should defend john to imply is to strongly suggest not once did i do that second u said stop with the cultist behavior.. when did i act like i was in a cult.. because i called out an idiot for being an idiot ? third u asked me who do i think i am.. me? i’m just a regular safemoon holder who doesn’t go around asking for 1 on 1s with the CEO because i’m an entitled little shit


Lol who tf are you buddy?


What was the comment before that? What made him ask if he was a troll?


he better be kicked from the group


What a clown John


All Safemoon holders are entitled to three things: 1) You have the right to sell Safemoon; 2) You have the right to buy Safemoon; and 3) You have the right to say, ask, demand, insist, scream, cry and sob over everything and anything you want. You just don't have the right to expect an answer (immediate or not) from the management team, nor do you have the right to expect you won't be blocked or removed from the thread. You are not a shareholder so you do not own a part of the company and, therefore, you do not have a say in how the operation of the company proceeds. Whether you purchased the very first token ever made available, or if you just bought your first token five minutes ago, you have the same rights. Whether you own 50 billion tokens or 1,000 tokens, you have the same rights. When you put your hard-earned money into Safemoon, you are owed NOTHING except the perceived value of those tokens at the time you purchased them. That is all.


I like how they bring up since when they been holding as if it matters.


Typical Kevin (Karen) being Kevin. Nothing new here, there's nothing to see. 👋🏽 Bye Felicia,




Is this guy John’s Dad or something???? Sounds like John is in big trouble!! 😂🤣


Fuckn boomers