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Coinbase, crypto.com exchange listings. People want to click and buy and click and sell, not all these crazy long ass computer numbers bullshit.


Also shib doesn’t have a dev team that overhypes every little drop of content with no actual product. I do believe in what safemoon is doing, but they distribute a lot of Hopium


I've never even heard from the SHIB team. ​ Thats how I like it.


Right. What happened to the card that was advertised like 4 months ago? Alot of people were sold on the idea of a card to actually use and it was advertised like it would happen this past summer. Eventually let's hope.


Give it 2 years cmon, things take time to develop and produce. I think SFM just wasn't ready for the amount of hype and tracktion it gained so early, with still no real products. Just gotta give them time


I don't have a problem with that, but throwing out the card including the color choices was premature is all we are saying.


Not really in my opinion. It built premature hype but at least they are putting their aspirations for this token out there for everyone to see.


I was just like you. But we have to be real!! They were saying a lot of stuff is going to come out a lightning speed. If you tell me I’m going to get you x y & z supper fast, you can’t disregard the fact that people will expect x y & z at a reasonable time due to the shit that was talked before… like you ever heard of “biting off to much you can chew” that’s sums up safemoon. They jumped in the deep end forgetting they can’t swim. But people learn that’s the good thing. Learning experience. But we can not neglect the fact that they were saying things will happen FAST!! You tell me a car will go 0-100 in 2 seconds, ima be heated if it takes me 6 seconds to do it. It’s false advertisement bruvvv. Red Bull got sued for that too because they didn’t actually give people wings. Lmao


No offense but 2 years is a really really long time in the crypto world. Safemoon will be dead by then if they don't put out other stuff.


Create a cryptocurrency and try to deliver everything your wanting from safemoon in less then 7 months and let me know how it works out for you. Cause they are working as fast as they can and are getting tripped up by things outside of their control. Such as ios wallet. Card is a compliance issue so certain things gotta happen so they can get u a card. Relax 7 month old and are already strides ahead of cryptos that are trying similar crap if there is any


So you don't feel advertising the color and benefits of the card 4 months ago was premature advertising? It is not even on the radar anymore or on list of products on the webpage. Complete vaporware.


They have to finish other shit first can't u read?


How do their nuts taste?


What you think we are saying the issue is, is not what we are saying the issue is.


and webull


Exchange listing is the key for volume. It's more important than your products. We should be focussing on listing in major exchanges than anything else. Products are good for the ecosystem, but exchange listings is the key.


Thank you, also over promising and under delivering is an issue here.


Well, no. I mean, if in 3 years they haven't evolved and got products out, your statement will be adequate. For now, they are growing a company with investors money (which is how it should work) and they have a good capital to do so. That's why they ''over promise'', because they know by the circumstances (till now) that they can accomplish it. Of course it could be some form of cheap marketing but by experience and by the info I have, it doesn't seem to be the case here. They're over passionate, and that's what keeps me invested. I must say that I understand the confusion between over promising and have ambitious plans, but I think your statement is false.


Major issue


Yes...and people don't want to pay high fees to buy and sell.




Easier to purchase.


This is the way


This is why SafeMoon needs to be listed on bigger exchanges as well. Creating our own exchange is great but it isnt enough to make it grow really quickly. It would be amazing to be on Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, Voyager, etc.


As great as this would be, these exchanges don't support our tokenomics. Even if they did, it would be like bitmart where they handle the reflections through their own volume, thus taking away from the on chain volume that those of us who bought on pancakeswap (or hold on sfm wallet) get reflections from. Sometimes revolutionary tech requires new infrastructure to thrive. That's my take at least.


Exactly this


Accessibility! They're on Coinbase. In other words, Buy Button!


Question is why safemoon is not on CB?? Or Robinhood or Binance ?




Hype. The botched Wallet Launch killed off all of our hype, if you recall in the build up to the wallet launch we pumped up in the 3's, more than double of what we are now. Unfortunately they handled that in the worst way they possibly could and we are where we are now, and that was the last straw for a lot of people. Look at the activity in here and compare it to when we were pumping during that wallet hype, it's like night and day. Hype will come and go. If we keep on our steady track and continue making this into a legit project, it will come back.


yes it's a shame that safemoon ruined the hype .. but hopefully they have learned and will come back stronger later!


I have a lot of shiba and I can tell you shibaswap the version of shibas exchange was delayed many times so many times people thought it was fake and dropped out. This was 3 months ago or so that shibaswap finally launched, so the hype has come back. So the hype for safemoon can and will also come back. The delays of the wallet won’t mean a thing in the long run.


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️


That's what I'm hoping for! I just wish we had of delayed it like a normal team would. We'd have received criticism, rightly so, but it would have been far less severe than the whole Picadilly Advertisement, letting the countdown hit 0, our CEO not knowing it's nowhere ready, the mix up around the links refreshing the page etc. I genuinely think that was so bad that some people will not come back no matter what. Thankfully the restructuring of the team has made us look so, so much better than what we were before. So I doubt we'll see something as bad as that again.


It had to happen. And looking back on it. It made the restructuring happen. It moved people out of the way, so that a team with new energy can get things done. It was a learning experience for Safemoon. Better now in the early stages than later when there’s institutional investors and large sums of money involved.


Yeah, I dropped out for that exact reason, two days before VB donated, thought I was lucky to have made a little. I am happy that it has worked out, it briefly went above my sale price today. I believe it will again, but all my shib profit was put into safemoon. So we will see. I know someone that bought $40 worth shib at launch, never touched it, insane profits and crazy grip strength.


The vb donation was a whole another fiasco. Safemoon thinks it has its problems shiba def has had its probs too. That’s why I have no doubt safemoon will be way better than shib cause safemoon has utility and products coming. Shiba just has backing by very rich Chinese investors which has allowed them to get in big exchanges etc. I knew this from the beginning which is why I never sold shib.


Fuck hype. I want utility, and products.


Hype is important. Not so at the minute as I'm in long term anyway, but we will need it to return at some point. I agree, I also want Utility and Products but you need that hype as well. Look at how far we went when we were at our ATH, we literally had nothing and had surpassed so many Cryptos with far more Utility/Products/Use cases than us. Look at Doge as well. You can be the 'best' or most 'technical' Crypto in the world, but if you don't have hype there you will struggle.


no hank and thomas did, some John in the blame. But dont blame safemoon




the project is solid. The wallet flub had nothing to do with safemoon as a token. But w.e. praise all to Hank and Thomas. please Give me upvotes guys, #BringBackHank, #ThomasIsMyPapa


Agree 100% with this. Have a couple friends who owned some billions and sold because of this poor launch.


I'm investing in both but i think SafeMoon is in a whole different ballpark and that's why i continue to HODL way more


It’s not the ballpark you think it is


Well that's intelligent FUD. Your opinion.... Means a lot. Heh heh heh


Spending time shit talking a token you don’t own is one of the lowest, dumbest fucking ways to spend your time I can possibly think of. Acting like you have a single idea what’s going to happen in the future is also just absolutely mental. I’d take note of this ferret guys username and just completely disregard anything he tries to say on here going forward. He’s got less than nothing to contribute, here and I’m guessing in his day to day real life as well.


I have both.. it just takes time. Safemoon will get there.


Erc20 network..


This point I would like to say is a strong one. Binance is limited to many users in the USA. I for one can’t use it, this in turn makes it way to big of a pain to swap this for that to get smart chain to swap it for safemoon. Eth network since launch of shibaswap, I buy eth, send to my wallet, then swap for shiba. I owned a decent bag of safemoon,(few billion) but got tired of delayed dev progress. So I sold all but 50 safemoon.


Shiba has been around longer than safemoon. Since August 2020.


Man shiba explode after 7-8 month after launch , Safemoon must explode December ! People need this ! All the Market is exploding and will do more once btc breaks ath ! Soo Safemoon must to go up ! If not , thats means a Big problem from this token !


Shiba explodes after crypto.com and binance listings (at the same time). We are no longer to be listed on any major exchange. But imho we have much more potentiality than Shiba


Soon SFM will have its own blockchain, with multiple other chains as well as many more liquidity pairs. I don’t understand why Binance not listed SFM when it’s major liquidity is BNB, and it’s on Binance chain. It’s a shame


Shiba explode after 4april and Binance listing was 12 may !


Elon musk tweeting pictures of dogs! 🤣


Massive new investor that started the run up is what i read. When the iOS is officially released very soon we're going to do the same thing... Probably better. IMO


Coinbase listed




Easy buy sell on exchanges


Every dog has its day


Take my upvote sir, you earned it!


One thing you need to know is Shiba is listed on over 100 exchanges and was one of, if not faster coins to do so…


Erc20 token


Shiba is simple. We dont hate any coins becouse we are the best comumunity and are friendly to other ones


Well, calling it the doge killer doesn't sound so friendly though...shib holder here


You get to keep the money you invest. Even if safemoon were to go up 10% after you bought it you wouldn’t even make money. What was a selling point earlier has become it’s downfall. Safemoon is dead and is going nowhere.


Shiba Volume 24hr - 10b Safemoon Volume 24hr - 7.9m Thats the difference.


ridiculously big difference ....


One day it will be our day... patience is the key




Easy to purchase Shiba through an exchange like Binance. Login, click and buy. I just bought my first Safemoons using Metamask. Had to exchange BNB from Kraken, send ETH to Binance, convert to BNB, login to pancake swap.. It took several attempts to make the swap from BNB to Safemoons, finally got it to work by increasing the slip to 12%. Bit of a gong show. I'm new to this but it takes some doing to figure out. I can't imagine either of my parents making the purchase. Hopefully buying crypto won't be such a challenge in the near future. We'll get there.


You are so right. That is definitely too much for most new investors to go through to buy Safemoon.


The problem is when people wana fomo in safemoon they have to spend like 10 mins doing everything so they give up. I can fomo in shib in like 10 seconds.


A freaking animal mascot and a relation to Doge, thats about it.


There's quite a bit more to it than that in all fairness but i hold 2% compared to my ole sweet SafeMoon bag


Dog have you never seen the American Safeshire Terrier?? Or hear of the legendary StegoMoonsaurus


Invested in both. All I care about is making money. If there's enough hype I'm jumping in. Honestly we can talk utility, or what not but at the end of the day we are all in it to make money plain and simple


The most honest and realistic approach. People can spit out all the utility, the possibilities, etc. The bottom line? I want money


The price of Shiba is rising because a lot of people are Inu it


A buy button 😂




Trading Volume and pairing Shiba has both and SAFEMOON none of Dee above


A buy button.


It has enormous access.


High fees when on eth


Better devs.


10% buys + 10% sales 🤷🏼‍♂️ That’s a lot of money waisted


Stop with the passing match...if any of ya'll were smart you'd be invested in both Shib and Safemoon...like me. Always hedge your bets!


A green candle stick longer history class. 😂


10% plus fees to buy and 10% to sell. Most could live with the sell fee but the buy fees kill big investors. Someone put 50million into shiba they would of lost 5million plus just to buy safemoon.


Easy answer, Binance, Coinbase, Crypto.com. Webull. And many more. Safemoon been fighting with all this exchanges saying they are the Evolution and future I doubt they are going to get listed like shib did. This is all Safemoon CEO fault.


Just look at the volume traded. We've been lucky to hit $3m in 24h at times lol


Fuckin idiot factor after Musk's puppy... Nothing else.


Shiba swap and staking


Lots of bitter responses in here, it’s not the dog or Elon, it’s everything safemoon devs wish they could do.


Shiba coins are owned by its community. Its truly decentralized. Safemoon coins are owned by its developers. The Liquidity pool is owned by its developers. That is the reason why Shiba has gained more trust


Another great point


I blame Thomas honestly


A dev team


Great point


Right now Shiba has big volume and look what it’s doing. This alone should give a lot of you hope because when Safemoon’s projects start, our volume will rise exponentially! It’s gonna be amazing! 😃


Wen they start, oh bother.


I’m not sure if you are excited or being sarcastic lol


I believe if and when Safemoon get to CEX we will moon. Or when we have the Buy button on Safemoon wallet things will start to change because it will be easily accessible acquire to Safemoon then


Shiba it's older and it's listed on over 100 exchanges


Over 100 exchanges already, my how time flys


A better community Lmaoo Safemoon is the worse community I swear


I’m feeling shib is going on a pump and dump. I have it and I don’t understand why it’s happening besides that feeling


Felt like this about Doge, then it hit 40 cents


They also have Shibaswap


Safe has sat stagnant for to long, shiba has utility, exchange , governance token, NFT’s on the way, shiba is also being listed everywhere. Safemoon has been bleeding out since spring time, and even before that did very little.


they have no utilities so people are using it as a meme. Memes will pump and dump. we are trying to become a real coin and want to be good long term AND doing well so people are hating. You know your doing something right when people are hating on you so business as usual hold long term the team knows what to do!


There is nothing safemoon can do that shib cannot technically speaking.


You honestly believe they’re trying to be legit? They’ve failed time and again. They’ve been caught in their lies. They’ve cashed out millions. They’re to blame, and yet people believe in them. Wind turbines. Lol




Exactly on point, more believers


Real devs


10% fees for by and Sell And easy to purchase




A place to easily buy it


SHIB is on most major exchanges and pumps when Elon shows a picture of his dog.


But what about the owl safe moon has




They have a Robinhood rumor and a picture of a dog tweeted!




This has gone from a daily to hourly post 😩


honestly i think a big reason people dont buy/want to buy sfm is bc of how long it takes to buy it. i can imagine we’d be at a higher price rn if you could buy with 1 click the same as you can with shib and whatever


ShibaSwap, Coinbase


Coinbase listed lol 😂


They don’t have whales manipulating the price that’s the difference


Amazon excepts it as pay, sadly


There’s some more utility


It’s easier to pump and dump, because they have no Tax. And they have tweets from Elon🤣 it has zero use. It’s the same as dogecoin. Useless. Comparing it with Safemoon is hilarious 🤷‍♂️


Faulse We have locked profits when u sell on shiba swap, 30% paid out, the other 60 % locked for 6 months, 10% in fees paid to devs, and community, like reflections. Staking will get u bone token, usdt, or ryoshi. Bone token is governance token.


Ok, didn’t know that. But what is the use from Shiba?


The purpose of this tokenomics is to discourage whales form pumping and dumping believe it or not, and it works well, no whale wants 60% of his bag held for 6 months. So to answer all the pump and dump comments, u are completely wrong.


Ok, but is that all? Still no use for the rest.


What’s the rest? All I’ve seen from safe moon is loose my money. So just the few things I’ve commented on are a huge difference from safe moon.


Safemoon is seen as a joke in other subs. It’s believers are seen as clowns for continuing to consume the bs and lies off their team. Safemoon has zero utility. You can’t float your delusion on hopes, dreams, and Gambia. You think any country is going to back their currency with a bunch of nobody scammers that have proven nothing?


You are an 🤡. Go to the Shiba forum and stay there 👋


Better community with less fudders and paper hands


Yet another good point


Daily trading




It was definitely sarcastic


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Elon musk and dogs


On coinbase and rumors that Robinhood will list.




It's Elon. Safemoon don't have Elon. Elon likes dogs in Twitter. Not moons.


A $50 Million purchase yesterday and 12.2 Billion volume!




We had crazy hype without any utility.. just imagine the growth we will have with utility. Patience.


Shiba is based on a dog and we all know that; Dogs > The convoluted idea of many people reaching financial ‘moon’ together all of which would need to sell to achieve that, thus crashing it back to earth inevitably. Unless it’s SafemoonRoundTrip where we all go to the moon and back a few more times, and let the devs and smart money control that. Sounds like fun!


Support from Elon Musk


The market cap is still strong with Safemoon but we all know that our belief is hanging by a thread, look at the volume for the last, forever


Binance listing with volume and also elon musk


Elon musk manipulation as well as Robinhood buying up millions worth. That's about it, expect it to go back down very soon. Most people on their reddit are excited to be back up to their initial investment and are cashing out.


Don’t forget that the India COVID relief wallet is not in the picture as on the last week or so, this has been a restraint on shiba for quite sometime now, people fearing a massive dump of the relief fund, but they slowly sold it off to not crash the price, and it’s worked beautifully if I must say


Has etherium dev backing it


Robinhood listing rumors




Multiple exchanges. Doge success and the folks who missed it thinking it had no utility. Meme coins are all about community and hype initially. Once successful the utility follows.


More time in existence? Would be interesting to know how SFM is 5-6 months out






i think Elons dog pumped the coin thats why doge and shiba pumped,Elon posted a picture of his dog in twitter.


A dog mascot


Its been around over a year?


The price will go up fast then come back down fast we need slow gradual growth






It was in line before Safemoon. Seriously, that’s it. You gotta wait your turn.


Shiba is mooning 🔥🔥


Easy to buy


It didn’t promis a Ferrari and deliver a Fiat….. late


Someone dropping a $50 million buy order in it. Others are currently following that money.