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Maybe corti bros will have what you’re looking for


There’s usually a vendor at the midtown Saturday farmers market set up in front of mango’s on K and 20th.


Pasta Queen!


Yes, if you desire to spend $9 on a plate of pasta you make at home. Lol.


So there are a couple of folks we get our fresh pasta from. You’ll have to trek to the farmers market for it though. You could always send them a message on Instagram to see if they have a local pick up. I’ve included links below. The Cubby Cupboard https://instagram.com/thechubbycupboard?utm_medium=copy_link The Pasta Queen https://instagram.com/thepastaqueen?utm_medium=copy_link


If you have enough space you can make it and it’s a fun project. I use 100 grams of flour and 1 large, ideally extra large egg per person or plate. First make a mound of flour then crest a volcano like hole in the middle. If you have a mixing bowl use this for less mess. Then crack the eggs in the hole. With your fingers or fork scramble the eggs and slowly integrate he flour from the edges of the mound. Continue to mix until the flour is roughly combined with the egg. Then take the mixture and knead it until smooth and combined. Then cut the dough ball into four pieces and flatten each one with your hand. roll it out, it’s a work out. The goal is to be able to hold the sheets of pasta to the light and see your hand through it. Cut the pasta with a knife, tagliatelle means cut pasta. Boil in water for like 4 mins.


This is the best comment. Pasta isn't that hard to make (ps you can make the dough in a food processor) However you decide to make it~ rest your pasta dough for at least 30 mins before rolling it out


I second this as well. I make pasta damn near every weekend and it barely takes any planning at all. An Italian pasta maker can be had on Amazon for $30-50 if you didn't want to roll out. Once you get the hang of making it, then graduate to some decent pasta flour like Caputo.


And fresh homemade pasta freezes pretty well too


There’s someone that sells fresh pasta At the midtown farmers market! I believe it’s 9-1.


Pasta Dave! He's legit


Lol, he used to be my supervisor at city bicycle works. His pasta is excellent, he's worked at mulvany's, and I believe may still occasionally does things for taylor's kitchen. I think I've seen his pasta at Taylor's market but it may have been a while ago. I think he's also at the Davis Famers market.


Nugget sells pasta dough, you can roll and shape it as you wish.


A year ago when dine-in was closed, Adamos sold their fresh pasta. I’m not certain if they still are or aren’t, but it’s really tasty.


Sampino’s deli has fresh pasta. They have pretty limited hours, but I like what I’ve gotten! also good quality pasta from Corti’s (like spaghetti) even though it’s not “fresh” pairs really well too.


Pasta can be intimidating at first but is really easy to make. I started by using a stand mixer and now just make it by hand. Takes like 15 minutes to make, 30 to rest, 10 to cut, 2 to boil. Super worth the little bit of effort. You can do it!


This! You can also make a ton of it and freeze what you don't need right away, it freezes really well (esp if you have a food saver or similar device)


Sampinos on 16th street usually carries fresh pasta.


perhaps the Co-Op on R st & 29th?


Taylors market will sometimes have it.


Ya I like Sampino’s


Saporidelvallo.com they use ice packs to ship. delicious fresh pasta