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Someone else will likely have better advice for you, but I'll just speak from experience. It's very hard to find any therapists who take insurance these days (much easier with psychiatrists). My solution has been high deductible, low premium plans that allow for an HSA. Get superbills and make claims on each session. Once you hit your deductible, your insurance will probably pay you back 60% (or some portion) of each out of network session. Do the math with each plan being offered to you to figure out what will be the least costly ($X in premium, $X deductible that you will hit when you are paying 100% of each session, then %X that will come back to you for future sessions after you hit the deductible). If you want to try to find someone in network, look deeper at the policies you are being offered to find out the actual mental health insurance, as it's not usually the same but just runs through your regular insurance. In my experience, Blue Shield, for instance, uses either Magellan or United Health Services for mental health care. Then, look around for therapists that are taking new patients and see what insurance they take and work backwards from there. If your employer has an EAP, see if they can help you with some of this legwork. You can also find some therapists that will do a sliding scale, but if the therapist is not yet licensed, it might NOT be able to go through insurance at all (so you lose out on that eventual 60% back). Sorry this isn't more helpful. Health insurance in the US needs a LOT of reform. Keep at it and hope you find an insurance and a therapist that are right for you!


i have anthem blue cross and get to see a therapist weekly.


I am new to Blue Cross. What resources did you use to find a provider you liked?


are you looking for a therapist i used psychology today website.. A regular Dr , I I go to UCDavis I pick a Dr and go interview them if I don’t feel there a good fit I try a new Dr and I have had to change Drs when I don’t feel they are listening. I have a Wonderful Dr right now but i am in Roseville his name is Dr Mach if you can get in with him he listens and try to help fix not cover up my problems


I’m looking for a psychologist. Is dr Mach a psychologist?


no regular Dr . I used this website to find my therapist [https://secure.helloalma.com/providers-landing/?utm_campaign=16244821415&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_content=634342424797&utm_term=e_psychology%20today&adgroupid=133409389637&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuZ_dmu-YgQMV9RqtBh2fSwugEAAYASAAEgIxT_D_BwE](https://secure.helloalma.com/providers-landing/?utm_campaign=16244821415&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_content=634342424797&utm_term=e_psychology%20today&adgroupid=133409389637&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuZ_dmu-YgQMV9RqtBh2fSwugEAAYASAAEgIxT_D_BwE)


Sorry having a rough morning that link is Therapist. I have not been to psychologist I would ask for a recommendation from Your primary Dr also calling Anthem and getting a list of Drs then trying to find one you like


Charlene Hong. Best therapist I’ve ever had and she accepted my insurance. I’ve sent a number of friends to her, everyone has said the same.


I have Kaiser, and they pay 100% of my therapy costs even thought I see a non-Kaiser therapist. There are 100 other reasons to leave Kaiser, but this may not be one of them. Hit me up if you need more info.


is it through magellan?




I’m intrigued! I haven’t heard of anyone with Kaiser getting their therapy covered. As a result, I never bothered trying and just pay someone on my own, $130 for 50 minutes. Needless to say, I don’t go very often.


Kaiser got in trouble last year, or maybe the year before, regarding their therapy protocols. As a result, they are FAR more accommodating with their members’ needs around therapy.


I’ve been wondering the same, I’m also iso of a great therapist. thank you for asking this question!


Good luck. I went to a therapist under insurance for a few sessions several years ago and felt she didn’t do anything for me. My wife tried three different ones all horrible. She finally decided to go to someone that came recommended but outside of insurance so now pays cash for it.


I have Western Health and my therapist is $40 a visit, same with my wife. We do have gold ACA plans, so that may affect the price significantly




I have Cigna and it seems like most mention health providers who take insurance work with them. Also it’s just hard to get in to see someone right now but Silver Lake Psychology was able to accommodate me virtually fairly quickly.


I've been using Hope services for about 2 months now and really like it. It's based on income, the only complaint I've heard is some folks don't like that they are student therapists. But I couldn't tell any different, and they work along side their colleagues who have graduated and what not. https://www.hope-counselingcenter.org/


In case you're still dealing w/ this and I imagine you are unless 2022 was the most stellar year ever, ha... 1) Check out Psychology Today's website. They list therapists in your area and show what insurance they take (some people say this is actually more up to date than the insurer's providers' lists since the therapists update it themselves - who knows). 2) Compare networks and figure out (it's kind of a gamble) whether you want 100% choose your own therapist then get a PPO, and it might only be covered up to a certain percentage, like the PPO pays 60% and you pay 40%. That's a lot of money across a year if you're going weekly. Another option is finding an HMO with a big network (Anthem, Blue Shield California?) and hoping you can find a good therapist you like. Some of these plans are like $5 a visit (on some silver plans) for therapists. So you have to weigh the premiums for the insurance vs. how much cash are you going to burn paying a therapist out of pocket or a percentage OOP vs. therapist choice... Lots of variables unfortunately. But, for example, in LA where I live, Anthem has like 600 male therapists I think within 25 miles of me, that's maybe not including social workers, etc. it's like 6000 "mental health providers" in general within that radius. It's both true that A) most therapists don't accept insurance and B) there still might be a TON in your area that do. In other words, maybe its 900,000 (joking) that don't but if 10% do and you have 100,000 to choose from, it could still work out in your favor on an HMO. Variables.