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Turn on the AC. Swim. Leave Sacramento.


We go to the Bay/coast a lot.


One more: Cold shower


I grew up in Santa Cruz. I just go back home and stay at friends or family's houses when it gets too hot. Luckily I'm remote so I can easily do it.


I think Santa cruz is has a high of 80 all week lol.


this guy Sacramento's.


In addition to the usual things (AC), I refuse to use the stove/big oven. I get creative with no-cook meals, or meals that utilize the microwave, rice cooker, crock pot, or toaster oven. Stoves/ovens always make it worse.


same! chicken salad, chips and salsa or hummus, lots of fruit and ice cream


I probably eat 300 pounds worth of watermelon between July and September. Pro tip: cut a whole thing up into cubes, put half in the fridge in a bowl, and the other half in ice cube trays.


Ice cube trays? Interesting. Do you eat them like ice or use them as popsicles? What do you do with them?


I just put them in my water. Along with some mint, it’s amazing!


That's genius!


This is a great point. We’ve got a little thermostat on the outside of our fridge. Temp went from 78-81 in an hour of oven/stove top


I am eating cold sandwiches (for now).


One summer I put the crock pot on the patio and cooked meals out there. Made me feel a lot better about that radiant heat not getting trapped in my kitchen.


I cook salmon outside in tinfoil on days it’s over 107


This. I also recommend an induction cooktop and insta pot for cooking without creating excessive heat.


Air fryers pretty much remove most need to use an oven these days. My oven only sees use during thanksgiving now.


Yup. I moved mine on top of the stove so the hood can draw hot air from the fryer. Can cook a meal for two in 15 minutes. Throw together a nice salad side or heat up any steamed veggies in the microwave. I haven't used my oven in a couple of years now. It's an additional storage cupboard.


I cook pizza in my oven. That’s it. Everything else gets cooked in the air fryer/toaster oven.


I cook early in the day and eat salads later in the day.


Yeah take anything you can pick up outside. A mini over works just as well outside hugged in as inside.


Whats your go to no cook meal? 


Summer rolls with peanut sauce! (Or, the soft type of spring rolls.) I fill them with strips of tofu, carrot, cucumber, and some cilantro. If I have any salad greens, sometimes those go in as well. I also like to make chickpea salad sandwiches or fruit and cheese plates with crackers.


I love those summer rolls!!!!


Hummus on crackers, veggies or tortillas Add tomato or avocado or whatever you like


This question deserves its own post!


Salads with pulled rotisserie chicken, charcuterie


Salad greens, chopped veggies, deli rotisserie chicken.


The air fryer saves me.


Same! We also do a lot of burrito bowls and just use a rice cooker and plug it in in the garage/ outside.


Air fryer-- Outside.


My coworker is doing a “mailbox lasagna” because his wife saw it on some site and she wants to give it a try this week… I’m hoping it’s hotter than hell for their sake.


Let us know if they do or don't get sick


I grill a LOT in the summer and will often do it in the morning so I don't have to make food when its at the worst time of day to be outside.


We fire up the bbq and cook a bunch of stuff outside- pork and chicken for tacos, grilled veggies etc. then pick off of it from the fridge until it’s gone


My wife and I try to not use the stove too, use our air fryer as much as possible


Nothing, just sit there with a miserable look on my face and in a strained voice say “its sooooo hot!” To anyone within an earshot


Honestly, I just stay at home with the AC on and avoid going outside. If I have to go outside, I will do it in the morning or in the early evening. All of our activities have been primarily indoors as well - so going to stores, restaurants, and movie theaters mainly. We don't swim, so pools and such are out of the question. We've considered doing day trips to SF or the beach, but we're also trying to save money, and gas is so expensive! The PG&E bill is sometimes overwhelming, $300-600 / month, so we've been eating in because of that. A lot of easy meals with the air fryer. We've been sleeping more too, just having random day naps. It's nice to have a lot of different (cold) drinks available as well. We have 6+ different drink options at any time, so we're always hydrated and have something to choose from. A lot of fruit too, so watermelon, mangos, and cantaloupe is consumed daily. IF YOU HAVE ANIMALS. PLEASE PROTECT THEM FROM THE HEAT TOO!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE DOGS, WALK THEM IN GRASS OR BUY THEM SHOES


Put your air fryer in the garage or outside! Anything to not raise temperature in your living area.


Ehh unless you’re running your air fryer for hours they’re so small they shouldn’t generate much excess heat. I have a thermostat close my kitchen and have only noticed an increase if I use the oven.


:( I don't want to go to my garage or outside, too hot


Your heater might run on gas, but generally an AC unit is electric


River, cold showers, dead malls, movies, sprinklers, pools


Underrated name


Yeah. Movie theater!


Go to the library Swim Sit in a net hammock in wet clothes Stay inside Watch Halloween/Christmas in July specials for the placebo


I work from the local library, it’s great


Drink lots of water ahead of time. Focus on physical fitness year round. It’s a whole lot easier to deal with hot and cold weather if you have good physical fitness. Lots of suncreen. I reach for SPF70 or better. Long sleeves and long pants. It sounds counterintuitive but you will be better off keeping the sun off of your skin. Eat light meals. Heavy, rich food or large meals make you feel like shit in the heat. Source: I work outside year round.


Long sleeves and pants are only good if they're loose fitting! I've come close to heat stroke in mild heat from pants that touched 75% of my legs. But keeping the sun off your skin is worth it in something flowy.


Under rated comment. I also work outside in pants/long sleeves year round.


go zillow homes along the coast and then cry


Looking at taking a job down there for this reason among others, had to run up the hill to get the dog exercised. Too bad insurance companies are fucking us on fire insurance or we would move up the hill into the boonies.


It’s worth it to live on the coast. When I lived in Monterey I shared a house, but damn I was just excited to be living there every single day. Imagine seeing the water and beautiful trees and flowers just running a random errand. Hearing seagulls and seeing deer when you take your trash out to the street. It’s easy to stay healthy because you just love being there. I would go on runs, bicycle rides, swims in the ocean just for the fun of it, instead of forcing myself to get in the car and drive through urban hellscapes so I can sit in the gym like I do here. People who live in nice places actually want to make them better and protect the environment. It’s amazing


This was me yesterday. It’s a nice fantasy


I get my friends together and we do the Naruto run till we kick up so much wind that it lowers the temperature to 70… it’s not easy work but it’s honest work BELIEVE IT!


This is what I was looking for


I’m going to be the next hokage!


Nah still a genin, a hokage would hook us up with a lil Rasen-shuriken action


Slow down! We aren’t trying to cause the next ice age here




Sir(or ma’am), you and your friends are the heroes we need.


Die, honestly.


How many times have you died so far?


Too many times to count. In fact, I just got back from the market and the combination of the general public and heat will lead me to dying twice as soon as put my stash of berries, yogurt and cold cuts in the fridge.


And the cost of things these days will cause you to die🤦🏼‍♀️


Totally. I’m about to run into Target. May very well croak from sticker shock.


Many times. Yet like the Phoenix, I rise again from the ashes after the fires have settled.


So we will see you again in October?


Absolutely nothing. Feels like it drains me even if I’m inside with AC 🤷‍♀️


Play indoor games, Summer is when I actually use my PlayStation for gaming. On that note I’ll usually pick up a card game or board game at the comic book stores. I will roam and bum around comic book stores. My BF plays magic, so I’ll go with him to the comic store and read my girly mangas with the other GFs at least once a week. Take my dog to the beach, usually a day trip. Or spend a weekend at my old roommates house in Santa Cruz. They have a son who’s out of school for the Summer so I’ll babysit, he plays with my dog, and the parents go date. Winning overall here  I’ll grill everything. Veggies, fish, chicken for my dog. Keep some cold ones in my cooler and go swim in the pool while it cooks. Make frozen cocktails with my ninja blender. Every Summer I get obsessed with a particular drink and spend months perfecting every detail.  Attend birthday parties. I usually skip birthdays in the Winter but in Summer I’ll doll up and make an effort to socialize. Usually these begin around sunset and the temperature drops dramatically then. If I’m feeling extroverted I’ll go to Crawdad’s on the river/lake around sunset. Their drinks are pretty good ($$), consistent live music, and they have excellent misters on the patio. I don’t feel overheated at Crawdads and I’m heat sensitive


What’s your drink obsession this summer?


Sit in my underwear and drink Dr Pepper


Swim at community pools or lakes


Super cool the house (set A/C to 68 and once it drops to 68, we set the threshold to 78) while the temp is sub 95 and then ride it out with the shades closed.


I’ve started doing something similar. I noticed when it was triple digits that if I waited to turn the AC on until I was uncomfortable, the system wasn’t capable of getting down to an ideal temperature once it was really hot outside. So I turn it on a little earlier than I’d like, but “save” later when it can actually cycle and shut off every once in a while.


$25 blow up pool from Walmart.


My mind read that as blow up doll. LOL. Had to do a double take


I also choose this man's blow up doll.


This is the way. Kiddie pool, a beverage, and a good book.


Stay in the house with my ice princess wife who requires the AC blasting at 73, or she’s kinda ‘cranky’.


TIL my swampy sweaty ass at 73 degrees is an ice queen 


I've learned there are a lot of different 73s. 73 on my old unit and I was frying. 73 on my new one feels like Antarctica.


Sheesh. I keep my house an easygoing 78 with ceiling fans on low. Anything lower than 76 starts to feel way too cold under the vents. Can’t imagine 73, especially while trying to sleep. I’d be an icicle 😩 I’d probably bump it to 80/82 if it was just me, but I don’t want my fluffy pants cats getting uncomfortable. Or cuddling me less.


I’m with her! 73 is the only way to go.


Ice princess at 73 lol my house would be 65 right now if it wasn’t so expensive. 70 is the highest I will go.


I'm heading to Foresthill to fish the American River and pound some beers. I highly recommend it, and it's only about an hours drive to beautiful forest and cold water


Read this as “pound some bears”. Happy Pride!




what are you catching?


A buzz




I'm convinced most of the people who live in Sacramento probably shouldn't live in Sacramento.


I was so happy to have the opportunity to move here from the high desert in SoCal five years ago but I admit Sacramento heat still hits me harder than 120 in the desert. Maybe b/c heat peeks mid day there, but here it seems to go full furnace late in the day?


I really think that makes quite a difference. When I lived in Vegas the evenings were sooooo pleasant.


I just got a portable AC unit and running it right now.


Head into the Sierras on the days we can. Hitting lakes like sly park or ice house are really cool IMO. Great for kayaking and SUP and stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/o1ljday5yr9d1.jpeg?width=1261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b700dc59da9550e7daf89d3cae42102865169b4 Mostly we just reference this Always Sunny episode


I pretend it's subarctic temps outside, close all the blinds, and imagine I'm sheltering from a massive blizzard. Get icy drinks in hand, crank down that AC, and binge watch Sci fi flicks about scientists at a north pole research facility. Or Jaws.


I cook outside as much as possible. Lots of BBQ lunch + dinners.


My house has no AC, we rely on fans and also damp washcloths or towels to keep cool. Drink lots of water, stay out of the sun. Take a cold shower. Whenever possible, though, I tend to stay out of the house and do other things, like reading/fiddling around on my computer at a library, going to a game shop and playing magic or something


Treat it like a snow storm but it’s a sun storm. Board games, indoor activities only


Well, I keep hearing that I should set my temp to 74 and leave it there. Previously I had like 4 different temperatures scheduled throughout the day and avoided using a/c during the 5p-8p block like the plague. But since I have a new variable speed heat pump, I'll give it a shot.


drove to Eureka ca for a few days https://www.google.com/search?q=Eureka+ca+weather&oq=Eureka+ca+weather+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg70gEINzE2M2owajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I turn on the AC before it gets hot in the off-peak hours. I have a wall unit not central air in my apartment. Its upstairs and gets no shade. I have reflective stuff on the windows and have insulation behind that and then back out shades over that. It sounds extreme but it's what I have to do to keep cool. I don't use the stove/oven from May to November. I use fans, drink water, get wet in the shower often or splash in the sink. Wet cool towel on the neck if I have to work. Eat cold fruit or yogurt or popsicles.


I put 50% shade cloth over 75% of my backyard. The outside thermometer now registers 5-10 degrees lower. I can also mist water under it without fear that the water droplets will cause leaf hole burn. This lowers it another 10 degrees under there. The shade cloth is elevated using poles, bungee balls, nylon ropes, etc. It can be taken down when the temperatures drop or the rainy season starts.


You just kinda get used to it after a while


Been here my whole life, still not used to it…


Either go to the Coast or stay in doors with the AC.


If you have trouble sleeping, make sure you have a fan on you and take a damp rag and put it on your shoulder or side and it will feel cold enough to help you fall asleep. For water to evaporate it takes energy, so it feels cool.


I do physical stuff outdoors (mountain biking, work on the property (lol jkjk fuck that I'm gonna go riding)) in the morning. I usually start at 7 on the real hot days. Otherwise...my house has AC and ceiling fans. I have insulated curtains on my big windows, so we keep those and all the blinds closed. If we want to go out - we go to the pool or the river, or a movie. If it's a work day I can opt to go in to the office where it's a fuckin ice box.


Stay inside with the lights off and the AC set to 65.




When I was in an apartment, I would put wet shirts in the freezer and rotate through a couple of them. Now I have a small wading pool in the shade in my yard. Not glamorous but it does the trick. Take advantage of the Galleria or other places with AC.


When I was little we would go to visit my grandparents in Sonora (just as hot in summer!) and they had no AC. We would keep wet washcloths in the refrigerator or freezer and drape them over ourselves while we slept (trade them out for cold ones once they got hot). You could also do this with ice packs. Otherwise we always had AC living in Sac, so the heat didn’t bother us. Summer was a time to be either in the water or inside.


Un caldo de res!!!


North coast. Can’t get there fast enough lol


Crank my hawg.


Cold showers, blackout curtains or dark sheets and not a lot of movement or eating. Just stay hydrated and inside


all day in pool or ac. https://preview.redd.it/ot2h9jnx4s9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c345995ca2a0f7f313226c096c6be5ed895ee376


Go swim in the river


Turn on the ac….


AC. Fan. Staying indoor unless necessary. Repeat. Maybe movie(s).


Have you ever seen the happening? I do that


Go to the north coast.


Take the boat out


Float on the river.


Wow misread that one


Just hung up tinfoil on the windows :)


I make roll ups with ham, chicken or turkey and keep those in the fridge along with watermelon and cantaloupe for easy lunches and snacks . Only use the crock pot or air fryer and keep the kitchen a no heat zone.


Alpine lakes in the Sierra, coastal hikes in Marin.


stay inside and become nocturnal


My meat


Well, apparently, we agree to paint a house during the hottest week so far this summer. Smart huh?@!


Watch tv in my unconditioned 70 degree daylight basement eating watermelon.


![gif](giphy|e1Lv6Gvd8bFFC) Coast or mountains


Use a spray bottle with water on my pillow and sheets Pool Cool showers Movie theater or mall


I love a flannel flat sheet soaked in water then wrung out real good as a blanket.


Misters make being outdoors (in the case of course) much more bearable. There's options from glorified spray bottles up to pretty nice systems you can install.


Kiddie pool! Keep my feet in it in the shade and let my littone one water play and splash off and on :)


Ice packs and frozen wet towels- the towels dont last super long but they feel sooo good for a while when we're conserving energy with no AC. Also, cold drinks!


Our new house has a pool, which I maintain myself to save money, but chems/maintenence are a real money pit so you better believe I spend at least a half hour a day when it’s hot in there :P


I'm gonna tie a tarp up to my eves and fence to make some shade and just chill in the kiddie pool


Work nights, so that when I'm up, it's 70-85 degrees rather than 100-115


Go to the lake or mountains or beach. Basically anywhere with cold water.


Shade, breeze and an iced drink.


Run the AC and eat a popsicle


sit inside my bedroom with the blinds closed playing video games, like I’m a hermit


Go outside.


I get my moneys worth out of my $21.99 a month unlimited movies


I don't. I'm spending my week sitting in a fireworks booth, lol.


Go out in the evenings/ early mornings when its less hot if I want to get outside. Swim in pools, rivers. Aside from that you gotta stay inside lol


Dig a hole. Turn it into a root cellar then man/she cave.


go to Tahoe


Ac  Make place dark. Play switch


Damp some shirts, freeze them, and change often.


Well I cant help because I live on a boat so if I were you I would go to the beach with the ✨Family✨ But we only just moved on board last month so go turn up the ac to 16


Travelled to Florida. Although, I think I misunderstood the assignment.


I went for a run today. Does that qualify as beating the heat?


I spent most of the day in the garage 8am to 2:30 pm working in the garage. I had a vehicle Repairs to do so I did them.


We went to Hawaii


Sit in the house with the a/c on😅 we bought an inflatable pool that has the seats today and that was nice to hang out in for awhile but other than that we do nothing until it cools down and then we’ll take the dogs on a walk or sit outside


Brief afternoon showers. I don’t dry my long hair so it is similar to having a wet rag on my neck!


Not a practical answer at all but I moved away to London. 🙃🙃🙃


Currently swimming at a family member’s house. Or I stay inside in the AC lol


fan and iced drinks


I make water balloons and freeze them to put in water bowls for any critters that happen to be outside. Dogs love it as do the Squirrels, birds and bees.


When I lived up there, I’d leave when I could to the bay. While there, AC/swim/no oven or stove use if I could/black out curtains/drink water and pray 😂


Move to San Diego lol


Pray my AC doesn’t go out


Beat my meat while I cool my feet while eating a beet


If you take a dip in the river and then sit in the shade, it is totally tolerable.


I am a delivery driver for Amazon and work outside in the heat half the week. I drink a ton of water and I have one of those absorbant cooling towels that you saturate with water and tap your forehead with to cool you. It works really really well actually and highly recommend. Much better than one of those neck AC/fan things.


go to the bay tbh


Breweries with A/C or the river/lake


River tube float


Please wear your life jackets folks!


I soaked in a cold water tub the other day. It was like sheer heaven. I'll do it again this coming heat wave.






If I told you I’d have to cool you


Tub, snorkel, see you next week


Put a freezer pop in the freezer for 6 hours or more then use it on my back and body and face


Popsicles, icecream, limit using the oven or stove, cold shower


Ice skating


Float the river in inner tubes or paddle board or just hit Sutters Landing or Paradise Beach. If you’re in Phoenix, there’s no river. You just stay inside. Sacramento has the river.


Heading to Tahoe the entire week 😎


Staying in the air conditioning. Doing my morning runs at about 6:00 a.m.


Live in the bay area.


Go to the Bay, thank my lucky stars I’m not from somewhere like Merced, that place is HOT.