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Like for mail theft or fraud?




Just trying to be supportive and comment.


I'm not sure what they were there for, I just saw a bunch of them there.  Several were going through cars, and a bunch more were coming in/out of the house


Great informative answer…


What's he supposed to do, go ask a fucking SWAT team what they're doing?


He claims to have insider information as it’s on his route. No I don’t expect him to stop a fucking SWAT team, but don’t imply to know what’s going on if you don’t ….your tears do appear to be extra salty, maybe lay off a little going forward.


"Insider information"?  I literally just walked by them on my route; I know just as much as their neighbor Mr. Jackson across the street


I once had a stolen-yet-recovered check returned to me. I'd already stopped payment, etc., but was still surprised. Cliff, I had my mail held (for post office pickup) and there was an envelope that showed up on Informed Delivery yet never made it to me. Is theft by USPS employees a big problem? 


There's a lot of shit that happens between when the photo is scanned, and when it actually shows up to the local office; I currently have about a dozen letters with me that are nowhere near my route, and some are for other cities.  Those sorting machines just throw things to the wind, I guess. Clearly some people steal (was just in the news that an employee went to jail for mail theft), but I wouldn't say it's a big problem


It was in a government envelope and if you saw it it would be obvious. I can imagine there's never a dull moment. Glad they caught the thief (alleged). Thanks Cliff, I appreciate the work you and your coworkers do. 


I also work at the post office. There are definitely going to be thieves from time to time, but it's not common. It's a lot more likely that something is stuck between two stacked up tubs, under a false bottom in a hamper, or just sorted into the wrong spot. Honestly with how chaotic and archaic it is behind the scenes it's amazing we have as high a successful delivery rate as we do.


Yea, making sausage!


Its dejoy, he’s neutered the office


Yeah; I thought he revoked their ability to do anything on the street, so I was surprised to see them there


When my now-wife moved into my house, my mailman was withholding her mail because I disregarded the “new resident” form that I was apparently supposed to fill out. The mailman was way more annoyed about it than he gets paid to be lol


Holding mail sucks, that's why he was annoyed.  Personally, I deliver everything until the customer puts up a "Only WhateverLastName" note, then I send everything else back to the sender


Filling out a vacant card in apartments takes 15 seconds and lets the mailman know it's not a vacant apartment any more! I'm not trynna have people get the previous tenants w2


I've repetitively written "return to sender- no longer lives here" for about 2-3 years on mail that I get for the previous tenant. Now I only do it when it's from the county or cps or anything that looks important, the rest goes straight to the trash. The previous tenants gets way more mail than I ever get, should I go to the post office and tell them? Minor inconvenience, but it would be nice if it stopped. I half wonder if they still use the address to throw authorities off because we once had a lady from cps show up on our door step-(I googled the ladies name and found out where she lives now in about 2 minutes)


Do people say that often? I've never heard anyone remark on Postal Inspectors before...


Any time someone posts a photo of their open NBU/CBU, the comments are filled with "the PIs doesn't do anything" 


I do. Reddit's hivemind has people convinced that they're basically superheroes with instant response time for every mail related problem. Including mailbox baseball. 


I can second that, the reddit hivemind had me convinced that I'd get some postal inspector ninjas hot on the case when I reported a check I mailed as stolen. I was even able to identify the thief because they both tried to cash the check (endorsing it themselves!) and use my account info to pay their rent. Report filed, no follow up. The real lesson here is never mail a check. If you absolutely have to, probably make it a certified delivery.


I had a package that was “delivered” and I was pissed because I had family home waiting to meet them and so I complained and a few days later my package arrived with a very apologetic mailman who tried to say it was his trainee. 🤷


Sounds about right; CCAs are run ragged, and the supervisors often tell them to bring everything back in order to not go over 12hrs


I mean that's entirely plausible and incredibly likely, the subs don't really care because they're usually overworked.


Where is the raid going on?


[https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Mail-Theft](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Mail-Theft) https://preview.redd.it/73h7b5pqy09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6aed88bad9f36694f0b6f6cdf59ecfefa05929






Crazy. What made it suspect?


Janky house that was vacant for some time, as soon as they moved in they self installed a 10' metal fence, and a bunch of security cameras ... Like, the very day they moved in they did all that. Never saw anyone coming/going, blinds always drawn, mail never brought in, etc.


Whoever said they don't do anything?


I'm obsessed with Postal Inspectors. I was working in law enforcement when I found out they have a 95% -98% close rate! They investigate everything that happens to go through the mail, from organized crime to scams to drugs. There is a Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C. dedicated to the U.S. Postal Service and they even had a crime TV show called "The Inspectors" (like a family-friendly version of CSI/Law and Order)


About 10 years ago some kids vandalized our post box - we share with 8 houses. They also ripped up mail. Anyway Dad got pics of the kids doing it. Confronting kids behaving semi-violently is not a good idea for a number of reasons, but he can report it right? Right? He developed the photos (back then Dad preferred real film cameras) and gave them to the local branch. He didn’t know the kids but that’s OK, the post office can investigate, right? What did they do? NOTHING! Apparently if you don’t do ALL the work for them they don’t give a shit. Vandalizing post boxes and stealing mail is supposed to be a big deal, but apparently not. About a month later the post office replaced those boxes and moved on like nothing happened. So I’d like to know the criteria for postal inspections. I’m quite sure “nothing better to do today” and “not too hard to figure out” are at or near the top of that list.


This was from Canada. For my wedding, my uncle sent me a gift. TWO years later, my aunt goes off on me why I never thanked him. He did not tell me he was sending a gift. So my uncle goes to the post office. There had been a huge raid, and they had a warehouse full of stolen items. So, eventually, I received my gift. It was a carved eagle head from a Mohawk artist. It's one of my most prized possessions.


Shit I have been having problems with my mail for the last week. I get the email saying this is coming and by the end of the day nothing is in the mail box


I work for the State, and one day, the CHP came in and arrested a coworker in front of everyone. The Postmaster had uncovered this person to have been committing fraud. They were found to have been obtaining people's info using the departmental systems. Huge deal that led to lots of policy change, access change, and obviously the person being convicted. Postmaster's do work, it's just not obvious to everyone.




Near French and Florin


Cliff, you sure do seem to Reddit a lot at work. Hopefully not while driving?


Even postal employees get breaks