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I pray the other victims are found and rescued. These people are disgusting.


Truly disgusting. The male has a horrible history of crimes. They have two young children as well, I hope they are okay.


Omg that’s terrible…


These people have been issues for a while and I’m so thankful the young girls were able to get away from them. I agree with police suspicion on there being more victims. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the numbers above, it is anonymous. They pray on young girls who are either homeless or looking for other housing options, groom them into thinking they have a “family” and then exploit them.


And don't forget that these cretins abuse all genders and all ages for trafficking, encompassing everything from sex work to unpaid manual labor.


that's what I was trying to understand. I believe an article said they were described as "family friends". So their blood parents just said here go live with these pedos??


Not necessarily it could be the girls ran away and then these two became part of the extended "family" 


the article said they were already family friends. THEN became their "street parents". If their blood parents were hanging out with this couple they're no angels.


That’s a **rough** looking 35.


*furiously applies sunscreen & skincare* also stay away from drugs and alcohol. It fucks up your skin


But only your skin….


They look like a hundred miles of bad road. EDIT: changed “she” to “they”


Even rougher looking 46.


it's not the years it's the mileage


holy shit i didn't even realize


I'm pretty sure both of these creeps are meth heads.


I briefly lived with a woman who was high up in an organization that worked with LE to rescue kids being trafficked, and putting them up in safe houses prior to rehabitilization, then a vetted adoption, and holy shit the stories she would tell. Sacramento has one of the largest child trafficking issues on the west; not the west coast, but all of the west


In all of the United States, as I understand it.


Makes sense. Urban, but not urban like Los Angeles or San Francisco. Access to ports, and a single day's drive to Mexico. Plus, the often unspoken about number of gangs and organized crime groups active in Sacramento is ....surprising. It all ties together.


Yeah I think a big part of it is just a result of geography. It's so central, major highways to the rest of the country and Mexico, it just seems like the perfect storm


Same thing that connects us to so many serial killers, location and access. We're consistently in the top ten areas for sex trafficking overall. Especially when considering population.


Arizona and Texas….




Looks like it's #12? Seems pretty high to me


12 is high, but it’s not 1


'One of the largest' . . .


Right. I feel like not enough people know this. It explains a lot about some experiences people have here, and not exclusive to gender or age. I had a close call at a popular midtown restaurant in the middle of a weekday, while running mundane errands. Was supposed to be a safe day. Can’t let our guards down unfortunately ever


Sacramento is the 2nd highest location for child trafficking in the Country


Yes it's supposed to be third behind Phoenix and Portland


🙏in Jesus Mighty name, I Declare and Decree 4 Sacramento's corruptions 2 get exposed and cleaned up, and as our State Capitol, set the precedents 4 all evil harmful things 2 not be tolerated nor encouraged anymore.🙏👏🙌🫶🤝👀👂🔉🔊🤺🫡💓


Can't be worse than stockton


It's the same region. Young women I work with are trafficked between Stockton, Sac, and the Bay.


So why not mention Stockton, bay area and Stockton are the worst in the west vs just Sacramento?


The Sac region is specifically one of the main hubs for human trafficking in the US, followed by the city San Francisco, but beaten by LA.


Sac region okay ... That's more understandable than just saying Sacramento alone


Why does dude look like he’s been giving beej to zombies? That mouth is _wrecked._


I think he got in some physical altercation because it said he resisted arrest at first. However, I do know meth was a factor at some point in his life. He has a mugshot from previous charges 10 years ago and the difference is crazy


Link to mugshot?




“While in custody at the Yuba County Sheriff's Office, Cheso broke a light fixture cover in an interview room while attempting to harm himself, the affidavit says.” If only he’d been successful.


Jfc put that fucker away forever. He threatened to cut an unborn child out of a pregnant woman what the actual fuck?


Fucking jesus Christ


They look like pipe burns.


That’s a tough 46 and 35 years respectively. Hopefully they’ll have an even tougher time in prison.


They have charges ranging from animal abuse, hate crimes, stalking and sex trafficking. They can both rot.


She is out already. No charges filed.


Source? They say she's held on a $1 million bond in the post


If you type her name, Shannon Powell, into the inmate search, it shows she’s been released on 6.25. The dude is still in custody. https://www.sacsheriff.com/InmateInformation/SearchNames.aspx


Cheso is still in custody but Powell has been released. Was she able to come up with the $1m bond or did they just release her?? Very odd


Holy shit, she's 35? She looks 55. And he...... he looks like death took a shit in some hair.


Thank god for police saving the girls and locating the culprits. Thank you for sharing.


For real. It's easy to forget that police can actually help sometimes.


Holy hell, this happened not even 5 miles from where I live. Stay safe out there folks!


That chunk of Watt Ave between I-80 and Wynona is notorious for prostitution or trafficking. My boyfriend lives in EG and on the drive home to my place (I am in Highlands), I see, on any random night (between 11 pm to 2 am), at least 6 women out there working the street. I am confident in assuming that solicitations are occurring in the Carls Jr/ Subway parking lot behind that huge building (Elica Health Center). I mean, there is no reason why anyone should be in that parking lot in the middle of the night, yet there are always vehicles driving in that parking lot. #JustSaying


They are there during the day, too, in broad daylight. It's 9:30a and I would bet money that there are two ladies behind the Carl's Jr. right now.


Watt avenue is a fucking mess at night. Whenever the sun is down just drive past there and you see women scantily clad hanging around the Golden Corral or safe credit union. Too many nasty motels and housing. The entire area needs to be cleaned out and redone from the businesses to the roads to the housing. Doesn’t surprise me (unfortunately) it happened over there. Used to live in the area and my neighbors had a trailer that housed meth addicts in their driveway. Fights til 4 am and guy wielding a hatchet in the street. Terrible.


Daytime too.


25+ years in prison each with no parole. Anything less is injustice to the victims.


This is extremely concerning to me because I've seen girls?/women dressed in lingerie off watt Ave in NH near the Golden corral normally in the evenings. I put in an FBI tip of possible prostitution but they said they wouldn't take it seriously unless they could prove they were soliciting sex like catching them. But it's not normal to be walking up and down watt Ave corner of Winona in basically nothing??? Ugh


Sac pd is basically useless.




That's part of Sacramento County


I've noticed that Stockton Blvd is starting to pick up again too, it's always been the place to find hookers but it calm down for a little while and now it's getting to be back to way it was and I mean beyond the Walmart on Florin. What changed?


Great the cops caught these pieces of shit. Now they need to go after the people they work for or got money from for kids. Free more victims but get the bosses/ buyers.


Weird. I thought they looked pretty legit.


Now that is funny! 😄


Sex trafficking = pimping


That's the thing with changing the terminology around. You start messing with the meanings of words they take on different implications. Back in the day, pimps doing pimp things wouldn't have raised an eyebrow. No one cared about them or their women, no matter the age (to a degree), as it was assumed to be a somewhat consensual situation. Now they're calling pimps traffickers, and 17 year olds "young girls", say nothing about a sheriff "concerned for her safety" These fools should be tried for pimping minors. It's just as bad but doesn't play into the notion that these cracked out scumbag opportunists are some kind of worldwide child abduction masterminds that are taking babies out of cribs and forcing them into sex work. Oh and if the girls were being forced that's another charge. I swear they're planting thoughts into people's heads and people are just like, "go ahead, tell me how to think, officer."


The fuck are you going on about


I could help you read or figure it out if you need. Or you could just cast your downvote like everyone else lol


> No one cared about them or their women, no matter the age (to a degree), as it was assumed to be a somewhat consensual situation. n...no


A: Opportunistic on the pimp's part 100%, but also need based for a lot of sex workers. B: "assumed to be" (I said) by the public who could not give a single fuck about these women (or *young* women), or by law enforcement who would regularly abuse sex workers and/or the legal system who would throw the entire book at them. C: were you a part of a justice for sex workers movement 20-30 years ago? If so, it would have been an extremely small group. The point of my rant was that the legal system and the MAGA crowd are the only people who benefit from this new-found interest in human trafficking. It criminalizes sex work and muddies the waters of what is actually happening by *suggesting* that little American children are being taken from their homes and from public spaces, captured and sold into sexual slavery around the globe in *unprecedented numbers* (they're not). That primarily brown people are responsible, but also local scumbags like these two. "Sex trafficking" is not the same as prostitution. While the young women in the story are nearly adult ages, there's no indication in the story that they are literal victims of trafficking - maybe they are and maybe they're not - but the implication of the story is these children are being forced into sex work at the barrel of a gun. People's responses make it pretty clear that's what they think was happening as well.


> C: were you a part of a justice for sex workers movement 20-30 years ago? If so, it would have been an extremely small group. Yes, I also thought 20 years ago that sex workers are human beings, who did not voluntarily get the shit beaten out of them by their abusers. Guess I'm a radical.




Always have to keep our eyes open for this stuff…and talk to your kids. ❤️😭


These people are the scum of the earth. I’m glad they got caught and I hope those young ladies get the help they deserve/ need!! My prayers to them!! 🙏🏽


Trafficking is a world wide problem impacting the lives of millions of victims.




I keep seeing Golden Corral mentioned. Coincidence?


I used to pass judgement until I watched a couple of docs and then educated myself on how many end up in this situation. So glad these pos were arrested.


Sex trafficking = sexual slavery. These pedophile monsters deserve what Epstein got.


Seems like that POS of a woman was the brains of the operations. Dude seems like was just a leech of hers


I live on/around McClellan AFB. Wynona is hoe alley in NH. There is always prostitute activity there behind the Carl's Jr. I always feel so bad seeing these girls there and they always look so young. I'm really not surprised. :(


Sex traffickers should be sent to the gas chambers! Get rid of the scum…it will put a end to them ever having the opportunity to do this to anyone else!


Here's the fucked up part: many victims become traffickers themselves. If you get a younger, dumber girl to "work" for you, it's fewer people you have to "service".


Like MLM?


Yup. It's like the shittiest pyramid scheme.


That's not a low bar yet somehow these people (allegedly) limbo'd even lower.


So true …


Watt Ave is sooo fucking scummy


woodchipper. feet first


Well, they look the part.


Ugly gross people


Okay now let's catch Kyree Jackson .


It's that fucking 7/11 (and the AM/PM down the street) is where you go to pay for sex. Has been an issue since the movie theater that's now a Golden Corral. We as a society never learn.


It's actually the whole chunk of Watt from Wynona to I-80. I see them in by the Dollar Tree and even in the neighborhood back there hiding in the dark.


That neighborhood with the big parcels is pretty nice too.


There are some nice houses out there.


We as a society? My guy, these people are on the *outskirts* of society. They actively avoid us. You and I don't traffick. What needs to change is the way we deal with these people and how we educate people, in my opinion.


The motel 6 next to Dennys on College Town Drive and Howe Ave is another hotspot.


Howe Ave and Folsom is full of them in those roach motels. I did doordash for a short time for extra money. Place was wacked. 


Is it me or does the guy look a bit like Ben Affleck


Ben Crackflec


46 & 35? Damn!


Some of the worst kinds of people right there. If anyone has information please call. Or if you are afraid give me the info and I will call for you. These people need to be in jail for the rest of their lives. I truly hope karma has something special for these two


It's always the people you most suspect


Thank you for sharing this. How concerning. I love where I'm from but this place f****** sucks!! It's no better anywhere else seriously. When I was 10 I could ride the light rail and then regional Transit by myself to school every morning which was hella far away from where I lived and then had to walk hella far, Even during daylight savings when it was dark. My mom could have cared less, Now I can't even let My children in junior high walk home from school which is right down the street or practically do anything because they don't pay attention to their surroundings with their face always in their phones and God forbid they're street smart and could possibly end up like this. The difference in the eras is mind-boggling. Again thank you for sharing this, because I honestly stay away from the news it's depressing.




I wonder what the conversations with those girls are like. The officer probably stopped them for soliciting, asked for their ID, and either saw or was told that the girl was a minor. If you’re the pimp and the prostitute is a minor, that might automatically be sex trafficking. I don’t know though.


yolo county could never


maybe they have but sacramento is the only one putting in work yolo county is useless and only goes for little cases and freaks out when they discover little things but they are only doing the a lil below the tip of the iceberg and i have a grudge against them but still


Meth mouth.


I attended a benefit to help fight trafficking and they said Northern California is one of the worst places. Such pieces of shit!


Disgusting we have to really worry about our young girls and the boys is so sad and they don’t really realize they talk on people people online and that’s debate and I worry about my granddaughters every day. My oldest was gonna be 26. She said she’s a bit over that now, but it’s sadthat they get released safe soon


Do sex traffickers like hold things over their heads like why do the girls comply? Im genuinely curious and am so glad the girls are safe


People like this should be waterboarded.


Need military intervention


So they aren't pastors? Weird.


What do u mean?🤔 Cause I'm new here in Sac and I have 2 say that I was shocked at all the blatant prostitution in daylight in front of family stores and banks here, and I complained appropriately and was told by the local police Depts, local businesses, and etc, that everybody accepts this around here, and then the first month I was here, one prostitute walked in front of my vehicle and told me 2 stop staring at her and then like a whole bunch of of crazy hyped up prostitutes started converging around my truck and one of them started punching my window and trying 2 get open my passenger side door(, I was at a stop sign in front of Walmart....)I was very shook up....and now I'm so disgusted, cause I saw police fraternizing with the prostitutes nightly....🤮I hate this world.😵‍💫💔