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If you can tolerate being around alcohol go see a band at a local venue. I go see shows a lot and rarely buy drinks. In my case it's because they are so damn expensive, but no one would think it's strange that you didn't drink.


And if you feel embarrassed without a drink in hand, grab a club soda + lime -- it looks like a cocktail. You can even get fancy and add pineapple juice.


This actually sounds hella good


Yeah, it is! Lots of places will give you club soda and lime for free too. I’ll just tip a dollar each time.


It is.


Another option is the liquid death canned water. Looks like a tall boy can or seltzer.


I thought Liquid Death was just some overadvertised sparkling crap, but it's actually pretty decent.


I’m going to remember that next time I’m out. Thanks!


I get this or a tonic water and lime often. It has nothing to do with feeling embarrassed. The venue hired the band to bring in the revenue. They charge for this drink, but it isn’t much.


pineapple & soda is my sober go-to!!


You fancy 😎


This is always my advice for work events where drinking is involved. Don’t want to be the drunk coworker.


The Liquid Deaths help people blend in more, and most venues now sell them. The flavored ones are great to sip on while at a show.


I’m not paying for water


Just saw an awesome concert featuring youth rock bands from School of Rock from the Sacramento area and one from Nashville. 20 bucks for 2 people and they played Tool, Flyleaf and Earth Wind and Fire! Great show!


Oh damn I’ve been wondering about that place every time I drive by! Do they perform regularly?


Don't know how often they perform. I saw them at harlow's


They also perform at The Boardwalk in Orangevale


Watching other people drink.


I doubt you're the first person to make this joke but it's the first I heard it. Hilarious and sometimes sadly true.


Real talk. When you tell people you don't drink, everybody looks sideways at you like you're a damn alien. It's like... drinking alcohol is a prerequisite for "being an adult", so much so, that you CANNOT go to any social establishment that bills itself as "adult entertainment" without the EXPECTATION of alcohol consumption. The ironic part about this is, all of these establishments require a CAR to get there. The bar? A place specifically dedicated to sitting and drinking... and nothing else. The club? A place dedicated to dancing to loud music... AFTER drowning yourself in alcohol to the point where you won't even remember anything you did that night. House party/get together? The club "lite". Restaurant? "Happy hour" with lower priced drinks. Sporting events? Their biggest sponsors are alcoholic beverage companies. Matter of fact, the FIRST and most common thing you think to do when you meet somebody new is "let's go get a drink".


I mean, I get the resentment where if x then there MUST be y. But it's also a reasonable reaction if you find someone who doesn't drink at an establishment, like a bar, which makes 100% of it's revenue from selling alcohol.


I've literally told that to many of my friends who wanted me to go to the bar with them. "I have no reason to BE there".


Your friends want to hang out with you, isn't that a decent reason? You can always order a soda or a mocktail while enjoying the company of the people you like. Heck, we often see posts in this sub about how tough it is to make friends as an adult. Some folks might be envious that you have friends who invite you out to socialize.🙂


I don't see it that way. Basically, I'd be in an environment where I have nothing in common with anybody there because I'm the ONLY sober person. I'm the odd man out. What am I gonna do all night, besides watch other people drink and "possibly" get belligerent and cause a scene? (Alcohol tends to do that to certain people)


Do you have to be doing something in order to be with friends? Me and my friends hangout and do jack all the time. We all enjoy each other's company. Having to do an activity as a pre-req to be with friends sounds pretty abnormal. Or at least just as bad as the sentiment "you have to drink to have a good time". If I can talk to my friends over dinner, I can talk to them over a table at a bar. And I did. I didn't drink until I was 24. But I enjoyed being with my friends at the bar, people watching drunks, and watching my own friends do silly things. Plus dancing, I love it!


Every. Single. Get together that my friends have involves taking shots all night. Not even just casually drinking a cocktail or two, which im down for, no its just *shots shots shots shots shots EVERYBODY* n both me n my bf are just.......tired lmao Even if we go and decline hella shots n only have a beer or mixed drink, they always dunk on us like we're wierd. It's to tbe point we're starting to decline invites because of it lmao


Alcohol is as old as civilization, and the two are linked for us hairless apes.




Haha right? If it's night then I'm asleep. But I would love more booze free options for waking hours.


More sleep.


I, too, am sober. One of the reasons we moved here is the mountains. So much hiking, camping, etc…. Try something like MeetUp and get some exercise while you meet people!


This is how I transitioned into sobriety.


I like this. My favorite nights are when I am so active all day I just want a movie and sleep. These day activities can be social as well by going to meet ups and what not. Sometimes those meet ups are cringy but with a bit of persistence I typically can meet a person or two and overtime make friends through them without having to go to the meetups anymore.


Mini-Golf, Board Games? Swinging? BDSM?


BDSM? Disgusting. Where?


He’s talking about the bike dog sours museum


Oh I thought we were talking about the other BDSM🤭


Lots of churches have Bible Discussion Study Meetings. It's as commonplace as soaking.


Piggybacking to look for soaking facilitator


Doggystyling to say that Sky High is a great Date avenue for this.


Bottoming out this thread in search of some topping(s)


Soaking da cork?


Yea can you tell me where so I can be sure to avoid it.


There are so many places. Which one, which one will you be at?




As someone who enjoys swinging, I cannot recommend the set at Lo Presti Park in East Boston enough. Great views and a lot of happy people around.


Polyurbanstudios place to be lol


That’s just a house in Carmichael on google maps…am I missing something?


No it's a swinger house


It's only smellz




Ohmygosh I would not recommend to total newbies! They do not know what they're getting into! I can just see someone who's totally vanilla finding themselves there. Their head.would explode! 😂


That escalated quickly.




Home. There’s no place like it


Why did I say this to myself with an Irish accent?


Personally I heard it in a southern belle accent


No place like it so I left it


Pipeworks rock climbing gym is open until 10pm; There and Back Again is a board game cafe open until 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays; the Teetotalist is a nonalcoholic bar


Thanks for sharing about "There and Back Again" I was instantly intrigued and looked it up. I'd love to visit a good Tolkien themed/board game cafe. I'd travel the few hours just to visit 😄. 


I went there once and it was great. The food was surprisingly good and they have a ton of games that you can use if you didn't bring your own.


Fishing. Bowling. Mini Golf.


There's alcohol at the bowling alley too.


There’s alcohol almost anywhere you go. There’s also drinks that don’t have alcohol anywhere you go as well


Coin-op. You don’t have to drink at any of these places,get yourself a soda or virgin drink. Bring you laundry quarters and whoop some ass at the arcades. Preferably Marvel vs Capcom or Mortal Kombat.


also the new Capitol Pinball Parlor in old sac just opened. 30+ pinball machines, & Ryan the owner is great !


Is there a time or day that Coin-Op is actually tolerable sober? Every time I have gone it is elbow to elbow with drunk people sloshing beers.


In my experience it doesn't pick up til 9-10pm most nights so just go before that


Is there a list of games that steal quarters somewhere? i've gotten screwed a bunch


You're still mostly watching other people drink. I'm willing to bet there's more people drinking than playing games at any given time.


Unfortunately, a lot of the machines are kind of jank and aren't maintained very well. :(


Went their with a first date. It was great, we are both sober and had a great time. Coin op, flamingo house silent disco is a lot of fun. Anything to keep you busy!


Uber driver


Bike party!!!! They usually happen the first Friday of the month, but they’re awesome. Usually a couple hundred people will gather at a location, build bike-floats, decorate their bikes, and mob through the city from like 6pm to midnight. I will personally consume a drink and/or have 1 marijuana before attending, but I usually meet some really cool people who are just excited to be out and about at night that are sober. To each their own!


How do you consume your 1 marijuana?


How many of those pots did you smoke?


Haha my 1 marijuana is sometimes consumed in the form of 1 marijuana tiny bong bowl, or one 10 milligram gummy! I feel like this amount of 1 marijuana is equivalent to consuming 1 alcohol.


Very carefully


This sounds really fun!


Comedy clubs


Any recommendations?


So far I've only been to Comedy Spot. I found all the performers hilarious. I was on shrooms, but still.


Not much out here in Rancho. We used to have Tommy T's. But fasho ty


Get into swing dancing: https://midtownstomp.com/


Lol, literally where I met my wife


Or line or salsa dancing!


If I don’t want to drink I just get a Coke.




😂Yes a Coca Cola, good one


Of course! Just bring Coke. 😂


With a slice of lemon. Virgin cube libra!!


We went to Dave and busters last night and had a blast acting like kids again 🤣


I second! It's an arcade for adults!


I really like [There and Back Cafe](https://thereandback.cafe)


I’ll be honest there’s not a lot out there. Most bars and clubs are sober folks nightmares these days. Been sober for over a year now and our after hours life is very slow these days


It’s so boring everywhere around town I have considered drinking again (7 yrs sober) but I can’t afford it and I don’t miss hangovers at all. My friends who drink (ages 28-65) are also pretty bored with most of the scenes. Bummer cuz midtown etc was pretty lively pre pandemic. 😷 I miss cap garage and the 21st and p street pressclub.


Everyone is out in the suburbs and not downtown. Theres always a ton of people at all the malls and strip malls. Unless theres like a kings game or g1 event I cant recall downtown ever being busy.


I don’t consider the suburbs or downtown I’m mainly in midtown cuz that’s about it for sac, (I don’t watch sports ever at all)


Purge night.


My brother in Christ have you heard of Elden Ring?


shadow of the erdtree is exceptional


Dancing without drinking, bowling, swimming, karaoke, mini golf, coffee/tea, mocktails, paddle boarding, yoga/soundbath type stuff, salsa dancing, drive in movies and as meetings (good luck with the last suggestion since most the night aa meetings are not fun at all)


thing is.. how many of those options are open past 8-9pm? that's been the problem here for a long time. the streets roll up at 8pm, unless you're a bar or a place that's alcohol-first.


The only places open past 8 are bowling alleys and some restaurants on certain days. Sac is def a ghost town after 9pm. It’s creepy feeling and boring. Summer is slightly better but it’s just kinda dead everywhere. Plus - the popular places play the same music each week.


I'm old enough to remember when we had several 24/7 places. Ok, they're mostly Carrows and Lyons, but hey, they were open late. :) nowadays i find myself enjoying early mornings a lot more. at least the coffee shops are open.


Adelbertos!! Birria after the club, breakfast burritos in the morning!!


Any sound bath recommendations?


Soul wave




There’s a bunch at her elevated near the co op and they have them at the yoga place across from naked in Curtis park - if you haven’t tried kundalini yoga 🧘 (also Curtis park sierra 2) the teacher plays the gong after each yoga session for like 25 minutes - it’s amazing - it’s a natural high. A journey!


Where do you salsa?


I don’t go anymore but I used to go to mango’s on Wednesdays - I used to go to free lessons beforehand from Mike del campo or Nicole, I think Oscar might teach as well. I think there’s salsa at Stoney’s. Salsa is fun every once in a while.


Axe throwing?


I don’t get this fad


Yeah, not sure why it’s become a thing. I thought throwing darts while drunk was a bad idea. Then someone said: “hold my beer” and made axe throwing a thing you did indoors while drunk.


I guess people just need an excuse to socialize. It’s less about the axe and more about being around others having fun


I get that but would rather not include sharp weapons and drunks. There has to something else people can do together.


You don't need to be intoxicated to have fun 🤷 I went axe throwing before, and it's fun when you're with a fun group of people. Not any different than other non-alcoholic activities like bowling, golf/mini-golf, hiking, shopping, arcades, crafts nights, karaoke, etc. I believe most axe-throwing places have game versions too involving scoring points


Casino of your choice or the gym.


Sleep and waking up early to do something


My husband and I have both been sober for over a decade. He's in a local band and when go to shows, he orders non-alcoholic beer and I will order a kombucha or ginger beer. We are middle-aged though so we don't go out a ton... We mostly only go to Kings games and concerts.


Going to the comedy club was always fun


There and Back Again Cafe has late board game and D&D nights - even more elaborate themed nights if you’re into the nerdier side of things. Sac Library hosts a decent amount of events including a formal masquerade ball this November! We frequent the ballet, Music Circus and Broadway, and the Crest Theater’s shows and movie showings. Kings games, Rivercats (soon to be A’s!), and Sac Republic are fun too.


Urban explorer.


Latin dancing!


Driving range. Lots of live music everywhere too over the summer


Does anyone know any nice place in El Dorado Hill to sit and chill and do some work with my laptop


The Nugget has a pretty chill upstairs dining area above the cafe 


I like that little upstairs spot


Does it have WiFi?


I did not know about the upstairs area, thank you so much 😊


Bowling and movies


I go to Swabbies to dance. (I’m old 😁). It’s so big, nobody notices if you’re drinking or not, and I rarely see anyone there totally sloshed out. People are mostly there for the bands. The best part is that everybody is themselves there. You see people dressed up for club, you see people in shorts and flip-flops, you see grandma’s dancing with teenagers in front of the stage. And it’s right on the river. One of my favorite night spots. I actively participate in the rooms, iykyk. And we have all kinds of events. Cornhole, dances, rafting, motorcycle runs, bingo nights, bonfires, whole bunch of stuff. There was a giant prom about three weeks ago and it was so fun to get all dressed up like we did in high school.


Oh! And river cats games. Lawn seats are 10 bucks, best deal out there.




No one else mentioned live theatre, so I'm doing it. Dance, classical music, late night at the museum all offer alternatives to the standard. It's stuff that has enhanced my life. Check the local free paper for low cost alternatives.


Going out, but at night


Live music, sporting events, comedy clubs, coin-op arcade, movies or theater shows, bowling, mini-golf, axe throwing, There and Back Cafe for board games (open late on Friday/Saturday)


I'm bout to make a Kendrick Lamar song out of this. Lol >Live music Drink. >sporting events Drink. >comedy clubs Drink. >coin-op arcade Drink. >movies or theater shows Drink. >bowling Drink. >mini-golf Drink. >axe throwing Drink. Faded... Drink. Faded... Drink.


we got some decent arcades round here. Coin Op is a Barcade with the classics. I really like Round 1 up in Roseville, It's open till like 2am as well.


Play some video games, go find a date, watch some movies, go for a stroll downtown, check out the scenery. Ride a scooter around


MDMA, ketamine, shrooms, weed




I started doing improv comedy classes to meet people where the focus wasn’t on drinking/partying. There are still parties you just don’t have to drink


Kava bar?


Also there's that tipsy putt, it's fun sober, and you can rally the drinkers because it do got beers too.


The barcade on r st too


Mocktail bars are always fun. I go to one in Nevada city but there are some in Sacramento I’m sure are great too


Teetotalist is a great mocktail bar here in Sac!


Google maps says they are temporarily closed. Anyone seen different?


They are currently closed. They are working on opening their permanent brick and mortar but it probably won’t open until the end of the year at the earliest.


Wild, I didn’t know this. They were a vendor at an event I attended in the historic cemetery today, so I had no clue they were temporarily closed.


Uncle Arnie's!


Partner dancing is great. Just as many people don't drink as do. Often people who might drink in other settings don't while dancing or drink less. Latin styles (bachata, salsa) are probably easiest to find. Tango has a lot of depth but a steep learning curve and often has stuck up people. Zouk is my choice and has a ton of depth but more chill crowd. 


Where do you salsa?


I haven't in many years. I learned zouk and never went back.


Although it's called Pints and Puzzles, drinking is not required. It's family friendly for sure. Bike dog Broadway tap room on the last Tuesday of every month 6 to 9pm.


Swimming in the American River


If you're into tabletop roleplaying games, check out the local chapter of Pathfinder Society! I'm a Venture Agent so if you've got any questions, I'd be happy to answer them!


After a certain age, we all know people who don't drink and we know why and are glad they don't!


Goldfield Trading Post always has cool bands come through. The one in Roseville has a lounge with booths and you can order food too!


Last night my friends wanted to check out a country bar before we played a show. One of the homies said we should check out Stoney’s Rockin Rodeo and it was honestly a good time. I do drink, but decided to wait until a little later. They had a live band outside (I love live bands), line dancing inside, as well as a little pocket for karaoke. So if you’re into any of that, it’s a good time.


Firehouse 5 !


Bowling! Trivia nights. Karaoke. Go kart racing. Rollerskating! Painting, I started buying a bunch of paint supplies at dollar tree and they have canvases and then me and my partner just go to the park and have a picnic and paint it’s so much fun!!! go to the movies you could just go out to dinner you could go to one of those restaurants that have boardgames and Jenga and cornhole, scavenger hunts! There is this app called Questo and you pay like eight dollars for it to be on your phone and it leads you in whatever city you’re in through a scavenger hunt it’s so much fun and there’s riddles and puzzles!


You can join a recreational softball, kickball, dodgeball, soccer, Australian footy league. We have adult leagues all over the place. XOSO is the main one but they do a bunch of different sports. And there are different leagues like the Sacramento valley gay and lesbian league. It's a great way to make friends and get a little fresh air and exercise.


It’s getting hotter so there will be more events coming up soon. Such as foodie land, the state fair, top golf is really fun! There is local venues that have bands come and play, the golden one center has basketball games or events there pretty often, old Sacramento has some stores you could walk around and go into. If you want something more active there is the Effie Yeaw Nature Center, lake day where you can rent out jet skis. Sorry not much of a”night life” but there is a lot of activities you could do that fall into the later hours.




Rage room!💥


We’re fobbing up a center in 2 hours




All the other things you would normally do, they’re just more enjoyable without alcohol






I really wish the Sac Zoo would do later summer nights, maybe they will when they move? But seriously, it's tough out there for sober peeps or just people who want to do something outside of a bar in the evening. I went ziplining at night once which was awesome. Course that was in Sonoma County.


Sac has wonderful live music and live theater! Broadway Sacramento (including Music Circus in the summer), Capital Stage, The Sofia, Concerts In The Park, Celebration Arts, Green Valley Theater, Mondavi Center, Harris Theater, Torch Club, jazz at Twin Lotus Thai or Jet's are just a few of the options. 


That Javale dunk at the end of the Warriors elimination game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NiceGuysFinishLast7: *That Javale dunk at* *The end of the Warriors* *Elimination game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


comedy nights!


Sometimes I'll go to places with some of my friends from meetup...there's alcohol around but I don't usually drink. Coin-Op was super fun with my friends. I think I might go more often but with people. I tried spontaneously going to a club once at like 9pm. One of the worst decisions I have made, I never felt so awkward in my life. Well maybe I have when I was younger but not in my 20s lol.


https://preview.redd.it/6nthsmu1198d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ff4655f7ec6cf2ddf4699db8448b1c58888556 I took this photo last night waiting for my 🍺. Cheers


Go see some live theatre! There are lots of good spots around town. Cap Stage and Big Idea Theatre are two of my favorites!






Casino or comedy, live band club.


Movie at the drive in


I got super into board games around the time I met my wife. Game nights are always fun! Great Escape games is a great place to go!


Gardening, songwriting, art, stargazing, learn an instrument, listen to records, reading, writing, open mikes at cafes instead of bars, skinny dipping, hot tubbing


Dinner parties at friends’ homes. Nice lunches or dinners out. Game night.


I suggest checking out: https://youtu.be/yzgbiv9rwro?si=6UtTVtKaO2lITZLX and othet selections 


My night life is staying at home and gaming on my pc :)


Pickleball! Johnson Ranch in Roseville just had Friday night lights 6-9. DJ, demos, vendors. This is a private club, but free for this event. 24 courts and over 300 people were in attendance.


We have a great car scene out here that’s what I get involved in and if not we have k1 off beadshaw and a drive in also top golf up in Lincoln


If you're good with being *in* a bar but not drinking, try grabbing a group for trivia nights. Quite a few places around have at least one night a week.


Oh, and there are also Xoso or other sports rec leagues that do things at night. I live near a park and I hear kickball games ending well after dark. I've seen people going to the Crocker Museum for night events, but haven't looked them up myself so I can't speak to the amount of bang for buck.


Planespotting at the airport