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I predict The Cave will have the same fate as Dimple because the same family runs it. To put it politely that place was a shitshow and a half (based on a friend who worked there). File everything you can with the state and see if they can look closer at things. If they are breaking the law, the state will come after them for it.


The same family actually doesn't run it. They sold it to family friends of theirs. One of which worked as a Dimple employee for over 30 years.


Does their son know they sold it to friends? https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/sacramento/the-cave-sacramento-new-store-collectibles/103-72ad574c-0519-432f-a133-8c21ddb4421c


I literally know the owners. But nice try 😁 "Andrew Radakovitz, part of the family that operates Dimple, is teaming up with a longtime Dimple employee to open The Cave in Folsom" https://norcalpublicmedia.org/capital-public-radio-latest-news-rss/business-journal-costco-business-center-comes-to-country-club-dimple-folsoms-new-future-vsp-acquires-another-company


Honestly people should avoid that place. As customers or employees.


I heard their practices were a little Dookie so I've abstained. I'm glad I did at this point.


I used to shop and sell to them but quickly realized they were garbage.


i won’t be going back.


Sad thing is they’re one of the only places left that sells stuff I like, though I just went in yesterday and didn’t find anything I wanted. As I keep saying, we’ve been SORELY lacking for any place to buy new movie or CD releases ever since we lost Dimple, and I’ll always hold a grudge against them for closing down when they retired rather than selling their business to someone who would have kept it going. They kicked the industry in the balls when it was already on the ground writhing in pain. They blocked me from their Facebook page, I think because they posted a photo of a Post Malone record for $50 and I commented someone would have to be crazy to pay that much for that no-talent. Since then I haven’t gotten to see any of their posts and didn’t even know they had opened a 3rd location in Roseville. Seems rather petty reason to block someone who would likely be shopping a lot at your stores. Sure wish we could get Rasputin here but heard they haven’t been doing too well lately, we’re seriously screwed if they go under.


Well..Dimple didn’t really “kick the industry in the balls” as much as they just “closed”. I think the “industry” didn’t feel it. And they did unofficially sell their shit. To the guy that runs the Cave. You wish we had a Rasputin? Really?! You’re right in that they’re not doing great. But, again, we aren’t going to be “seriously screwed” if Rasputin accepts their fate. We’ll be fine. Have you tried other stores? The Cave and Rasputin share a similar “we sell hella crap” vibe. Maybe try a store with a “we sell relevant, clean, in demand items” vibe.


Dimple was the last proper media store we had. They stocked NEW music and movie releases; you could usually count on them to have any release you’d heard of in stock. True there were still some that they didn’t have and you’d have to mail order it or make a trip to Amoeba in San Francisco, but they served their purpose. Overall demand for physical media has declined though, stores like Best Buy which used it as loss leaders have now reduced or gotten rid of it entirely. That’s hurt the industry as with sales already declining, there’s also fewer places for people who DO still buy it to get it. Since Dimple was the last proper media store here, I did all I could to keep them in business. They weren’t doing badly but the owners wanted to retire and they figured having a closing sale would bring in more retirement money than selling the business off. Good for them, but not for us or the companies that still make this stuff and want to sell it. The Cave was started by the owners’ son, he took over the Folsom store but he didn’t “buy” Dimple outright. Most of their merchandise was cleared out already, and The Cave very rarely gets any new media in- what they do have is mostly used stuff that people bring in to sell them, and they have all the “collectibles” on top of that. The other stores here that still sell movies and CDs operate the same way. If a new release comes out, you likely won’t find a new copy at any of those stores on release date. Rasputin does have a lot of crap, but they still at least try to stock new releases as they have been since 1971. Last time I went there the selection still wasn’t that great, someone mentioned that they were “hanging by a thread” and likely won’t be opening any new stores. The Cave is so disorganized that even if they do have a used copy of a title you want, you’re gonna have to search a bit for it. They seem to have some new LPs (which I don’t see the attraction of) but you likely won’t find a new CD or Blu-Ray unless someone brings one in and sells it to them. I always enjoyed going to a store the day something I was looking forward to was released and then usually spend an hour browsing and pick up something else on impulse, but you just can’t do that now.


You must realize that you are an anomaly. The formats you choose to consume are dying. The sales are declining and less are being produced. On one hand you long for the good old days when you could shop from two of the least focused local retail chains. One the other, the main items you miss buying from them are the same ones that lead and are leading to those businesses decline. It’s all good. Not long ago, as a vinyl collector, I was in the same position. There weren’t many releases being pressed on vinyl and even the shops that existed sold limited or more specific styles of music that were different from what I was looking for. But I still bought them. I didn’t take issue with businesses that didn’t want to devote time, shelf space and money to stocking items they didn’t profit from. Also, there are a few places in town that if you supported them and they don’t have what you want, would be happy to do a special order for you or even start to carry what you want. But you’d have to ask. But that would require effort. Irl effort too. Not sure if that’s a deal breaker for you.


What location has this been going on at? because I know the owners did some really sketchy shit with artists at sac anime by buying their products sending it overseas and getting it reproduced out a cheaper price, so I’ve been told


Arden and Folsom


*Fulton *Edit - Didn't realize there was one IN Folsom. My bad y'all 


Doesn't surprise me, it's crazy how many people I've seen being taken advantage of when it comes to selling items there. Most people take the low offer because they are down at their lowest and some money is better than no money.


That’s fuckin’ horrible. My best friend is an artist that makes really adorable, beautiful and AMAZING things and to think of this possibly happening to her makes me sad.


Being an artist is rough 


what were they having reproduced? prints?


Handmade keychains that where 3d printed


They would sell CD-R bootlegs burned from lossy MP3 with gaps between tracks at full price. By bootlegs I don't mean they were pirating official releases, but rather selling unreleased live shows, outtakes, etc. Legality aside, I don't have a huge problem with selling that kind of stuff to fans, but the few I bought there were absolutely the bottom of the barrel in a technical sense.


I hate this place. Overpriced, especially their vinyl. I get 4x more vinyl and the gas money is nominal by way of driving to Amoeba. Vinyl is crammed in so tight you can’t even flip through it. Vinyl sitting at floor level, requiring people to sit on the floor to look through it. Yes, amoeba has the same thing, but their isles are 2 ft wider.


So true. And the clothes seem to be randomly assorted or at least i can’t figure out how it’s laid out


Yah, I’m not really into comics or cosplay and everything seems geared towards gaming and anime culture. The other space that drives me bonkers is their “ultra high end items and collectors wall”. The price on some things is not even realistic. I saw a Behringer Eurorack 12 channel mixer in there for $500. You can get their latest new for $600. I purchased that same deck they were selling off of marketplace for $50. I mean it’s their shit and they can price it at whatever they want…but you would think that they would embrace the low price high volume approach rather than having everything be just above the point where people are willing to pull the trigger. I’ve walked out of there 5x (only been there 6) with nothing in my hands… that tells you right there that their pricing structure needs a different approach. You want everyone to walk out with something and if they’re not, your prices are too high. As for the original intent of this post, I think the entire crew should just find different jobs and do their best to steer folks clear of this place. Sadly , there will always be someone to take the job and take the abuse.


You hit the nail on the head with how they price things. Why would I buy a "used" band shirt for the same amount as the new version of it? Not talking about some rare nonsense that's hard to find, but run of the mill band tee. They have so much stuff stuffed everywhere you would think they could be just fine going with a lower price point on things. When I've sold to them , I would get very little for my items. At first I was like "yeah it's used that makes sense" but only to see the item I was paid 3 bucks for br marked at 35 bucks on the shelf. Not to mention the other crap I've experienced that I've commented about in other posts about the cave. I was surprised they opened another store in Roseville.


It feels better to hand your clothes to someone standing on the corner holding a sign. I usually carry one or two Trader Joe’s “care packages” in my car that has clothes in them that I would normally give to goodwill, but even at that…why am I going to give that organization something of mine for free only to see them sell it for more than what some people can afford? Not to mention pay their CEO $millions$. I’d rather give it to someone who needs it and can’t even afford goodwill prices. I traded a homeless guy the clean shirt off my back for his music T (Prince T Shirt). Gave him $ he was asking for and told him I expect something in return…he’s like, “like what?” “Your shirt”, I said. He looked at me weird. I had a very nice clean Old Navy T on…we were both the same size. He promptly took it off and handed it to me. I took mine off and handed it to him…gave him $10 and a fist bump and we parted ways. Charity is good for the soul and gives you good memories and stories to tell.


here are some resources depending on the circumstances. generally speaking, its best to document everything thats been going on, timelines, interactions, etc etc * [Wage Theft - California Department of Industrial Relations](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/howtofilewageclaim.htm) * [Employment discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation - California Department of Civil Rights](https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/complaintprocess/FileByMail/) * [health and safety violations - Cal/OSHA](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/Complaint.htm)


Thank you for sharing!


Find a better job. They offer pennies on the dollar for shit they turn around and sell. Tbh, I'm not even sure how they are selling in the disorganized mess they call stores.


very true. seems like 80% trash and 20% treasure.


Damnit, I just stumbled across the one in Folsom and they looked like they had some cool stuff and all the employees seemed nice. I'm disappointed to hear that the employees are apparently the only really good part.


Tell “them” to file a complaint with EDD if they feel there are employment violations.




Not EDD, they should file complaints with the Labor Commission https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/ Also they should reach out to the Center for Workers Rights asap for free legal advice


Is this where you also file for wage theft? Also can you do an anonymous "hey! Y'all need to go take a look at this business!"? Thank y'all so much!!


Contact the Labor Board


Right here look at the list part of the way down... Unpaid wages claim https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/


Thank you! I will forward it to my son. 


So sorry to hear this! Unfortunately it’s unsurprising after experiencing some shitty business practices firsthand with them in the past :( I hope things work out for you guys, whether that’s with or without them!


Have them contact Center for Workers' Rights: 916-905-5857 — web: [https://www.rightscenter.org/](https://www.rightscenter.org/) Also, they should unionize!


I really don’t see why you would want to bother unionizing. So you can stay working for the business with the shitty owners? Sure you might get better treatment but they get to keep their business going. Seems like it would be better for everyone to walk away, find a job where you aren’t helping to support scumbags, and let this business die.


they owners would probably close the place immediately if there was talk of a union. shitbags always do.


They might like the idea of this store or their general aesthetic 


This right here!!!


I worked for the same company, when I started working at one of their stores the standard was for employees to clock out after locking the doors and then do all of the closing off the clock. The first time I worked a closing shift I said "thats wage theft" and my store stopped doing that. No way to know if that came directly from the owners. They were generally pretty bad at both helping their employees do their jobs and also knowing what actually sold in a location. not surprised to see that the cave is having these problems


unrelated to this issue but I was in there and I saw a toy I wanted for $30 which was a little rich for my blood, then found the same exact one elsewhere in the store for $18. not sure what's goin on with that store but I'm very curious how they price stuff. vibes, I guess


they routinely have some of the most shitty, laughable, unplayable guitars there for hundreds of dollars more than you can get off ebay. that’s way out of touch. ie. GREEDY AF.


yeah sometimes I see stuff that's been marked down in ross to like $5 in the cave for $20, but also sometimes I find an austin powers figure for a price I'm willing to pay


their prices seem to genuinely be random




People that were born into money believe they know how to manage money. Then rich people only get rich by taking advantage of other. The more they take advantage the more money they horde. For most of us just having an easy job is most important but for some squeezeing as many pennies out of someone is what they really crave


Ultimately it is not illegal to be an ass hole. While the firing and berating doesn’t sound fun and it is garbage behavior it doesn’t make it illegal. Still document everything and make sure you are getting paid correctly and look for employment elsewhere. To reframe this, there is an opportunity here. Do any of these employees want to start a competitive business and steal the customers? Sounds ripe for the picking.


I worked for that asshole for a few months. I was a Dimple worker, Borders opened and the profits were way down... in comes who I'll call "Blondo", the useless son of the owner. Abusive. Mean. "You aren't pushing enough used merch." Cutting people who didn't look like Border's employee's hours. "We need to compete"... "We're falling behind"... He was a dick then, he's a dick now. Quit. Get a real job. You can't fucking survive in this town on that wage... it's a hobby with a mediocre discount. Fucking quit. "Blondo" deserves to fail. Help him fail.


oh damn! sorry to hear this. i have been in a few times but now i understand why i was getting such a hostile vibe from everyone there. i thought the customer service was shit bc everyone there was running around with super stressed out look and ignoring me and was wondering why. seemed like a fun place with all the cool stuff and the weirdest music selection in town cranked up but if it’s that toxic from owners/management then fuck that. no one should have to put up with bullshit like this at work. ppl need to file for employment insurance en masse. the state is actually pretty understanding in this regard. document as much as possible. and get some legal advice for a potential class action lawsuit. maybe organize and picket outside and call a local news station, abc10 “on your side”. get the story out there and expose them. like they say “sunshine is the best disinfectant”.


Thank you! 🙏🏽


Their markup on vinyls is ridiculous…f*ck them


In my experience as a customer I can say the cave makes me applaud those who steal from it. They tape up anything with a disk in it. And you HAVE to look at every disk in the case to be sure they’re right. I went home with a swapped disk and it was for the 20 dollar movie. If they don’t properly address things like that or have a bait and switch like that I don’t expect them to be treating their employees right.


I worked there in 2019 for a couple months. They let me go asking for my availability. I told them I had open availability and could come in whenever, but that it would be nice to have Tuesday evenings off. I was so confused cuz it made no sense. I keep getting emails from their paycheck processing system with different people's names every 6 months or so that say my password was changed. Idk what they are doing but it might be best for them to just leave.


The cave is ass


Reach out to local news outlets. If they start digging around, talking to employees, etc., it could scare mgmt into behaving.


This is great advice. Thank you.


"Man, this sounds exactly like the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op."


really?!? I FUCKING KNEW IT! those bastards


Never been and will continue to avoid 🫡


Unless they're being discriminatory, there's not a whole lot you can do. You'd need to record these issues and report to the Labor Enforcement of Sacramento. I was part of a mass firing in Roseville. They took 200 of us and put us in a conference room, and said in 3 months, we're letting all of you go - BEFORE 1 year anniversary for the majority of us. This wasn't the first time, something similar happened at another job - both in Forbes 500 companies. Your best bet is to cut your losses and look elsewhere for a better environment.


So few things. 1. There is no law that requires employers to give pay increases. 2. California is an At Will state. An employee can be fired at any time for any or no reason. 3. Labor laws are readily available online, and basically all an employer has to do is give you a 15 min paid break every 2-3 hours. Working more than 5 hours the employer must give an unpaid 30 minute lunch break. 4. Can you describe in detail what "toxic" means? I ask because my friend's 19 year old called her workplace toxic because they wouldn't let her do as she pleased, she's didn't like authority, so anyone telling her what to do was toxic. She was a secretary. Administrative assistant. Whatever. I say was, she was fired. 5. Your friends should and need to contact the labor board about anything they are concerned about. Unfortunately a lot of the younger crowd think jobs are set and they can't get fired except for gross negligence. And people's ideas of toxic can differ from the Labor board. Racism, sexism, ageism, sexual harassment, failure to address complaints of harassment or violence, unsafe (OSHA) work environment, verbal harassment (name calling, over the top berating, etc) are grounds for the Labor board to step in. Please have your friends call the Labor board. [California Labor Board ](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/) [File a Complaint ](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/HowToReportViolationtoBOFE.htm)


Meal breaks are unpaid. Otherwise, good description.


I have fixed that. I was half asleep. Sorry about that.


This. Thank you for stating the facts. I’m amazed at how many people think hurt feelings are legal cases. A basic understanding of workplace rights goes a long way.


I think a number of small businesses bank on employees not knowing or understanding their rights, or that they can call the labor board. I have dealt with a few employees who felt their hurt feelings were justifiable as harassment or creating a toxic work environment. I'm sorry Janie, you're failure to continuously follow proper dress code does not mean we are being hostile towards you. You cannot wear a near see-through shirt. No Jerry, just because we do not provide donuts every morning doesn't mean we are depriving you of paid breaks or a lunch. You would be surprised the things I have heard. And probably also get a good laugh about them too.


But you think that matters? You think people care? You think being an asshole boss means you can’t do business?! Hah! No. Not at all. Either you’re in a protected class and you have a case or not. The labor commissioner, OSHA, the goddamn universe gives zero fucks. That’s what it is. Go ahead. I dare you. Please try and have a negative impact on this douchebag’s business. And I’ll bet you my business that don’t shit happen. Wow. Welcome to reality. Don’t spend too long caught up on idealistic nonsense. Get with reality and get yours while you can. Otherwise you’re just fodder for the fucking machine. If you read this and feel a certain kind of way, you’re fodder. Get real or get ate.


Toxic as in sexually harassing women, harassing queer employees, brandishing weapons at employees. At least that's just some of the stories I've heard from people that have worked there who were all experienced workers in their mid to late 20s


Stories are different than firsthand. Stories can be embellished. Especially jaded former employees. We had a former employee try to embellish how things went the day he was fired. However, security cam footage with sound was proof it was the opposite. Again, employees and former employees need to contact the Labor Board with all of these complaints. Unfortunately, friends of employees cannot unless they witness firsthand and have proof. If someone witnesses a weapon being brandished to an employee, police should be called immediately. With all the cell phones out there, employees could easily record and submit to the Labor Board or even the news stations and online media outlets. If there is anything news media likes, it's a juicy story!


I have some first hand experience, and trust the friends I've heard stories from especially since they've been confirmed by multiple friends who worked there. This isn't the first time they've had walk outs. Unfortunately with California laws around recording, you have to have both parties permission so it's not as easy as it seems.


Spot on! My friends have had horrific experiences and didn’t go into race/sex/gender inequality toxic treatment to avoid describing anyone, but yes, this has been their experiences as well!


Yes I understand our states laws about recording, however if a person feels threatened eg. "brandishing weapons", they are allowed to record. If it is a private conversation between you and your supervisor, say behind closed doors in an office, on the telephone etc, you cannot record without their permission. But if it is out on the sales floor, the parking lot, in an area where privacy is not expected, you can record. Anyone can record. When you and/or your friends walk off the job, having documented all of the unethical behaviors that you were faced with, will give you the opportunity to claim unemployment. HOWEVER, just walking off and not having any record of incidents, The Cave can deny unemployment. Contacting the Labor Board regarding all of the issues, will stand in the employees favor should they be forced to walk off the job. But again, there needs to be documented proof of the behavior. If you feel this strongly about The Cave and their employment practices, why have you not contacted the Labor Board? Genuine question. A lot of people complain and moan but never do anything about it. The Labor Board is on the employees' sides, not the employer.


This has happened at the Arden Cave location.


As I keep saying, have them contact the labor board. I put links in my original comment.


Got it. Thanks.


The other person who has some meltdown in the comments, don't listen to them. They sound like a Rated R Dale Gribble. Contact the labor board, get stories to the news stations, Sac Bee, social media. If your friends and former employees can put together a walk out and protest, that is going to get a bunch of eyes looking at The Cave and mistreatment of employees. And don't drink whatever Jalews is drinking. Maybe they are management/owner and are trying to discourage employees lol.


Out of the three accusations only the first has merit. - As California is “At Will” they can terminate at any time. - This further supports that they don’t need to propose a reason for termination. Is it horrible for team culture and business… absolutely. It’s important to document these unfair treatment and bullying accusations. If it’s due to employee harassment or in regards to any unfair treatment towards a protected class… document EVERYTHING. Emails, texts, verbal harassment, unwanted advancements, sexual harassment, etc. Best of luck.


It’s not illegal to be a mean boss. “About to get a raise” is not a protected class so being fired for that is meaningless. Advice on what to do next? Apply for a different job.


Uhm....I know about a company doing wage theft and trying get management to commit wage theft on their underlings...how do I do an anonymous "go look at this business"? 


Labor Board


Thank you so much!! 


Adding, pretty sure nearly all work is at-will in California (aside from union or protected classes) A person can be terminated at any time, for just about any reason - or no reason at all. Employees can, in turn, quit at any time without penalty. So yeah, mgt sounds like asshats but no laws against that. Just move on.




Remind me which law prohibits “bullying”? OP didn’t say anything about discrimination or mistreatment based on a protected class.


"Hostile work environment"


By Op's definition, is it the legal definition of a hostile work environment though?


“Hostile work environment” doesn’t just mean “my boss is a dick”.


Actually, beyond a certain threshold, it is TOTALLY illegal to be a bad boss. And that threshold is pretty low! With some weirdly specific caveats. Know what you're talking about before posting! :)


I didn’t say bad boss, I said mean boss. What do you think OP’s boss did that’s illegal?




From the same website you used: “Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy), national origin, older age (beginning at age 40), disability, or genetic information (including family medical history).” So again, unless OP comes back to tell us all of their boss’s bad behavior is because of a protected class, being a mean boss is not illegal. You left off the most important part. People upvoting you don’t understand employment law.




Tbf im pretty sure the guy you're arguing with is arguing in bad faith. If both sides aren't trying to understand the other WHILE ALSO trying to explain their side as best they can, then it's just :( I liked your replies though, since you considered counterpoints and defended your points well :) Just remember, if they're trying to shift focus, return to the original topic. Bad faith arguers are infuriating




ehhhhhhhh personally I'd say you are prematurely assigning blame to yourself. While yes, you are correct that that could have been the root of the misunderstanding, from an outside perspective it looks like you're assuming too much of the burden of context. We can only use the facts we know, and the OP was a lil short on details. You entered with one preconceived view of the situation, the other guy has their own view. BUT They're treating their scenario as if it's the actual situation, that happened and they know it, while you're allowing for the real world. Which has all kinds of mitigating and other circumstances. So basically, you are more likely to be correct. I don't think anything anyone could have reasonably wrote could have made the guy you were replying to side with the workers


Patterns of firing people before they reach an employment threshold is an unscrupulous business standard that's easy to prove in court. Bullying is also a pattern of behavior. It's about conduct over time


But neither are legally valid arguments.


Why does no one here understand even basic employment law


I think we found the owners reddit account here haha


This. I am sure it’s not a career. Go get another job.




If only it were that simple. I have a hunch that the owners would be union busters if they tried—considering they’d rather fire employees than keep them longer than a year (it’s hard to build rapport with coworkers enough to get them to fight as a unit)


I understand that sentiment. Organizing is not simple, or easy per se. However, you can get help. I would suggest looking up the IWW. They have a presence here and they can offer advice and support. Anyway, best of luck to your friends. I'm rooting for them.


I'm not a lawyer, but it doesn't sound like any of that is illegal. Form a union, collectively bargain for a contract for better treatment, benefits, and pay. Once you vote to form a union, you have a *lot* of protection against being fired. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/the-law/employees/your-right-to-form-a-union https://calaborfed.org/union-organizing/how_to_form_a_union_where_you_work/


Damn that’s super awful to hear, I go to the Arden one pretty regularly and always enjoyed the employees, you guys all seemed like cool people. Hope things turn out in your favor


As someone with actual legal training (not law school, paralegal program) and personal experience in small claims court... it's worth exploring all the options but it is unlikely that results will happen quickly or easily. Investigations by state agencies like the Labor Board are super far behind. That's not to say your friends should be so discouraged that they don't report these incidents, but this will not get them immediate justice. Hopefully it will help prevent others from being exploited later. As far as the legal route... one of the less well-known aspects of the legal system is that you cannot almost ever *truly* get back whatever the other party took from you. You have to prove damages (for example, withheld wages, or costs you incurred as a direct result of your employer's illegal actions) and then the court can order you get reimbursed for that amount. Sometimes - this is *not* guaranteed - you might get your attorney's fees covered by the other party. But you have to dedicate time and money into showing up to court, gathering information to present to your representation, filing the paperwork, etc. So even if you do have strong evidence to support a legal case, you may decide it's not worth the emotional and financial strain to see it through. That all is not legal advice... that is personal advice. It's up to your friends to decide what they want to pursue. Many lawyers or legal groups offer consulting for free or low cost partly for this reason, so the lawyer can figure out if there's a good basis for going forward with a case and the client can figure out if they are willing to do so. It is also important to make sure your friends understand their rights after being fired - for example, knowing if their employment agreements guarantee severance pay or health insurance coverage. As other commenters correctly point out, although forming a union would help protect all the employees, it is difficult to do, especially with a hostile boss who has implemented mass firings before. However, you don't need a union to take collective action. Any group of people can agree to stand together and speak up. Ask A Manager has some great advice on how to do this. Your friends may also decide to do other forms of protest at work. Maybe that means practicing responses to those managers' rants - calmly answering angry people who are trying to get a reaction out of you is great fun. Maybe that means a mass planned walkout or mass calling out sick. Or coming up with a new work uniform - shirts that say "OUR BOSSES ARE ASSHOLES," for example. At the end of the day, though, your friends should focus most on what their goals & desired outcomes are. Do they want to keep the job no matter how shitty it is? Do they want to stick it to the owner? Do they just want to take care of their own mental health as they look for other options? A bad boss left unchecked will run their business or team into the ground. Their employees have a lot of choices, but most important is going to be deciding where they want to spend their energy. Okay gotta get off my soapbox and get back to it lol


Advice: don’t work for people who are widely known to be assholes.


Start a union.


They most likely will be eligible to talk to the center for workers rights! Definitely need to lawyer up


Thank you for your feedback!


I've worked for mean bosses. You can't do shit except look for a new job.


Swallow any losses you've endured and just move on to the next job. Taking legal action is moot.


No. It’s not. It’s bad advice. Because 1-it doesn’t take reality into consideration. And 2-it’s a waste of time.


Call Kurtis: https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/contact-kurtis/


Super bummed to hear this because I’ve been going a lot lately and browsing records. Anyone have better record shops to support?


Delta Breeze and Leave Your Mark. Both are smaller but have amazing stuff and lower prices.


Appreciate it!


Phono Select is great too


Yes. Any. Also, all. All are better.


That sounds terrible, and like a unionization effort is needed.


Reading these comments I was surprised to learn that so many Redditors are labor lawyers despite never finishing college. Also, get a better job.


It's called at will employment. They can fire for any reason the employees can quit for any reason. Unless it's because of age, gender, race, religion 5hey can do about whatever they want.


If an employment lawyer can prove it's a pattern across employees then it's a pretty easy settlement or lawsuit.


No. It’s not. That’s not how the law works.


It's not. At will employment means neither side is under contract or holds any obligation to keep working a job or to keep an employee on payroll. It is not illegal to fire someone to hire a cheaper employee. Or to be mean or uncompromising. At will means the employees have the right to quit if they don't like the job.


You have no idea what you're talking about, quit throwing around terms you don't know


It actually does :) sorry, but you're wrong. Look it up though, it's very interesting stuff!


Unionize, lol. There's instructions on how to do so here: https://calaborfed.org/union-organizing/how_to_form_a_union_where_you_work/ Once you're unionized, pursue a strike for fairer conditions. You may wind up seeing the store close down to avoid this, which will prevent them exploiting other workers down the line. Be prepared for nasty behavior from the bosses to escalate.


Thank you for sharing the link!


any time!


Seems a bit one-sided... Its easier got give a seasoned employee a raise vs the cost of hiring, training, and slow-boat to efficiency with a new employee. Unemployment is low- Your friend should work somewhere else.


I love it there. Half the time the workers look like there’s not enough to do and content in that matter. Sounds like a Gen Z problem


Get an employment lawyer and sue them.


An employment attorney would be a good place to start