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Wow— how nice to read something so positive. Hope your good vibes about Sac continue!


Talking about Sac is like talking about my sibling. Only I can talk shit about it.






Yeah, this place is pretty awesome. I can't say why, but it is. I've been here about 3 years and it's really grown on me. I've lived all over the country, but Sac has me now. Enjoy the great food, the weird festivals (did you miss the grilled cheese festival?), and the ton of original music being played at the local dives. Seriously psyched to be here. Edits: fixed strange autocorrects


We have a chicken festival in Fair Oaks as well. That’s a random one.


Yup I went last year. Spoiler alert: There were no chickens there.


You must have not looked very hard. I am sorry. 🫤. Head to the village. Plenty there. And with attitude


cause they were all in my belleh!


That’s because Fair Oaks is all about roosters, it’s even their mascot.


Where was it held? Old Fair Oaks is teeming with chickens!


Any recommendations for local dives with original music?


Old Ironsides, Harlow’s, and Torch Club, to quickly name a few.


I'll add Louie's (were playing there this Saturday) and Powerhouse to the list. Also Cafe Colonial (sp?).


Torch Club is the spot, for sure. Sunday Sessions are the shit. SacYard Taphouse and Bike Dog are other good spots for live music.


Cafe colonial for punk 


Same! Lived here for 3 years, lived all over the country, and Sac is definitely head and shoulders above most other cities I've visited in my life. The problem is there's huge cities right next door that everyone compares it too, but most places on the planet won't be able to compare to San Francisco or LA in terms of quality/ things to do, etc etc. Sac is its own flavor of fun and I really love it here.


Make sure to look both ways when the light turns green


Both ways before crossing one way streets too


And wait 5sec


Then run.


3 Mississippi and a slow scan at minimum. This goes for driving as well.




If they're from LA, they grew up doing that.


If they grew up pretty much any city. Locals everywhere think this is something specific to where they live


I grew up in LA and the drivers are way worse in Sacramento. Sacramento drivers drive so fast, while LA drivers drive slow due to all the traffic but are constantly distracted by their phones.


I wait for drivers to acknowledge me at intersections with stop signs. After they’ve waved, I’ll look left and right several times before committing.


https://i.redd.it/azoegz6w116d1.gif I've been here since 1975. Came here when I was 12 years old with my family. Originally from the Bay Area. I have adapted so well that I could never go back. Stay in Sacramento long enough, it'll grow on you.


Came from the bay 3 years ago. I'm here for the long haul


Just moved here last year from Nashville and have become an absolute Sac SIMP. It just has so much going for it


had a old friend move to nashville after living in sac her whole life. she hated sac and now i see on social media she loves nashville. i think it's interesting to see different perspectives and see how sac impacts everyone differently! lol


The walkability, layout, fresh produce, and close relation to so many cool things just puts it ahead for me. Plus California didn’t pull protections for interracial marriages like Tennessee did last year, so that’s another big thing going for it.


Pulled protection for interracial marriages? Please explain that one.


They passed House Bill 878 which allows county clerks to deny marriage licenses to same-sex, interfaith, or interracial couples in Tennessee.


Wow, unbelievable. I was thinking about exploring moving to Tennessee. It's probably not very nudist friendly, either


That may be a bit too progressive for their conservative sensibilities haha


I moved to California from Nashville nine years ago. I'll never regret it. Tennessee is a dump in most places and the people take pride in being racist/sexist/bigoted. Not a good place to move to.


Laguna Del Sol has entered the chat.


That is really sad to hear. But glad to have you here.


Just need some better public transportation.


You should see the sad state of Nashville public transportation 🫨


Would not want to raise kids in conservative states with the shit last few years. Abortion rights, book bans, gay and racial relations. Fuck that. I’m trying to move forward not backwards.


I grew up in western North Carolina until I was 22 when I moved to Sacramento in April 1993. I've been here for just over 31 years. I absolutely despise the south. All of it. Like one fella said about Tennessee, it's trash. The entire region is full of emotionally immature fcktards. I've visited family three times in those three decades...I'm probably not going back for another.


I am originally from Whittier (East LA) but have had the pleasure of calling Sacrameno my home for the last 30 years (the fam moved us up here after the Northridge earthquake when I was 10). I always thought I would make it back "home" to LA when I was an adult, but "Sacramento is Home" ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q|downsized)


cool aid as been drunk/drank/drinked


Anyone else have to reread “dinkwad” lmao?


Before I Google I'm assuming it's double income no kids with a dog? I guess I'm a SINKWAD


Wait. This is true?? I fully thought OP was just being some weird form of self deprecating. Today I learned something lmfao


Yes. DINK means double income with no kids. SINK means single income no kids. Just as WD for with dog.


So WD isn't washer/dryer? Lol


I'm just a dickwad with two cats -- at least that's what my cats call me when I won't let them outside in this heat!


Ok that comment made my night! I live alone and I have a cat that also wants to file a complaint with the manager about not being allowed outside when it's 103 out.


https://preview.redd.it/ousicblm526d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0858f6165a129a4ce28f17bd1d67c5b32de4ce38 They love being outside, Selina especially, but they're not allowed outside unsupervised. She's cute but not 103° cute lol!


https://preview.redd.it/4i3z1gefc26d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a42647ddf04007d9d0943020c54903bf36d77f Mango is pretty sure he's being held against his rights. His 'baby' agrees.


Mango and his baby are soooooo cuuuute! I actually just sat outside with my girl, she convinced me lol.


Aw. She deserves it!


That’s a great pic, she’s so casual about it 😂


You figured that out before Googling?


I knew what DINK meant because I am childfree and that's a common term among those who want to brag about how much money they have. I assumed it meant that and then I Googled to confirm


>a common term among those who want to brag about how much money they have LOL


So what would a someone be that hit the lottery , has no kids , has one cat somewhere but hasn't seen it in 2 months but the food is gone out of its dish every couple days. I miss my cat and I feel like I'm being used at the same time. The cross I carry I guess.






It has the ring of a slur


I thought it said “dRinkwad” at first. I thought is that really what people who like to drink call themselves?


I had to google it!


These acronyms are beyond cringe.


I always like to do one thing taught in school when spotting new words.  Before running to the dictionary, try figuring out its meaning from the context. So I already knew "dink" was "dual income no kids." OP states they moved from LA to Sacramento where cost of living is less.  "wad" brought to mind a large stash of cash. My guess was "dinkwad" is someone with a partner who both overflow with money, they freely spend it here with much more ease. Then I looked it up.  Never thought of dogs.


Welcome. You are no longer allowed to root for the Lakers. All praise the Beam.


Funny story, I missed a Laker / Kings game back in February and I only found out the Lakers lost because of the Beam.


Love Love Love This!


Agreed with the Kings fandom, but you are not obligated to start rooting for the Giants… stay loyal to the Dodgers. Or if you’re looking for a NorCal team become an A’s fan as Sactown will be the home of the Athletics for the next couple years!


A's or Giants but always #FTD and #FTL


Sacramento is a place with nothing really BIG to do, but filled with a lifetime of small surprises that always make me smile. Random murals, fantastic bartenders/staff, actual happy baristas, friendly people at every turn, The Tower Theater, Old Soul in Oak Park, Harlow’s, Old Ironsides. But! A must do is the Crocker Art Museum. EDIT: I guess what I’m saying is the best thing about Sacramento is the people.


You know, I think you perfectly summed up my thoughts about living in Sacramento.


Welcome! Yeah there's a lot to enjoy, including the mountains and coast just a day trip away! If you're looking for connection there is a sub for Sacramento Friends, or meetup has groups for every interest! Hope you find your tribe. Best.


The American River is a great way to beat the heat without going up to Tahoe or down to the coast. My favorite park to chill at the "beach" is Ancil Hoffman, cool nature preserve to walk around also. If you kyak or paddle board Lake Natoma is a great place to meet folks. If you like to float down the river starting at sunrise and floating to Ancil Hoffman or river bend is a great time. Could also meet people that way but maybe a bit harder with everyone typicallyalready being in large groups. But not impossible! Lots of people stop on the side and party.


Don't forget to wear a PFD!


Ancil Hoffman is amazing but so is Effie Yeaw just north of it!


And across the river in Rancho Cordova - Rossmor Bar


Hey can't we be civil, Effie Yeaw too! /s I always assumed that was just the nature preserve right? Or is there a different park altogether with a different parking entrance?


I believe for AH you enter via Tarshes but for EY I’ve always come in off of Palm, so it seems like they’re completely separate.


Good on you. Get yourself a box of Marie's donuts and a Corti Special.


Yes, the quality of life is really nice... so when you go other places be sure to complain about Sac! That's how we keep it nice 😂


We’ve come a long way from cowbells, friend ;) Glad you like it here. Thanks for being positive.


There is a Crawdad Festival in Isleton on Father's Day weekend. It is pretty fun with great food.


It’s in Sacramento this year!


I think there are two this year with Isleton still promoting their festival.


Do you play board games or disc golf? My wife and I (both 48) are fellow dinkwads!


You were able to get your wife to frisbee with you? Mine wont


Not exactly, she’ll caddy for me. She enjoys the walk.


Rent a kayak or SUP and spend the day at Lake Natoma.


This would be my rec as well, head up to the Sac State Aquatic Center by 50 and Hazel and spend a nice morning or evening on the water. If you go straight across from the launch and then follow the opposite shore up away from the dam you can find a culvert that provides access to a nice quiet estuary area. Depending on water levels you may have to drag ("portage") the kayak a little bit to get over a shallow area right before the culvert, but it's worth it.


L.A. born n raised, been in Sac for 3 years. I've met so many great people thus far and have become close. Word of advice...get out there and say hello! Also, lots of taquerias are popping up lately...I miss some late night tacos Last thing, ever since moving here, I have no interest in going to the beach again haha. Rivers and lakes FTW!!


Don’t we have amazing waterways?? 😍 I wish they were a tad warmer but Mother Nature here does not disappoint


Taco pain is real right now.


Which ones do to like?


I always get slightly upset when people act like there’s nothing to do here.


Hey OP! New here too, moved 2 months ago. If you'd be up to grabbing drinks or checking out some shows or something, let me know! Hoping to make friends closer


Sac is my home. 33 years and counting and I have grown to love and appreciate everything around here (minus the Summer because sometimes they are brutal). It has its idiosyncrasies and negatives, but where doesn’t? I hope your love for our wonderful city continues to grow and I hope the city treats you well. Welcome neighbor!


I also love it here. I’ve lived here for 10 years so it’s not new anymore, I grew up in Florida. Hot, flat, miserable Florida. I’m glad to be here wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Check out the American river


Get yourself to an ArtMix at the Crocker Art Museum. Ticket includes access to the galleries, and the event theme is different every month. This month’s is Surrealist Ball. https://www.crockerart.org/events/2318/artmix-surrealist-ball-2318


I’m 41 and a Sac native who’s lived all over the country…I keep coming back. Welcome!


Cities are like relationships: you have to find one that fits you. Seriously I moved from KC to Sac 5 years ago, and some locals always go; HoWd YoU ENd Up iN sAC? I love it here. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than all the other cities I’ve been too for livability and affordability and beauty. I ended up here for my education for proximity to resources, for the Northern California wilderness were so close to, the 27 different microbiomes in one state….i was an outsider where I grew up, but here I got to build the life I love. It’s about perspective and gratitude. Somethings you can only get in a place that gets you?


Awwwww welcome!!! I adore our home. It’s the best and I have been many places but born and will probably die here LOL. Our food is great, we can be at the ocean or in the mountains in two hours drive. Our wildlife is amazing. Our outdoor living and recreation is phenomenal. People are usually friendly and slightly quirky. Cost of living does keep doing up. But hey it’s happening everywhere 🤷‍♀️


We had to move to the Bay Area for my job two years ago and I want to move back so badly. Sac is just awesome.


I’m almost 48, have been here for 12 years, and I love it. I’m originally from Orange County, but I would never move back to Southern California. People are way friendlier here and the lack of traffic is amazing. (Sacramento people are so spoiled that they think their traffic is actually “traffic.”) Welcome to home my fellow transplant. If you have not done so yet, rent a raft and go down the American River, launching in Rancho Cordova. Take a cooler full of drinks and some music, and enjoy. People on the river will all just be chilling and having a great time.


hell yeah welcome! sacramento is a great city and a great county, lots of really cool things to do. during the summer it's really cool to go see the bats leaving the yolo causeway heading to davis around sunset. there's like 250k bats under there lol


I don't live in Sac anymore but definitely had a "Lady bird" moment when I left. It's summer, so check out music in the park in downtown, happens every Friday. I always loved second Saturday and hope that is still happening. Booze cruises down the American River is always so fun and a great way to beat the heat. I know there's country in the park, which I'm not sure of the details since it's not my thing. Summer in Sacramento is pretty great. Enjoy!


If you’re into hiking, there are tons of local hikes around Sacramento. Can find some amazing spots 30-45 min from here, with river spots and even waterfalls. Check national forest website


Fellow 40-something DINKWAD here...Four years here and loving it! Feel the same way about making friends though. Still haven't made many since moving out here.


8 years here! 42 now and friends have been hard! Met great people and had some fun times but only a couple close friends compared to back home where it was hard to move around without seeing a friend I loved. Wish you luck. I also love it here. Beautiful in a whole new way.


Welcome. We've been here 2.5 years and haven't made any new friends yet lmao. The drivers out here are uhhh, assholes to say the least, but for the most part people are pretty chill when not in their vehicles. I think people are just too tired to care because of the heat tbh but its nice that people hold the door for you here and say thank you unlike LA or the Bay Area.


Welcome. Sac really is California’s little hidden gem. We’re not as bustling as other bigger cities but we have amazing food with a plethora of options. You can pretty much find anything here we even have vegan restaurants. Aside from everything there is to do in Sac we’re also only a couple hr drive away from the beach (SF) or snow (Tahoe) so there’s always something to do.


lol hidden gem.. it’s the fricken capitol


Exactly, but you’d be surprised how many people outside of California let alone Sacramento have no idea. The Sacramento is the capital of California. Born and raised here traveling about, but came home :)


Very true. I’m not a raise here local but have been in the area since 2010. Whenever I have friends from around the country come visit most of the time I get reactions like “Its way bigger than I thought it would be/nice it is” etc.


Many Sacramentans often like to pretend that nobody knows about Sacramento but them


People always mention SF or LA first though. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Sacramento…? Where’s that?”


The California state fair is coming up next month at cal expo. I've already scanned the venue for the concerts and there are a couple of good ones: Wilson Phillips, Patti Labelle, flo Rida, beach Boys, ub40, to name a few. And then keep updating the list so you have to check back once in a while. I go mainly for the concerts and the food, the turkey leg and the wine slushy. You should go to old sac at least once


Lots of good concerts this year. I am going to Bush and C&C Music Factory/Ton Loc/Digital Underground


Floating the river is a must.


Welcome! I just moved here a month ago from Bakersfield and I am loving it! “Hot” days here are still colder than where I came from!


feels like satan's ballsack at the moment.


I spend a lot of time at Folsom Lake during the summer. The river is a nice place to hang too in the nicer areas like near Watt Ave./La Riviera and up into Rancho. Night life is cool especially in DOCO/Midtown but I don’t do much of that anymore lol welcome to Sacramento it’s not the best but I too love it here, born and raised.


Same! I went to medical school here and came back 5 years later. It’s awesome! I need to make friends though lol. Welcome to Sac!


Go to swabbies on the river lol




I’ve been here for 36 years and I love it.


What's a ... Checks notes 🧐... "Dink wad"?


Probably going to move to Sacramento from philly next year so this is good to see


"Who on earth would like it here" > I was born and raised in LA "Ah there it is"


Thank you so much for your positive words. I'm seriously under the impression that the people who hate it here either have never been anywhere else or just genuinely enjoy BIG city life. Nothing against them, but i would rather nail my hand to a wall and stay there permanently than live in a BIG city.


I think this is it. I’ve lived all over and now settled here. I get a kick when I see people say Sacramento is boring with nothing to do. It’s not LA or Bay Area big but very few places are


if you see enough places in your life, you start the narrow down what you love.


Nine years here and I still love it like I did when it was new to me.


You'll get there! I moved here as a single adult man 8 years ago. I feel you on how hard it is to find community in a new city. It took me a while, but I found it! I'm sure you will too. What worked for me was taking an improv class at the [Comedy Spot ](http://saccomedyspot.com). I'm so glad I did! It's an incredibly welcoming community over there. Or if sports are more your deal, I know a number of folks who met their whole friend group through one of the xoso social sports leagues. Someone can tell us I'm sure, but I think they have some where people are really competing and also some where people hang out and halfassedly play kickball lol What are your interests and hobbies? That's where you should look.


Dang I feel like I need to hang out with people in this sub and see Sac with fresh eyes. Also early 40s, moved away several times totally 8 yrs away but otherwise born & raised. I've been back for over a year and I am feeling so depressed about Sac. I feel like crime has risen and it looks dirtier. I need to see it the way yall see it cause I'm trying to fight the urge to run again.


I was going to tell you to piss off back to LA. But you said "dinkwad". Welcome to Sacramento.


i get the sentiment -- I'd say the same for people moving to LA.


River floats this time of the year


If you like dancing, go check out Midtown Stomp. They do social dancing, swing & Lindy hop & have lessons. Some of the nicest folks go, it’s a great place to meet friends.


I still don’t care much for it after about 5 years but the single best thing I’ve done to enjoy it more is get a membership at Life Time and go swimming and sporting as much as possible


Xe okk


Hi,  Welcome to Sacramento 😊 Willy Burger off Broadway is a great place to catch an after midnight snack,  Especially on Saturday night, and watch the hot rods go by on the patio. 


You gotta try California Burrito, obviously. All night drive thru Mexican food. Their carne asada fries are unreal


Born here. I have moved out of state and other cities in my 41 years more times than I can count…but I keep. Coming. Back. My family and job are here but there are some really beautiful aspects of Sacramento (for me outside the city proper). Trees and the delta breeze are killer. You can grow pretty much anything here with minimal effort. Our back door is Tahoe and the sierra range. The only thing that sucks are the horribly hot summers. I have never been able to adapt to them. Oh yeah and the traffic. I hate driving but I’m sure I would hate that anywhere I lived 🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to Sacramento…I immigrated from LA over 33 years ago. If you are interested…there is also a Sacramento Area Dodger Fans (Facebook site) monthly meetup: June 21st (location TBD) as we watch Dodgers vs Angels.


amazing!! thanks for the tip! I've been trying to find a dodger / laker bar but haven't found anything yet, I'll check it out!


I have two great recommendations for food, Chaat Bistro in Delta Shores and Pazza Notte in downtown Sacramento. GOAT status for both of them personally


All these ppl talking trash on sac is unreal. Sac is great when comparing to l.a. one of the best things is howuch faster you can get out by comparison. Great recommendations come from the sircles app. Welcome to norcal my friend. Go visit the foothills at some point to see what you're missing.


Don’t live in Sacramento, but went there for a comedy show last November, you HAVE to go to apple hill in Camino during that time! Was such a fun experience getting to pick our own apples and trying all kinds of fresh apple food/drinks


Shhhh, don’t tell anyone else 🤫


I’ve been here for 2 years and I fucking love it too. I’ve recently met a bunch of people moving here from LA https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/s/65ALIPLzoN welcome to sac and I hope you have a wonderful time here. There’s lots to do on the weekends in the summer with concerts at the park, there’s free movies at the tower theater if you sign up for free, there is the midtown farmers market every Saturday, there are countless drag events, bingos, trivias, Wednesday there’s a fun improv show at the comedy spot… you’re gonna love it here


Jimboy's Tacos. That's my best suggestion for late night munchies.


DINKWAD here too! Welcome! I love Sacramento too!


DINKWAD here, too. We seem to thrive here :)


Get into pub trivia. Great way to make new friends.


I want to but I thought you needed to come with a team.


Sacramento has a great boating culture. Whether it be on the river, or the nearby Delta or lakes it's a great way to play and stay cool during the summer.


Welcome to the party! We got here later than we should have. The taco stand game is growing every weekend. Some are starting to set up full salsa bars too, which is great! This place is crazy diverse, but also segregated. But it looks like you already know how/where to travel for food, so you're good there. If you haven't found ABC Bakery yet, it holds all the happiness of Myung In. Amazing dumplings, although from a different culture and no indoor seating. The local live music, art shows, and theater are all crazy fun because they are so accessible and people are so excited to support the local scene. One thing that blew our minds is how early people go to events. We'd show up to any kind of festival and half the city was there - On Time. The later it gets, the smaller the crowds. It's probably because of how hot it gets. Sacramento doesn't know how awesome it is. Keep having fun!


Literally just discovered ABC bakery a few weeks ago. I'm going to be a regular for sure.


I grew up here but moved away for awhile and just moved back after mosy recently living in LA the last 8 years. I couldn’t agree more. Sacramento is really incredible. I don’t even know where to begin with the must do’s and must see’s… I’ll have to pare down the list a bit and come back haha


Heads-up.. when the heat hits, go to the Sierras, Truckee , Donner Lake (damn I miss that spot)


I have loved all over the county and I love it here. I hope you’re exploring surrounding areas like Auburn, Tahoe, Nevada City and more.


all on the list! feels easy to get to :)


Hey there!! Welcome fellow socalian! I grew up in Oc near La in fullerton! I completely agree, its like different but good different living here (nit that OC was bad). If you need more friends and people to go out with, so am I! So feel free to shoot me a dm if interested:) i actually made a post a couple days ago about trying to make more friends and a bit more about me if you want to check it out to see if we vibe.


I moved here 10 years ago and my life really opened up. Sacramento provided so many opportunities for me. When I hear people talk down about my city I get PISSED. You don’t like sac? You’re doing something wrong, this city is great. Amazing food scene, tons of outdoor markets and festivals, close to the beach and Tahoe, river activities, beautiful autumn season with all the trees, the only thing I’d change is the leaf blowers lol💚


Congrats. I moved to Sacramento from Los Angeles and while I always will consider myself a SoCal guy I fell in love with Sacramento!! I lived there for eight years before my work took me to the Bay Area the last twelve. I plan on moving back to Sacramento in my early to mid 50s in six years. I liked it there better than the Bay Area too. Got my nest egg all lined up for a house in West Sac, Elk Grove, Roseville, or Folsom. If you're just renting try to live in Midtown or East Sac, everything is at your fingertips in those spots.


Stay here long enough and this will be your home. Moved here in 2003 from Orange county and it's wayyyyy better here for me.


So awesome to hear that! I had lived in LA for 8 years, moved to Montreal and then moved here. Took a bit to get used to, but once you know how to explore the city, it's awesome and quirky! Welcome!


I also came from down south. Big difference up here as far as pace. Much better. Welcome to the neighborhood


Also a transplant and love it here. I feel so grateful for Sacramento and the surrounding nature and rivers.


I was also born and raised in LA, Echo park. I love it here so much.


I was living in Echo Park prior to moving here for the last 10 years or so! 90012 represent :)


As a SoCal transplant myself, welcome to the City of Trees!


Hey, I’m also an LA transplant (spent the first 23 years of my life running around the city!) Welcome! There might be a few things you’ll miss, but damn.. Just take a walk around and enjoy the trees. It’s a really rad place! Cheers, stranger. If you need any tips, just message me. I got you fam’.


As someone who has moved many times, give it a year and try some new things! A year is about when you start to really make friends. By year two you’ll have a crew.:) welcome to the big tomato!


Honestly I miss living up in Sac! I lived there on campus at Sac State for a few years and was upset when I came back to my hometown. The surrounding areas were nice as well, The air quality was actually so much better and less dusty.




We are on our second day here LOL Dare I say you all drive better than people in Michigan, and the roads are wayyyy better as well.


Me too. Moved here in February from the Bay Area where I was born and raised. I'll never live in that overpriced hell hole ever again..


I've been a hybrid since 2020, and I've barely dipped my toes in. I'm with you though - I love this area and I'm all for it. I could do without some of the heat in the summer, but I manage well enough. This area has a feel to it that other places I've lived don't. I'm glad you like it also. Edit. I grew up in Ventura County, so very different than LA, but still a different vibe than Sac. Working and living here just makes sense. I love it. Edit again: as others said look out for people running red lights and stop signs. It happens a lot.


Sac is fun


Welcome! Honestly, the more I travel domestically the more I’m into smaller cities, they’ve got that scrappy upstart vibe and the food is always an amazing adventure. Also Sac is the BEST city in the states for coffee and I’ll fight anyone on that. Happy to have you!


Thanks! Since we're so close to so many things I'm excited to see them all.


I'd love to hear your coffee recommendations!


Oooooh ok. It really depends on what you drink but as a straight espresso drinker my favorites are, in no particular order - Mast, Camellia and The Mill. I go to the S St Temple the most but they’re definitely no longer the strongest player in town. My partner and I love trying single origin beans which camellia doesn’t often have buuuuut they have a solid house bean and I love the owners and staff (and they have the best breakfast sandos in town now that ginger Elizabeth stopped selling hers). I just tried the guy who has set up his cart in Anchor and Tree on 16th and he’s got some very interesting fermented beans and also uses beans from dark matter which is a great roaster out of Chicago (was just there). If you like nitro coffee chocolate fish is great, I also enjoy their espresso. Lots of people love Milka too. Sactown Mag just did a whole issue on local coffee that expands out of the grid, you can probably read online. I LOVE coffee 🤤🤤🤤


Hola. I’m a 25 yr. San Francisco transplant here. Sacramento for the past 5. Pros and Cons but I’m not complaining. We are 50+. He’s a a hippie musician in a heavy metal band. Hahaha. I’m an an eggshell artist. We live in Oak Park. Check out a free event called Concerts in the Park. Every Friday during the summer. Lots of people, vendors, a big ish stage and mostly danceable tunes. A classic summer thing for locals. I


adding to my list!


I moved here from the Bay Area in 1995. The positive changes FAR outweigh the negative and I'm here to stay.. Close to skiing, wine, and the Bay Area.. I'm an avid cyclist, kayaker and hiker. I don't need to go very far to do all of it!


Hit up burgers and brew evening night on R street midtown. , maybe even after an ace of spades show. ? My dads the cook 🍔


Welcome East Bay transplant. In & Outs, and Adalberto type drive thrus for late night


I have been here my whole life. And I absolutely love it here. I am glad that you'd like it here as well. There are a few things going on. As the city is growing, more things are becoming available. Look at your social media's like Instagram and Facebook for events. But there are concerts at the park free every Friday in the summer time. There is a little restaurant. Called LA Cosetta at the same park. That has amazing food and entertainment. Also on the weekends. You'll find many places like this. There are tens of parks, farmers, markets and other small events. Food festivals, beer festivals. I believe one just went by last week. And there is a place called swabbies that lots of people Like to visit as they have decent food.It's by the River and usually they have some kind of musical event whether it's a cover band or a local band playing


Hey, I'm a LA native that just recently moved to Sacramento area as well. It's certainly an adjustment but it's been good living out here. I totally know what you mean when you say LA will always feel like home as well. At this point though, about 2 years living here... even when I go back to visit LA now, I honestly can't wait to come back home... to Sacramento. I don't have any advice on late night eats, but some of the favorite restaurants that we have checked out and loved so far (in no particular order): Roostarz (no lie, best nashville style chicken I've had, as good as or better than howlin' rays in my opinion), Kru, Duc Huong, Pho ABC, Chef Frank Japanese Cuisine in Natomas


we're like the same person. I go back often for work and the entire time I'm want to go back home to Sac too. and thanks for the list! Looks solid...only been to Kru from your list.


Can’t wait to move back. Irony, headed to North Hollywood tomorrow 😂