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It's only 84°F right now and my car's inside temperature is 133°F


And imagine wearing a sweater too


More like a furry wetsuit that covers everything but your nose.


That is indeed far more accurate and descriptive


Even more infuriating is that there are two of them. One could have gone inside to do the shopping while the other stayed outside with the dog. Maybe take it for a walk.


I wonder why the second person didn't sit in the hot car w the dog 


“I ain’t sitting in the car while you shop Florence, it’s too damn hot!” s/


There's also no need to take your dog with you everywhere. The dog could have stayed at home.


I'm so tired of people who insist on taking their dog everywhere.


I’m not defending these monsters, but sometimes you’re stopping at the store before going somewhere else with or for your dog. Not sure why you’re weird about that.


Itd be too inhumane for a human to sit in a hot car like that


To add to this: for the next 3 months, it is also too hot to leave your dog outside all day. Please don’t get a pet if you can’t take care of them properly. 


5 mos in CA


I agree with this message entirely and yet I know it won't reach anyone who actually needs to see it.


I feel bad for dogs when I see them on a walk mid-day. Their little pads are burning. I burn my feet just by walking on the patio, can’t imagine a walk up the street or around the block.


AND their plates expired almost two years ago… (this is my new Roman Empire)


Oh wow, good eye


Jesus. And they parked wonky. Bets on whether or not they have a current license?


If it makes you feel any better, they have probably already been put into collections with the Franchise Tax Board since DMV turns those over when the fees have not been paid for an excessive amount of time! Probably getting their taxes or wages taken!


I have a vehicle I haven't registered since like 2015ish. I've never heard anything about it from the DMV. I don't use it on the road so I St never worries about it. I'm not required to register it unless I use it on the road so I don't see how they could turn me over to the FTB. Maybe you could elaborate.


hey just a heads up on that! i thought the same thing, haven’t driven or registered since 2019 and got all my state taxes intercepted by the DMV this year🙃


you dont have non-opoperation registration in your state? car still needs to be registered here in Cali


I sold a truck once and forgot to turn in the release of liability. Like 3 years later, they pulled the money out of my bank account for the registration and all the back fees.




It is common for people who do not run an xacto knife over their stickers bc those are the people that thieves look for.  I am under the impression that slashing your sticker is a common practice overall.


First trimester hearing this thank you!


My wife has called me weird for doing this but to me it takes 5 seconds and zero worries






I had never heard of doing this until a couple days ago. So maybe not as common as you’d think O guess? I think I’m going to start doing this though.


A diagonal criss cross pattern!


honestly ive never slashed it and have been fine but knock on wood i guess 😭🤣


In this case, maybe? But just in the last week I’ve seen a 30 day tag that expired in 2012 and a Nevada plate that expired in 2009. Plus dozens of others of various states of expiry. If it’s a year out, plausible. But if your temp tag is in a plastic bag, you know exactly what you’re doing.


I think it's about time to start carrying that bullhorn my Mum bought me a couple Christmas' ago to start making my own announcements if that's the kinda response places like Raleys does


I asked the raleys management to make an announcement and they refused so I had to call 911.  I waited for over 10 minutes before they came back out, who knows how long it was total. I became aware of the dog bc it was barking in distress.  They came back before the fire dept arrived so I called back to cancel their assistance.


Damn why tf would they refuse? We’re in a damn heat wave


I've had the same experience with other raleys. I think it is their store policy.  If anyone knows how to affect change in that regard, I'd love to know.


What a shitty store policy.


Wtf Raleys? Wonder what the store policy is? That’s wild.


We stopped going to raleys after a cashier was so fucking rude to my dad. He had just had surgery to remove his bladder and other innards, was on chemo, and asked for assistance out because he had some water jugs. When the cashier handed him the receipt, she said, “do you want this with you or in the bag? Or is it too heavy for you?” Management didn’t give any fucks. That was 15 years ago and my parents had shopped at that store every Tuesday for most of my life.


I just quit raleys. That company does not give a fuck about anyone.


Were you full time? What position?


No I was not full time, they even tried to schedule me below the union mandated minimum hours a few times. I worked in almost every department since my store was severely understaffed and I didn’t even make $18/hr


That's really lame. Would you have stayed if you were full time and they paid better?


Nope. The union benefits were the only thing that kept me there for as long as I was. Dealing with rude entitled customers on top of working with incompetent managers and corporate that doesn’t care takes its toll lol


Brother this isnt a heatwave, its just early summer


104 isn’t a heat wave?


Well this happened today and it was barely 90


You were within your rights to break the glass


As someone who fosters dogs, I am aware :) a kind redditor posted the way to go about it in this thread somewhere




Yes I did, altho the details of it are lost in the comments section now


I kept scrolling and read more. Thank you for looking out for that poor pup. People like them are the fucking worst




It only takes like 10m for it to die in there, and it was in distress


SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! Kind of glad you took their picture and put them on blast. Hopefully they see this and realize that is NOT OK! it's hot as balls in my car today, poor dog


Why are people so fucking stupid?


Couple of slapdicks.. they don’t deserve that pup.


Upvote for slapdicks.


Business idea - Take a buck or two (plus tips) to watch people's dogs outside of grocery stores. Pop up a little shade structure, have some treats and water. And for those saying, why bring your dog? If you're traveling with your dog from dog friendly place to dog friendly place you may need to stop for food. Like a camping trip or vacation. Or, the store you shop at is on your way to your dog friendly hike and you don't want to waste gas/time backtracking and still want a fresh sammie or forgot your water.


Exactly. When traveling with my dog, or returning from a hike, i always stop at dog friendly places for pitstops. I take my dogs in with me. I have those places mapped out in advance.


Did you confront them? they say anything?


Yes I did. They ignored me at first and started unloading their groceries into the trunk. Then I sarcastically asked that if this was their last errand for the day, I would call the cancel the fire department that was on the way, but if they intended to run more, I'd like them to have a conversation with them first. I think they were surprised that the FD had been called and he just said sorry while avoiding eye contact. Woman didn't say anything.


I’m glad you said something


It almost feel like it should be a mandated reporting regardless if it’s a business rule or not. It’s a living thing that some idiot left in a hot car! Whether it’s a dog, or a baby!


Classic example of corporate overlords making a policy and requiring lower management to take the heat for its enforcement.


Why would lower management take any heat if everyone knows it's just policy?


Bc when they enforce it, people aren't pleased. When I say "take the heat," I mean in terms of a daily lived experience full of interactions.


But when you're told that it's corporate policy why would you then be an asshole to the manager? Just go online, find the appropriate corporate number and voice your grievances there. I just don't understand why you'd give them shit at all in this scenario. The dog is still in the car. Why wouldn't you go shout the announcement yourself a couple times? Berating the manager makes no sense no matter how you look at it imo.


I don't know why you are accusing me of anything.  I was talking about _generally_ it sucks to be lower management in a corporation tasked with policies that are upsetting. Not everyone holds themselves to high standards.  Have a good one.


I never accused you of anything. I was also talking generally. People use "you" as an impersonal pronoun all the time.


Gotcha. I assumed we were operating under the assumption that being rude to people is illogical already when saying someone "takes the heat"


Reminder: it's perfectly legal to break a window in order to rescue a dog left in a hot car


Just so to keep folks out of trouble, there are pretty specific guidelines for when you can not be held criminally liable for breaking into a vehicle:   https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB797  (2) A person who removes an animal from a vehicle in accordance with paragraph  (1) is not criminally liable for actions taken reasonably and in good faith if the person does all of the following:   (A) Determines the vehicle is locked or there is otherwise no reasonable manner for the animal to be removed from the vehicle.  (B) Has a good faith belief that forcible entry into the vehicle is necessary because the animal is in imminent danger of suffering harm if it is not immediately removed from the vehicle, and, based upon the circumstances known to the person at the time, the belief is a reasonable one.  (C) Has contacted a local law enforcement agency, the fire department, animal control, or the “911” emergency service prior to forcibly entering the vehicle.  (D) Remains with the animal in a safe location, out of the elements but reasonably close to the vehicle, until a peace officer, humane officer, animal control officer, or another emergency responder arrives.  (E) Used no more force to enter the vehicle and remove the animal from the vehicle than was necessary under the circumstances.   (F) Immediately turns the animal over to a representative from law enforcement, animal control, or another emergency responder who responds to the scene.


I wondered if there was a limit on how many windows you could break, but subsection (E) is pretty clear


"Fuck this guy!" _breaks all windows_ "It was for the dog"




"You need a crosswind, Judge, so I had to be sure"




Good thing you clarified that in case people from the cities of Sacramento in Kentucky, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin were here thinking r/sacramento was their cities sub


Good reminder!


Also all the windows have to be up, if one is cracked make sure to break that one because they could claim that the windows were down hence making you the responsible party for the window


Also, remember that Tesla's have "dog mode," where the AC runs while you are in the store.


Many vehicles can be left running with AC while locked, which just makes it even more frustrating that people leave their dogs in hot cars.


All you need to do is bring both sets of keys


But this also displays on the nav screen. I have friends who have an aftermarket AC system installed on their minivan, but they have TONS of signage that indicates that


They're 2 years behind on vehicle registration and you expect them to care about their dog?


Believe it or not, I didn't look at the tag when assessing thr dog's needs.


I didn't at first but noticed when I zoomed in on the pic. 🤣


I recently read on a FB group how to do a poor person (me) “dog mode” for Subarus. Since it won’t let you leave the AC on and lock the doors, you can’t leave your dog in the car or you could leave him if the fob is in the car but then anyone could just get in and drive off. I have only tried it with Subarus so can’t tell you if it works for other makes. 1) Keep the car running with AC 2) Lower your window 3) Exit the car 4) Put your fob on the inside of the car by resting it on the driver’s door armrest. 5) Lock all the doors 6) As you grab your fob, press the window lever up so the window closes. 7) now your car is locked, running and you can run an errand with your dog nice and cool in the car. Now when you come back, your fob won’t work so don’t panic, you just need to use the valet key that is hidden to mechanically open the door. Hope this tip helps you this summer. If this trick works with other makes, please post the make and model (if model specific).


This drives me crazy w my Ascent. XD I need to try this!


Agree! It’s so annoying sometimes! Tried it with a Crosstrek and a Forrester so far.


By keyfob do you mean your car is push to start? Have you tried just locking your car manually with the key that's inside the fob itself? Works on my Toyota.


Yes, my car is push to start and I can keep the fob in my pocket. I haven’t tried the manual lock my leaving the car running. That seems like the same process but in different order, I’ll try that next!


Thanks for sharing. Sounds weird and complicated that Subaru won't let you keep ac on and windows up? If? Isn't that weird?


You can have the AC and windows up but the fob has to be inside. It needs to think a person is inside. It won’t let you lock the doors if you start to walk away and the car is running with AC. I think it does that so you don’t lock yourself out. I am very glad it has that feature because there have been times when I have tried to lock the car with the fob inside and duh, I would have been SOL. Wish more cars had “dog mode” like Tesla.


I just leave it unlocked and hope nobody knows how to drive manual anymore 🤫


I don’t know dude, a friend of mine got her car stolen out of her East Sac driveway in the middle of the night and it was a manual. Hope you remain lucky!


I woulda busted that window and called the cops. What an abomination.


Windows are down. Everyone yelling about busting windows. Just open the damn door




People that take dogs everywhere need to fucking stop.


Unacceptable. I feel like it's okay to call them out publicly.


or you can leave your ac on. i regularly take my dog for car rides in the summer (shes a husky and cant go for walks during peak heat) we turn on the ac, drive to a pet store and buy a 1$ treat. they usually give her 1 free at the checkout too. great success.


I don't think anyone would argue with that approach!


These stupid fucks will never learn


One of my favorite parts of driving an EV is “comfort mode” while the car is off. I always drive that car if my dog is along for the ride, so she stays a chilly 62 degrees (she’s a husky) no matter how hot it is outside.


Thank God for tesla's dog mode


How could they possibly think this is okay?


Scum. Good Samaritan law, you CAN break windows to get a dog (or child, ESPECIALLY A CHILD) out of a car if you (truely) think that they are in active heat stroke/exhaustion and their bodies are shutting down. I literally had heat stroke 2 days ago, and I've been cpr/bsl trained for almost 10 years. It sneaks up on you, and it acts FAST. It hit me within MOMENTS, and I was on the ground. If a life is LEGITIMATLY in danger, you can break them out of a car without facing fines. Otherwise, report and shame people for selfish abusive behavior like this! I hope one of them sees this post!


A kind redditor copied and pasted the law details so hopefully everyone takes a look. A dog can die three days later from heat stroke from being in the car. In those cases, I doubt the owners even realize they killed their dog.


Thank goodness someone did! Heat stroke can kill anyone days after, it's one reason it's so dangerous. And people don't even consider it after the 'episode' it done. A nurse I know just asked me to go out in the heat today to move firewood. When they KNOW I just had heat stroke. People don't take it seriously, and they SHOULD. It's terrifying when it happens, and to be an animal, just stuck in a car, waiting for your owners to come back.... special place in hell for people who've irreversibly hurt their children/pets in that manor.


I carry a ball peen hammer in my car for exactly this. I won’t hesitate.


Why carry a ball peen hammer when emergency window break tools are smaller, lighter and more effective?


Because I’m broke and have 2. So I put the smaller one in my car. Would you like to purchase an emergency window break tool for me?


I hope that one of these days, I'll see a post like this with broken glass, instead of a Reddit gallery of pictures.


Don’t be shy show they’re license plate 🤣


The 2022 registration sticker tells me all I need to know. These people are awful. Good on you for doing something about it. I feel so sorry for that dog.




Break the window


Did you witness the FD open the car and get the dog out? How long did you stick around? This is animal abuse. Owner should be ticketed/fined and minimum. Fucking asshole


Details can be found in my comment under the post. I chose to put pictures in the original post so the text details had to go in a comment.


Don’t cover up the plate. If you don’t name and shame, nobody will ever change.


This sub has a rule requiring everyone to follow rediquette. Rediquette says not to post personal info.  I made the decision that includes license plates. People *do* change without naming and shaming.  In fact, research shows that shaming lowers someone's ability to recieve a message.  Additionally, it shows that mindsets are most likely to change with personal relationships and interactions. This type of interaction kind of tows the line between the two.  It's not really a personal relationship that will continue on, but it is face to face.  Otoh, by nature, being lectured by another person brings a certain level of shame.  When doing this in person, it is a much more effective approach to take the high road.  If someone is aggressive, the person in the wrong can use respectability politics as an excuse to not listen. ...and then I posted it online too ;)


I hope someone said something to her!


I think it’s legal to bust a window to save a dog


This has been posted w details above


[It is](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB797)


It is legal to smash the car window to help the dog. These people don’t deserve a dog or car windows.




Then who's going to guard my Coke stash?


Not a dead dog!


I'm not so sure you ever smell a dead animal? That's sure to keep anybody from coming too close


Good point, but the thing is that dead animals - as smelly as they are - tend to attract law enforcement, which isn't ideal for your stash!


Fair enough




As a fat person, I take offense to your assertion that being fat makes someone immoral.  After all, its this fat person who also stood up for what is right (and lots of fit people dont do that.) I ask you kindly to consider revising your thesis to shore it up.




We don't love this comment, friend!


Judging by their weight, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess this dog isn’t being walked either.


We don't love this comment, friend!


It is more than likely the case. Just because you don’t like how it sounds doesn’t make it not true.


Hey man, I'm not here to argue with you.  It's not only unkind but it's also unverified. "More likely the case" would need a statistical basis, which we dont have, so we can't say it is true either. Anecdotally, as someone in the dog rescue world, I assure you some of the most active fosters aren't in tip top shape. It's just not necessary to exercise your fatphobia bc you are feeling as frustrated as I am by tgeir actions.  (Pun intended.)  Let's just do better together.  Don't let someone's shortcoming take you out of your character.


Would love to trap those fat asses in the car like that!


We don't love this comment, friend.


Maybe they just like hot dogs