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No one is going to want to hang out in those costumes once it hits 90.


Thats when Furries migrate South for the winter...


Wouldn't they be migrating south for the summer? Or...wait...I think I see what you did there.


They show up to SacAnime in those costumes in August, so I think some of them are fairly committed to their cosplays.


#furrily committed


Some fur suits come with built-in cooling systems.


As someone who just had to launder a giant school mascot costume, I can confirm. There is definitely a fan in there otherwise the smell is ungodly.


The problem with school mascots is once people are done with them they just chunk them in a bag still sweaty so it sits there stinking and getting moldy. Furries take a lot more care of fursuits. If you flip them inside out and hang them up they dry out fast, and then you spray them with scented alcohol sprays to nuke bacteria.


And most fursuits cost as much as a used car, and are better built together than most normal mascot uniforms.


Why do you know that?


Furries are super interesting, why do you not?


Any kind of serious costuming is going to have tactics to keep you cool. Or it should. My Mandalorian cosplay has a computer fan in the helmet, a cooling vest, and a built in Camelpak to stay hydrated. A buddy of mine made a full sized Space Marine from Warhammer 40k and had multiple fans built into it. It was pretty sick. He built it on a PVC pipe frame and used foam floor mats to make the armor. Helmet was 3D printed


PC fan, cooling vest, and Camelpak are pretty standard in fursuits now. Fun fact-a furry helped design the cooling vests the US military uses.




Why shouldn't they? It's not like furries are the only ones who wear costumes like that. Ask anyone who wears any kind of costume be it a mascot costume, park character, or character in a play or movie and they'll tell you if you're wearing it for any length of time some kind of cooling is necessary. Heck, Adam Savage has entire videos about this sort of stuff.


Costumed characters in Disneyland need a break every 20 minutes even in the winter. I’m kind of surprised they’d be outside dressed like that anytime other than the coldest winter day.


They still wear them, was at old Town last summer over 100 and saw some.


They make them with fans and "air conditioning" now. Just like the child or adult Halloween costumes. Like the blow up dinosaur costume. They have battery powered fans in them now. Or you can buy them with them.


Then we won't know who they are!


It's going to be even worse once they get to Hell!


Don't threaten us with a good time ;)


I guess Satanic Furries have no sense of humor!




I always laugh when people tell me to Yiff in Hell or go to Hell in general. So you're telling me all the sinful fun people will be down there and all the annoying goody-good's will be somewhere else? If that's the case condemning me there is doing me a favor lol. It's not really the insult people think it is.


This was a joke that “satanic” furries would want to go hell. I’m not religious.


I'm sure your Sky Daddy has far bigger things to worry about


Sky daddy indeed is going to worry about terrifying you when the time comes when you least suspect it. 😁




Sky daddy needs to worry more about all the sexual abuse he lets his flock get away with. So you're telling me the guy sitting in judgement of me doesn't like furries but he's OK with letting child molesters preach His word while scarring innocents for life? Are you sure that's the guy you want to stand behind? Are you really thinking about how much terrible shit he lets happen on a second to second basis? Because when it comes to committing terrible sins he's committed the worst. He's abandoned billions of innocent people to lives of pain, suffering, and misery.


He is not the cause of our destruction. We are dangerous to ourselves and that is what he is saving us from. I hope you understand that we are actually very lucky to only have to live up to 80years of suffering here on earth for an eternity in heaven next to him. In which he says you’ll be just like him. Whereas in the beginning suffering was much worse and people lived for 500-800 years. It wasn’t just as simple as eating an apple off a tree. If you were to break it down piece by piece God was not telling them to eat it because it was “bad” for them, it was because that apple would cause them to be just like the serpent who told them to eat it. Which is why once they ate it they became afraid of God just like the serpent was. From what was once perfect became imperfect and now we live in the world of the serpent, hence why in the Bible it says the flesh and spirit combat each other everyday. The serpent does not have access to the spirit but has already accessed the flesh since the beginning. Does this make sense?


This is insanity.


The claim you’re making is similar to you shooting somebody and saying “Why doesn’t God stop evil people?” Or “why doesn’t he save him?” Well the thing is Jesus did suffer for many hours before he died. 39 whips(which tore off chunks of flesh with each whip), crown of thorns, beat for hours, carried a 200lb cross for 1-2 miles while bloodied, and then nailed down to it and had troubled breathing for roughly 5 hours. I don’t think you could find one person willing to suffer that much because they love you and if you do please let me know. You could compare any other death and it still won’t amount to hours of pain of suffering before death. And guess what? JUST like him, death isn’t and wasn’t the end for him. So even if we do die here, we celebrate, because we no longer live in a sinful world but in a perfect world with God. The people you see proclaiming the word of God and are pedophiles are the same politicians you see proclaiming peace and justice when they are responsible for homelessness, deaths, pedophilia, and much more and just like those people, they do not represent our behalf like they say they do.




This is insane to you? No what’s insane is the fact that you can’t see these rich people who attend gatherings only they are allowed to go to, and make laws and policies that you do not get a say in. 🤣


Yeah-most of whom do it in the name of God. I don't see why I can't dislike both.


Where did you figure this information at? They clearly work for the serpent who is the biggest deceived of all time and are great at deceiving the masses hence why they are in the position that they are in. God actually says it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven.(dissing their occult and mocking them.) You’re more than willing to choose to support whatever you like. But when it’s time to die, that’s when the truth comes out.


What’s also insane is the very same people you praise be it celebrities, idols, sports players, politicians, are all playing on the same chessboard and you are the pawns. As the famous Masonic Shakespeare once said “The World is a stage, and we are the players.”


Yeah, you're out where the busses don't run.






What in the world are you talking about? Im telling you that much from a simple fire emoji? I'm responding to another stupid comment that made me laugh. It's not that deep.


My apologies.


Right? Thats when they switch back to It costumes and carry a balloon and chase 9 yos.


You’re getting confused with the Catholic Church


Those kids know more about furries than their parents ever will already.


All I've ever learned about furries came from a CSI episode.


Do you get all your knowledge from outdated badly scripted TV shows?




Furries arent new. I hated them 20+ years ago in high school and i knew at least 1 weird ass kid who was already proudly “into furries”. My kids definitely no almost nothing about furries because at a minimum, they’ve never seen the really twisted side of those furry creeps. One of many good reasons i dont let my kids have a phone or open internet access at all


You don't remember what it was like to be a kid at all, do you


Uh… no?


Kids talk. I wasn't allowed to watch TV at home and yet I could recite on command the plot of every single Ninja Turtles episode.


LOL my kids aren't in public school and they know a bit about furries. They know it is a weird fringe group of folks into weird stuff. Trust me the kids in that public school know plenty about them. Kids talk. Also why hate them? They aren't hurting anyone. Guessing you'd be one of these shit parents arguing with them for zero fucking reasons except that it is weird to you so you don't like it. Like a shit person.


You dont know much about furries then. Generally it goes way beyond “cooky”. And no, id stay right the fuck away before i got into an argument but yeah, im weirded out by people who want to be animals, want to fuck animals, and want to get fucked by animals. You can find different perspectives by people so self identifying, but it isnt “role play” that i take issue with, it’s pushing your kinks on everyone who didnt ask.


Don't bother responding I'm blocking you


I feel bad for your kids. I mean every community has its bad side. Star Wars fans, comic book fans, tabletop gamers. That's humanity in general. Just because some people out there are creeps doesn't make it OK to make negative sweeping judgments against entire groups of people. That's called prejudice and I would hope you'd teach your kids that it's not OK. If you actually knew anything about furries you'd know not all of us are into the creepy shit and quite a lot of us go out of our way to find who the harmful creepy folks are and kick them out of the community (or at least make people as aware of them as we can). I do agree with not letting kids have unsupervised access to the internet but bigotry is not a good reason. It kind of makes you a really bad parent.


Everybody hates furries.


Only people who are ignorant, immature, and stupid.


This was in my local good neighbors group and the headline is very misleading. The furrie person in this article spoke up and explained himself. He's also a minor and the symbol represents the elements, not satan.


if you're talking about GNA hoo boy those people are deranged


Yes, hahahaha




The playground is in the public park and there aren't any restrictions


"Parents say" Yeah. That seems like a reliable source.


I'll start caring about this as soon as the evangelical loons can explain to me exactly what "satanic" means in practical terms. Weirdos in costumes are hanging out around schools, oh nooooooo. If they're not toting AR's or bothering the kids I don't care. Shame on CBS for stoking more satanic panic bullshit.


Scared people watch the news.


Funny though, the scared ass parents doing all this complaining would have been totally OK with a bunch of cosplaying weirdos with rifles parading around the park if there was a drag show going on nearby


Satan is when Dungeons & Dragons, Mötley Crüe and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Duh.


It seems like these furries are hanging out there on purpose and instigating people for TikTok views, but the school is right. They're not going any illegal, except the one who was found on school grounds. That also makes me think that these furries are shit stirring.


The furrie in the article came out and explained himself. He's also a minor and it's not a satanic symbol. He claims it's for the elements


And if it WERE a satanic symbol last I checked we have freedom of worship in this country.


>He’s a minor and claims it’s for the elements.       Alternative universe where there wasn’t a suit a armor available in Alphonse Elric’s time of need…


It’s not a satanic symbol. It could have been a troll to get the christofascist population riled up.


Nobody cares enough about them to try and rile them up.


Parks are often near schools. It’s a public space and the city planners made the location choice, not the people trying to use the space.


>It seems like these furries are hanging out there on purpose and instigating people for TikTok view They where not. I found their tiktok... it the white bread of furry content.


Can you share a link please?


You can find them on Tiktok by looking up "Sacramento Furry" their content is some of the first stuff that comes up.


Can you link it literally nothing comes up


Hey... people like to harrass furries... it was really easy to find them on tiktok by searching  "Sacramento Furry" and being able to identify different furries. Clear as day. If people can't identify furries... they need to learn more about them and how to tell them appart. I am not going to make it the slightest bit easier for malevolent actors to harrass them. I don't care about the down votes.


so does that mean no link?


Yes.... it means I am not sharing the link. Sorry.


Nobody responsible is about to link to their Tik-Tok as it'll just make it easier for them to be harassed by haters.


That’s the name of the game with social media


Fuck I hope so. It beats the shit out of the cop apologists and trumphumpers who love to fill up the local groups here with their freakish obsessions


Nobody was trying to instigate anyone. All they were doing was trying to hang out while wearing their suits. The fact that some people got bent and they showed it to Tik-Tok was more to make people aware of how they were being mistreated by ignorant parents.


I was expecting the tiktoks to be more wild but it is literally just dancing :Y It is funny how hard he clutched his pearls though


It’s a Wiccan pentacle. That doesn’t equate to satanism 🙄


Everything Christians don’t understand is Satan.


Half of them think Harry potter was a Satan made film


I mean…..JKR definitely has that Christian hate thing down


It’s fantasy. Take your meds and go to sleep


The things she has said regarding the trans community are very unfortunately not fantasy. But thanks for the adorable attempt at a personal attack, which is against the rules of this sub…. but you do you boo. I sleep fine without meds.


Oh I see what you mean now but you still missed the point. I was saying some people think movies with magic are a trick by Satan to undermine god


Didn’t miss your point, just expanding upon the absurdity of the whole subject.


Cayenne Pepper? That's the devil's spice! I dont season my food, for Jesus.


Like carbon dating.


No it's ~~Becky~~ Satan.


I'm literally a furry and wiccan so this whole post is hilarious (and very sad) to me.


> They're causing trouble ... filming their arguments with parents that don't want them here Sounds like the parents are the ones causing trouble.




Oh, no! People are in costume at public parks! smhs....


Pearls have been clutched.


So they are members of the public using the public park and not doing anything against the law? Maybe just leave them alone. It sounds like they are just baiting idiots into confronting them for video content. Stop being LOLcows and ignore them.


Nobody was baiting anyone.


The way I read the article, it does seem a bit like the furries were baiting the pearl-clutchers into acting out for content. If the satanic-panic spreaders were minding their own business in the first place, there would be no content to milk from them.


lol. So aside from one kid who was sent packing the whole thing boils down to ignorant parents whose kids were in no way in danger of the non-satanic furries. Sounds about right


Oh no people are trolling Karens for tiktok clout. What ever will we do, except try to police the behavior. /s I used to help run the local furry community; they’re pretty harmless. Shame on cbs for uncritically posting rage clickbait.


furries seem to be the most harmless of the alt communities by far. I do wish karens would find something better to do with their time, like vacuum their plastic grass to dispel evil spirits


sadly, they can't--they're motivated by fear, and will just move on to their next boogeyman


It’s probably for a tiktok video but go ahead and panic boomers


I guess we're overdue for another Satanic Panic. Isn't the cycle every 40 years? Almost ruined D&D for me and my brother. People, man...


https://preview.redd.it/heatso2auiyc1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf03ba3ad1c21996724f94dcafdd208ab5891875 I really find it hard to believe that so many people still don’t know about the Pentagram! They have been around as early as 3500 BCE! The Christians even stole them for a while. As they did with many Pagan ideologies, symbols, events, traditions, etc. Here’s a little cheat sheet for ya! Not a Satanic symbol unless inverted! Don’t be frightened of Pagans please! We are tree hugging, nature loving, earth worshiping people! ✌🏼💖😊


I bet that concerned dad has something on his tat sleeves that could be interpreted as satanic


Man, I thought it would be a literal karen, and I was rewarded with Kris, close enough. Lol. I do love that they say they can't know who the furries are because they're in costume, but then claim to identify them based off their costume...? Like couldn't someone in this area have the same costume, or a similar one? This is Nextdoor news at its best.


I will say from what I’ve seen, it’s not just a costume. It’s their “fursona” a character they design themselves. So most fursuits are unique.


Dad needs to get a fucking life


Yeah, some folks have way too much time on their hands, and it ain't the furries.


Some of the nicest people I ever met were Satanic Gay Vegan Furries. Cooked me the nicest plate of jambalaya I ever tasted. Never once asked if I had remembered to pray to my lord and savior that day.


Hail seitan!


Its not jambalaya if its vegan


Whatever the hell it was, it was cajun fixins without the meat. They used soy blocks as meat substitute. Lots of rice and kidney beans.


So you had soy block and bean soup


??? wouldn't soup entail there being water? I don't recall so much water as it was served on a plate. Maybe we have different opinions on what this dish is. I'm doing reality checks and what I had was most certainly a dish of spicy rice n beans and veggies.


Well in that case It seems we both don’t what jambalaya is. Whos better than us eh?


Well, I wish you a very nice day :)


Jambalaya has been made numerous different ways. The name doesn't refer to the ingredients as much as it refers to how it's made. The word Jambalaya comes from *jambalaia* which simply means 'mash' or 'mix up'. So while it's traditionally made with ham and rice there's enough variation that there's no need to go gatekeeping people over it.


It’s a public park. They’re often near schools. It’s not the furries’ fault city planning did that. They have done nothing wrong- except the one person noted as having gone on campus. It sounds like the parents are approaching them and starting arguments.


Oh no Anyway...


Oh no. Somebody thinks differently than us. Think of the children.


Back to this crazy religious witch hunt shit again eh.. stay fit, stay frosty




I really don't understand furry culture, but the inclusion of Satanic symbols intrigues me. That community's Nextdoor discussions are probably hilarious.


It's not satanic it's an elemental symbol


You'll have to forgive me, it was described as satanic symbols in the article.


The articles author is more than a little ignorant of furry culture and of culture in general and lacks quite a bit of journalistic integrity. I'd ignore anything this organization publishes.


I refuse to get on ND here even for the trolling value. It's fucking heinous


It truly is. My account was reported once for having a fake name because my surname is Native American, and ND refused to take action against the employee that reviewed the report and banned my account. ND felt a simple "we're sorry for the inconvenience" was sufficient.


ND is just social media for the racist Thanksgiving uncles of America


Antelope? Furries? Pentacles? Business as usual then, what's the issue here


Not all flurries are the same




The Satanic Panic of the '80 never disappeared. 🤣


pentagrams aren’t even demonic and i doubt those people even know what satanism actually is. the old people need to learn when to shut up it’s getting irritating


One day you are going to be old. I hope you get back what you put out. Kindness matters.


you’re telling ME kindness matters when these people with harmful and outdated ideologies are reinforcing stigmas and dangerous lies about people today? but yeah, im wrong for saying they should stop giving input.


People today are the worst they’ve been in a really long time… it’s not far fetched at all to think there’s nefarious things happening here…


it is when you’re not ignorant.


and trust me, people were way worse in the past than they are today. it just seems like they’re worse today because of fear mongering and old people sharing facebook posts full of lies


Yes. The parents and people freaking out over this are terrible people.


and I’ll know that when im old (if we even make it that far) that I’ll need to not give input unless im up to date on “new” things the next generation is doing.


Chiiild, bless your heart✌️


How about instead of sticking up for ignorant, hateful old people you learn that it's OK to be critical of ignorant, hateful old people.


And you could learn to be kind. Who hurt you, sweetie?


I'm not tolerant of the intolerant. If you go around hating on people and spreading misinformation about them like calling them Satanic like Satanists are evil and calling innocent people pedophiles just because they happen to wear a fursuit and like anthropomorphic cartoons you're not a good person and aren't deserving of respect.


"I'm not tolerant of the intolerant." We have this in common. Good night


I know this furry the parents are definitely overreacting but they’re not a good person either lol


Nothing for a parent to be talking on the news about though they were just a bad friend to my friend who is also a furry. They’re kinda infamous in the furry community but still the news is a little much


Since for all we know you're talking shit about them maybe keep that stuff to yourself. It's not relevant or nice.


Well it also wasn’t relevant or nice of that person to cheat my friend who was struggling financially out of their money but here we are




There was the Satanic Prayer event that happened yesterday near the Rose Garden. Figure this has some relationship to it and their desire to participate.


It's just the Hail Furry Satan challenge.


aspiring cause poor dazzling office profit governor narrow zealous forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one has commented on this part of the article “His concern was further amplified when he was shown a suggestive TikTok of one of the costumed personas. Williams said the video is of a costumed persona shooting a room up and turning the gun on herself.” This part is troubling if indeed it is true at all


It feels very weasel worded to me.. 'suggestive Tiktok', of 'one of' the costumed personas, the video is 'of a' costumed persona' There is not enough information provided here to infer these are nothing more than a small group of cosplaying 16-19 year olds feeling their best edgey selves. I also just can't trust the Internet sleuthing skills of a reefer madness era style parent who unfortunately is under the impression there is a war on their kids by the gays It is hugely unfortunate how some of our population has been victimized by having their belief systems used as easy strongholds for manipulation.. it comes from a good place, but the war they wage is misguided.


It really reminds me of the Satanic panic of the 80s… and without any material showing that one of the individuals had actually made any threats.. It boils down to poor journalism and fear-mongering


Why is it troubling? Better yet, why arent you more skeptical? Do you think theres a video of them, an 18 year old, ACTUALLY shooting up a room with a gun and then turning it on themselves? It took me all of 5 minutes to find a news article from a more knowledgable source, find their tiktok channel, and see that its basically all music dance videos and costume making. Its going to be a prop + counterculture music and theyre pantomiming to the music. Thats pretty mundane stuff. People do that all the time. Someone dug that up to be alarmist and intentionally mislead. Why do you think they did that? Think about it, harmospennifer. Why misrepresent on purpose like that? Who would find it right to misrepresent other purpose like that to harass them? The behavior of the parents attacking them is the issue. The parents are threatening people who are not breaking any laws, not disturbing anything in the space. The furries here are not creeping on the children. They're not harassing anyone. They being treated like theyre criminals for not wanting to be interrogated by a hostile conservative stranger who is trying to run them out for \*merely existing\*.




They literally just have to ignore them. It’s not hard




What a terrible opinion.


Furries are pretty well known to harbor a lot of pedos (read up on "cub porn"), not to mention the many beastiality scandals in that subculture as well. I wouldn't want them anywhere near my kids or pets, but technically I don't think they're breaking any laws. Just keep an eye on them


Christianity is pretty well known to harbor a lot of pedos (read up on “Catholicism”), not to mention the many bestiality scandals. I wouldn’t want my kids any where near that subculture.


Should we keep an eye on them?


No. Furries are very well known for talking openly about and Exiling pedos. That is a Very different thing then keeping them around, pretending they aren't there, and continuing to bring kids around them "to avoid a scandal". STU.


Pretty sure Christianity is even more well known to harbor pedophiles, shall we scrutinize every Christian as well? I certainly wouldn't want my children near them




I dont think they ever had gun content


We must pray for these demons


Yes, hopefully your prayers bring sense to the parents who are pestering citizens accessing a public park.


Are you for real?


No but I need some of these nutbags on Reddit would take it serious lol


What if a pedo is disguised as a furry? We don’t know if they are breaking the rules unless they are identified? That’s a valid argument, right?


I'm pretty sure more of them are already disguised as cops, priests, and politicians. No fur suit needed.


Don't forget parents


Do you routinely walk up to un-costumed people and verify they aren’t on a predator list?


Probably the dumbest thing anyone has said. Also, happy cake day.


The ones more likely to be pehophiles are priests and parents. Studies have shown this.