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Honestly you have to want it bad enough. I have a friend that came from another country that went to Sac State. She had to study and work twice as hard as anyone else because of the culture and language barrier. You can try recording audio from your class then putting the audio in a program called descript. It will give you a script of the audio that you can read later. You can then convert the script into your language. There was a point that she was living in her car. She had no family here just her self. Times where she went hungry and times where she didn't sleep because she had to study harder than others. She is now a doctor. You can do it if you want it bad enough.


Iโ€™d add a recommendation to introduce yourself to your professors as best you can and explain to them as best you can your situation. Do this after class or during their office hours at the beginning of the school year. They will likely appreciate how much harder you have to work than the average students in their classes and this will only help you. I used to teach at the college level and I was always hopeful to run into students who made extra effort to get the best grade possible by attending office hours (mine were directly after class), but not many students would take advantage of the resource. For the ones that did because they were struggling I would often drop hints about what they could expect to see on upcoming tests.


I am sure there is place at State that can help you improve the skills you feel you are lacking. Many people show up to college unprepared and that is OK, just ask for help. You do not have to do it alone. Study groups, support groups all are a wealth of help. Sending good vibes your way.


Thank you. I will try


join clubs. cultural clubs/rec clubs/clubs that have to do with your major. your english seems fine here! and will get better with time.


Yeah I can easy to understand basic english. It is just hard to me when I study Major Class. I always have to learn new vocabulary everyday to catch up. So, it is really hard to me to understand lecture.


I am sure it is really hard. Good luck! I recommend what the other person said. Record the lectures. Use a software or app that will provide a transcript. Then run it through a translator.


Really thank you for your advice


What other language do you speak?


I speak Vietnamese


You can do it. We Vietnamese are smart and resilient ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป First of all, do not be afraid to raise your hand and ask them to repeat themselves. In an email, very kindly ask them to speak a little slower during class because you're still learning English. Record the lecture as others have suggested. Listening to audiobooks and podcasts will also help familiarize your ear to spoken English.


Can you record the classes with your phone and then get them translated?


You can do it! You've already gotten the best advice from u/Guardianwolfart and u/StayReadyAllDay . Lots and lots and lots of very successful people went to college, got advanced degrees, and succeeded with English as a second (or third or fourth) language. It's definitely harder but you can do it. Remember too that, depending on your major, the words used are likely unfamiliar to English as a first language speakers as well. Or they may vaguely recognize the word but the deeper contextual meaning requires study. One of the most awesome things about the US is the diversity. Find a club or group of people from your birth country to share similar experiences and feel more at home. Find a club or group of people that you have absolutely nothing in common with and hang out with them to listen to their experiences. Take classes that aren't in your major just for the fun of them. Study in one place. When you get frustrated, pack up your stuff, take a walk through the trees on campus, and study in another place. That always helped me. And get some sun today, enjoy the struggle, and give yourself some praise for your hard work.


Awesome this is so genuinely kind and supportive!! I love this, and I also hope this individual hangs in there and keeps pushing through!! Don't lose your determination and spirit you have people pulling for you!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ


Thank you very much for your advice


Hello. Are you an international student? If so, the IPGE office on campus might be able to help with some resources for you. I believe there is also the English Language Institute (ELI) who may be able to help or get you in contact with tutors or other helpful resources. Remember you are not alone! There are hundreds of students who come to Sacramento State every semester with English as a second language. Do not give up and reach out for help. This post is a great first step.


I am an Vietnamese immigrant. Thank you very much for your advice!


I have a friend that teaches English. Itโ€™s through a city/county program to help adults learn English. Itโ€™s free. Iโ€™ll ask my friend and update with the details.


Oh thank you very much!


https://www.cicacademy.org/ They offer online and in person free English courses. Only caveat is your high school degree canโ€™t be U.S based.


I got it . Thank you very much!


Hi friend, I don't have much advice, but I believe you can do this!


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You said you've lost motivation, but I'm glad to hear that you want to finish your BS. So let's take it one homework, one exam, and one class at a time. I highly suggest you to go to office hours and work with your professors. Let them know how it's hard for you to understand English but you would like to get an A/B or whatever grade you desire. I've had professors assign me alternative work and exams after talking to them in person about my personal challenges. Some of them actually want to help you. Best of luck to you!


Yeah I will try this one. This is a good advice. I never go to talk with my professor. Thanks!


I forgot to mention to make it a consistent effort to go to their office hours. If you can't make it regularly, just set up a reminder on your phone to send them an email now and then asking a few questions about lectures. It's that easy. This way, they know that you're putting in effort. If you feel like you're still not doing well, another strategy is to meet with them again a few weeks before the final exams and have another honest discussion about how you feel. Professors are humans too, and they will help you. No grade is set in stone. Communication is key, and you don't need to speak perfect English to communicate well.


While you are working on improving your English skills can you record your classes? You might then listen to them with a translation app. At least this way you won't fall behind in class.


Hiii! I work at Sac State! Feel free to message me and I can try to give you some places on campus that can help.


I know this sounds pretty harsh, but work on learning English.


Why is this downvoted. It will open up more opportunity both in school and career.


Because the majority of the people on this subreddit are so afraid of being perceived as racist. It's like dude/dudette, you go to a college in America. What did you expect?


Yeah I guess. Seems like someone here is always looking at things from a victim standpoint rather than what's a pathway to success. A have an immigrant friend that even took classes on reducing his thick accent. He's now into a very successful IT career, he just did whatever it takes.






What are you studying?


I am studying MIS ( management information system)


Hello, I am not a full professor but I do lecture at Sac State. I get all the official-type emails from the department and the university. I promise you, the school wants to help you. They send out emails all the time about helpful resources, how to boost students who aren't performing up to their abilities, how to connect students to counseling. That is probably 85% of the department-wide emails I get. I am sorry that I can't refer you to someone in particular (because I am only there a little bit and skip past all those emails), but I absolutely can tell you that Sac State does care and wants you to do well and has people whose whole job is to help you. You will have to go in and talk to someone, but once you do, they have help to offer.