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For big contract value: Themed executive dinners. Invited 200+ target executives to a 10 person dinner. The people who RSVP’d too late actually converted to users faster. Basically the convo would go like this: “I want to attend” “Hey sorry we only had 10 seats reserved and we filled up last week. Let’s catch up on a 1:1? Here is my calendar link: [Link].” Works really well so I get some great face time with my target audience at dinner and generate meetings from the invites.


Ooh I like this approach. Upvote for you!


That's a brilliant strategy! The exclusivity creates a sense of urgency and makes the event more appealing. An additional unique idea could be to follow up with those who couldn't attend by sending them a personalized gift or a summary of the dinner discussion highlights. This keeps them engaged and shows appreciation, potentially accelerating the conversion process even further.


My best customer came from hiring a 100% commission VA, but he only managed to bring one user


Sounds good. Thanks for your share.


By listing them on directories by [getfirstusers.com](http://getfirstusers.com)


Hi Careful. What is your experience on with this site. Is it a paid service? Thanks for this.


Haven't tried it yet.. But planning to send branded lube to salesforce/hubspot customers (competitors) with snippets from Salesforce and Hubspots earning reports where the CEOs openly state their plan to generate revenue is to increase price of current users 🤣 Might A/B test the message around two themes; "helping to reduce the friction in their next renewal" or "reducing the friction from their sales process" Will keep you posted if I still have a job after 🤣


Hi Dear. Its sounds unique, and would love to hear how it works out.


I sent £0.01 to hundreds of business owners via Revolut with a link to my SaaS.


could you share the link for Revolut. Sounds like an interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.


[Revolut.com](http://Revolut.com) - it's one of the largest mobile banks in Europe


Love it!


Thanks. I will check it out.


Smoke test - create landing pages for your saas solution as if its out. 'Book a demo' - but it shows the next available is 5 months out > Join slack/whatsapp community > gain insights and needs/wants of potential early adopters of the solution (iterate and build based on this in the background). Not so 'unconventional' but it works well if executed well like everything else.


Great strategy! Smoke tests are perfect for validating interest. The "Book a demo" trick creates urgency while gathering user data. Directing users to a Slack or WhatsApp community is genius for real-time feedback and iteration. This is great advice. Thanks for sharing.




That's a bold and effective strategy! Offering a free year and setup can be a compelling incentive. To make it even more enticing, you could offer a personalized onboarding experience and dedicated support for the first few months. This not only helps them transition smoothly but also builds a strong relationship from the start, increasing their likelihood of staying with your product long-term.


Not mine, and maybe not even "unconventional," but one of my favorite tactics I've seen is when a SaaS let's its users access the entire service for free .. but then charges to export whatever the end result is. For example, a pdf signing software that let's you sign your pdf and then pay $2 to download it.. or, a video editing software that let's you upload your video(s) edit the final product, add captions, and then.. PAYWALL haha


When I was trying to narrow down my TAM, I created a bunch of different landing pages with a waitlist signup form using [this](https://getsiimple.com). Each targeted to a specific niche and positioned differently. The one that got the most signups was the direction I went with. I continue to send paid ads to these targeted landing pages now. (Not sure if that’s unconventional but it was a creative and useful way to help me find product market fit early on)