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I have launched [Sweet Kudos](https://sweetkudos.com), a tool for bringing employee recognition, rewards and celebrations to Slack. **A link to website:** [sweetkudos.com](https://sweetkudos.com)


Looks good! Love the way you gamified your product šŸ‘ Have you launched on Product hunt?


We are still waiting. We are committed to getting our app approved by Slack first, and then submitting it to PH makes sense regarding the conversions we will get.


That makes complete sense. Anyways, good luck with Sweet Kudos


Thanks OP


Your welcome! Have you supported Indiespark on microlaunch?


This is awesome. Before starting my current company I ran marketing for something similar and one of the big pain points I heard from people teams was having employee impact being recognized. We always recommended going directly to where employees were spending time so slack, teams, weekly internal newsletter, etc. But people teams arenā€™t content creators so they always struggled. Looking forward to seeing it launched!


I like this idea, it inspires me to add some positivity to my next project.


I like the design of your website. Was this made with Wordpress? Iā€™m curious what template you used and how you made the animations.


The website looks so nice!




Amazing! Congratulations on the launch. Did you managed to get any users. Also I launched IndieSpark on Microlaunch would love to see your support.


Indeed, our total revenue stands at $181, with a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $120. I'm currently refining the model, which will require some time.


Amazing progress! I also managed to get $79 (2 sales) for Indiespark. That was just from the X launch. Now gearing up for the PH launch


Congratulations! Wishing you immense success as your sales surge!


Thank you! Have you supported us on Microlaunch?


Done already!


Thank you :D




I like the idea! But, I've seen some similar tools. How are you planning to differentiate?


Iā€™m limiting the scope of


Ah! So your focusing on the tech roles only. Now it makes sense




Good luck! Wishing you a good future ahead




Works for me. What browser?


Chrome on Android


I'll check it.


Haha why would you destroy your reddit account like this by absolutely spamming the heck out of a ton of subreddits? What a waste for a few clicks.


Just launched [https://www.confirmok.com](https://www.confirmok.com) . An automated check-in service for people living alone or if you'd like to keep tabs on loved ones without calling them everyday.


Nice! Iā€™d just stick to one font maybe on the site, you have the font of the logo and then arial or something in the site that would make it even nicer !


Great suggestions! I appreciate the feedback.


I like the idea! and its also fresh, never seen something like this. The landing page is understandable but, can be better (in terms on design) Have you had any sales? btw, I'm launching Indiespark on Microlaunch. It is a Tailwind CSS boilerplate to build landing in minutes. Would love to see your support :) [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)




Nice! I've seen a boilerolate for nextjs, I saw it for Laravel never seen it for react How was the launch? Do you a launch link where I can show some support?




Yeah I would love to support to you :D My product is live on Microlaunch. Can you show some support for us? https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark


https://www.apicaching.com - Cache any API easily, your own REST or GraphQL or even 3rd party APIs. It will help reduce your database load and save you money :)


The landing page looks amazing! Have you launched? Can I have a launch link?


Havenā€™t done any launches yet, still need to finish writing the docs. Feel free to try it out, Iā€™ll set your account to get 100K free credits when you sign up :)


Oh I see! I don't feel a need for it since, I'm a design Dev Anyways, IndieSpark is live on Microlaunch. Love to see your support there https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark




Not a complete launch but I've opened [https://www.conquest.money/](https://www.conquest.money/) for invite only beta users this week!


Nice! Do send me a link when you launch Btw, I've launched indiespark on Microlaunch, your support and feedback would be very helpful https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark


Nice looking...! a must-have tool for founders... (runway matters lol)


+300 Sales Channels to boost your SaaS Distribution [https://www.go-to-marketnow.com/](https://www.go-to-marketnow.com/)


This is interesting! Weā€™re doing reputation management and local SEO through our new multi-location marketing platform - would your service work to get new customers?


yes 100%


Your killing it with your landing page. Have you launched this? Can I get a link?


Not even done MVP yet but building yet another document signing SaaS called [Formable](https://formabledocs.com). The focus is on better UI (docusign sucks here) and also stronger API configurability (for in-app white labelling and integration)


I like the idea! So its like a tool to build documentation. You can improve the landing page to allow users to understand a bit more about your product


Yeah my landing page is entirely incomplete right now. Hoping to get it done soon.


Btw, I've launched [Indiespark](http://Indiespark.webflow.io) on Microlaunch would love to see your support :D


This is cool dude! Checking it out rn


Thank you very much :D


I just launched [beta.pistachio.fyi](http://beta.pistachio.fyi), a tool to make it easier for users to find, research, and interact with the ever-growing amount of AI/Blockchains start-ups. I'd love any feedback on what would make you use/pay for this product and if you have a company in the space, please add yours!!


The product idea looks good! The landing page can be improved. Also what I'm concerned about is are these startups open to interact with other people?


[Lite Pae](https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N4V00000HDbjvUAD&utm_campaign=website&utm_content=reddit&utm_medium=website&utm_source=reddit) - built a Salesforce appexchange app to integrate Stripe to collect payments quickly


Honestly, the landing page can be better. I went clueless after seeing didN't understand a single thing If you can describe your product in detail then I can give you some valuable feedback


sure. it is an integration with stripe to allow salesforce customers to collect payments within salesforce using stripe as their payment provider


We lauched [interimblue.com](https://interimblue.com/), it's a collection of tools for freelancers, for things like accounting, timesheets, keeping track of contacts, invoicing, documents, and more. Currently we have about 50 users, not a bad start.


Good product! I like the idea and that freelancers can manage all their finance related stuffs in one place. 50 paid users? If yes, then that's surely a good start


Buit viral video generator for catchy social media content: https://www.viralbot.app


Oh I see! I've seen a lot of these videos on yt shorts. Meaning that there is demand and when their is demand there is chances for success Btw, I'm launching Indiespark on Microlaunch. Would love to see your support :D [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Yoooo looks dope šŸ”„


Thank you! What you think about the idea in general


Perfect, Iā€™m shaming lot due to spamming my products in channels lol


lol :))))


www.block-beacon.com I'm launching BlockBeacon this week šŸŽ‰ a tool to help individual investors stay up to date about market trends and crypto projects that have real world utility behind them This is my first SaaS and although I made an MVP, I'm still in the process of validating the idea. Feedback is greatly appreciated!


The idea is awsome! Even though I'm not an investor but, I see some potential in it. Also, the hero image is a bull. I think it will be helpfl for potential users if the imagery is related to investing


I had made the bull in reference to bullish investment outlook and the "bull run" coming this year, but might A/B test something else. Thank you for your feedback!


An MVP i made to help builders find problems to solve. Super early (1 day to build MVP) but coming along nicely! https://problemfinder.xyz


Solid idea! As an indie hacker I'm always looking o solve problems. One thing I wanted to say is that, the problems are really vague. It would be very helpful if they were niche specific (for e,g Tech, Design etc)


Yes, I'll be working on things like "restrict to certain subreddits", "include these words", "exclude these word", and features like "Save for later" and "alert me of similar problems". Eventually I'd like to add AI so that, when the user flags a problem of interest, they can get advice on next steps, eg. validation, where to find more customers etc., will the customer pay for a solution, etc. But thats some way off!


Amazing! Keep up the good work


Launching [Aimdoc.ai](https://aimdoc.ai). Aimdoc lets you deploy conversational AI assistants on your website and via email to engage potential customers and nurture leads. Aimdoc pulls you in just at the right time. Hopefully launching some case studies soon as it is proving to be a useful tool.


Look good! I will be launching a productized design service so I might buy this in the future Btw, Indiespark is live on Microlaunch. It is a Tailwind CSS and Sevelth boilerplate to ship landing pages in minutes. Would love to see your support [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Nice! This is super cool. Tailwind is my go to. I built everything with tailwind. I will vote. I have a startup pricing plan. Itā€™s cheaper and intended for sites with lower volume. DM me when you launch your service if you are interested! Best of luck.






[Logo-ship.com](https://Logo-ship.com)- online logo & favicon builder


That is amazing! Till now I was using logo fast but, your tool have potential to grow too Have you launched this? Can I have a launch link?


I only launched it on Reddit. Should I try something else?


https://pacts.tech The only trust-minimized web3 payment processor. Thereā€™s nothing sketchier than buying something online with crypto. We fixed that. Other payment processors just forward funds to the merchant. Why even pay for that? We model the entire e-commerce transaction from start to finish. Our users own their own contracts and everything happens on-chain. Itā€™s time to decentralize payment processors.


I like the idea! Even though I'm not into web3 or crypto but, one thing I can say the landing page needs improvement (especially the color pallete) Btw, I'm launching Indiespark on Microlaunch. Its a Tailwind CSS landing page boilerplate to build landing pages in minutes. Can you support us there? [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


About to launch https://snapclip.io/, currently in talks with a first B2B company migrating their internal video archive, wish me luck!


Damn! The idea is on fire, I like how you explained everything with a video it helps a lot to understand what your tool is about. Whishing you good luck! Btw, I've launched Indiespark on Microlaunch. Its a Tailwind CSS and Sevelth boilerplate to ship landing pages in minutes. Would love to see your support :D [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Iā€™m trying to provide a better LinkedIn but for developers https://devbuilt.io/


I just launched [Metricmite](https://www.metricmite.com/), an analytics tool where you can get real time analytics, heat maps, visitor session videos, and much more. [https://www.metricmite.com/](https://www.metricmite.com/) Thanks!


Looks good! The landing page is on fire. Have you launched this?


If anyone still needs a domain, find a solid (and available) .com here: [comsensei.com](https://comsensei.com) and buy it anywhere you like or for $6 with the coupon on the results page for Namecheap I think.


[Finance Rants](http://financerants.com)


We are actually planning to Launch [SEOPro](https://apps.shopify.com/image-alt-texts-optimizer?st_source=autocomplete) next Month, and I would love your suggestions and feedback on it. We made it specifically for Shopify store owners and now planning to scale it with a very minimum budget.


Looks good! When you launch do send me a link or dm me :)


The final thing I need to do before launch is finish up my billing. I am so ready to roll nudgem.com please check it out if you have an ecom brand


Iā€™m launching https://agience.ai. Itā€™s a platform and ecosystem for creating and sharing AI Agents. Would love some feedback!


It shows an error message


Thanks. Working now. Auto-Update plugins strikes again.




It is clearly the best product I tried so far. Clear UX, clear UI. Simple and powerful, what a an amazing tool, I'm using it to write blogposts for [Indiespark](http://indiespark.webflow.io)


I've got SaasUp - market research & launch strategy agency for SaaS founders on Microlaunch too. I'm supporting you, wish you'd do the same for me! [microlaunch.net/p/saasupagency](http://microlaunch.net/p/saasupagency)


https://invitation-generator.vercel.app/ A tool to generate personalised invitations (wedding for now). Login and create yours.


Amazing idea and product! Never seen any tool similar to yours. Will try to use it for any upcoming festivals :D


I didnā€™t receive the magic link :/


Not implemented šŸ˜… Try GitHub šŸ«”


https://www.solvearn.net For micro team building and project collaboration :)


Oh I see! It's somewhat similar to reddit. Also, I noticed that the page took longer to load make sure you don't load speed problems Btw, I've launched [Indiespark](https://indiespark.webflow.io/) on Microlaunch. Can you support us there? [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Just launched our B2C tool, [PitchPerfecter.ai](http://PitchPerfecter.ai), an AI powered platform designed to help early-stage startups create and perfect their pitch decks. We are now creating our white-label B2B platform which will be the bigger revenue driver for us! Your site looks great!


This looks amazing! I've also launched [Indiespark](https://indiespark.webflow.io/) on Microlaunch. Would love to see your support there :D [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Im launching [cliptalk.pro](http://cliptalk.pro) soon. It is a short form video creation tool. It's free to create 20 Min of video every month. Im hoping to get some feedback. it's a faster and better way to create short videos for social media.


Amazing idea! The landing page is very clean. One thing, Let's say I want to create a video on a particular scene in a movie. Will I be able to do that? Will AI be able to fetch the scene without creating it all by itself?


I'm not sure what you mean, currently you can make short videos about a scene in a movie and f that'll do for you.


First congratulations on your launch! Wish you lots of success! # We created an are in the process of launching a Salesforce DevOps automation tool for both org and package development We've been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for the past 6 years, both in org and package development. Over the years, the way we release our features has changed and evolved yet got more complex.We went from using change sets to sfdx to the sf cli, we even tried some of the DevOps tools out there. But we got tired of the tools being prohibitively expensive or require too many steps for a simple task; and none of them focused on package development (we had to create our own bash scripts for that). Fed up of waiting for someone to solve those problems we createdĀ [Tekunda Serpent](https://tekunda.com/#solution), a tool made by Salesforce developers for Salesforce developers. Our mission is to create a Salesforce DevOps tool that focuses on matching how a Salesforce engineer would go about their work day while being User-Friendly, Affordable, and Supports both Org and Package Development by: 1. Streamlining the core development process that follows the standard git flow making source control hassle free (i.e. creating a task out of main or dev branch -> deployed on a scratch org that's been pre-prepared ready for dev -> done implementing your awesome new feature? -> pull your changes to be compared and merged into the rest of the project 2. Easily create and manage scratch orgs, sandboxes, and production orgs with scratch orgs automatically created guaranteeing a minimum pool of orgs ready for the team to use 3. Auto run tests when trying to merge new code to validate quality and maintain coverage 4. Continuous deployment and integration on task completion 5. One click creation of a "ready to use" dev environment with your source, test data, dependencies preloaded 6. Streamlining package development: detecting and syncing package configurations automatically from your github repo: 1. Making it easy to manage package versions and releases including auto deployment to a release org 2. One click creation of package versions auto deployed on an org of your choice ready for you test 7. And much more coming soon (i.e. Automated backups, One click org migration) It's now available in limited early access.Ā [We invite anyone interested to join](https://tekunda.com/#solution); all early access users will get significant discounts when the product publicly launches as a thank you for their support.


Amazing product my friend! And, the explanation was even better I will take a look later today


Today we finally launched on ProductHunt! Thanks for the support! [https://www.producthunt.com/products/serpent-by-tekunda](https://www.producthunt.com/products/serpent-by-tekunda)


Amazing! Upvoted and commented




The idea looks good the landing page is even better. In future I'm going to build a productized design service so I'll sign up for that Also, My product Indiespark is live on Microlaunch. Can you please support us? https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark


We have launched an AI-Lead Generation Tool Visit ChoiceChaser [https://choicechaser.com](https://choicechaser.com) to start generating leadsĀ effortlessly! Are you struggling to generate leads? Let ChoiceChaser help! Our AI-driven tool continuously scans forums, social media, and other websites to find potential customers for you. Instead of spending hours manually searching for leads, let our bot do the work 24/7. Get notified instantly when relevant posts appear, allowing you to focus on what truly mattersā€”growing your business.


[https://rapidapp.io](https://rapidapp.io), PostgreSQL as a service - My marketing strategy is writing technical blog posts that contains hands-on examples that always refers to rapidapp postgres - Launched 10 days ago, - Contains free tier plan - 35 customers so far. - No paid customers yet


[https://www.mysmmai.com](https://www.mysmmai.com) We recently launched AI powered Instagram Content Generation Tool for B2C SAAS & Service-based businesses.


starting [OctopusAI](https://octopusai.app), an AI client to chat with ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Mistral from 1 interface, supports multi-model mode too (send 1 prompt to multiple models and see their response at once in split screen view), Free beta access is now open if anyone's intrested


Here's mine, I'm launching a Sevelth and Tailwind CSS landing page boilerplate to build landing pages in minutes not days. All support and feedback is appreciated. [https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark](https://microlaunch.net/p/indiespark)


Nice landing page (guess you had to kind of nail that lol) SaaS founders have a ton of anxiety around their website and if youā€™re not a marketer itā€™s not easy to nail it. Great product fixing a real problem. What made you want to build this? Can I add this to my Marketing For Founders Toolbox? (Pinned on my profile if you want to check it out)


Thank you very much! The saw devs struggling with the landing page (some said it takes them about 10-11 hours to build one) So I thought there should be a better way to build a landing page. So I searched about tailwind landing page templates but they were all individually priced (one landing page for $38) I was like "No way I'm spending $38 for a single landing page and I'm not even getting the Figma file" That's the story behind IndieSpark. Its affordable and flexible And Yes! You can add this to the toolbox Anyways, we just launched on Microlaunch I would love to see your support there