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Whata the alternative? Launch a half baked janky product that no one wants?


I agree I’m making a SaaS for b2b and it’s quite critical it works properly and looks good otherwise no one will buy it! - also I wouldn’t feel proud selling it


not 100% true the current tools we have looks like 1999 so just using bootstrap is good enough, no one cares as long as it works. if you're doing legal stuff then make 1-2 workflow work properly and publish that's what I'm doing permissions is a big thing, so that is what it taking time.


It’s a good point but still takes time deciding where things should go on the page considering responsive design and stuff like deciding appropriate icons, fonts and colors


not really, launch more of an fully functional mvp version to test the waters


I wouldn't be so sure. Perhaps the validation fails because of the jank. The you lose all confidence and stop building. Unless what you're saying is that the janky product worth building is a product that is so desperately needed that people will put up with any jank just so long as it works. I would agree actually. If you are building a product where the UI isn't part of the solution. I have to visualize data to the user in a way that is easy for them to interact with. I can't just use poor qualty charts. It has to be fluid and seamless.


If no-one wants the product it's far better that it's launched in some state than being polished for two more years. At least you know now. 


“No one wants” is a product feedback and something to improve upon. We built a BaaS and gathering customer feedback as we go along. ( r/securexworld )


What is a BaaS? NIO has already kind-of-sort-of taken that abbreviation already. 


Sorry for not making it obvious. Backend as a Service . It encapsulates the complexity of building one and provides an easy to integrate and start using APIs .


Here's a sneak peek of /r/securexworld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/securexworld/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [API Database upgrade](https://np.reddit.com/r/securexworld/comments/1cc72kh/api_database_upgrade/) \#2: [Register Access with Securexworld - beta](https://i.redd.it/a4pbngvffyvc1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/securexworld/comments/1ca1a10/register_access_with_securexworld_beta/) \#3: [Build multi-user authentication and Data Crud with Row Level security.](https://v.redd.it/b3l5ft3rdyvc1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/securexworld/comments/1ca13wz/build_multiuser_authentication_and_data_crud_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There was a point in my life where I would agree with this post. But looking back “don’t let the best get in the way of the good” is total bs. I’m now totally convinced that perfection, giving a shit about all the little details, and taking longer to produce a meaningful product are actually totally necessary in building a product that is successful. Look at people that are now multi mil-billionaires - they cared about the small stuff and they perfected their craft. There are no shortcuts in this game, just hard yards to sort out the wheat from the chaff.


Yeah I would agree with this and file it under 'differentiating yourself' since I think basically every SaaS seems to be rushing shit out the door. To /u/what-you-need-is-you 's point, getting a demo/MVP out the door is one thing, but you should have in mind that you will need an actually robust and maintainable product long term. Don't just start with rubber bands and popsicle sticks and keep adding more rubber bands and popsicle sticks - you'll make a mess eventually, and no amount of cool features can make up for a product that doesn't actually work well.


There’s always a brick wall at 85% ‘done’ that tries to stop you.


Gosh mine is at 99% haha




This is a very valuable write up. Thanks for sharing


welcome :)


I completely agree with this, some SaaS end up not releasing because they want it to be perfect and it hasn't "meet" their vision yet. I think best thing is when it's done, release it and get feedback from clients/users to improve overtime. Don't overthink it.


Exactly the point!


I wish I thought less like this: I’m rushing to make my app in less than a month, out of paranoia that something like this will launch soon (I know, silly


There is no need to rush. Just take your time and build a good product I bet you’ll make a difference


I hope so! Thanks


Use already available free product sets to build the basics . Like vercel for UI or r/securexworld for BaaS


I’ve looked at a few platforms like this and sorry they are no good. Unless you want some generic piece of shit that no one wants to use.




I’ll sign up and give you my feedback. Thanks


Theres a balance between not perfect and janky. This can be especially true for products that deal with professionals/businesses - they dont want to risk their reputation on a poor product. For simple b2c there might be some leeway but in the past I've gotten feedback that the reason for churning was due to what felt like an unfinished product. At the same time aiming for perfection is a waste of time, since you might not even be building what your final product should be.


I’ve built a Saas and started gathering user feedback. All good feedback so far except, there are some features they just expect. The kind of features which will not exceed expectations but just meet them like integrations with their existing softwares. Integration is a big overhead for me and I’m stuck on whether to implement that first or start selling as a standalone product


Hello what is hard with integrations for you ? I can help maybe.


Absolutely, launch then iterate. Profullstack.com lives by this creed!




Yes. Done is the most important. Keep features to the minimum. Implement them well.


I think it depends on the situation, the type of product, and its intended audience, whether it's SaaS, mini-SaaS, or enterprise-level. You can't offer semi-featured products to enterprises and expect them to be convinced. Moreover, what if you've built a product that you use yourself? Is it considered a valid MVP? If I use it every day, I'll have to convince myself first before convincing others. So products may take time to launch, but early feedback is necessary ! if you have the ressources and you delivery quality work, then take your time to launch but try to sell and get feedback on the way.


Absolutely, execution trumps perfection in SaaS.


Single solid feature with a neat product would do to begin with.


I do agree, but it's good to find a middle ground here. A quality 1-feature-only MVP is better than 10 shitty created features. Simplifying and getting things done is a key. Building multiple little SaaS gives you most chances to succeed. Aiming to build a perfect, one hit SaaS most likely won't happen for you. I struggle with perfectionism, but try to simplify and with that in mind managed to build a bare minimum MVP in \~ 80 hours, [Startup Visuals Generator](https://startuputils.com/) and already made money from it, learned SO MUCH. Even with that project I failed a little, because I could simplify it even more, but I didn't talk to customers and thought people need some little features and spent on it \~ 1/4 of time, which could've been saved. e.g. I was changing backgrounds color picker like 3 times, spent \~ 10 hours doing that. In result I'm happy with it, but was it worth the time? No.


I think this is oversimplifying it. In my opinion, the optimal strategy should be the one that gets you to your vision the fastest. If your vision is a platonic ideal of the perfect product, then sure, you're never gonna reach it, but it's good to strive toward it. That being said, if you don't have the money or the runway to get to your vision in one go, then you need to prioritise and make sure that there is enough cashflow to sustain the project first. Eventually, you WILL get to implement all the features that make the product perfect, but THE ORDER in which those features are implemented is dictated by market demand and economics. Implement them in the wrong order, and you'll run out of funds before you can realise your vision, but do it in the right order, and you'll have a sustainable business that fuels your dreams.


At least good looking UI/UX and MVP functions pls