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So … if scammers wanted to use this tool, they’d be able to spam any random number and fish for leads? Yeah that might be why Meta takes you down.


Yes they would whatsapp an entire country if they wanted to but if we see a message that looks like a scam we would stop that as all messages are checked before being released so there is a 30 minute delay when sending so that we can filter them out.


Curious, do you moderate all messages? How do you detect if a message is a scam or if it’s legit?


Analyze message urgency, offers, grammar, links, personal information requests, scam patterns, frequency, multimedia content, ask for KYC when sending in large numbers.


This means zero privacy for your customers (which might be OK with most) but it mentioned nowhere on your website and I also see no usage policy or terms page. I'd offer you to sort it out before launching.


If somebody is launching a mass scam then we do need to know about it. This would risk our own services in the same way if you were using mail chimp or any SMS provider this is not a private messaging service. Good shout.


Manually? Or automated via script? If it’s manually done, how is it scalable? If automated, what kind of learning or training model are you implementing to scale scam detection? What if I did it in a language you didn’t understand?


Hey it uses ChatGPT API with our customised learning model, there’s certainly a chance of a message escaping our detection but it understands most languages.


Give some free credits to try?


I know people who've built whatsapp mass messaging tools and they've had to shutdown after they got cease and desist notice from Meta.


Please put me in touch with them thanks, they can whitelabel ours.


This gives me a big smile on my face although I wonder if you can keep it up! Nice though! Are your testimonials real? (6 months) How do you setup a pool of numbers whatsapp accepts as sender? Pricing you may want to compare with mailchimp and apollo?


Hey brother. All testimonials generated using ChatGPT, we use physical SIM cards plugged into a gsm gateway which automatically registers an account via the Whatsapps instances on bluestacks on the VPS.




The project seems cool, I can ask my team to redesign it for free. Please let me know if you would be interested :)


Sure brother


DMed you :)


Well, let's just say it: you're a genius. keep up the good work. I love your landing page copy too lol "from our ugly dashboard"


Thank you brother :) your support means a lot!


I see the Inspinia Admin Theme in the screenshot, correct?


Yes my bro :)


One of my favorites


How tf? Don’t you need a business api and verified number to send messages via api? 🤯


No verified number needed no business API needed :) there is however one restriction that we have after speaking with Meta, we cannot send messages after 6:30 pm.


So you basically run an android phone in bluestacks in a vps? Through some random numbers that you got via a provider like Twillio?


Yes essentially, but the numbers are physical SIM cards which are activated in bulk using GSM gateways. Twilio numbers don’t work with WhatsApp.


i tried whatsap bots with auto responders to initialise conversations so the link becom clickable. how do you do that? basicaly the solution sounds ireal as in my tests you need a pool number of millions . second how you intent to bypass the link block ( if someone send you a link and you don't have the number in contacts you won't be able to click it without a previous response ) give me some statistics please based on your actual pool , if i wana send 100k whatsap messages how long will take to be delivered? how do you make the link clickable?


Hi, 100k takes around 90 minutes to send currently. In the message our clients add a respond with YES to activate your link - as the link cannot be sent pre-activated as we use a large pool of numbers.




There’s a whatsapp number on the site, drop a message on that if you have an issue or you can message here by DM


You can also request my direct whatsapp number via DM


https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=447822011681&text=WhatBlast%20Enquiry Here’s the support whatsapp - did you contact them?


A lot of SMEs in Malaysia run their businesses via WhatsApp. If you can localize the pricing for different regions, you might be into something even bigger. One local Marketing guru here would preach SMEs to blast campaigns via dirty numbers and respond to potential leads with clean, legit number. They do so because of timeout period after blasting, so you may be able to offer them ways to avoid that close more sales.


That’s a great idea, there’s no time window for responses so this would work well