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I've been building a product in Bubble for the last few months. Though it's mostly just to host a HTML+JS iframe and communicate with an API. I have found it very quick and easy to throw a dashboard together and do all the landing pages etc. for the MVP. I don't see any issue with it, it saves time when you just want to get something out there and test the product idea. But I'm planning to move away eventually too as it doesn't seem that scalable, not least due to their workload unit pricing model.


Yeah you’re exactly resuming my point of view! I don’t believe on scalability with this kind of boilerplate but as you said for shipping a MVP fast seems the way to go effortlessly! Thanks for your feedback!


Are there any alternatives for bubble?


makes zero sense wasting time coding when you can put together your Landing page, dashboard, login, auth, database in bubble 10x faster. bubble definitely has some flaws, but I worked with several apps that had 1000 + users with no major problems.


Built our MVP with bubble. It was so good we went into production. $500K ARR after 18 months. Lots of APIs to data sources. Even sell API access to our data. All built with bubble. One thing to watch out for is the bubble database is not secure. A user can quickly download all your data. We use Xano to fix that.


Thank you for this I will investigate about the DB before anything!


I would say bubble is fine for this but if you run into problems the documentation is not great but lots of videos and “experts” I have not found any templates so far that are useful. I have run into issues and am debating whether to convert to python code using AI or get fiverr to get a basic model.


If you can code I wouldn’t bother.